ZD Soft Screen Recorder

最新版本 ZD Soft Screen Recorder

ZD Soft Screen Recorder

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
高性能的屏幕錄製軟件始終是 ZD Soft Screen Recorder 的一大優勢。與市場上大多數其他屏幕錄製軟件不同,GDI 屏幕捕獲方法可能會導致 CPU 使用率高和系統滯後,ZD Soft Screen Recorder 使用我們開發的 GPU 加速屏幕捕獲技術捕捉屏幕,CPU 佔用率低,沒有系統延遲。DirectX / OpenGL 渲染的遊戲畫面通常很難被 GDI 屏幕捕捉方法所捕捉,所以一般的屏幕錄製軟件可能會在 DirectX / OpenGL 遊戲中出現黑屏,而 ZD Soft Screen Recorder 可以很好地捕捉他們。 ZD Soft Screen Recorder 使用最流行的 H.264& AAC 編解碼器,用於實時視頻 / 音頻編碼,這消除了中間文件,並大大延長了錄製時間能力.

Plus 具有噸的輔助功能,ZD Soft Screen Recorder 能夠處理各種屏幕錄製任務,如創建軟件演示,在線捕捉視頻,錄製 PC 遊戲,現場屏幕錄像等。易用性是我們的首要任務,所以我們不時重新設計軟件界面以優化用戶體驗。現在 ZD Soft Screen Recorder 為初學者提供了一個嚮導用戶界面,並為主人提供了一個專業用戶界面。

當你想顯示 / 教導某人如何使用一個軟件。之後您想要查看重要的在線課程 / 網絡研討會 / 會議。當你想保存一個喜歡的在線視頻,但無法找到一個下載按鈕。當你想把你的 PPT 演示文稿轉換成可重放的視頻文件。當你想與朋友分享你的遊戲玩法的精彩時刻。當你想直播你的遊戲或網絡攝像機顯示到視頻網站。當你想與同事 / 學生分享你的電腦屏幕。當您想要查看某個特定目的在屏幕上發生了什麼時,例如,軟件調試,軟件 / 網站可用性測試等。為什麼要選擇 ZD Soft Screen Recorder?
GPU 加速屏幕錄製技術。完美的音頻 / 視頻同步。能夠捕捉 DirectX / OpenGL 遊戲畫面。酷動態縮放效果。實時屏幕截圖。流行的視頻格式支持。長時間的屏幕錄製。完全可定制的錄製選項。易於使用的軟件 UI 設計。注:30 天試用版。水印輸出文件.


檔案版本 ZD Soft Screen Recorder

檔案名稱 ScnRec.msi
檔案大小 7.6 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 ZD Soft
官網 http://www.zdsoft.com/screen-recorder/
更新日期 2018-07-03

What's new in this version:

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Fixed a bug that the webcam image freezes after the webcam device is unplugged

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Fixed a bug that the last few video frames of an MP4 recording might be missing sometimes
- Fixed a bug that the video cutting feature might not work on some locale language systems

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- No black screen in full webcam view mode if no webcam is active
- Fixed a bug that might slow down the startup of the program

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Fixed a bug that the “Auto Run on Windows Start” option cannot be enabled in previous version
- Fixed a bug that the program settings changes cannot be saved when system shuts down or restarts

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Enhanced screenshot feature supports logo and cursor
- Added an option “Stealth Mode” to the “Advanced Options” sub-menu
- Not prompting user the “TTS Narration Script” feature at startup any more
- Fixed a bug that recording might not be saved properly when system shuts down or restart

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Fixed a bug that recording might crash on some Windows 10 systems with 4K screens

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Fixed a bug that recording might crash after waking from system hibernate

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Added a link to the SDK homepage in the registration reminder screen*

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Added a ‘Key frame interval’ option to the ‘Video’ group to provide the ability to adjust the video GOP
- Made the bitrate-based quality mode output constant bitrate (CBR) stream

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Fixed a bug that the video logo erasing feature doesn’t enable you to select the logo box
- Improved the license validation procedure to make the SDK license validation more reliable
- Added the support to H.264 compatible webcam devices

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Improved the audio recording capability for some audio drivers don’t fully support system audio engine format
- Fixed a bug that the webcam preview button cannot be re-activated if a webcam fails to preview

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Added the TTS (Text To Speech) narration script feature to make it much easier to create how-to videos
- Fixed a bug that the program might crash when opening recordings folder or hiding region frame
- Improved the audio capture synchronization performance, less chance to produce glitches

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Fixed a bug that an access violation error might occur when program exits in certain circumstances

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Added the undo & redo ability to the markup drawing feature
- Added an option to freeze canvas when drawing markups
- Added an option to pause recording when drawing markups
- Added a browse folder button in the Review & Edit Recordings dialog
- Some other minor bug fixes and improvements

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Added a dialog to select a proper recording mode at the beginning of program
- Added more common options into the context menu of the settings button
- Made the settings context menu pop up by both left-click and right-click
- Added 2 more balloon tooltips to guide users to get started quickly
- Set the ‘Quick Screenshot Mode’ the default screenshot mode

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Made video joining capable of joining images and videos together
- Made video joining capable of changing output format, resolution and fps
- Made video joining capable of creating high quality GIF animations
- Added an About button to the Review & Edit Recordings dialog

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Fixed a bug that the check update feature cannot install update on Windows 10 systems

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Improved the video joining feature to make it capable of joining videos in different resolutions
- Improved compatibility with some old graphics cards that don't fully support DX11
- Added a Z-Speed option for adjusting the zooming transition speed
- Added a Settings button to the Review & Edit Recordings dialog
- Made the 'Original cursor size' option not enabled by default

