Advanced Installer 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 Advanced Installer 21.2

Advanced Installer 歷史版本列表

Advanced Installer 是一個 Windows Installer 創作工具,它使開發人員和系統管理員能夠輕鬆構建可靠的 MSI 軟件包,以滿足最新的 Microsoft Windows 徽標認證要求並遵循建議的 Windows Installer 最佳做法。 Advanced Installer 是在非常靈活的許可模式下發布的。核心應用程序是 100%免費使用的商業和非商業目的。我... Advanced Installer 軟體介紹

TextExpander 7.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Adds tutorial tips to main window with helpful TextExpander resources
- Adds Dutch language localization
- Includes improvements such as faster start up time, additions to the context menu, and various bug fixes

Technic Launcher 4.725 查看版本資訊


Advanced Installer 19.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for Active Setup mechanism
- New Shortcuts view page

- New option for creating desktop shortcuts from MSIX packages
- Improved execution time when browsing for extended validation certificates
- New command-line to delete all updates from the Updater project
- MSIX Modification/Optional Package - show virtualized files and registries
- New extended search "Folder sub-folders enumeration contains version"
- Support for localizing "Display message box" and "Display error message" buttons
- Update the installed conditions for ".NET Desktop Runtime" prerequisites
- Update ".NET Core Runtime 3.1" predefined prerequisites to latest version: 3.1.22
- Update "Apache Tomcat 8.5" predefined prerequisite to the latest version 8.5.77
- Update "Apache Tomcat 9" predefined prerequisites to the latest version 9.0.60
- Predefined launch condition for "Java Development Kit 17"
- Predefined prerequisite for "Apache Tomcat 10.0"

- Fixed WinUI CheckBox control align issue
- Scheduled tasks with multiple triggers are not converted correctly
- Folder shortcut target property is changed after MSI import
- Crash on edit MSI if delete some files
- Repackager fails when using a Virtual Machine from a remote Hyper-v server
- Application Folder is not updated when a COM reference is added in WinFormApp - Visual Studio extension
- When External UI is enabled, the "FileCopy" action takes a long time
- Cannot build a project that contains tiles
- Wrong default size for newly added dialog controls on certain DPIs
- Wrong default values when adding new extended searches
- FastCGI application mappings - incorrect application is uninstalled
- Flags are not applied on files when set in a merge module
- Fixed issue to not prompt for generating a new "ProductCode" when importing .RPK
- The "Install folder content into the parent folder" option cannot be set in a mixed package
- Edit transform file breaks the setup installation
- Signing MSIX fails on Windows versions that do not support it
- Crash when adding a reference to a folder
- Crash after removing persistent property flag for a property hosted on a deleted dialog
- Expanding a field in an XML Locator leads to visual inconsistency
- "ExitDialog" background issue when upgrading/uninstalling on Windows Server 2019
- Files are not removed from the prerequisite's extraction folder after a basic/silent install
- The Updater appends extra characters in the license id URL post parameter sent to the license check web server

Technic Launcher 4.723 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.721 查看版本資訊



What's new in this version:

Functionality changed or added:
- DF reader and new note editor
- Read PDFs within Zotero in a new tabbed interface
- Create highlight, note, and image annotations on PDFs, and view ink annotations created using the new iOS app
- Take notes in a powerful new note editor
- Add annotations, citations, and images to notes, with customizable templates
- Insert notes into Word, LibreOffice, or Google Docs with automatic citations generated from annotations using a new “Add Note” option
- Export notes to Markdown via Quick Copy or file export
- Non-English spellchecking in notes
- Non-English dictionaries can now be added or selected by right-clicking on a note
- The Zotero Connector for Safari is now bundled with Zotero and can be enabled from the Extensions pane of Safari
- Improved Mendeley importer
- import Mendeley data from online library to circumvent local encryption
- Import PDF annotations
- Improved Citavi importer
- Import PDF annotations
- Faster auto-sync uploads
- Local changes (other than note edits) now sync within 3 seconds
- Items list improvements
- Show small PDF icon in Attachments column when item has PDF
- Show emoji colored tags directly in items list
- Rich-text markup in titles is now rendered properly in the items list
- Add selected items to new or existing collection via context menu
- Sort date columns in descending order on first click
- Ignore additional punctuation characters when sorting
- Added Short Title column
- Column picker is now available by right-click on column headers
- Dotted border is now shown around selected row when using non-contiguous selection via keyboard (Cmd-↑/↓ or Ctrl-↑/↓ plus space bar)
- Syncing reminders
- Show a message if syncing hasn’t been set up or if auto-sync has been disabled
- Added Preprint item type
- Renamed “Suppress Author” to “Omit Author” in word processor plugin
- Advanced Search window can now be opened with Cmd/Ctrl-Shift-F
- Added Author, Editor, and Book Author conditions to Advanced Search window
- Don't require modifier key when deleting items in saved search or Unfiled Items
- Avoid blocking of file sync requests by some institutional firewalls
- Many other miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes

