Wise Disk Cleaner

最新版本 Termius 7.44.0

Termius 7.44.0

Termius 7.44.0
Wise Disk Cleaner 清除 Internet Explorer,Chrome,Firefox 和 Safari 瀏覽器的臨時文件,歷史記錄,Cookie 和自動填充表單歷史記錄。它刪除了 Windows 垃圾文件,如回收站,最近的文檔,臨時文件和日誌文件。這個免費軟件工具清除比大多數類似的產品更多的文件,並包括一個“瘦身”模式,擺脫了許多無關的對象,包括壁紙和其他 Windows 文件,你可能永遠不會使用。磁盤碎片整理功能也包括在內。

為什麼選擇 Wise Disk Cleaner?

Securely 清理無用的文件,使您的計算機運行更快
有時候,垃圾文件,臨時文件,各種系統文件和其他項目,你根本不需要積累在 Windows 計算機上。這些無用的文件佔用寶貴的硬盤空間,並放慢你的電腦。 Wise Disk Cleaner 可以刪除硬盤上的這些不必要的文件,以釋放磁盤空間並使計算機運行得更快。它還提供了許多自定義選項,允許高級用戶清理更多不需要的文件。配備了先進的算法,Wise Disk Cleaner 可以在幾秒鐘內掃描和刪除它們,使其成為最有效率的磁盤清潔工之一.

清除您的計算機上的互聯網歷史和其他痕跡 - 保護您的隱私
Wise Disk Cleaner 可以清理互聯網的歷史,緩存文件和 Cookie Internet Explorer,Chrome,Firefox,Opera 和 Safari 瀏覽器。它還檢測和清除由 Windows 系統,組件和其他應用程序引起的所有其他痕跡。通過徹底刪除所有這些痕跡,您的隱私將得到很好的保護,以防窺探.

隨著時間的推移,您的硬盤驅動器將變得碎片化。碎片使您的硬盤做額外的工作,可以放慢你的電腦。 “磁盤碎片整理” Wise Disk Cleaner 的功能可以重新排列碎片數據,以便您的磁盤和驅動器可以更有效地工作。 ‘ 磁盤碎片整理’ 還為您提供了一個清晰的選定驅動器的圖形圖表,讓您一目了然地了解驅動器的使用情況。您也可以使用它來分析和碎片整理任何外部存儲設備.

您可以設置 Wise Disk Cleaner 來根據自己的需要每天,每週或每月清理磁盤。 Wise Disk Cleaner 在預定時間到後,會自動清理後台無用的文件。在設置中,您還可以創建一個“一鍵清理”’ 圖標並將其放置在桌面上。有了這個功能,你可以清理垃圾文件,只需點擊圖標,而無需打開 Wise Disk Cleaner.

Freeware& CPU 使用率低
Wise Disk Cleaner 免費是完全免費的。任何人都可以免費下載,並免費通過電子郵件自動更新和技術支持。更好的是,Wise Disk Cleaner 是一個小而絕對沒有病毒的程序,只消耗很少的系統資源.89979423


檔案版本 Termius 7.44.0

檔案名稱 Termius.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 WiseCleaner
官網 http://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-disk-cleaner.html
更新日期 2022-07-04

What's new in this version:

Termius 7.44.0
- Snippets and SFTP are no longer paid features
- A new option in the host context menu allowing you to copy and share an ssh link
- Ability to generate security keys (ed25519-sk, ecdsa-sk)
- Ability to import discoverable (aka resident) SSH keys from FIDO2 devices
- Performance improvements to SFTP concerning file transfer from local to remote hosts
- Double click on a history item connects you to the host
- Fixed the inability to re-connect and a few other issues

Termius 7.43.3
- Split view. You can open up to 4 terminals inside a single tab.
- Enterprise SSO. Termius supports more than 30 identity providers.

