Ableton Live 歷史版本列表 Page12

最新版本 Ableton Live 11.3.13

Ableton Live 歷史版本列表

Ableton Live 是用於創作音樂創意的軟件,將它們變成完成的歌曲,甚至將它們帶上舞台。有兩種觀點 - 沿著時間線佈置音樂創意的經典排列視圖,以及獨特的會話視圖,在那裡您可以即興創作并快速體驗音樂創意 - Ableton Live 是一種快速,有趣,直觀的製作音樂的方式. 選擇版本:Ableton Live 9.7.5(32 位)Ableton Live 9.7.5(64 位) Ableton Live 軟體介紹

Ableton Live (32-bit)Ableton Live (64-bit)

Ableton Live 11.1.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features and improvements:
- The Launchkey MK3 Control Surface script now works with the Launchkey 88

- Live no longer hangs when opening a dropdown menu while Grammarly is running

Lively Wallpaper 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Temporarily turned off drag'n'drop and enabled multiple file support in filepicker

Lively Wallpaper 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New Core is powered by .NET Core 6 and has improved performance and reduced resource usage
- New UI is using WinUI 3 desktop - latest framework from Microsoft with Windows 11 design
- UI will be completely shutdown when not being used (feature can be turned off in settings) to save memory
- Core and UI decoupled means going forward it becomes easy to adopt different UI technologies
- New UI rewritten to use WinUI 3 with Modern Windows 11 design language
- UI can be completely shutdown when not being used (feature can be turned off in settings) to save memory
- Acrylic transparent UI theme (Windows 11 only.)
- Improved wallpaper tray-menu random wallpaper selection algorithm
- Improved and improved Active wallpaper/control panel
- Customise wallpaper and screensaver settings in one place
- Option to always prompt which screen to set wallpaper during selection
- Improved customise wallpaper menu
- FolderDropdown open button on right-side now
- FolderDropdown selects the file if only one image is selected
- FolderDropdown file picker now has filters enabled
- Restore default button is now always visible
- Fixed Screensaver misaligned in multiple monitor system with display scaling enabled
- Updated core and UI to .NET Core 6.0.5 runtime
- Updated and includes WindowsAppSDK v1.
- Updated CefSharp browser
- Includes important security patches
- Updated Mpv player
- Updated dependencies

XMedia Recode (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Update of ffmpeg
- Update of SVT-AV1 (1.1.0) Codec

- Fixed minor bugs

Icons8 Lunacy 8.5.2 查看版本資訊


WordPress 6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Enhanced Writing Experience:
Writing improvements abound, whether you’re writing a brand new post or adding elements to an existing page. Explore more ways to streamline your content creation process, including:
- Select text across multiple blocks for easier copying and pasting
- Type two open brackets `[[` to quickly access a list of recent posts and pages
- Keep existing styles when you transform some blocks from one kind to another—from a Paragraph block to a Code block, for instance
- Create customized buttons and any new buttons you make will retain the style customizations automatically
- Make tag clouds and social icons even more appealing with updated settings and controls, and a new outline style for the tag cloud

Style Switching:
- Block themes now include the option to contain multiple style variations. This expands the new Style system even further and enables shortcuts to switch the look and feel of your site all within a single theme. In block themes that support this feature, you can change both the available settings, like the font-weight, and the style options, like the default color palette. Change the look and feel of your site with just a few clicks.

More Template Choices:
WordPress 6.0 includes five new template options for block themes: author, date, categories, tag, and taxonomy. These additional templates provide greater flexibility for content creators. Tailor each with the tools you already know or with the following new options in this release:
- Featured images can be used in the cover block.
- New featured image sizing controls make it easier t get the results you want
- While editing a template, at the root, or between blocks, the quick inserter shows you patterns and template parts to help you work faster and discover new layout options
- The query block supports filtering on multiple authors, support for custom taxonomies, and support for customizing what is shown when there are no results

Integrated Patterns:
- Patterns will now appear when you need them in even more places, like in the quick inserter or when creating a new header or footer. If you’re a block theme author, you can even register patterns from the Pattern Directory using `theme.json`, enabling you to prioritize specific patterns that are most helpful to your theme’s users.

Additional Design Tools:
Design tools grow more powerful and intuitive with each release. Some highlights for 6.0 include:
- A new color panel design saves space, but still shows your options at a glance
- New border controls offer a simpler way to set your border exactly as you like it
- Transparency levels for your colors allow for even more creative color options
- Control gaps, margins, typography, and more on a collection of blocks, all at once, in the Group block
- Switch between stack, row, and group variations to position groups of blocks with more layout flexibility
- Use the gap support functionality in the Gallery block to create different looks – from adding spacing between all images, to removing spacing altogether

Better List View:
- New keyboard shortcuts enable you to select multiple blocks from the list view, modify them in bulk, and drag and drop them within the list. List View can be opened and closed easily; it comes collapsed by default and it automatically expands to the current selection whenever you select a block.

Block Locking Controls:
- Now you can lock your blocks. Choose to disable the option to move a block, remove a block, or both. This simplifies project handover, allowing your clients to unleash their creativity without worrying about accidentally breaking their site in the process.

Improved Performance in WordPress 6.0:
- This release includes several updates focused on improving the performance of WordPress. These enhancements cover a range of performance areas including improving the page and post-load speed, reducing the execution time of various query types, caching, navigation menus, and much more. The performance team working group is an important focus area of the core development team. For more information on this group’s work, please follow their work on Making WordPress with the #performance hashtag.

Enhancing WordPress 6.0 Accessibility:
- Accessibility is an integral part of the WordPress mission of fostering an inclusive community and supporting users of all types around the world. With this in mind, WordPress 6.0 includes more than 50 updates specifically focused on enhancing the accessibility of the platform. You can read about these updates and learn more about the accessibility initiatives that are ongoing.

