X-Mouse Button Control

最新版本 DrawPile 2.1.16

DrawPile 2.1.16

DrawPile 2.1.16
X-Mouse Button Control 是重新映射您的鼠標按鈕的 Windows 應用程序。這個軟件可以處理,包括複製,剪切和粘貼,音量控制,媒體播放器控制,發送自定義擊鍵序列,啟動您的電子郵件(或任何其他)應用程序,捕獲屏幕(或活動窗口)圖像剪貼板,點擊 -drag,保存和恢復桌面圖標位置.

X-Mouse Button Control 允許您創建應用程序和窗口特定的配置文件。這反過來,允許您重新配置您的鼠標行為單個應用程序或窗口。對於每個配置文件,您還可以配置多達 5 個不同按鈕配置的“層”,您可以使用熱鍵或鼠標按鈕進行切換。使用

X-Mouse Button Control 可以更改鼠標按鈕和滾輪的行為。可用於映射到鼠標按鈕的廣泛功能列表包括以下選項:
使用“模擬擊鍵”編輯器發送任何鍵啟動任何 Windows 應用程序剪貼板控制(複製 / 剪切 / 粘貼)媒體控制(播放 / 暫停 / 停止 / 音量 / 靜音等)捕獲屏幕(或活動窗口)圖像到剪貼板點擊拖動 [粘滯按鈕 / 鍵] 點擊拖動 [粘滯按鈕 / 鍵] 對特定 Windows 操作系統的各種支持,如 Vista 中的 Flip3D,ModernUI / Windows 8 中的 Metro 和 Windows 10 中的虛擬桌面!還有很多,更多!注意:需要一個鼠標和驅動程序,支持 5 個按鈕。


檔案版本 DrawPile 2.1.16

檔案名稱 drawpile-2.1.16-setup.exe
檔案大小 15.7 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Highresolution Enterprises
官網 https://www.highrez.co.uk/downloads/xmousebuttoncontrol.htm
更新日期 2020-02-10

What's new in this version:

- When unexpectedly disconnected from a server, a notification bar is now shown at the top of the screen.
- Passwords are now stored securely using the platform keychain
- Selections are now properly clipped to the canvas size
- Copying or cutting a moved selection now works as expected
- Fixed brush size adjustment shortcut (needed two presses to adjust)
- List servers can now be manually sorted
- The drawpile.net list server is no longer included by default

Server improvements include:
- Added support for ext-auth "trusted" flag
- Added "last active" timestamp to user list API
- Added option to ignore ext-auth HOST flag (limits hosting to local accounts only)
- Changed session ID style from GUID to ULID (filenames now sort by creation time)

DrawPile 2.1.16 相關參考資料
Chocolatey Software | Drawpile 2.1.16

Drawpile is a networked drawing program that allows multiple people to sketch on the same image simultaneously. It is developed as a Free/Libre Open Source ...


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Download - Drawpile

If you encounter problems with the 64 bit version, try the 32 bit version also. Windows Vista and XP are no longer officially supported. Drawpile 2.1.16 for 64 bit ...


Download DrawPile 2.1.16 - Softpedia

What's new in DrawPile 2.1.16: Changes in Drawpile version 2.1.16 include: When unexpectedly disconnected from a server, a notification bar is now shown at ...



Drawpile is a Free software collaborative drawing program that allows multiple users to sketch on the same canvas ... Version 2.1.16 and website changes. Feb.


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Install Collaborative Drawing App Drawpile 2.1.16 Released in Ubuntu 18.04, 19.10. Установка Collaborative Drawing ...


News - Drawpile

13 小時前 - Version 2.1.16 is now out. This release adds a few new features to the server, a couple of usability improvements and some bug fixes.


Servers - Drawpile

Public sessions. If you are hosting a public session, you can announce it on a listing server by checking the Announce checkbox in the Host dialog. The default ...


Version 2.1.16 and website changes - Drawpile

19 小時前 - Version 2.1.16 is now out. This release adds a few new features to the server, a couple of usability improvements and some bug fixes.
