3uTools 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 3uTools 2.57

3uTools 歷史版本列表

3uTools 是一款用於閃動和越獄的工具蘋果 iPhone,iPad,iPod touch 提供了三種方式:輕鬆模式,專業模式或多重閃光,可以自動選擇合適的固件並支持快速下載速度。 3uTools 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。它是完全離線設置安裝程序的 3uTools.最高效的 iOS 文件& 數據管理!3uTools 可以輕鬆管理應用程序,照片,音樂,鈴聲,視頻和其他多... 3uTools 軟體介紹

EaseUS Video Editor 查看版本資訊


Thunderbird 78.8.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New mail notification did not occur for newly arrived messages if previously received mail was unread
- Directory for saving multiple attachments was not remembered between saves
- Opening a message from the command-line using "-mail " failed
- Automatic account setup did not use the provider email and display name
- Newly-added identities were not listed in the account manager until it was closed and reopened
- Account provisioner did not properly handle UTF-8 data
- Copying a large message to an IMAP server would sometimes prematurely display a time-out error
- OpenPGP: Various errors when importing keys
- OpenPGP: Public keys attached to an outgoing email did not have "Content-Description" set
- Address Book: CardDAV sync errors did not retry until Thunderbird was restarted
- Calendar: Changing the cache mode of a CalDAV calendar connection would lose the username of the account
- Calendar: Add-on calendars were sometimes not visible after restarting
- Calendar: The preview for a recurring task did not use all available space in the dialog window
- Installer: Option to keep distribution directory on upgrade did not work

EaseUS Video Editor 查看版本資訊


Thunderbird 78.8.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Importing an address book from a CSV file always reported an error
- Security information for S/MIME messages was not displayed correctly prior to a draft being saved
- Calendar: FileLink UI fixes for Caldav calendars
- Recurring tasks were always marked incomplete; unable to use filters
- Various UI widgets not working
- Dark theme improvements
- Extension manager was missing link to addon support web page
- Various security fixes

Octave 6.2.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- bicgstab.m, cgs.m: Fix typo in "iter_min" variable name
- Compute with NA correctly on MIPS architecture
- Fix lookup of "caller" stack frame
- Also wait on main_thread after interpreter shuts down
- Fix symbol lookup issue with anonymous functions
- Line buffer input in terminal_reader class.
- qr: Error for dense A and B with three output arguments
- strmatch.m: Always return column vector for Matlab compatibility - Avoid crash when evalin global variables into existence in script - Avoid crash on null statement list
- Fix ignored output from user function in left side of assignment
- Temporarily set lvalue list to null
- fminbnd.m: do not ignore "OutputFcn"
- load-path.cc: Reduce number of times "canonicalize_file_name" is called
- interpn.m: Use size_equal for 10X speedup in cset 067b663529bb
- interpn.m: Fix check for scattered point coordinates
- Avoid YYUSE in Octave parser files
- struct2hdl.m: Set "units" property early
- load-path.cc: Avoid copying string for loop variable
- pcg.m: Return correct FLAG and correct RELRES output
- Use static keyword on regexp pattern in file_stat
- stat: Improve regular expression for UNC roots on Windows
- stat: Use "make_absolute" instead of "canonicalize_file_name" on Windows
- Improve class_simple function handle function lookup
- hdl2struct.m: store hidden text properties
- Mark script created with commands from history as modified
- replem.m: Fix operations with sparse matrices
- ode_event_handler.m: Fix mishandling of event edge types and multiple events
- Increase size of dynamic variable new_argv by 1 to avoid indexing out of array.
- Fix incorrect results for set functions with "legacy" option
- dir.m: Return folder (not including file) in field "folder"
- Avoid memory leak with function handles
- Avoid dispatch error if method argument is a function handle
- Avoid crash due to accessing first element of empty list
- Don’t propagate prevailing isargout info through mexCallMATLAB
- Show original error when failing to create a graphics object
- Fix regression with superclass lookup in classdef constructors
- Allow Octave class execution_exception to catch std::exception objects

- Fix restoring editor session after having closed all tabs
- Maybe convert TAB to SPC in GUI terminal pasted text
- Make bracketed paste mode work in GUI terminal
- Fix regression in variable editor when printing without selection
- Avoid gui when octave is launched in non-interactive mode
- file-editor-tab.cc (dtor): do not delete m_edit_area
- Fix error when restoring previous main window layout
- Improve default sizes of gui dock widgets
- Clean up constructing main window layout of the gui
- Fix focus command window after command execution
- Check object size before plotting from variable editor
- documentation.cc: Include missing header

Build system / Tests:
- Add default value to OCTAVE_MIPS_NAN configure macro for cross-compiling
- tests: Function name should match file name
- Avoid build errors with Qt4
- eigs.m: Make tests that depend on CHOLMOD conditional
- tests: Make tests that depend on CXSparse conditional
- build: Use SPARSE_XCPPFLAGS in CPP_FLAGS for libcorefcn
- hgsave.m: Allow test to run with qt or gnuplot graphics toolkits

- embedded.cc: Fix syntax error interpreter shutdown
- Update Octave Project Developers copyright for the new year
- Use the same comment style for copyright headers in .m files and shell scripts

Waterfox Classic 2021.02 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Various security patches up until the current ESR branch
- Uplift to ANGLE 3538 (Gecko 64). This improves WebGL performance
- Implementation of missing ES2019 proposals
- JSON superset
- Well-formed JSON stringify
- Improved performance of JSON stringify
- Integrated Polly add-on for better website compatibility

EaseUS Video Editor 查看版本資訊


Thunderbird 78.7.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CardDAV address books now support OAuth2 and Google Contacts

- Thunderbird will no longer allow installation of addons that use legacy APIs

- Send message button sometimes remained enabled when it should be disabled
- Pressing command+enter to send a message on macOS did not work
- OpenPGP: Failed to save attachments that contained binary data after decryption
- Global search UI fixes
- Various theme and color fixes to improve ease of use

Waterfox Classic 2021.01.1 查看版本資訊


Waterfox Classic 2021.01 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Latest security patches, backported from Firefox ESR 78.7