Ableton Live 11.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features and Improvements:
- When renaming multiple scenes via the context menu, the edit area will appear on the scene that you right-click and the scene selection will be preserved even if a highlighted scene was not selected.
- The Expand Clip Detail View shortcut is only enabled when it makes sense, e.g., when a clip is selected and the Clip View is visible
- When collapsing the Clip View (for example by using the shortcut [OPT][CMD][L]) while it’s expanded and then re-opening it again, Clip View comes back in its expanded size as expected.
- Clip borders are now drawn in an opaque color to improve visibility
- In Arrangement View, the right-click context menu grid setting options now appear as expected, even when there are various time signatures in the Arrangement
- When a new software update is available and your auto-update preferences are set to Ask Me, a link to the latest release notes is included in Live’s Status Bar notification
- Live will also show a link to the release notes in the Status Bar when downloading a new update, and once the download is complete
- Updated the software texts for the Collision instrument
- Updated software texts and Help View lessons in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Simplified Chinese
- Users will see shorter names for certain values (e.g. waveform shapes) in various devices on Push 2

Max for Live Updates and Improvements:
- Updated the bundled Max build to version 8.2.2
- Amxd~: eliminated extra border added to device after being dragged into patcher
- Amxd~: improved error message object identification
- Dynamic Colors: default Max for Live device patcher background color follows Live's theme
- Dynamic Colors: load time improvements
- Jsliveapi: ensure boxpath (fixes M4L.chooser issues)
- Live.dial: fixed triangle color
- Live.gain~: fixed cursor location on mouse up
- Live.step: dynamic colors work as expected
- Max for Live Device Projects: dirty the device when dependencies are added
- Max for Live Patter device: fixed crash on load (Live 11.1.b8)
- Max for Live unique identifier / ---: maintained when loading poly~ patchers
- Panel: fixed enabling / disabling window_drag in Max for Live device subpatchers
- It is possible to unset the property when using by sending a property message without an argument (or property “”) without Max printing a warning to the console
- Max for Live users now have access to the duplicate_notes_by_id function of the Clip LOM object
- The view properties of the Wavetable and Compressor devices are now available in the Max for Live API
- In the Max for Live API, get_notes_extended, get_all_notes_extended, get_selected_notes_extended and get_notes_by_id now optionally take their arguments in the form of a single dict. This dict can have an additional key or filters mapped to a list of note property names. If filters are provided, the returned dictionaries will only contain the specified properties rather than the full note descriptions.
- Setting a property on a without a valid LOM ID no longer causes a warning to be printed to the Max console

- Improved Live’s performance when resizing clips in Arrangement View
- Fixed a visual bug that caused small time selections to flicker when zooming out in Arrangement View
- Fixed a bug on macOS that distorted the appearance of mouse cursors on HiDPI/Retina screens
- Selecting Jump from the Follow Action drop-down menu now shows the text "Jump" (the full text is slightly cut off). The Follow Action Chance percentages are also now aligned to the right.
- Fixed a bug that caused missing MIDI notes when drawing with the pencil tool in quick or large gestures while multi-clip editing
- Fixed an issue that caused Live to incorrectly show video clips on the uppermost track (instead of the bottommost track) in Live Sets with multiple overlapping video clips
- When a warped clip is frozen, the Grain Size parameter of the Tones warp mode is also frozen
- When renaming multiple clips in Arrangement or Session view via the context menu, the edit area will be shown in the clip that you right-click
- Fixed an issue that occurred when navigating with the Tab key while renaming multiple clips
- The clip names of frozen take lane clips now appear as expected in Draw Mode
- Extending an unwarped clip past the original clip end now functions as expected
- When Draw Mode is enabled, grid lines will appear as expected in take lane clips
- The time selection of folded tracks in Automation Mode now appears as expected
- Using [Tab] and [Shift][Tab] while renaming tracks now allows the user to cycle between the first and last tracks in Arrangement View
- In multi-clip editing, the Transpose and Velocity range sliders now become activated/deactivated as expected based on note/time selection
- Fixed an issue that caused extra spacing to appear in track title bars when deleting multiple tracks
- Fixed an issue that caused duplicate send letters in a return chain when renaming the chain in a Drum Rack
- Fixed a bug that caused loud audio spikes in Wavetable under rare circumstances
- Fixed a small bug with multi-clip editing where some notes would not be selected properly in certain scenarios
- Scrollbars appear as expected when a long list of items is displayed
- Consolidating audio clips no longer takes additional time when plug-ins are on corresponding return tracks
- If making a time selection with the mouse in multi-clip editing mode, the time selection will be preserved when clicking and dragging a note from the background clip
- In multi-clip editing, selecting multiple notes by dragging the mouse right to left and then moving the selected notes now works as expected
- Navigation behavior between take lanes, clips, scenes, and tracks is now more consistent
- Fixed an issue that caused time signatures changes in Arrangement View to be removed when freezing a track that also contained Session View clips
- Fixed an issue that caused tracks that were copied and pasted into an automation lane or take lane in Arrangement View to be added to the last track position
- Fixed a bug that would cause Live to crash or hang when unplugging the audio output device during export
- Fixed a bug that caused Live to mistakenly load an outdated DefaultLiveSet.als in newer versions of Live
- Duplicating time between two time signature change markers no longer adds an unexpected duplicate time signature change marker in the Arrangement
- Updated values for automated MIDI CCs are now sent when scrubbing in the Arrangement or setting an Arrangement insert marker, even on armed MIDI tracks
- The Auto option in the piano roll’s Accidentals context menu now always displays the actual spelling used
- Fixed an issue that caused Host Automation from a plug-in routed to an Ext. Instrument or Ext. Audio Effect device on another track to not play back when the track was frozen.
- Fixed a bug that caused note-off and pitch bend reset messages to be sent to all routed MIDI outputs when the device chain of any track changed.
- MIDI CC automations from the clip will play when the track monitor mode is set to “In”, which is consistent with how other automations are played back
- On Push 2, the Frequency and Width parameters for the Corpus device are now displayed correctly
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when selecting tracks that contained missing VST2 plug-ins
- Fixed a speculative issue with Audio Unit plug-in parameters that have type MIDINoteNumber, have no display names attached to their values, and have a value range that does not begin at zero
- Fixed a crash that occurred when adding a preset of an unavailable plug-in to the end of a device chain
- Fixed a crash caused by adding certain plug-ins (such as Omnisphere) to a track and then undoing the action. Live would also sometimes crash when trying to re-open the same Live Set after the initial crash.
​​- Fixed a bug that caused preset parameters to load incorrectly in VST plug-ins on Apple M1 machines
- Fixed a crash caused by adding MIDI Effect Racks onto MIDI tracks that were routed to one another but contained no instruments in their device chains
- Fixed a crash that occurred when opening Flux:: VST2 plug-ins
- Fixed an issue for VST3 plug-in development that caused projectTimeSamples to sometimes be incorrect
- Fixed a regression that impaired Live's ability to deliver host information to VST2 plug-ins
- Fixed an issue that caused scanning VST plug-ins from Live’s Preferences on Apple Silicon computers to take longer than expected
- Scanning VST2 and VST3 custom folder paths now works as expected
- Added support for the sharp symbol (♯) to Control Surface scripts that display parameter values as pitch names
- Fixed the device selection behavior of several Control Surface Scripts (such as APC Mini and Launch Control XL) so that it no longer interferes when selecting chains within an unfolded Drum or Instrument Rack in Session View.
- Fixed an issue that caused adjustments to song time using a Control Surface script encoder or jog wheel to stop working after a play maker had been set in Arrangement View.
- Fixed several issues with the MackieControl and MackieControl_Classic control surface scripts that resulted in button LEDs being left in incorrect states
- The KeyLab and KeyLab88 control surfaces no longer cause Live to lag when active
- Fixed an issue in several control surface scripts (such as ATOM SQ and KeyLab_Essential) that created unnecessary undo steps when adjusting parameters
- Fixed an issue in the SL_MkIII control surface script that caused the knob widgets of the displays to move abruptly
- Fixed an issue in the SL_MkIII control surface script that created unnecessary undo steps when adjusting volume with the sliders