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Added the dynamic capture region feature that enables the capture region follows the mouse cursor
- Made the capture frame not stay topmost when there is a fullscreen game active
- Made the registration reminder pop up when program exits instead of popping up when recording starts

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Set the recording starting countdown box not display by default
- Fixed a bug that license validation on recording start might fail even if the license is valid

ZD Soft Screen Recorder
- Bigger recording control panel with rearranged buttons
- New easier way to select a capture region or window
- Added context options for buttons on control panel
- Added on-screen markup drawing tools
- Added simple video post-editing features
- Simplified the general settings panel
- Some other improvements and bug fixes

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 10.5.0
- Added Vietnamese language translation
- Added mouse cursor track effect
- Improved the MP4 and FLV file formats compatibility
- Made the 'Variable frame rate' option unchecked by default again
- Changed the installer format from MSI to EXE
- Some other improvements and bug fixes

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 11.0.1
- Added a hotkey to turn webcam ON / OFF
- Added a hotkey to switch between webcam overlay and full view mode
- Fixed a bug that the system tray balloon tip doesn't show up sometimes
- Fixed a bug that recorded video files might be unplayable because of wrong file extension associations

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 11.0.0
- Re-built the program with classic Windows application UI style
- All-in-one settings dialog for efficient recording configuration
- Support recording from custom sound sources other than the default ones
- Easier way to select a screen capture region
- Built-in view for screen capture previewing
- Built-in player for recorded videos playback
- Built-in view for recorded videos management
- Added features for cutting and joining videos
- Added a feature for grabbing an image from video
- Added a feature for erasing the logo in video
- Added a visual effect of the mouse cursor track
- Changed the installer format from MSI to EXE
- Some other improvements and bug fixes

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 10.4.6
- Added Italian language translation
- New mouse cursor click sound effect
- Improved the API hooking compatibility
- Improved the MP4 video format to support very long duration recording up to 100 hours
- Fixed a bug that the local broadcasting firewall notice still pops up when the option is disabled

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 10.4.5
- Emergency bugfix that recent changes on MP4 video format make it incompatible with some versions of Windows Media Player
- Improved program stability of long duration recording for longer than 48 hours

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 10.4.4
- Fixed a bug that microphone could not be recorded properly on some computers
- Made the MP4 video format support long duration recording better
- Updated the traditional Chinese language translation

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 10.4.3
- Emergency bugfix that program crashes when no microphone device is present
- Updated the Arabic language translation and flag icon

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 10.4.2
- Added Arabic language translation
- Improved audio/video synchronization performance for slow computer systems
- Not overriding the '--preset' parameter that user added in the x264 configuration dialog
- Fixed a bug that might cause memory leak when recording and streaming at the same time
- Fixed a bug that an error message might popup even if a recording is done successfully
- Fixed a bug that video looks fuzzy when capture region width or height is odd

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 10.4.1
- Added Korean language translation
- Fixed a bug that the capture frame bar does not show up sometimes
- Fixed a bug that program may crash if recording starts with a countdown box
- Fixed a bug that program might hang on some DX10 incompatible systems

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 10.4.0
- Made the program components registration-free (less system dependencies)
- Fixed a bug that some components might not be unloaded properly when stopping/exiting
- Fixed a bug that the recorded FLVs might be gray screen under some x264 quality settings
- Fixed a bug that the 'Variable frame rate' option might not actually work when it should
- Made 'Variable frame rate' checked by default again in the 'Video' tab
- Not overriding the '--keyint' parameter that user added in the x264 configuration dialog
- Displaying more detailed error message when an error occurs
- Updated the Portuguese and Farsi language pack

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 相關參考資料
Como crackear o zd soft screen recorder - 2017. - YouTube

Como crackear o zd soft screen recorder Site para Download do cracker:https://tomenarede ...


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Tutorial ZD Soft Screen Recorder 11 - YouTube

Inscreva-se em nosso novo Canal: http://bit.ly/2xDbvVF Facebook: http://bit.ly/2lXCHs9 Download https ...


ZD Soft Screen Recorder 11.0.0- tải về -taimienphi.vn

Tải phiên bản 11.0.0 phần mềm ZD Soft Screen Recorder - Quay video màn hình, ... ZD Soft Screen Recorder - 02/07/2018 Download; ZD Soft Screen ...


ZD Soft Screen Recorder 11.0.9 Serial Key - YouTube

here you can download http://ouo.io/i3P3LJ asking questions which can also be found here http://ouo.io/1aFvc ...


ZD Soft Screen Recorder 11.1.10 + Working Serial Key 2018 - YouTube

Best video recorder with free licence key with all features. Download from here..


ZD Soft Screen Recorder [Serial Key] is Here! LATEST ...

Discover ideas about Screen Recorder. ZD Soft Screen Recorder: ZD Soft Screen Recorder is a software that allows you to take screenshots in various methods.


ZD Soft Screen Recorder Download for Windows Change ...

ZD Soft Screen Recorder - Fixed a bug that the webcam image freezes after the webcam device is unplugged. ZD Soft Screen ...


ZD Soft Screen Recorder 11.1.5 軟體下載download頁:軟體王2018

ZD Soft Screen Recorder 是一款簡易好用的螢幕錄影程式,它可以幫助我們將螢幕上的動作,完整的記錄下來,並且讓我們存成EXE 可執行檔、WMV 影片檔以及AVI ...
