Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 歷史版本列表 Page15

最新版本 Wondershare Recoverit 12.0.23

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 歷史版本列表

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC(以前的 Adobe Reader)比其他 PDF 軟件更強大,是用於查看,打印和註釋 PDF 的免費可信標準。而現在,它已經連接到 Adobe Document Cloud— 所以在計算機和移動設備上處理 PDF 文件比以往更容易。您可以點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站上下載 Adobe Acrobat Reader for PC 離線安裝... Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 軟體介紹

Julia Language 1.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New language features:
- Structs with all isbits and isbitsunion fields are now stored inline in arrays
- import now allows quoted symbols, e.g. import Base.:+
- a[begin] can now be used to address the first element of an integer-indexed collection a. The index is computed by firstindex(a)

Language changes:
- The syntax (;), which used to parse as an empty block expression, is deprecated. In the future it will indicate an empty named tuple

Multi-threading changes:
- Values can now be interpolated into @async and @spawn via $, which copies the value directly into the constructed underlying closure

Build system changes:
- Windows build installer has switched to Inno Setup. Installer command line parameters have thus changed. For example, to extract the installer to a specific directory, the command line parameter is now /DIR=x:dirname. Use julia-installer.exe /? to list all new command line parameters.

New library functions:
- The new only(x) function returns the one-and-only element of a collection x, and throws an ArgumentError if x contains zero or multiple elements
- takewhile and dropwhile have been added to the Iterators submodule
- accumulate has been added to the Iterators submodule
- There is a now an evalpoly function meant to take the role of the @evalpoly macro. The function is just as efficient as the macro while giving added flexibility, so it should be preferred over @evalpoly. evalpoly takes a list of coefficients as a tuple, so where one might write @evalpoly(x, p1, p2, p3) one would instead write evalpoly(x, (p1, p2, p3)).

New library features:
- Function composition now supports multiple functions: ∘(f, g, h) = f ∘ g ∘ h and splatting ∘(fs...) for composing an iterable collection of functions
- Functions gcd, lcm, and gcdx now support Rational arguments
- The splitpath function now accepts any AbstractString whereas previously it only accepted paths of type String
- filter can now act on a Tuple
- The tempname function now takes an optional parent::AbstractString argument to give it a directory in which to attempt to produce a temporary path name
- The tempname function now takes a cleanup::Bool keyword argument defaulting to true, which causes the process to try to ensure that any file or directory at the path returned by tempname is deleted upon process exit
- The readdir function now takes a join::Bool keyword argument defaulting to false, which when set causes readdir to join its directory argument with each listed name
- div now accepts a rounding mode as the third argument, consistent with the corresponding argument to rem. Support for rounding division, by passing one of the RoundNearest modes to this function, was added. For future compatibility, library authors should now extend this function, rather than extending the two-argument fld/cld/div directly
- methods now accepts a module (or a list thereof) to filter methods defined in it

Standard library changes:
- Calling show or repr on an undef/UndefInitializer() array initializer now shows valid Julia code
- Calling show or repr on a 0-dimensional AbstractArray now shows valid code for creating an equivalent 0-dimensional array, instead of only showing the contained value
- readdir output is now guaranteed to be sorted. The sort keyword allows opting out of sorting to get names in OS-native order
- The methods of mktemp and mktempdir that take a function to pass temporary paths to no longer throw errors if the path is already deleted when the function returns
- Verbose display of Char (text/plain output) now shows the codepoint value in standard-conforming "U+XXXX" format
- Iterators.partition now uses views (or smartly re-computed ranges) for partitions of all AbstractArrays
- Sets are now displayed less compactly in the REPL, as a column of elements, like vectors and dictionaries
- delete! on WeakKeyDicts now returns the WeakKeyDict itself instead of the underlying Dict used for implementation

- qr and qr! functions support blocksize keyword argument
- dot now admits a 3-argument method dot(x, A, y) to compute generalized dot products dot(x, A*y), but without computing and storing the intermediate result A*y
- ldlt and non-pivoted lu now throw a new ZeroPivotException type
- cond(A, p) with p=1 or p=Inf now computes the exact condition number instead of an estimate
- UniformScaling objects may now be exponentiated such that (a*I)^x = a^x * I.