Icons8 Lunacy 8.5.1 查看版本資訊


MDaemon Email Server 22.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

MDaemon Email Server 22.0.0
- Hosted email options with MDaemon Private Cloud are now available
- 32-bit MDaemon has been discontinued. MDaemon 22.0 and newer will only be available in 64-bit. If you are currently running a 32-bit version on a supported 64-bit operation system, you can simply install the 64-bit version on top of the existing installation.
- The minimum length for strong passwords must now be at least 8 characters. If your minimum length was set to fewer than 8 characters before updating to MDaemon 22, it will be changed to 8. The default minimum length for strong passwords on new installs is now 10.
- MDaemon is moving away from using the terms "whitelist" and "blacklist". In many cases, they are now "allow list" and "block list". Features that had a "white list" to exempt IPs, addresses, etc., now have an "exempt list". The per-user spam filter contacts folders are now named "Allowed Senders" and "Blocked Senders". The folders for all accounts will be renamed when MDaemon 22 starts up for the first time.

Changes and new features:
- When strong passwords are required, there is now a list of password requirements that displays green and checked off as the user meets the requirements. Also added more descriptive error messages for what is wrong with an invalid password on submission.
- Pro theme - Added a contact hover popup in the message views that gives options to add a contact (if it does not exist), send a message, add to allow sender or add to block sender.
- Added a Two Factor Auth Exception IPs view in Remote Admin. Exception IPs apply to both Webmail and Remote Admin.
- Added options to set a default from address on reply and forward at Settings | Compose.
- Pro theme - Added support for external compose, message, event, contact, task, and note views over HTTP connections.
- Pro theme - Added an option to open the next unread message from the message preview pane and message view.
- Added a 1 minute option to the List Refresh Time at Options | Personalize.
- Added HTTP Strict Transport Security as a default response header.
- Pro theme - Added message snippets to the message list when in multiline mode.
- Pro theme - Added the ability to edit the Display Name of an alias at Settings | Compose. Disabled by default. Can be enabled in MDRA at Main | Webmail Settings | Settings | "Allow users to edit their alias display names".
- Added support for CSRFTokens on the Sign-in page. Enabled when "Use Cross-Site-Request-Forgery tokens" is enabled in MDRA at Main | Webmail Settings | Web Server. If you are using custom templates for Webmail, add a hidden input to the Login form as follows: <input type="hidden" name="LOGINTOKEN" value=<$LOGINTOKEN$> />
- Public Calendar - Modified the List view to start on the current day and show the next 30 days.
- Added automatic conversion of URLs to hyperlinks in the message view
- Pro theme - Added the Flag column to the mail list sort options
- The names of default folders (Drafts, Sent Items, etc.) are translated into the Webmail user's language no matter which language of MDaemon is installed (previously only the English MDaemon did this).
- Added an option to send Two Factor Auth verification codes to an email address
- Pro theme - Added red color to overdue tasks text in the Tasks list
- LookOut and WorldClient themes - Changed all list category display behavior to match
- Pro theme - Upgraded the XMPP client to version 4.4.0
- The Allowed Senders and Blocked Senders folders now have different icons to indicate that they are special folders
- Added Content-Security-Policy and Referrer-Policy as default response headers
- Webmail - Upgraded CKEditor to v4.18

Remote administration (mdra):
- Added a Two Factor Auth Exception IPs view in Remote Admin. Exception IPs apply to both Webmail and Remote Admin.
- Changed autocomplete="off" to autocomplete="new-password" on password fields to stop FF from autocompleting passwords outside of the login page.
- Added the Notifcation Message Editor at Security | Content Filter | Notifications.
- Added HTTP Strict Transport Security as a default response header.
- Added support for CSRFTokens on the Sign-in page. Enabled when "Use Cross-Site-Request-Forgery tokens" is enabled in MDRA at Remote Admin Settings | Settings.
- Added ability to view and manage custom remote and local queues.
- Added Content-Security-Policy and Referrer-Policy as default response headers.

- Support for Cyren's threat lookup service has been added to the Cyren AV engine. When the AV engine detects a suspicious file that is not classified by the virus definitions it will generate a hash of the file and query Cyren's threat lookup service. Cyren’s threat lookup service is a 100% cloud-based solution that allows MDaemon to conduct a file integrity check and get up-to-moment classification of malware threats based on Cyren’s global threat intelligence.
- MDaemon now supports TLS 1.3 on newer versions of Windows. Windows Server 2022 and Windows 11 have TLS 1.3 enabled by default. Windows 10 versions 2004 (OS Build 19041) and newer have experimental TLS 1.3 support that can be enabled for inbound connections by setting the following in the registry:

- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNELProtocolsTLS 1.3Server
        DisabledByDefault (DWORD) = 0
        Enabled (DWORD) = 1

- MDaemon logs the cipher suite (e.g., TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) used by SSL/TLS connections.
- Added an option at Accounts | Account Settings | Other | Passwords for strong passwords to require a special character (!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>[email protected][]^_`{|}~). It is enabled by default for new installs and disabled by default for existing installs.
- AV Mailbox Scanner - When an infected message is found during mailbox scan MDaemon's infected counter will be incremented.
- AntiVirus - Updated ClamAV to version 0.104.3.

