
最新版本 AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2

AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2

AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2
AnyTrans 是一個強調和完整的 iOS 內容管理器。它為所有用戶提供了控制和自由,包括音樂,視頻,照片,消息,書籍,Safari 歷史記錄,語音記錄,無論 iPhone 上的內容,iTunes 備份,甚至是 iCloud 的 iOS 數據和文件。

給你最好的 iPhone,iPod 音樂管理經驗是什麼新的 AnyTrans 造就的。超現代化的設計,超快速的音樂傳輸速度,以及為蘋果設備製造的功能,AnyTrans 開闢了一條全新的道路來管理你的 iPhone,iPad,iPod 和 iTunes 音樂庫認為不可能.

AnyTrans 是讓你的 iPhone 能夠播放任何視頻的第一個解決方案。在桌面上擁有這樣的 iOS 文件管理器,您現在可以自由地將所有的經典電影或攝像機錄製文件放到您的 iPhone 或 iPad 上。隨著聲音和圖像的完美優化,AnyTrans 能夠為您提供最佳的觀看體驗.

使用 AnyTrans 來組織您的照片庫,只有一個大窗口,只有你最喜歡的照片。管理,欣賞和分享您拍攝的照片是最舒適的方式。想像一下,只需點擊幾下鼠標,您就可以一次性在 iPhone,iPad 和計算機之間傳輸數千張照片甚至整個圖書館。備份不僅僅是你的應用程序,而且還包括內部的一切 61335896 它是一個整潔的界面,方便的選項,許多幕後技術,使 AnyTrans 立即提升你的應用程序管理經驗。無論您想要安裝 / 卸載應用程序,創建應用程序備份還是升級到新的 iPhone 6,AnyTrans 都可以一次完成.

您對全職助手的一切了解建立在 AnyTrans 之內。聯繫人,通話記錄和您的日常生活中的每一個個人數據,AnyTrans 將使您的計算機上,以最常用的格式,隨時可用的情況。這就是應該的方式,並且 AnyTrans 讓它成為現實.

隨著獲得一個可愛的新 iPhone 6(Plus)的興奮,你可以抓住一個很頭痛的問題 - 如何克隆內容從你的舊 iPhone 到 iPhone 6(Plus)?直截了當,只有一次點擊,AnyTrans 使這樣的克隆變得輕而易舉,給你留下純粹的快樂。所有的聯繫人,照片,音樂,信息,筆記,日曆,壁紙等 - 只是每一個數據 - 將從舊 iPhone 移動到新的 iPhone 6(Plus)。你也可以克隆只是部分數據,如你所願。如何克隆?這一切都取決於你.

訪問你日常使用的不同設備的內容 iPhone
厭倦了不斷 iPhone 之間切換訪問分散的信息? AnyTrans 將所有你想要的東西 - 聯繫人,消息,音樂,筆記,應用程序等 - 從運行不同 iOS 版本的不同蘋果設備合併到一個日常使用的 iPhone 中,保留所有原始數據並跳過重複。最好的部分是,您現在可以自由地在 iDevices 之間合併數據,而無需登錄 / 註銷多個 Apple ID .

一個前所未有的 iCloud 備份資源管理器,通過 air11235896 獲得想要的東西,將日常生活放在您的設備上,以及自動 iCloud 備份照顧他們所有人。 AnyTrans 只是讓更多的驚喜來生活。所有保存在您的 iCloud 和 iCloud 雲端硬盤上的內容現在已經完全可見,可供下載,探索甚至解壓縮,完全可以訪問.

獲得完全的自由度和對 iPhone
的完全控制。通過引導您探索 iPhone 的內部本質,AnyTrans 會給你一種“你比你想像的更強大”的新感覺。瀏覽 iOS 系統沒有任何限制,必要時保存文件,並發現更多的秘密隱藏在後面,AnyTrans 有助於找出你的 iPhone 真的有能力.

注意:7 天的試用版。需要.NET 框架和 iTunes.

也可用:下載 AnyTrans 為 Mac


檔案版本 AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2

檔案名稱 anytrans-setup.exe
檔案大小 2.3 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 iMobie Inc.
更新日期 2018-09-28

What's new in this version:

AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2
- Supported the newest iPhone Xs and iPhone Xs Max
- Updated to support the newest macOS Mojave (10.14)
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.1
- Supported the newest iOS 12
- Supported to download iCloud backup with iOS 11.4 or former
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 6.3.6
- Updated to support the newest iPad 6
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 6.3.5
- Introduced to log in iCloud account with Two-Factor Authentication code on AnyTrans directly
- Supported the newest iOS 11.2.6
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 6.3.3
- Supported the newest iOS 11.3 Beta
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 6.3.1
- Updated to export photos with the original shooting time
- Introduced Scanning QR code feature to install AnyTrans APK on Android device directly
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 6.3.0
- Supported the latest iOS 11.2.1
- Updated to support the newest iTunes 12.7.2
- Added White Christmas appearance
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 6.2.0
- Udated to support the latest macOS 10.13.2 Beta
- Added Golden Thanksgiving appearance
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 6.1.0
- Introduced Air Backup feature to automatically backup your iOS device via Wi-Fi or as scheduled
- Supported to convert iOS 11 photos from HEIC to JPG format
- Supported the newest iOS 11.1
- Updated to support the latest iTunes 12.7.1
- Optimized Photos management via adding classifications of photos as Live Photo, Screenshot, Selfies, Location and Favorite
- Supported to convert Live Photos to GIF, MP4 and M4V format

AnyTrans for iOS 6.0.2
- Updated to support the latest iOS 11.0.2
- Supported the newest iTunes 12.6.3

AnyTrans for iOS 6.0.1
- Updated to support the latest iOS 11
- Supported the newest iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X