- Tables now have the align attribute set when shown as HTML

- AbstractRNGs now behave like scalars when used in broadcasting
- The performance of rand(::Tuple) is improved in some cases. As a consequence, the stream of generated values produced for a given seed has changed

- The attributes of the implicit IOContext used by the REPL to display objects can be modified by the user (experimental feature)

- The return value of zero(x::AbstractSparseArray) has no stored zeros anymore. Previously, it would have stored zeros wherever x had them. This makes the operation constant time instead of O(<number of stored values>).
- Products involving sparse arrays now allow more general sparse eltypes, such as StaticArrays

Altova XMLSpy 2020 Release 2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Validation on edit:
- The new Validate on Edit feature flags validation and well-formedness errors as you type in Text View and JSON Grid View. Every text change triggers validation in the background, so you can fix errors and immediately see if they are valid without the need to manually validate the file.
- Detailed information about validation or well-formedness errors is available in the messages window or on mouse-over of the error icon in Text View as well as in JSON Grid View

Validate as you edit a JSON document or XML document:
- Getting immediate, detailed information about errors as you edit a document helps save both time and frustration compared to addressing errors after longer periods of editing
- This feature can be switched on/off in the program options, as well as via a toolbar icon

Auto-backup of documents during editing:
- XMLSpy can now automatically backup any file as it’s being edited. This way, in the unlikely event of a software or computer shutdown, the user won’t lose his or her work. Green, yellow, red, and grey file modification symbols indicate whether a file is backed up, when a backup is pending, if a backup is not currently possible, and if backups have been disabled by the user. The user has full control over whether to run automatic backups and with what frequency.

Improvements to XPath Debugger:
- The XPath Debugger in XMLSpy lets developers move step-by-step through the evaluation of an XPath or XQuery expression against the active file to analyze the results for the corresponding step of the evaluation. At each evaluation step, the part of the expression being currently evaluated is highlighted and the result of evaluating that step is shown in the Results pane
- Now, in v2020r2, even more helpful details are provided in the call stack window: Users can now see the context and variables at each step in the call stack

Call stack history in XPath debugger:
- This, in addition to speed improvements in the XPath Debugger, make testing and debugging XPath/XQuery easier than ever
- New namespace options in generated (C++, C#, Java)code
- When generating Java, C#, or C++ program code from an XML Schema, programmers can now create elements with user-defined namespace prefixes, a frequent customer request

Support for X3D files:
- XMLSpy provides built-in support for numerous file types, with support added in v2020r2 for X3D (eXtensible 3D), a file format used for representing and communicating 3D scenes and objects embedded in applications.

Support for additional database versions:
Support for Informix, PostgreSQL, and SQLite in XMLSpy and other Altova products has been updated to include the latest versions of those databases:
- Informix 14.10
- PostgreSQL 12
- SQLite 3.31

NumPy 1.18.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This small elease contains a fix for a performance regression in numpy/random and several bug/maintenance updates

Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊


Silhouette Studio 4.3.372 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- firmware Update for Cameo 4 - V1.08

Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊


Roland Zenbeats 查看版本資訊


FlashBoot 3.2x 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Rules of Windows Registry hive validator (which is employed during Windows 8.x/10 cloning for snapshot consistency check) were relaxed to allow UTF-16 characters which are inconvertible to Unicode (these ones are used by third-party software)

Silhouette Studio 4.3.370 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- Curio now performs 2mm Kraft blade action
- Studio no longer crashes when opening embroidery files
- Punches are now displayed in voids in overlapping compound paths and in the correct areas of surrounded paths.
- Studio no longer crashes when switching between layers after adding the punch tool
- Studio no longer crashes when machine becomes disconnected during Punch job
- Punch tool is no longer performed when not enabled
- Icon for Punch action buttons has been changed
- Punch is now generating marks on larger regions
- Punch Tool now ignores Weed Lines and Lines with 'No Cut' or 'Pen' actions
- Punch Marks no longer show when you connect a Cameo 4 without a Punch Tool
- Punch tool action no longer disappears if you disable it
- Punch Tool is now called the correct name
- You can no longer send a design to be 'cut out' by the punch tool
- Adding weed lines to a design no longer places the punch tool holes in the wrong place
- Removed the tool selection for punch tool
- Added Punch actions to Default Materials
- Made Punch holes easier to see on Send Panel Preview
- Punch settings are no longer being displayed on materials without the punch action Updated the speed of the default Punch actions
- Improved backward compatibility of files saved with Kraft Blade, Rotary Blade & Punch Tool settings
- A large punch icon no longer appears when using Select by Line
- An offset is no longer being applied to punch edge
- Auto (Punch) action will not produce punch marks if Punch is set to Auto

TextExpander 2.1.1 查看版本資訊