- Improved FolderSync performance.
- The ActiveSync Connection Monitoring Dialog has a new right-click menu command to terminate a session and block a client.
- Added the ability for Outlook to send mail using an alias. If Reply-To is set to a valid alias for the sending account, the message will be sent via that alias.
- Added support for EAS 16.1 Find command. Removed the protocol restriction preventing iOS from using EAS 16.1

- Content Filter - Added support for $CONTACT...$ macros in the "Append a corporate signature" action. These macros can be used to personalize the signature with information from the sender's contact in their public contacts folder. Search the documentation for "Signature Macros" for a full list of supported macros.
- Content Filter - Added an action to extract attachment and add attachment linking into the message.
- Summary Emails for the holding, quarantine, and bad queue may now have links to release, re-queue, or delete each message. This option is enabled by default. It can be disabled at Queues | Mail Queues / DSN | Mail Queues | Holding Queue. The Remote Administration URL must be set for the links to be generated.
- LetsEncrypt - Updated the script to work with PS 7.
- Added a Deferred Delivery option at Setup | Server Settings | Message Recall to replace the 'Date:' header with the current date and time when a message is released from the Deferred Queue. It is disabled by default.
- MDaemon Connector has been updated to version 7.0.7.
- XMLAPI - Added support for forwarding scheduling.

- fix to DSN messages are not DKIM signed
- fix to settings for the 'Everyone' and 'MasterEveryone' mailing lists are reset at startup
- fix to Pro theme - does not save language settings from login
- fix to Pro theme - Disabling HTML Compose prevents message composition
- fix to Pro theme - Messages with no body do not finish loading
- fix to Pro theme - relative URLs in emails are being converted to absolute paths in the plain/text part
- fix to Pro theme - When Auto-Cancel Saved Search is unchecked searches are still canceled when switching between folders
- fix to Pro theme - Saved Searches do not show up in the folder list if there are none
- fix to spam released from trap/holding queue going to junk mail folder
- fix to CalDAV - invalid iCalendar generated from event with HTML comments
- fix to disabling Dynamic Screening via the configuration property sheet does not work as expected
- fix to Webmail - Text not translated on Folder Options page
- fix to MDRA - Upload Custom Image not working
- fix to Pro theme - Cannot copy or move an entire page of messages to another folder
- fix to SMTP server closes connection when it receives a BDAT 0 LAST command
- fix to MDRA - Browse Users and Browse Groups buttons may not work when running in IIS
- fix to ActiveSync - attachments in meeting events may not be shown
- fix to ActiveSync - memory leaks
- fix to ActiveSync - SendMail operations from a particular client fail with a bad request error
- fix to ActiveSync - BlackBerry Hub unable to sync mail
- fix to ActiveSync - BlackBerry Hub doesn't show attachment
- fix to XMLAPI - not validating the format of date/time values
- fix to MDRA - incorrect German translation of From and To in the Reports section
- fix to Webmail - In the Task list, printable ASCII symbols are displayed in their HTML-encoded form
- fix to Active Directory monitoring Windows domains limited to 17 characters
- fix to MDRA - account data is not moved to new location when mail folder is changed
- fix to SMTP response code mismatch when "Send heuristic results to SMTP clients" is enabled
- fix to possible crash in WorldClient.dll
- fix to Attachment Linking - when logged into WebMail with HTTPS attachment link will not work
- fix to Webmail - XSS vulnerability
- fix to mailing list headers and footers may not be applied to messages with attachments or inline images
- fix to Content Filter not expanding $MESSAGEID$ macro properly for a particular message
- fix to Pro theme - deleting a message from the message preview results in the wrong message being selected next
- fix to Pro theme - Possible to double click on Save in Contact, Event, Task, and Note editors and create multiple items
- fix to possible crash in WorldClient.dll
- fix to ActiveSync - iOS clients can delete public contacts without having the required permissions

MDaemon Email Server 21.5.2
- MDaemon Connector has been updated to version 7.0.6.
- XMLAPI - Improved UpdateUser group membership operations.
- LetsEncrypt - Changed the Log function to use add-content instead of out-file. Add-content uses the default system code page which should enable the log file to be viewed in MDRA. No change will be made to the encoding of the log file until a new log file is created.

- ActiveSync - performance issues
- ActiveSync - Unable to enable ActiveSync for the final licensed user
- XMLAPI - Autoresponder schedule being set wrong
- Pro theme - Cannot add members to a distribution list
- MDaemon writes auth failures to Windows Event Log even when option is turned off
- MDaemon's Auth Failures log may have incorrect ACCOUNT values
- WorldClient theme - Option to recur every X weeks missing in the event editor
- MDRA - Unable to add an alias using $LOCALDOMAIN$
- MDRA - When editing group membership it's possible to accidentally revoke your own global admin status
- MDRA - Using Apply when creating a new Template or new Group causes an error when making additional changes
- MDRA - Problems editing rules when there are more than 1000 rules
- Pro theme - Pasting links from Youtube into compose view and sending message results in the links missing in the received message
- possible message corruption when MDaemon releases or requeues a message
- Pro theme - Attendees are not notified when meetings are changed
- Webmail - Previously removed categories on messages reappear with new sessions
- domain signature with inline image may not be applied properly to a message with an inline image
- IMAP server does not return BAD response to a command line that's too long
- possible crash in WorldClient.dll
- ActiveSync - Unable to sync PIM folders that do not have .MRK files in them if folder name contains extended characters

MDaemon Email Server 21.5.1
Changes and new features:
- MDRA - The last view is now remembered for expired sessions, but not for sessions signed out by the user
- Webmail - Changed all Login referrences to Sign-in
- Pro theme - Added the View Source and Save Source options to the Message View and Message Preview
- Content Filter - Added macro support for 'Add an attachment' action
- WorldClient theme - Added an option to "Use Auto Formatted Date" at Options | Personalize | Inbox Settings. When the setting is disabled, the message list dates are displayed the same as in LookOut theme.
- LookOut and WorldClient themes - Users can now select and copy some text from event tooltips in the calendar view. Use CTRL + C to copy.
- Webmail - Added options at Options | Calendars to enable the event tooltips and to change the hover timer required to see the tooltip
- Pro theme - Added a "Favorites" checkbox to toggle at Settings | Folders, Folder Options dialog
- Pro theme - Added an overwrite checkbox on the document list view
- Pro theme - Added an option to attach documents to a message in the compose view
[17687] DSN - Added $RECIPIENT$ macro support to custom DSNFail.dat and DSNDelay.dat files
- Content Filter - Increased total character limit for all entries added to the Attachments exclusion list
- MDRA - Added version 16.1 to ActiveSync Protocol Restrictions
- Pro theme - Made some performance improvements
- LetsEncrypt will no longer delete the log file each time it runs
- LetsEncrypt - You can add -SkipPortCheck to the command line to skip the port check
- LetsEncrypt - added the ability to copy challenge files to an external path

