360 Total Security 歷史版本列表 Page7

最新版本 360 Total Security

360 Total Security 歷史版本列表

360 Total Security 為您提供針對病毒和其他新型威脅的完整保護。當你在網上購物,下載文件,瀏覽網頁,360 Total Security 隨時保護你免受網絡犯罪。此外,您可以執行一鍵清理功能,使您的電腦保持最佳狀態。下載 360 Total Security Offline Installer Setup! 超過 5.4 億人選擇的免費殺毒軟件。一鍵獲得更多的空間,速度和安全性。易... 360 Total Security 軟體介紹

Symfony 6.2.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpFoundation] Fix bad return type in IpUtils::checkIp4()
- [DependencyInjection] Fix order of arguments when mixing positional and named ones
- [HttpClient] Fix collecting data non-late for the profiler
- [Security/Http] Fix compat of persistent remember-me with legacy tokens
- security #cve-2022-24895 [Security/Http] Remove CSRF tokens from storage on successful login
- security #cve-2022-24894 [HttpKernel] Remove private headers before storing responses with HttpCache

Symfony 6.2.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Security/Http] Check tokens before loading users from providers
- [DependencyInjection] Fix named arguments when using ContainerBuilder before compilation
- [Cache] fix collecting cache stats when nesting computations
- Fix for Windows when projects are deployed on junctions/symlinks
- [Notifier] [OvhCloud] handle invalid receiver
- [Security] Return default value instead of deferring to lower prio resolvers when using #[CurrentUser] and no user is found
- [VarDumper] Fix JS to expand / collapse
- Fix BC user_identifier support after deprecation username
- [Validator] Fix Email validator logic
- [PropertyInfo] Fixes constructor extractor for mixed type
- [Serializer] use method_exists() instead of catching reflection exceptions
- [DependencyInjection] fixes validation of non-scalar attribute values
- [SecurityBundle] Fix using same handler for multiple authenticators
- [DependencyInjection] Fix dump order of inlined deps
- [HttpClient] Let curl handle content-length headers
- [VarExporter] Fix exporting enums
- [Validator] Fix bad handling of nulls when the 'fields' option of the Unique constraint is set
- [DependencyInjection] Fix support for named arguments on non-autowired services
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix deprecation when accessing a "container.private" service from the test container
- [VarExporter] Fix signature of Lazy*Trait::createLazy*()
- [DependencyInjection] Fix dumping inlined withers
- [HttpClient] Move Http clients data collecting at a late level
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix detecting mapping with one line annotations
- [FrameworkBundle] restore call to addGlobalIgnoredName
- [Config] Fix XML dump when node example is an array
- [Validator] Allow egulias/email-validator v4
- [Translation] fix PhpAstExtractor also extracts messages if t() contains both unnamed and named arguments
- [Translation] Fix for resolving Constraint Validator FQCN defined as foo.bar.class parameters
- [Validator] fix: Case-insensitive extensions in File-Constraint
- [Uid] Fix validating nil and max uuid

XRECODE 1.124 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- version 1.124
- Fix: fixed issue with extracting .aac files to .m4a

TextExpander 7.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved accuracy of Snippet statistics
- Add an easy, in-app way for users to give product feedback

ReShade 5.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added "[APP] ForceDefaultRefreshRate" global config option
- Added error message to overlay when there were errors loading some add-ons
- Added optional add-on initialization entry points: Add-ons can now export a "AddonInit" and/or "AddonUninit" function, which ReShade will call after loading/before unloading, to allow for more complicated code than valid inside DLLMain
- Added preprocessor support for variadic macros
- Added preprocessor support for backslash at end of line to skip to the next
- Added error tooltip to file list in technique context menu
- Added error coloring to file list in technique context menu for effects that failed to compile
- Added option for stats overlays (clock, FPS, frametime) to only show while main overlay is open (filled out checkbox)
- Added global alpha support in VR and increased overlay window resolution
- Changed technique search in overlay to include effect file name in filtering
- Changed technique ordering to keep the declaration order specified within an effect file
- Changed preprocessor to concatenate in macros without expanding arguments (to follow behavior of the C preprocessor)

- crash with DLSS 3
- crash in Crusader Kings II
- crash in Phantasy Star Online 2
- duplicated input in some games (e.g. Payday 2)
- ReShade not showing up in some D3D11 VR games
- screen not updating in RPCS3 when using certain add-ons
- depth buffer detection in Quake
- effects declaring the same texture semantic multiple times failing to compile in D3D9
- shader interface matching when system value semantic contains a trailing zero
- whitespace in macro definition ending up in replacement text
- preprocessor crash if encountering end of file in a preprocessor statement
- preprocessor ignoring multiple pragma directives
- line numbers preprocessor generates for lines directly following an include statement
- add-on information missing in overlay when file version info is not using default translation
- technique context menu not working for techniques with "enabled" annotation
- open code editors for included files not updating after effect reload
- code editor colorization for preprocessor directives with spaces in them
- preset shortcut keys in config getting duplicated with each load
- GPU timestamp queries returning invalid results sometimes in D3D10/11
- push descriptor bindings in OpenGL add-on events
- 32-bit value count for push constants in D3D9 add-on events
- missing value conversion for some D3D9 dynamic states