- Fixed a bug where remotely removed creators weren't removed locally on sync
- Don't include standalone notes or attachments in one-off bibliographies
- Applies to “Create Bibliography from Collection” and “Create Bibliography from Items”
- Fixed standalone notes not being added to collections on RDF import
- Fixed a situation where a file could be searched for at a path with a missing character when a Linked Attachment Base Directory was set
- Fixed compatibility with Nature feeds
- Fixed intermittent PDF download failures on ScienceDirect
- Fixed date formatting for en-AU and en-NZ locales

Develop-specific changes/fixes:
- Revamped Translator Editor

ManicTime 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed: Autotags, "When first autotag is matched, skip the rest" change did not persist, if autotags synced to the server

Technic Launcher 4.720 查看版本資訊


Advanced Installer 19.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- GitHub Actions Integration
- MSIX flexible virtualization
- Logon Trigger for a specific user (Scheduled Tasks)

- Powershell automation support for SQL Databases
- Synchronize folder at build time without saving files in the .AIP(project file)
- Support for VmLauncher to reconnect with the virtual machine after a system restart
- Major upgrades are now possible by default when using the fourth field in the "ProductVersion"
- UX improvements for when adding/configuring a JRE bundle
- Simplifications of custom frames - use the background's outer bound as a custom frame
- Extend the "SmartEdit" functionality over more UI fields
- Update .Net Framework wizard to have 4.5 version set as default
- Validate at build time whether the RTF file used on "LicenseAgreementDlg" is a valid RTF file
- UX improvements: Improved icons for Remove/Browse button icons in the Product Details page
- Improved the "AddFile" command to allow the user to create a new component for the added file automatically
- Improved pre-build validations for MSIX capabilities
- Support for dynamic content for "ProductVersion" property
- SQLite improvements: change the default path to "ProgramData"
- Localize automatically users and groups properties for install service accounts and shared folders permissions
- Generate scaled assets from SVG backgrounds
- Ability to reset theme dialog controls customizations
- Update ".NET 6.0" predefined prerequisites to latest version "6.0.2"
- Update ".NET 5.0" predefined prerequisites to latest version "5.0.14"

- ARM64 package type does not prompt with the 64-bit location of the Program Files
- Appxsym files are not imported
- Custom Action's action text is not displayed in dialog control
- The Windows Defender Firewall service cannot be enabled or disabled
- "InstallType" dialog adds an extra " to the resolved per-machine path
- Fixed the issue where the Repackager would not work when VMware Player and VMware VIX were installed side by side
- Project files are not displayed when editing an MSIX bundle
- The elevation shield is incorrectly displayed on the Install button for per-user installs (without EUI)
- Installation fails when there is a chained package that has a false install condition
- "Invalid class string" error occurs when trying to edit an MSI
- The uninstall fails when the "AI_AiRestoreDeferred" custom action is executed
- Scheduled task description is not reflected in Task Scheduler after installation
- Package Logos are not correctly generated/interpreted when editing an MSIX package
- The MSIX Optional Package’s default package ID clashes with the target package ID
- "DefaultBuild" value is changed if you navigate in the "Themes" list
- The "Log File" is not displayed if the "Show Log" option is checked after installation fails
- Using the "Go To Definition" option in "Find Result" redirects to the old page for Properties
- Space available on drive is not updated on "FolderDlg" and "CustomizeDlg" - Azure theme
- Current table changes are not refreshed when redoing the MSI diff
- "EstimatedSize" registry installation fails with error 1406 on maintenance mode
- Patch creation fails if "Target" and "Upgraded" images contain chained prerequisites
- "SetSig" does not work if the digital signature option was not previously enabled in the project

Microsoft Safety Scanner 1.359.662.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