- fix to Webmail - Users no longer being asked if they wish to enable desktop notifications in Firefox
- fix to AntiVirus - ClamAV reports error when scanning a zero byte file
- fix to DSN - Macros in custom DSN message text are not processed per message
- fix to XMLAPI - CreateUser operation allows alias to be created for an account that already exists
- fix to possible MDaemon.exe hang related to gateway LDAP lookup caching
- fix to MDRA - removing an ActiveSync client may inadvertently remove account-level client settings
- fix to Pro theme - Clicking Advanced Settings opens two windows
- fix to MDRA - Adding more than one public folder to a content filter rule's copy action causes incorrect naming
- fix to MDRA - Add attachment path uses forward slash instead of backslash
- fix to MDRA - In the Do not filter messages larger than setting, it shows KB instead of MB
- fix to non-ASCII characters are not encoded correctly when they are exported to an LDAP address book
- fix to WorldClient theme - Edit link in hover box doesn't show all event info
- fix to mailing list "Replace 'From:'" options incorrectly process From header
- fix to mailing list messages may not use the correct smart host settings
- fix to MDRA - Including quotes (") in the name of a content filter rule results in the rule list not being displayed
- fix to ActiveSync - accounts without access rights can search public contacts
- fix to ActiveSync - possible hang when searching public contacts
- fix to LookOut theme - possible hang after resizing the browser window
- fix to MDRA - Content filter "if subject header contains" condition gets changed to user defined header
- fix to possible MDaemon crash if Dynamic Screening whitelist contains invalid IP address
- fix to Message Indexing - maintenance fails when messages.mrk does not exist
- fix to MDRA - unable to add/remove per-user autoresponder address exclusions
- fix to Pro theme - Remember Me not working after server restart
- fix to Pro theme - Mailbox languages do not change when changing language
- fix to Pro theme - Memory leak when using external windows
- fix to Pro theme - Users with long folder names cannot see new message counts
- fix to MDRA - Access denied when editing group memberships
- fix to ActiveSync - folders may not sync due to "ImapMrk: Corrupt File Header"
- fix to MDaemon attempts to send message again if socket error 10053 occurs when sending QUIT
- fix to MDaemon does not try the next DNS server after an A record query is refused
- fix to Spam Filter - Sa-Update.exe not downloading updates

MDaemon Email Server 21.5.0
- Hosted email options with MDaemon Private Cloud are now available. To learn more, please visit:
- The 'X-MDOrigin-Country' header, which Location Screening can add to messages, now has the two-letter ISO 3166 country and continent codes instead of full country and continent names. Be sure to update any filters you may have that look for particular values in this header.
- With the renaming of the Webmail Mobile theme to Pro, there is a possible side effect for users that are using the Mobile theme and have remember me enabled. These users may find that they cannot open attachments. To work around this, the user must simply log out and log back in.

MDaemon Email Server 19.5.5
- fix to Webmail - XSS vulnerabilities
- fix to CalDAV - Potential memory corruption and crash

MDaemon Email Server 19.5.4
- fix to ActiveSync - Possible server crash
- fix to ActiveSync - PIM item changes from one client are not synchronized to other clients
- fix to ActiveSync - Server may shut down after several weeks of uptime
- fix to ActiveSync - Slow performance loading very large SYNCMAP files
- fix to ActiveSync - Calendar sync not working properly with Outlook mobile app
- fix to CalDAV - Potential memory corruption and crash
- fix to CalDAV - Crash when synchronizing IMAP folder with very long path on disk
- fix to Mobile theme - When spell check is enabled, replies and forwarded messages are not sent
- fix to Mobile theme - No login page shows up on iOS 10
- fix to Mobile theme - IE/Edge compose being restricted to width of unexpanded HTML compose toolbar
- fix to Mobile theme - Searching for UTF8 characters fails to show expected results
- fix to MDRA - Unable to select a Default Type on the settings tab when editing a mailing list
- fix to MDRA - Deadlock may occur
- fix to MDRA - Existing domain signatures are not displayed
- fix to MDaemon GUI - Possible crash when clicking Edit on the ActiveSync Client Settings screen

MDaemon Email Server 19.5.3
- fix to MDaemon service may hang at startup and prevent other services from starting

MDaemon Email Server 19.5.2
- SMTP server will respond with "Sender Disabled" rather than "Sender Unknown" for disabled mailing lists and the reply code will be 550 if the option to respond to disabled accounts with a 550 code is enabled.
- Inbound Queue count in UI will show message recall delay value if that feature is being used so that you won't sit there wondering why the Inbound Queue isn't processing messages.
- The UI with throw a warning if the advanced settings option is enabled at F2|Unknown Mail and no host value is specified.
- The Learn.bat file (used by the bayesian system) was slightly reworked for simplification and efficiency.
- When editing a mailing list the account picker object will pre-select existing local members and will remove de-selected local members.
- The mailing list editor membership page has been improved by adding a Domain column to sort on and by saving/restoring the column widths. Also the import process had its string-table localized.
- Changed language on MDPGP UI to show that --pgpk command requires mail sent to self.
- Public Folder Manager tree-view data is no longer automatically expanded.
- The Account Editor|Settings button which shows subscribed lists now reports properly on membership to [email protected] and [email protected] lists based on whether the account is hidden (private) or not. Also, I changed the wording of the checkbox which hides (makes private) the account so that referring to the HELP is no longer necessary. Finally, remember to click Apply if you change the hidden state of the account or pressing the button to show list membership will not be up-to-date.
- Updated tooltip and warning text to indicate that freezing the Remote queue also freezes the Retry queue.
- The $MAILDIR$ macro has been deprecated and removed.
- The System log will be updated any time someone deletes an account using the console GUI.
- Hijack Detection no longer has a hard-coded exception for the [email protected] alias. There is a white-list feature for Hijack Detection which can be used to make anyone an exception (if necessary).
- Added a Forwarding column to the Account Manager which shows a Yes or No (whether forwarding or not) along with the account's forwarding address. Since it's possible to have a forwarding address configured but not currently in use the column could show something like "No: [email protected]"
- The Account Manager will save the widths of all its columns when you click OK.
- The Sender Blacklist will now (also) be checked following each MAIL command. Since there isn't yet a RCPT domain to test the list against the MAIL value is checked only against the "All Domains" section of the Sender Blacklist.
- The Spam Filter|DNS-BL|Settings option "Ignore DNS-BL result if not in - range" has been removed. Any response outside that range is automatically ignored (no option necessary these days).
- MDRA - Updated context sensitive help links for Categories.
- The "Npcap Loopback Adapter" is ignored when reading DNS servers from Windows.
- Updated MDaemon Connector to version 6.5.1.
- LetsEncrypt will now check the version of Powershell that is on the machine and exit the script when the required version is not present.
- LetsEncrypt will now add the MDaemonLetsEncryptModules directory to the PSModulePath environment variable for the session if it is not included.
- LetsEncrypt will now delete and recreate the account when changing between the staging and live LetsEncrypt systems.
- LetsEncrypt will now retrieve errors from LetsEncrypt when a challenge fails and write the information to the screen and to the log file.
- The ACME-PS module used for communicating with LetsEncrypt has been updated to the latest version.