- Added "dot" intrinsic overload that accepts scalars to ReShade FX
- Added special behavior when calling "reshade::api::effect_runtime::render_effects" with no render target view: This now effectively disables effect rendering done by ReShade altogether, which can be useful if doing that manually via calls to "reshade::api::effect_runtime::render_technique"
- Added support for "#pragma reshade showfps" and "#pragma reshade showclock" directives again
- Added "create_swapchain" add-on event in OpenGL (called during "wglSetPixelFormat")
- Added support for creating resource views with a default resource view description (which will create a view encompassing the entire resource)
- Added render buffer creation in OpenGL for "reshade::api::resource_type::surface" and fixed automatic mipmap levels
- Added log message when resizing VR effect runtime
- Added internal compiler error to effect error list when pipeline creation failed
- Moved "AddonPath" option to "ADDON" config section
- Changed ReShade icon
- Changed log fallback filename (will now attempt to open ReShadeX.log where X is a number greater or equal 2 if ReShade.log is in use)
- Changed add-on manager to avoid loading add-on DLLs for disabled add-ons entirely
- Changed file list in technique context menu to show relative paths
- Changed preprocessor defines hidden in the overlay to include those starting with "INCLUDE_GUARD_"
- Changed "present" event in VR to be called separately for both eye submits
- Changed D3D11 state block implementation
- Changed Vulkan copy command hooks to call events for image layer ranges rather than single layers
- Simplified texture mapping using add-on API in D3D12 (can now create CPU-visible textures, ReShade will translate that into a D3D12 buffer behind the scenes)
- Improved "wglSwapMultipleBuffers" implementation to behave more like the original
- Removed automatic D3D12 pipeline backup and restore in "reshade::api::effect_runtime::render_effects" and "reshade::api::effect_runtime::render_technique" (better handled in add-on code)
- Removed stats overlay settings in VR (since those cannot be seen there anyway)

Pinegrow Web Editor 7.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Store recent classes in project – with Clear recent list feature:
- Pinegrow Web Editor 7.1 now stores classes for each project, instead of having them stored globally. This makes it easier to keep your projects organized, and you now also have the option to clear all the recent classes with a single click.

CSS media size tabs in Visual CSS editor indicate which size has style:
- The CSS media size tabs in the Visual CSS editor and Tailwind CSS visual controls now indicate which size has style. This makes it easier to keep track of which styles you have applied to each size.

Added aspect-ratio CSS property:
- You can find the aspect-ratio CSS property in the Display section of the Visual CSS editor

Design panel with local webfonts:
- Fonts references are now stored as urls relative to the project, so that they remain valid when transferring projects between different locations

WordPress improvements:
- Breadcrumbs now do not include the post on non-singular templates
- Fixed Post Author for Avatar field and added the Description to the dropdown of available fields
- Fixed Background image Block attribute when used on the top element of a Dynamic PHP block
- PG_Helpers updated and renamed to PG_Helpers_v2 to avoid conflicts with older themes and plugins on the site. This ensures that new projects use the latest resource, without having to re-export other themes and plugins that may be active on the site.

XRECODE 1.123 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed 4.0 to 5.1 flac transcoding issue
- fixed 5.1 to 2.0 dsd transcoding issue
- fixed 64 bit installer so that it can be run on Windows arm under MacOS

- added function to select all album items in the Metadata editor by pressing F6 (works on main or any sub-item)
- added option to always use the temp path when transcoding the files (under Program Settings/Misc). Files will be processed in the temp folder and only then copied to the destination.

Symfony 6.2.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix the usage of web fonts
- [Cache] Fix possibly null value passed to preg_match() in RedisTrait
- [Cache] Fix for RedisAdapter without auth parameter

Pinegrow Web Editor 7.0.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Prevent stuck class previews on visual controls in the Properties panel

- Design panel adding multiple stylesheets
- Post Breadcrumbs WordPress action breaking HTML in certain situations
- exporting WordPress React blocks with Pinegrow Interactions

Symfony 6.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection] Fix resolving parameters when dumping lazy proxies
- [PhpUnitBridge] Use verbose deprecation output for quiet types only when it reaches the threshold
- [Console] Correctly overwrite progressbars with different line count per step
- [Form] Make ButtonType handle form_attr option
- [DependencyInjection] Fix deduplicating service instances in circular graphs
- [WebProfilerBundle] fix Mailer detail on click
- [CssSelector] Fix escape patterns
- [Translation] Fix undefined variable messages in ConstraintVisitor
- [PropertyAccess] Fix nullsafe chain like x?.y
- [Cache] RedisTrait::createConnection does not pass auth value from redis sentinel cluster DSN
- [VarExporter] Fix exporting classes with __unserialize() but not __serialize()
- [Validator] Fix IBAN format for Tunisia and Mauritania
- [Workflow] Allow spaces in place names so the PUML dump doesn't break
- [VarExporter] Generate proxies for static abstract methods
- [SecurityBundle] Prevent RuntimeException on profiler
- Compatibility with doctrine/annotations 2
- [FrameworkBundle] Add MailPace definition