最新版本 TestComplete 14.74

TestComplete 14.74

TestComplete 14.74
YUMI(您的通用多引擎集成器)是 MultibootISO 的後繼者。它可用於創建包含多個操作系統,防病毒實用程序,光盤克隆,診斷工具等的多引導 USB 閃存驅動器。與使用 grub 直接從 USB 啟動 ISO 文件的 MultiBootISO 相反,YUMI 使用 syslinux 啟動存儲在 USB 設備上的提取分佈,並在必要時恢復使用 grub 從 USB 啟動多個 ISO 文件。 YUMI 免費下載 Windows PC 的最新版本。這是完全離線設置安裝程序的 YUMI.

Aside 從幾個分佈,所有文件都存儲在多重引導或 YUMI 文件夾(取決於版本),使一個很好的組織多引導 USB 驅動器,仍然可以用於其他存儲目的。

創建一個 YUMI 多啟動多系統可啟動 USB 閃存驅動器。 YUMI 非常類似於通用 USB 安裝程序,除了它可以用來安裝多個發行版以從您的 USB 運行 Live。發行版也可以使用相同的工具卸載!

YUMI 旨在用於嘗試從 USB 運行各種“LIVE Linux”操作系統。從 YUMI 創建的 USB 驅動器安裝 Linux 到硬盤驅動器不正式支持。如果任何 Live Linux 發行版的安裝程序部分都能正常工作,請將其視為一項獎勵.89974723


檔案版本 TestComplete 14.74

檔案名稱 TestComplete1474.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Pen Drive Linux
官網 http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/
更新日期 2021-03-02

What's new in this version:

Mobile testing in device clouds:
- You can now create and run tests using mobile devices located in device clouds, like BitBar, or in private clouds managed by your local Appium server. In other words, you can test mobile applications on a wide range of devices without purchasing and connecting them to your test machines physically.
- The script editor has a special new wizard to help you generate the script code for connecting to the device cloud
- If needed, you can also connect to your mobile device cloud from TestComplete’s Object Browser

Orchestrating parallel test runs:
- You can now orchestrate parallel runs of your cross-platform web tests visually, directly from the Execution Plan editor of your project (to add this functionality, we’ve reworked the editor UI and moved some columns to the new Properties panel).
- The editor’s drop-down lists have the environments provided by the CrossBrowserTesting.com cloud

SAP support:
- You can now create, record, and run automated tests for SAP GUI (Front-End) applications for Windows. See Testing SAP GUI

Web testing:
- You can now parameterize XPath expressions and CSS selectors used to locate mapped objects with data from external data sources like Excel sheets or .csv files. You load data from these data sources through project variables of the DB Table types.
- TestComplete now identifies combo box controls by their label and description (the aria-labelby and aria-describedby attributes respectively). It can also recognize radio button controls by their contents. This makes object recognition in web applications (for instance, in Salesforce) more reliable.
- Support for Mozilla Firefox 86

More mobile testing improvements:
- Support for iOS 14.4: You can now create and run automated tests on this new version of iOS

Overall improvements:
The test log has the new Time With Children column that shows the time spent on running a test operation along with its child operations (if any):
- Note that the column is hidden by default. Add it to the test log panels by right-clicking the column header area and selecting Field Chooser from the context menu
- We’ve updated the format of TestComplete project files that store baseline data of database checkpoints (.tcDBTable.dbt). In previous versions, the files stored data in a binary format. Now, they use the XML format, which makes merging easier. When you open a legacy project in the new TestComplete version, it will suggest converting files to the new format. See Migrating Projects Created in Earlier Versions for more details.
- The Name Mapping engine now generates clearer aliases for OracleForms objects. The new names are based on the object class name and caption (if they are available) and do not include redundant prefixes and indexes.
- The TestComplete installation runs significantly faster now
- We’ve fixed a few issues reported by our customers

Discontinued support:
- We are going to declare the end-of-life of the Network Suite functionality in one of the future TestComplete releases. We do not recommend that you use it for orchestrating test runs. For this purpose, we’d suggest using a third-party CI/CD system. See Migrating Distributed Tests to CI/CD Systems for details. If you develop and run web tests, you can also try the Execution Plan of your TestComplete project.
- TestComplete no longer supports Firefox version 79–82

TestComplete 14.74 相關參考資料
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Bug Fixes in TestComplete 14.74 | TestComplete ...

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Version History | TestComplete Documentation

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