- fix to Webmail - commas in the name part of an email address are not being properly handled in some instances
- fix to MDRA - Cannot save the default value of the skip rule action or the message processing priority action
- fix to MDRA - unable to remove activesync profiles
- fix to WorldClient theme - Importing/Exporting Contacts or Calendar Events - radio buttons hidden in some languages, e.g. Japanese
- fix to LookOut theme - When forwarding some messages, cke_protected is added to the body
- fix to LookOut theme - HTML encoding visible in contact comments, department, company, etc.
- fix to Lite and WorldClient themes - Missing event recurrence settings
- fix to MDRA - Some settings are missing under ActiveSync Client Settings
- fix to Webmail - MDPGP Results language is confusing and needs to be updated
- fix to sub-addressing not working with wild-card domain aliases
- fix to auto-freeze of inbound queue on configured number of disk i/o errors not working
- fix to MDPGP causing double the message recall delay
- fix to alias editor sometimes allowing entry of alias already in use
- fix to wrong data in SMTP response when over quota sender tries to send mail
- fix to Mobile theme - Themes unavailable on Personalize settings page when HideLoginTheme=Yes; Languages unavailable on Personalize settings page when HideLoginLanguage=Yes
- fix to Webmail - Use HTTP Compression setting not being honored
- fix to Mobile theme - Cannot download attachments in folders other than Inbox
- fix to Mobile theme - Missing translations
- fix to Webmail - The date range in saved searches is saved, but it is not used in the search
- fix to ASMC - After migrating an account twice, folders with ampersands have an extra hyphen added
- fix to ASMC - Events recurring yearly are not migrated correctly
- fix to Dynamic Screening - IP is not blocked after many login attempts with the same password but different accounts
- fix to MDRA - When forced to change your password, you are prompted twice to change it
- fix to Dynamic Screen sometimes being invoked after a single (rather than configured number) of failed RCPTs
- fix to Webmail may not display the entire body of certain messages
- fix to MDaemon.exe crash in AclShlFx.dll during the daily ACL cleanup
- fix to Antivirus - if it takes clamd.exe longer than 5 minutes to scan a file then clamd.exe will get restarted even if it is still able to process other files
- fix to Mobile theme - Events are created one day in the past depending on the time zone specified
- fix to Mobile theme - Umlauts in folder names do not display correctly in Calendars list
- fix to Mobile theme - when changing the theme at Settings | Personalize the new theme is not saved for the logon page
- fix to Mobile theme - message bodies of draft messages composed in plain text are not displayed
- fix to MDRA - Client Signatures are not deleted when the input is empty
- fix to LookOut theme - External message Add Filter button not working
- fix to Webmail displays a backslash in front of quotes in subjects that have non-ASCII characters
- fix to Content Filter exclusion may not work when display name contains Japanese characters
- fix to ActiveSync - Data wipes are triggered for accounts after upgrading to MDaemon 19.5.1
- fix to MD Configuration Session hang
- fix to OR clause in Active Directory Monitoring search filter causes non-matching account imports
- fix to Webmail - When HTML Compose is off, the first dropped attachment in the Compose view does not show up
- fix to Webmail - Wrong messages may be attached when doing Forward as Attachment from Search Results
- fix to WorldClient theme - AM/PM are displayed incorrectly in the message list for some languages
- fix to Dynamic Screening - TrustedIPs.dat created in MDaemonData
- fix to Dynamic Screening - "0x41504000 Mgmt Logon: Internal" logged repeatedly while Configuration Session is running
- fix to ActiveSync - Umlauts displayed incorrectly in autoresponses when autoresponder is created via ActiveSync
- fix to Webmail - PIM attachments fail to upload
- fix to Antivirus - AV update log viewer shows "No sessions" for ClamAV update logs
- fix to Mobile theme - When HTML Compose is disabled, messages are still sent in HTML
- fix to Antivirus - Security|Antivirus|AV Updater shows incorrect ClamAV information
- fix to ActiveSync - Possible crash while syncing a meeting invite with garbage text
- fix to Mobile theme - Styles change in the compose view after an auto-save draft occurs
- fix to ActiveSync - Random AD authentication failures
- fix to MultiPOP - Previously downloaded messages are being randomly redownloaded

MDaemon Email Server 19.5.1
- fix to ActiveSync - clients that required previous approval need to be re-approved
- fix to ActiveSync - Unable to login when using domain and full email address
- fix to Mobile theme - Sending plain text emails results in an empty message body
- fix to Mobile theme - Cannot download attachments in folders other than Inbox
- fix to Mobile theme - Cannot add inline images to a new message
- fix to Webmail - Images in the default client signature may not be displayed in Webmail
- fix to MDRA - When adding an image to a Default Client Signature, the image file is placed on the root of the C drive
- fix to licensed features may be disabled after renewing an MDaemon registration key that had been switched to trial mode
- fix to memory leak in DAV server if folder contains over 1000 events or contacts

