Wise Disk Cleaner

最新版本 Vim 8.1

Vim 8.1

Vim 8.1
Wise Disk Cleaner 清除 Internet Explorer,Chrome,Firefox 和 Safari 瀏覽器的臨時文件,歷史記錄,Cookie 和自動填充表單歷史記錄。它刪除了 Windows 垃圾文件,如回收站,最近的文檔,臨時文件和日誌文件。這個免費軟件工具清除比大多數類似的產品更多的文件,並包括一個“瘦身”模式,擺脫了許多無關的對象,包括壁紙和其他 Windows 文件,你可能永遠不會使用。磁盤碎片整理功能也包括在內。

為什麼選擇 Wise Disk Cleaner?

Securely 清理無用的文件,使您的計算機運行更快
有時候,垃圾文件,臨時文件,各種系統文件和其他項目,你根本不需要積累在 Windows 計算機上。這些無用的文件佔用寶貴的硬盤空間,並放慢你的電腦。 Wise Disk Cleaner 可以刪除硬盤上的這些不必要的文件,以釋放磁盤空間並使計算機運行得更快。它還提供了許多自定義選項,允許高級用戶清理更多不需要的文件。配備了先進的算法,Wise Disk Cleaner 可以在幾秒鐘內掃描和刪除它們,使其成為最有效率的磁盤清潔工之一.

清除您的計算機上的互聯網歷史和其他痕跡 - 保護您的隱私
Wise Disk Cleaner 可以清理互聯網的歷史,緩存文件和 Cookie Internet Explorer,Chrome,Firefox,Opera 和 Safari 瀏覽器。它還檢測和清除由 Windows 系統,組件和其他應用程序引起的所有其他痕跡。通過徹底刪除所有這些痕跡,您的隱私將得到很好的保護,以防窺探.

隨著時間的推移,您的硬盤驅動器將變得碎片化。碎片使您的硬盤做額外的工作,可以放慢你的電腦。 “磁盤碎片整理” Wise Disk Cleaner 的功能可以重新排列碎片數據,以便您的磁盤和驅動器可以更有效地工作。 ‘ 磁盤碎片整理’ 還為您提供了一個清晰的選定驅動器的圖形圖表,讓您一目了然地了解驅動器的使用情況。您也可以使用它來分析和碎片整理任何外部存儲設備.

您可以設置 Wise Disk Cleaner 來根據自己的需要每天,每週或每月清理磁盤。 Wise Disk Cleaner 在預定時間到後,會自動清理後台無用的文件。在設置中,您還可以創建一個“一鍵清理”’ 圖標並將其放置在桌面上。有了這個功能,你可以清理垃圾文件,只需點擊圖標,而無需打開 Wise Disk Cleaner.

Freeware& CPU 使用率低
Wise Disk Cleaner 免費是完全免費的。任何人都可以免費下載,並免費通過電子郵件自動更新和技術支持。更好的是,Wise Disk Cleaner 是一個小而絕對沒有病毒的程序,只消耗很少的系統資源.89979423


檔案版本 Vim 8.1

檔案名稱 gvim81.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 WiseCleaner
官網 http://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-disk-cleaner.html
更新日期 2018-05-20

What's new in this version:

The main new feature of Vim 8.1 is support for running a terminal in a Vim window. This builds on top of the asynchronous features added in Vim 8.0. The terminal window can be used for many purposes, here are a few examples:
- Run a command, such as "make", while continuing to edit in other windows. The progress of the command can be observed, the terminal window is continuously updated.
- Run a shell where you can execute a series of commands.
- Use the new terminal debugger plugin for debugging inside Vim. This is especially useful over an ssh connection, when opening other terminals is not possible or impractical. I use this to fix problems in Vim when travelling.
- The terminal window is also used in tests, to grab a screenshot and compare it with the expected state. This allows for testing interactive actions, such as the popup menu.

Vim 8.1 相關參考資料
6.71. Vim-8.1 - Linux From Scratch!

Vim-8.1. The Vim package contains a powerful text editor. Approximate build time: 1.3 SBU. Required disk space: ...


6.77. Vim-8.1 - Linux From Scratch!

1. Installation of Vim. First, change the default location of the vimrc configuration file to /etc : echo '#define SYS_VIMRC_FILE ...


download : vim online

Vim 8.1 has been released. Many people are happily using Vim without any problems. Nevertheless, the usual disclaimers apply: We take no responsibility for ...


Install Vim 8.1.0374 on Ubuntu (16.04, 18.04) and Linux Mint ...

Vim is a greatly improved version of the good old UNIX editor Vi. Many new features have been added: multi ...


Vim 8.1 released : vim - Reddit

I just ran a terminal inside neovim from a terminal inside vim, all inside a tmux window! I bet ssh will find a way to break the whole thing though :( level 2.


Vim 8.1 released : vim online

Vim 8.1 is a minor release, a few new features have been added since Vim 8.0. A lot of bugs have been fixed, documentation was updated, etc. For MS-Windows, ...


Vim 8.1 可用 - Python部落

Vim 8.1 可用! Vim 8.1 是一个小型分发包(minor release), Vim 8.0之后添加了一些新特性. 大量bugs 已经被修复, 文档已经被更新, 等等. 对于MS-Windows, 下载自 ...


Vim 8.1發布:支持在Vim 窗口中運行終端- 每日頭條

終端窗口. Vim 8.1的主要新特性是支持在Vim 窗口中運行終端. 這建於已加入Vim 8.0的異步特徵的頂層.終端窗口可用於多種目的, 這裡有一些例子:.


Vim-8.1 - Linux From Scratch!

The Vim package, which is an abbreviation for VI IMproved, contains a vi clone with extra features as compared to the original vi. The default LFS ...


welcome home : vim online

Vim is rock stable and is continuously being developed to become even better. Among ... [2019-12-13] More than a year after 8.1 and 2424 patches: Here is 8.2!