AnyTrans for iOS 6.0.0
- Updated to support the iOS 11 Public Beta
- Introduced iOS Mover feature to transfer all Android Device Data to iOS Device with one-click, including Contacts, Messages, Call Log, Calendars, Photo Library, Music, Ringtones, Movies, etc.
- Added Content to iTunes option to move Android Device Data to iTunes Library - such as Music, Movies, Ringtones, Photo Library and Book in iOS Mover feature
- Supported to transfer Android Device Data to iCloud - like Photo Library, Contacts and Calendar
- Redesigned and optimized UI with simpler navigation and newly-added interesting animations

AnyTrans for iOS 5.5.4
- Supported to view iTunes Encrypted Backups with iOS 10 or higher in AnyTrans
- Updated to support the newest iPad 5 and iPad Pro (2nd Generation)
- Introduced iCloud Music feature to transfer purchased music to computer
- Supported to add calendars from computer to iOS device
- Optimized the performance and fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.5.3
- Updated to support the latest macOS High Sierra and iOS 11 Beta
- Supported to download iCloud backups with iOS 1O.3 or higher
- Added Simplified Chinese
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.5.2
- Supported the latest iOS 10.3
- Updated to support the latest iTunes 12.6.0
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.5.1
- Supported to delete iCloud photos in iCloud Content feature
- Added uploading device data to iCloud directly, like Contacts, Notes and Calendar
- Updated to transfer photos stored on device to iCloud directly, including Camera Roll, Photo Stream, Photo Library, Photo Share, Panoramas and Bursts
- Optimized the user interface and fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.5.0
- Optimized iCloud Content feature to manage data in iCloud, including photos, contacts, notes, calendar and reminders
- Introduced iCloud Sync feature to integrate iCloud contents between different iCloud accounts with a few clicks
- Added iCloud Drive function to 1-click import & export your documents to device & computer
- Newly-added iCloud Import & Export function supports to transfer iCloud contents with an easy way

AnyTrans for iOS 5.4.0
- Introduced Video Download feature to download videos from popular websites to computer or directly to your iOS device
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.3.2
- Introduced data preview and classification feature in Add Content option
- Added White Christmas appearance
- Optimized the performance and fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.3.1
- Update to support the latest iOS 10.2
- Fix some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.3.0
- Add Fast Drive function
- Add Arabic
- Fix some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.2.1
- Updated to fully support iOS 10.1
- Introduced three new appearances: space black, space gray, and rose pink
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.2.0
- Updated to fully support iOS 10.1
- Introduced two new appearances: space black for fashionable men, and rose pink for ladies
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 5.1.1
- Updated to fully support iOS 10, including Clone Device and Merge Device feature
- Fixed some minor bugs and improved the running performance

AnyTrans for iOS 5.0.0
- Improved the overall speed to reach the fastest iOS data transfer in the market
- A completely resigned UI with simpler navigation and interesting animations
- Updated to support the latest iOS 10
- Updated to support to directly export live photos as animated GIF pictures
- Updated to support to intercept audio files as your exclusive ringtones

AnyTrans for iOS 4.9.6
- Optimized the performance of merging SMS and iMessages
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 4.9.5
- Optimized the performance of transferring PDF and EPUB files
- Updated to support the latest iTunes 12.4
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 4.9.2
- Updated to support the latest iOS 9.3
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 4.9.1
- Updated to support deleting photos on device running iOS 9.2 or later
- Fixed some minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 4.9.0
- Improved the performance of transferring app data
- Fixed the bug with deleting photos of iOS 9.0 devices under Win x64
- Improved the program stability with iOS 9.0 and above
- Fixed some other minor bugs

AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2 相關參考資料
AnyTrans 7.0.2 – Complete iOS content management. - AppKed

AnyTrans is the iPhone manager that breaks the sync boundary and consolidates every access to all your content in one place, including music, videos, photos,

AnyTrans For IOS 7.0.2 (20181017) - beltree - Weebly

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AnyTrans For IOS 7.0.2 (20181017) - playproject

Apr 08, 2019 AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2 (20181017) Crack Mac Osx. CrossCode 1.0.3-4 Crack Mac Osx. Sid Meier's Railroads! 1.2 Crack Mac Osx. Leave a Reply ...

AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2 - Free Download for Windows 10 [64 ...

AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2. AnyTrans is your one-stop solution to manage data from iPhone, iPad and iPod. It can deal with all types of data including apps, pictures, ...

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AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2 破解版– 优秀的iPhoneiPad设备管理工具 ...

摘要:AnyTrans 是一款Mac上优秀的iPhone/iPad设备管理工具,AnyTrans支持iPhone、iPad、iPod Touch等iOS设备,可以快速方便的导入导出照片、视频、通讯录、 ...

AnyTrans® iPhone Manager Tech Specs - iMobie

Check the tech specifications for AnyTrans iPhone Manager: System ... Supported iOS Device Type ... Version: 7.0.2; Supported the newest iPhone Xs (Max).

【Mac破解】AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2 (20180929) macOS(含注册码 ...

【Mac破解】AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2 (20180929) macOS(含 AnyTrans是iPhone管理器,它打破了同步边界,并在一个地方整合了对所有内容的每次访问,包括音乐, ...

【Mac破解】AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2 (20181017) macOS(含注册 ...

【Mac破解】AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2 (20181017) macOS(含 AnyTrans是iPhone管理器,它打破了同步边界,并在一个地方整合了对所有内容的每次 ...

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AnyTrans for iOS 7.0.2(20180919),有了它,你无须通过iTunes 即可把音乐、影片、应用程序或其他资料放进iPhone 5、iPad Mini、iPod Touch 5 和其他支持的设备 ...