Termius 7.42.2
- Fixed incorrectly displayed value of the subscription price

Termius 7.42.1
- Fix connections with parameters set in the group

Termius 7.42.0
- Fixed the Autocomplete functionality behaving incorrectly in local and SSH connections with PowerShell
- Stability and performance improvements

Termius 7.41.3
- Fixed a sync issue caused by the import functionality

Termius 7.41.2
- Snippet Packages allows organizing snippets into one-level groups to put the same type of snippets in one place and simplify snippet management in general.
- It's easier now to create port forwarding rules
- Added support for discoverable (resident) ecdsa-sk and ed25519-sk keys

Termius 7.40.2
- Fixed an issue causing a blank screen on start

Termius 7.40.1
- Automatic detection of server OSes allowing Termius to show their logos instead of generic icons
- ed25519-sk and ecdsa-sk keys are working without admin permissions on Windows
- The DigitalOcean integration imports a Droplet’s public IP address if it exists, otherwise - a private one
- Fixed sorting by name
- Fixed an issue causing the terminal to have incorrect size in Telnet sessions
- Renamed the subscription plans

Termius 7.39.0
- Ability to execute a snippet in all active sessions

Termius 7.38.2
- Sync with AWS and DigitalOcean clouds. Automatic sync of changes in your infrastructure at AWS or DigitalOcean to Termius will save you from the nightmare of updating data every time your system scales up/down
- Added the ability to manually switch between the app's color schemes
- Added the ability to switch terminal emulation types in Preferences
- Updated color palettes in some of the terminal themes
- Fixed an issue causing the terminal to have incorrect size in Telnet sessions
- Fixed inability to use port forwarding with host chaining
- Fixed an issue with the input mode in terminal session sharing
- Stability and performance improvements

Termius 7.37.2
- Fixed an issue with CSV import

Termius 7.37.0
- Host chaining setting in groups for easier management of infrastructure involving advanced security. It's now possible to specify a host chain consisting of jump or bastion host servers for many hosts at once – by specifying it in the group containing the hosts
- Ability to generate a biometric key based on the Secure Enclave and use it for SSH authentication. The function is available for MacOS and can be found on the Keychain screen
- Ability to import from CSV and MobaXterm
- Performance improvements concerning scrolling in the terminal

Termius 7.36.1
- Stability improvements

Termius 7.35.5
- Fixed an issue preventing the app from a restart after an update has been downloaded

Termius 7.35.4
- Autocomplete for snippets
- New terminal color schemes: Dracula, Nord Light, Nord Dark, Monokai
- New fonts: Meslo Nerd Font, JetBrains Mono Nerd Font, Fira Code Nerd Font and Cascadia Code
- Fixed an incorrect order of running snippets on Windows
- Security improvements and more bugfixes

Termius 7.34.1
- Stability improvements

Termius 7.32.0
- Made it possible to use an empty password during SSH authentication
- Stability improvements

Termius 7.28.0
- Made it possible to generate ED25519, ECDSA and RSA keys (on the Keychain screen)
- Brought back the SFTP path input field
- Fixed issues with adding tags

Termius 7.27.0
- Added an option to open file for SFTP with download/upload
- Added autosave indicators to the edit forms
- Fixed snippet execution on hosts running Windows
- Termius for Teams: fixed multiple group sharing confirmation
- Some UI improvements and UI-related bugfixes

Termius 7.26.2
- Stability improvements

Termius 7.26.1
- Added support for TOTP as a second authentication factor
- Other stability and security improvements

Termius 7.24.1
- Live terminal sessions - ability to share a session with other Termius users
- The '+ New' / edit forms have been reworked and now save changes automatically

Termius 7.23.2
- single sign-on via Apple ID and Google Account
- support for the new format of PuTTY keys (PPK3)
- verbose connection logs to help troubleshoot connection issuesa

Termius 7.22.1
- Improved import from SecureCRT - made it possible to import Keys, Passwords, and Port Forwarding rules
- Other stability and security improvements

Termius 7.44.0 相關參考資料
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Termius Download (2024 Latest) for Windows 10, 8, 7

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U2FFIDO2 Token Support

We launched a Termius Desktop 7.44.0 with three new FIDO2 features: Generating FIDO2 keys right inside Termius. Importing discoverable (aka resident) SSH ...


U2FFIDO2 Token Support - Termius | Product Roadmap

We launched a Termius Desktop 7.44.0 with three new FIDO2 features: Generating FIDO2 keys right inside Termius. Importing discoverable (aka resident) SSH ...


Using FIDO2 for SSH authentication

2024年2月26日 — Starting with 7.44.0, Desktop Termius allows generating FIDO2 keys. Termius supports only the FIDO 2.0 (CTAP 2) protocol. Support for FIDO2 ...


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Added the ability to open Termius in a new window. Provided various UX/UI improvements. Fixed issues with connecting to Mikrotik devices through SFTP. 7.44.0 - ...
