軟體下載 Focusky 3.8.1

檔案名稱 focusky_v3.8.1_win_setup.zip

Focusky 3.8.1 軟體下載

檔案版本 Focusky 3.8.1

檔案名稱 focusky_v3.8.1_win_setup.zip
檔案大小 290 MB
更新日期 2019-09-09
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Focusky 3.8.1
4K Video Downloader 允許從互聯網上下載並保存高質量的視頻,音頻和字幕。一鍵下載從互聯網上的所有視頻。以 MP4,MKV,3GP 格式保存視頻或以 MP3,M4A 或 OGG 格式提取音頻視頻。即使在離線狀態下,也可下載 3D 視頻內容。下載 4K Video Downloader Windows 的離線安裝程序安裝程序. 此程序是免費的,開源的和跨平台的。沒有工具欄,沒有廣告軟... 4K Video Downloader 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Fix a bug that the color picker's straw disappears
- Fix a bug that the added GIF is not playing in the right layer order
- Fix a bug that the video in the project is not playing after publishing the project as an EXE file
- Modify the logic for adding sound. Now there is a checkbox for adding sound. If you don't check it, you won't add sound. If you check it, you will add sound
- Fix a bug that the video can't be replaced
- Solve the problem of memory overflow in the project file
- Add pageup and pagedown shortcuts to the split screen, and add a feature to jump to the next page by clicking on the canvas in the split screen
- Fix a bug that the drop-down box of the animation sound effect will hide text
- Fix a bug that the name of the added background music is displayed as the name of the selected file
- When publishing to the cloud, the advanced option is turned on by default, the function of synchronizing the keyword with the title is realized, and the blank line of description is removed

Focusky 3.8.1 相關參考資料
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Descarga Focusky 3.8.0 para PC de Windows desde FileHorse. 100% seguro y protegido ... Última Versión: Focusky 3.8.1. Requisitos:.


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Focusky 3.8.1. Date released: 09 Sep 2019 (16 hours ago). Focusky 3.8.0. Date released: 28 Aug 2019 (one week ago). Download · Focusky ...


Focusky 3.8.0 Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

Download Focusky 3.8.0 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free ... Latest Version: Focusky 3.8.1. Requirements:.


Focusky 3.8.1 - dobreprogramy

Focusky to innowacyjne narzędzie służące do tworzenia prezentacji multimedialnych, które stanowi godną uwagi alternatywę dla popularnego PowerPointa.


Focusky 3.8.1 Download - BytesIn

Download Focusky. If you often need to create presentations, you know the results are greatly influenced by the application you use for this purpose. Focusky...


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Descarga Focusky para PC de Windows desde FileHorse. ... Descargar Focusky 3.8.1 ... ¡Con Focusky puedes hacer una experiencia visual increíble para tu ...


focusky动画演示大师免费下载_focusky动画演示大师3.7.12 ...

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