Angry IP Scanner 歷史版本列表
憤怒的 IP 掃描器是一個非常快速的 IP 地址和端口掃描器。它可以掃描任何範圍的 IP 地址以及任何端口。它是跨平台和輕量級的。不需要任何安裝,任何地方都可以自由複制和使用它.Angry IP 掃描器只需簡單地 ping 每個 IP 地址,以檢查它是否存在,然後可以選擇解析其主機名,確定 MAC 地址,掃描端口等。每個主機收集的數據可以通過插件進行擴展. 它還具有其他功能,如 NetBIOS 信... Angry IP Scanner 軟體介紹更新時間:2020-03-07
What's new in this version:
- added plugin "Lexer Detecter" which is used when file is opened and it has no lexer, plugin suggests to download+install lexer from addons (it has database of all existing lexers)
- second click on "Search" sidebar button shows Replace dialog instead of Find dialog
- minor optimizations in editor control
- export to HTML: removed empty first line; cleaned up HTML code
- lexer Python: add styles for std functions, exceptions; rework word lists; highlight complex numbers
What's new in this version:
- highlight and open (by command "Open URL") e-mails, even without 'mailto:'
- proper underline HTML colors #rgba, #rrggbbaa too
- lexer C/C++: support multi-line strings (with before newline)
- lexer PHP: separate style for "function modifiers", highlight system variables, more keywords
- lexer PHP: show "traits" in code tree
- changed layout of lexer-parsing-progressbar in the right/bottom corner, it's always visible now
- crash on start, when FTP plugin was active on exiting
- crash on start, when document loads from session with wrapped state
What's new in this version:
reworked strings storage system:
- it takes less memory for ASCII text lines
- for non-ASCII lines, it takes more memory, but it works much faster, so scrolling in smoother
- rendering speed much increased at the end of huge lines (length>1M)
- toggling word-wrap speed much increased on huge lines
- bracket finder ignores long lines (length>500)
- plugin Tabs List: command "Tabs List / Open" focuses plugin; plugin handles Enter/Space keys
- lexer VBScript improved
- lexer Ini improved
- app didn't handle errors in plugins and crashed on them
- app had saved redundant information to session files (now session files will be smaller)
- for files loaded from session, app didn't save history (caret position, etc)
- error after "Plugins / Sort / Remove blank lines"
What's new in this version:
- RegExpr engine updated, with lot of patches, see
- Python API speed optimized again (thanks @Artem3213212)
- can scroll tab captions (when they don't fit) by mouse wheel
- lexer Lua improved
- lexer PowerShell removed to add-ons
- removed option "ui_console_compact"
- reworked internal manager of side/bottom panels
- lexers HTML/PHP/XML produced elements with newlines which gave some slowdown
- command "find next" with regex and zero-length match
- regex replace to "
" in single line file
- regex replace to " "
- broken code-tree look if "ui_tab_position" is left/right
- macro recording gave error when Find dialog button was pressed
- editor restored bad scroll pos, on opening file from command line with wrap=on (years old bug)
What's new in this version:
- add: can scroll tab captions (when they don't fit) by mouse wheel
- change: lexer PowerShell removed to add-ons
- fix:
- macro recording gave error when Find dialog button was pressed
- editor restored bad scroll pos, on opening file from command line with wrap=on (years old bug)
What's new in this version:
- Project Manager improvements (show pretty paths in recent file list; fixed crash on unfolding deleted folder; use case-insensitive sorting)
- program starts little faster (Linux/Windows: by 10..20%)
- command line supports all params (-r -e -nh -z) for single instance mode too (thanks @dinkumoil)
- command line parameter -i, to read the contents of stdin (Unix only)
- command line parameter -ns, to disable loading saved session
- if mouse selecting was started, and mouse is moving over gutter, selecting must continue
- lexer Python: support Unicode ids, fix rules for hex/octal/binary numbers
- lexer JavaScript: support in code-tree functions like "name: function(...){}"
- lexer Markdown: support Unicode text
- lexer HTML: proper highlight few more attribs
- Addon Manager shows new dialog for "Download all" command
- HTML auto-completion must insert "<" char if called on empty place
- optimizations in Python API speed
- show Go To dialog on clicking statusbar first cell
- lexers removed to add-ons: Diff, Makefile, Pascal, Properties, Ruby
- plugin Sort: changed config file to settings/plugins.ini, [sort] section
- memory leak in TreeHelpers
- command line param -n was broken on Windows
- auto-completion was broken in PHP block (bad default of "autocomplete_html_lexers")
- command "settings: reload/apply config"
- commands didn't support paired file-tab: "save file", "save file as", "reopen file", "copy filename", "lexer properties"
What's new in this version:
- Emmet plugin: added command "Dialog" to show interactive preview dialog for abbreviations
- Emmet engine now has several "emmet_" options (to replace "Emmet profiles" from SynWrite)
- file viewer ( ) gives popup menu on statusbar "mode" cell, to change viewer mode (text, binary, hex, unicode)
- show ? marks when DBCS (Asian) codepages cannot convert chars
- lexer PHP: support new heredoc syntax (of PHP 7.3)
- Find/Replace: find-next for reg.ex. "" stopped at found position forever
- Find/Replace: could not mass replace reg.ex. "" to for example "__"
- submenu "File / Encoding / ..." replaced with simple menu item "File / Encoding..." which calls popup menu
- renamed commands "zoom in" / "zoom out" to "current document font size: bigger" / "... smaller"
- deleted option "ui_tree_time_focus"
What's new in this version:
Pull Request:
- Cmder v1.3.13 init script fails
- Git & env related error messages
- Latest addition of "--nolog" clink breaks cmd prompts
- /nix_tools 0 should prevent adding %GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%mingw64bin to PATH
- Update Git for Windows to
- Update clink-completions to 0.3.5
What's new in this version:
- support encoding UTF-32, LE and BE, with and without BOM
- support encoding ISO-8859-15
- plugin API for mass search, e.g. to speedup "Highlight Occurrences" plugin
- command "font size: reset"
- command "add next occurrence of selected word" must keep selection direction
- must allow to save untitled+unchanged documents (do "Save as" for them)
- default of "indent_size" to 0 (auto-detect from tab_size/tab_spaces)
- backward search for multi-line blocks with empty lines
- lost editor focus with old color theme