MDaemon Email Server 19.5.0
Changes and New Features:
- MDPGP: The Content Filter's "encrypt message with user's public key" action now works with the following limitations (it was broken in previous versions): It must be the last action in a multi-action rule. It must be the last rule in a multi-rule set. Basically, all content filter processing on a message stops when the first encryption action takes place (so make this action/rule the last in the processing chain). You want the encryption action to be last anyway so that other actions which might modify the message can take place first. At present, encryption via content filter will prevent user signatures and domain signatures from being appended to the encrypted message. This will take more work to change later. Lastly, the Content Filter's "decrypt message with user's private key" action was not working properly. When using this action make it the first thing done so that other rules which come after will have a decrypted version of the message to work on.
- MDPGP: Decryption routine will now decrypt PGP blocks in-line. Previously, PGPMime message format was required. Messages may contain multiple encrypted blocks and the inline decryption routine will decrypt those it can and skip over those it can't. Remember that MDPGP decrypts messages as it places them into the user's folder so decrypted content exists on MDaemon's mail volume(s). Be sure and use OS tools to secure critical folders from unauthorized access.
- LetsEncrypt now includes an option to delete certificates that were issued by LetsEncrypt, have a subject the same as the FQDN in MDaemon and with an expiration date over 30 days ago. A checkbox to control this was added to Ctrl+S|SSL & TLS|Let's Encrypt. This option is enabled by default.
- Quota reports no longer include disabled or frozen accounts by default. You can change this with a new checkbox at Ctrl+U|Other|Quotas.
- LetsEncrypt: By default PowerShell only supports SSLv3 and TLS1.0. Code was added to enable TLS1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 for the active session. PowerShell also honors the operating system settings for client SSL/TLS protocol support, so if you disable support for TLS 1.0 as a client protocol in the operating sytem, PowerShell will not attempt to use it.
- The QUEUERUN SEM file has been deprecated and removed.
- Added option to enable macro detection in documents and adjust heuristic level for Cyren AV.
- MDRA - Added Let's Encrypt settings.
- MDRA - Added more DKIM Signing settings.
- MDRA - Added the Archive Now option under Logs -> Log Settings -> Maintenance.
- MDRA - Added the "Compact database now" button under Logs -> Log Settings -> Statistics Log.
- MDRA - Added the EDNS settings and an MXCache.dat editor under Setup -> Server Settings -> DNS.
- MDRA - Added ways to request trial keys for AntiVirus, ActiveSync, and MDaemon Connector.
- MDRA - Added "Remove contact which are missing name or phone data" button to the User Editor.
- MDRA - Added "Bind to new port values now" button at Setup -> Server Settings -> Ports.
- MDRA - Added "Edit Attachment Linking settings" to User Editor -> Attachments.
- MDRA - Added warning for admins that are attempting to freeze or disable their own accounts.
- MDRA - Added an alert to inform Trial users how many days are remaining in their trial.
- MDRA - Added feature to prevent admins from deleting their own accounts.
- MDRA - Added the mailing list subscription type below the mailing list address on the Main -> My Mailing Lists page.
- MDRA - Added a categories editor at Main -> Webmail Settings -> Categories to allow admins to manage Domain categories and default User personal categories.
- MDRA - Added buttons to view the file being edited for Security -> Screening -> (Sender Blacklist, Recipient Blacklist, IP Screen, and Host Screen). Added an import file option to the file view.
- MD GUI will throw a warning when disabling SPF or DKIM while DMARC is enabled.
- SMTP server will respond with "disabled" rather than "unknown" if account exists but is disabled or frozen.
- MD GUI will throw warnings and offer fixes on config conflicts between non-reversible encryption and APOP/CRAM-MD5 use.
- DMARC fo=1 option no longer generates protocol specific failure reports when DMARC itself passes.
- F2|Server Settings|Pruning has several new options for deleting items based on age.
- Webmail - Improved autocomplete performance for large address books.
- Updated MDaemon Connector to version 6.5.0.
- MDRA - Changed "Viruses Blocked" report title to "Viruses Detected" since the log entries include blocked, quarantined, and accepted viruses.
- ASMC - Passwords are no longer logged in the ASMC log file.
- ASMC - When SSL is not being used and a 501.1 error is returned a warning will be logged to indicate that you should retry using SSL.
- Ctrl+W|Webmail and Remote Administration|Web Server tabs have new options added to enable use of the X-Forwarded-For header which is sometimes added by proxy servers. This option is disabled by default. Enable it only if your proxy server inserts this header.
- Added a Webmail option for whether users are allowed to create email signatures. Set the default at Setup | Web & IM Services | Webmail | Settings or per domain on the Domain Manager's "Webmail" screen.
- SMTP server will reply with "550 5.7.0 Authentication rejected" when otherwise valid credentials are unacceptable for policy reasons.
- Updated Cyren AV engine to version 6.2.2-rc2.
- Webmail - Stopped using Webmail HTTP.log to log server to server HTTP requests and now logging to Webmail.log.
- Account editor will throw a warning and disallow switching to other tabs until full name/mailbox data entered.

