1Password for Windows

最新版本 Jenkins 2.440.1

Jenkins 2.440.1

Jenkins 2.440.1
屢獲殊榮的 1Password for Windows 簡單,安全方便。它為您的所有帳戶創建強大,唯一的密碼,因此您可以通過單擊進行登錄。您可以自動填寫長表單和購物車,然後通過存儲您的社會安全號碼,獎勵計劃,應用程序密碼,甚至是那些你不想留下的明文註釋來保存錢包空間.

1Password 直接集成流行的瀏覽器,以適應您的工作流程。您可以繼續使用自己喜歡的瀏覽器,或者隨時切換瀏覽器,並隨身攜帶所有密碼,身份和信用卡。 1Password 使您的數據與 iPhone,iPad,Android 和 Windows 版本保持同步,並且可以與其他用戶進行協作,這要歸功於新的多保管庫功能。你所做的一切都是安全的,並用你需要記住的一個密碼進行加密。 1Password 是您在線和離線生活的首選密碼和身份管理器。立即下載並獲取安全.

您的數據,所有設備,您的選擇! 1Password for Windows 可以通過 iCloud 和 Dropbox 自動同步您的數據,或者通過 Wi-Fi 本地同步,您的數據永遠不會離開您的網絡。 1Password 是保證在線安全的最佳方式.

1 密碼功能:

1Password 為您的所有網站創建了強大,唯一的密碼,並且只需一次點擊即可登錄。這是簡單,方便的安全.

A 單擊打開您的瀏覽器,打開一個網站,填入您的用戶名和密碼,並登錄。這是最快的方式來工作或玩。只需點擊一下,即可為您的所有帳戶創建強大,唯一的新密碼,然後在 1Password 中記住這些密碼,因此您無需密碼生成器.
強大的密碼生成器是您解密密碼的關鍵。一次點擊就為每個帳戶創建一個強大的唯一密碼,瀏覽器擴展將自動填充到網站中。對於需要更多控制的時候,更改密碼配方。您可以自定義可發音的單詞,特殊字符等。這是保護自己免受密碼重用,數據洩露和 PML 密碼最簡單的方法密碼內存丟失.

組織您的 vault
將您最重要或最常用的項目標記為快速訪問,並在您的所有設備中同步此列表。將 1Password 登錄,Secure Notes 和其他項目的任意組合拖到工作,財務,社交媒體或您需要的任何其他分組的文件夾中。添加標籤到 1Password 項目是一個快照; 專注於他們完成任務更容易.


注意:30 天的試用版.

也可用:下載 1Password for Mac


檔案版本 Jenkins 2.440.1

檔案名稱 jenkins.msi
系統 Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 AgileBits Inc.
官網 https://agilebits.com/onepassword/windows
更新日期 2024-02-22

What's new in this version:

- Important security fixes
- Fix missing folder icons
- Update the bundled Matrix Project Plugin from 818.v7eb_e657db_924 to 822.824.v14451b_c0fd42
- Find selected radio option when validating instead of the last one used
- Add an Appearance category to the setup wizard
- Add missing *_fr.properties in win32errors and hudson, lib, and Jenkins resources. Translate hudson/Messages.properties, hudson/model/Messages.properties, and jenkins/model/Messages.properties into French
- Update to various UI elements. Style widget panes to match Jenkins. Modernize icons, controls, and fonts
- Add telemetry for basic Java system properties describing the environment
- Turkish localization fixes for build, login, and user management pages
- Fix a minor memory leak in a Remoting log statement. Add forward proxy support for WebSocket. Support custom certificate options for WebSocket
- Remove build timeline widget from the build history pages of views, jobs, and agents
- More consistently report errors launching outbound agents
- Stop recommending JNLP URL in agent launch instructions
- Deprecate all configurable options in Launch agent by connecting it to the controller (inbound in JCasC), as these are only useful in conjunction with the deprecated jnlpUrl mode
- The jnlpUrl ${JENKINS_URL}/computer/${AGENT_NAME}/jenkinsagent.jnlp argument to the agent JAR has been deprecated. Use url ${JENKINS_URL} and name ${AGENT_NAME} instead, potentially also passing in webSocket, tunnel, and/or work directory options as needed
- Removed deprecated and unused class UserProperties
- Deactivate the administrative monitor when all previously offline agents are again online
- Prepare node monitors to work with configuration as code
- Rework node monitor configuration
- Allow configuration of disk thresholds globally and for each agent. Improve the warning when disk space is too low. Ensure agents are taken offline when disk space is low
- Fail fast when attempting to load a broken plugin that contains the Jenkins test harness in production
- Add packaging support for Unix domain sockets
- Accept all 2xx and 3xx status codes to validate proxy in HTTP Proxy Configuration
- Ensure uptime is independent of system clock
- Show monitoring data on agent page
- Use a notification and Jenkins modal for 'Apply' button failures
- BootFailure subclasses can now override the Jenkins startup failure page
- Reduce the window of time during which a crash may lead to an inconsistent state on Linux
- Restore printing output from println and similar methods for the groovy CLI command (regression in 2.427)
- Refer to the correct option in the security configuration help text
- Restore security configuration help text and remove obsolete help text
- Some agent-related objects could be kept in memory after being disconnected and removed from the computer list
- Avoid incorrect styling when deleting the first of two shell steps in a job definition
- Prevent a deadlock that can occur when loading PermalinkProjectAction.Permalink
- Display strings consistently in the requested language when running Jenkins in a JVM with a non-english locale
- Fix nested job link in mobile view
- Do not show option to copy items when there are no items visible
- Display correct time zone in build history
- The tunnel property on an inbound agent was inadvertently broken for JCasC usage in 2.437. It remains deprecated and usages should be deleted (regression in 2.437)
- Fix SimpleScheduledRetentionStrategy on inbound agents. Allow suspended inbound agents to again accept tasks when they are reconnected and the configured scheduling policy is enabled
- Remove code that may have caused an agent-side hang under a rare race condition
- Reduce the likelihood of thread creation errors on agents

Jenkins 2.440.1 相關參考資料
Browse jenkins-2.440.1 at SourceForge.net

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