- fix to SPF record may not be found if the DNS response is truncated
- fix to MDRA - Using Apply and then Save and Close results in duplicate entry in Minger list
- fix to LookOut and WorldClient themes - Changing Special Folders in Non-English Webmail profiles causes Webmail to change folder values
- fix to LookOut and WorldClient themes - New folders are created with non-English names when saving Options | Folders page
- fix to MDRA - If the setting ExpireTime is missing from WebAdmin.ini, MDRA does not show a default value
- fix to RAW CC header data possibly truncated in final generated message(s)
- fix to MultiPOP UI getting confused when password starts with hypen character
- fix to Minger server does not return "disabled" response for disabled mailing lists
- fix to MD GUI accepting foreign addresses for public folder submission
- fix to MD GUI crash when sharing a folder that contains hundreds of subfolders
- fix to WorldClient theme - When selecting a different calendar in new event, the event is not added to that calendar
- fix to MDRA - Cannot disconnect Webmail sessions
- fix to Webmail - Private access links for Shared and Public calendars produce an xml error
- fix to MDRA - Non-admins can add and edit an alias in their account, but they cannot delete it
- fix to account signature file not deleted when account is deleted
- fix to corrupt email address when the MDaemon system account mailbox alias is less than 7 characters long
- fix to all links to contacts in Outlook are broken when a distribution list is edited in Webmail
- fix to possible Webmail crash when searching messages
- fix to MDRA - Attachment Linking "White List" editor does not save changes
- fix to possible Webmail crash when using message list threading
- fix to Webmail - When HideBlacklistFolder=Yes exists, the BlackList Sender option is still available
- fix to SPF policies are truncated after 1024 characters
- fix to MDRA - admins can remove their own access without a warning
- fix to users not being able to change passwords when using non-reversible encryption and the ODBC account backend
- fix to some MSA-specific processing not being done for SSL SMTP connections when SSLSMTPIsMSA=Yes
- fix to unable to upload/post specifc recurring calendar event via CalDAV
- fix to MDRA - Registration info screen does not show any values in the Country dropdown
- fix to messages with improperly formatted categories causing the iOS mail client to crash
- fix to Outlook using ActiveSync not recognizing changes to Calendar permissions
- fix to unable to upload calendar using Outlook's "Publish to WebDAV Server" feature
- fix to MDRA - Crash when accessing account ActiveSync Clients page
- fix to MDRA - Access denied error when domain admin clicks on ActiveSync Clients or ActiveSync Assigned Policy
- fix to SPF code returning permerror when it shouldn't
- fix to mailing list message not being released from quarantine queue properly
- fix to smart route code sometimes using wrong smart host
- fix to IP address editbox accepting non-IP address data
- fix to signed messages not getting attachments stripped out at times
- fix to Webmail - Remember Me skips the Two Factor Auth validation page when restoring an existing session
- fix to LookOut and WorldClient themes - Slow loading folders could result in unending loading
- fix to MDaemon.exe crash when checking recipient blacklist with an invalid entry
- fix to using CONTACTS:domain in a mailing list causes certain messages to go into the wrong queue
- fix to MDRA - Form field [loglevel] not found error on Global ActiveSync Client Settings page
- fix to MDRA - ActiveSync - When AS is disabled on domain level, a domain admin still sees the AS Client Settings tab on a user
- fix to AutoDiscover does not tell clients to use SSL when the redirect to HTTPS option is enabled
- fix to incorrect IMAP server handling of the % wildcard for LIST and LSUB commands
- fix to a possible hang in Cyren AV processing
- fix to Webmail - When renaming a folder, capitalization is not saved
- fix to several errors converting and handling bad RAW message files
- fix to changed occurrences of a meeting created using ActiveSync may be lost when an attendee sends a meeting response
- fix to Dynamic Screening gateway UI not allowing certain IP addresses to be added
- fix to AutoDiscover not honoring the MDaemon.ini [Special] FullEmailLogin setting
- fix to orphaned multi-line message-id header data possibly being included in list mail
- fix to LookOut and WorldClient themes - Calendar Import from URL broken in IE
- fix to incorrect info about use of "spf" tag in SPFXcpt.dat file help text
- fix to releasing a message that isn't spam getting the spam stripping treatment anyway
- fix to MDRA - ActiveSync - Domains disabled by default still display ActiveSync links in Domain Manager
- XMLAPI: Deleting or modifying PIM items doesn't account for ensuring updates are sent to MC Clients.
- ActiveSync: PIM Validation does not correctly fix identical/duplicate iCalUid values.
- fix to Antivirus - sometimes AV engine does not wait long enough for ClamD to finish loading so it will repeatedly shut down ClamD and restart it
- fix to memory leak in DAV server if folder contains over 1000 events or contacts
- fix to DNSBL "Open Resolver" and "Excessive Queries" response codes are not correctly parsed

MDaemon Email Server 19.0.3
- fix to AutoDiscover does not return the SMTP port when the dedicated SSL ports are enabled
- fix to ActiveSync server may crash when sending a read receipt
- fix to CALDAV: saving a calendar with a reminder set in eM Client returns an error and the event is not displayed in the calendar
- fix to ActiveSync: Work around WP8/WP10 < MoreAvailable /> client bug
- fix to ActiveSync: Creating ActiveSync profiles using alias counts against ActiveSync license
- fix to XMPPServer: possible crashing problem with BOSH server
- fix to possible crash in mdautodiscover.dll
- fix to SPF policies are truncated after 512 characters
- fix to Antivirus: sometimes AV engine does not wait long enough for ClamD to finish loading so it will repeatedly shut down ClamD and restart it

MDaemon Email Server 19.0.1
- Hosted email options with MDaemon Private Cloud are now available. To learn more, please visit:
- To simplify IIS configuration, the ISAPI DLLs MDMgmtWS.dll and MDDP.dll have been moved out of the MDaemonApp directory and into MDaemonISAPIMDMgmtWS and MDaemonISAPIMDDP. If you had already set up IIS to reference these DLLs you will need to reconfigure IIS to access them from their new locations.

MDaemon Email Server 19.0
- Hosted email options with MDaemon Private Cloud are now available
- MDaemon's disk space calculations were being made inconsistently in several places (for example, sometimes using 1000, sometimes using 1024 bytes for a kilobyte computation). This has been fixed to use 1024 consistently. As a result your users' disk space quota values may be slightly different than in previous versions. Please check and make whatever adjustments (if any) you feel are required
- The "Start MDaemon" Start Menu shortcut on new installs now defaults to opening a browser to MDaemon Remote Administration rather than opening an MDaemon Configuration Session. To change this, edit MDaemonAppMDaemon.ini and set [MDLaunch] OpenConfigSession=Yes/No and OpenRemoteAdmin=Yes/No, or use the "Open MDaemon Configuration Session" or "Open MDaemon Remote Administration" shortcuts instead of "Start MDaemon". Set the "Remote Administration URL" at Setup | Web & IM Services | Remote Administration | Web Server if the auto-generated URL does not work or if Remote Administration runs in an external web server. If a working URL cannot be determined, a Configuration Session will be opened instead
- The option "Only send antivirus update notification on failure" is now enabled by default, and when updating to MDaemon 19, it will be enabled the first time MDaemon starts up
- SyncML has been deprecated and removed

MDaemon Email Server 18.5.3
Changes and new features:
- Updated to MDaemon Connector version 5.6.2

- Warn on Missing Attachments always warns in German
- LookOut and WorldClient themes - Using "Add to Contacts" option causes Russian names to be corrupted
- Attached EML files do not open up in a new tab when you click on them
- When disabling ActiveSync for a secondary domain via Domain Manager, it disables it for the primary domain instead

Icons8 Lunacy 8.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Teams serve to make it easier for you to manage collaborative documents and people who have access to them
- In version 8.5, you’ll be able to try out how teams work on a free plan. In upcoming versions, we’ll add some paid plans that will provide more opportunities and less limitations.

How it works with the free plan:
- To work with teams, you need to sign in to your Icons8 account
- You can create one team and invite two more members to the team.Thus, a free team can include up to 3 members. A user can be a member of one free team only.
- You should use projects to organize team documents. Think of projects as of folders. All the documents within team projects automatically become available to the team members.
- The total number of documents across all projects of a free team cannot exceed ten

- Cross-region collaboration. Now you can work with documents created in other server regions.
- Performance improvements
- Support for right-to-left languages in the user interface