Wise Care 365 Free

最新版本 Gradle 6.1.1

Gradle 6.1.1

Gradle 6.1.1
Wise Care 365 提供了改善 Windows PC 性能的最佳解決方案。它不但承諾使用方便,而且具有功能全面,實用,經濟的優點。有了它的幫助,你的電腦將永遠不會再慢! Wise Care 365 是一款全面的軟件,用於優化和保持您的 Windows 性能.

智慧護理 365 功能:

A 全面的個人電腦清潔器
對於數十億 Windows 用戶而言,希望保持 Windows PC 最佳性能的用戶絕對是首選。它刪除無效的 Windows 註冊表項,並清除無用的文件,下載歷史記錄,瀏覽歷史記錄,無效的快捷方式,跟踪,緩存,Cookie,密碼,Windows 組件和具有特定擴展名的文件 - 允許 Windows 系統運行更快,釋放更有價值的硬盤空間在幾秒鐘內。它還為高級用戶提供了可定制的清潔選項。

Wise Care 365 Free 採用世界頂尖技術。它優化了 PC 的性能,磁盤碎片整理和 Windows 註冊表,並管理啟動過程以及服務。隨著時間的推移,電腦的硬盤驅動器和註冊表將變得混亂。 Wise Care 365 可以對驅動器和註冊表進行碎片整理,使其組織起來,從而使您的計算機運行得更快更穩定。你會驚訝於它的閃光碎片整理速度。當您啟動計算機時,許多程序會在後台無聲運行。 Wise Care 365 可幫助您禁用不必要的程序,從而消耗寶貴的系統資源並提高 PC 啟動速度。 Wise Care 365 Free 下載最新版本的 Windows PC。這是完整的離線安裝程序的智慧護理 365.

智能護理 365 保護您的計算機隱私從窺探。隱私橡皮擦會清除任何電腦操作的所有痕跡,如瀏覽歷史記錄和訪問的文件,所以任何電腦操作你保持機密。磁盤擦除器可防止第三方檢索到刪除的數據。磁盤碎紙機可以徹底刪除文件,使其永遠不會被恢復。

A 強大的系統和硬件監控實用程序
系統監控器顯示您的計算機的所有重要信息。 Process Monitor 為用戶提供了一個由用戶和系統運行的所有進程的清晰清晰的列表,用戶可以關閉任何他們無需使 PC 運行更順暢的進程。硬件概述為用戶提供了所有關鍵硬件組件的簡要和詳細的信息,讓用戶了解他們的電腦一目了然.

A 完美的平台互助電腦上的問題
“智者幫助” Wise Care 365 Free 部分是一個關於個人電腦問題的互助和知識共享社區。用戶可以詢問有關電腦的任何問題,而具有相關知識,經驗或技術的專家和其他用戶將回答這些問題。 Wise Care 365 擁有遍布全球的數百萬用戶,因此用戶可以獲得更快更好的解決方案。這是用戶和專家之間的連接,以獲得更快,更好的解決方案,以解決電腦問題。



檔案版本 Gradle 6.1.1

檔案名稱 gradle-6.1.1-all.zip
檔案大小 132 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 WiseCleaner
官網 http://www.wisecleaner.com/wisecare365.html
更新日期 2020-01-25

What's new in this version:

Improvements for plugin authors:
- Finalize property value only when the value is queried
- In previous Gradle releases, certain Gradle types, such as Property or ConfigurableFileCollection, provided a finalizeValue() method that eagerly calculated the final value for a property and prevented further changes.
- When a task starts running, Gradle automatically finalizes task properties of these types, so that the same value is seen by the task's actions and Gradle's build caching/up-to-date checks. This also avoids calculating the property value multiple times, which can sometimes be expensive. Plugins can also use finalizeValue() to finalize other properties, such as a property of a project extension, just prior to querying the value.
- In this release, these types gain a new finalizeValueOnRead() method. This method is similar to finalizeValue(), except that the final value is calculated when the value is queried rather than immediately. Plugins can use this method when a property value may be expensive to calculate or when the value may not have been configured to ensure that all consumers of the property see the same, final, value from that point onwards
- Please see the user manual for more details

New managed property types:
- Gradle 5.5 introduced the concept of a managed property for tasks and other types, where Gradle provides an implementation of the getter and setter for an abstract property defined on a task, project extension, or other custom type. This simplifies plugin implementations by removing a bunch of boilerplate.
- In this release, it is possible for a task or other custom type to have an abstract read-only property of type DomainObjectSet<T>.
- Please see the user manual for more details

New factory methods:
The ObjectFactory type, which plugins and other custom types use to create instances of various useful types, has several new factory methods to create certain Gradle types that could only be created using internal APIs in previous releases:
- The polymorphicDomainObjectContainer() method to create ExtensiblePolymorphicDomainObjectContainer<T> instances
- The namedDomainObjectSet() method to create NamedDomainObjectSet<T> instances
- The namedDomainObjectList() method to create NamedDomainObjectList<T> instances
- Please see the user manual for more details
- Improvements for Gradle tooling providers

Tooling API:
- TestLauncher can run specific Test task tests
- The TestLauncher interface in the Tooling API could already launch tests by specifying the name of the test classes or methods; however, if there are multiple Test tasks, then all Test tasks would be executed
- For IDEs, developers usually want to execute only one task at a time. Gradle 6.1 introduces a new API to execute tests with specific Test task using the withTaskAndTestClasses() and withTaskAndTestMethods() methods
- Fixed issues

4 issues have been fixed in Gradle 6.1.1:
- Gradle 6.1 generates an empty .gradle and gradle directories on each execution in subproject directories
- Memory regression when resolving large artifacts while computing checksums
- Missing fixed issues from Gradle 6.1 release notes
- Plugins using kotlin-dsl and compiled with 6.1 are incompatible with Gradle 6.0

Gradle 6.1.1 相關參考資料
Gradle 6.1.1 releases: automation building tools • InfoTech ...

Gradle is a build tool with a focus on build automation and support for multi-language development. If you are building, testing, publishing, and deploying&nbsp;...


Gradle 6.1.1 发布,修复6.1 问题-Linuxeden开源社区

18 小時前 - Gradle 6.1.1 发布了。Gradle 是一个基于 Apache Ant 和 Apache Maven 概念的项目自动化构建工具,支持依赖管理和多项目,类似 Maven,但比之&nbsp;...


Gradle Distributions

gradle-6.1.1-wrapper.jar.sha256 24-Jan-2020 23:43 +0100 64.00B &middot; gradle-6.1.1-docs.zip 24-Jan-2020 23:43 +0100 31.29M &middot; gradle-6.1.1-docs.zip.sha256&nbsp;...


Gradle DSL Version 6.1.1 - Gradle User Manual

Second, each Gradle script implements the Script interface. This interface defines a number of properties and methods which you can use in the script.


Installation - Gradle

Installation. The current Gradle release is 6.1.1. You can download binaries and view docs for all Gradle versions from the releases page. Prerequisites&nbsp;...


Jar - Gradle DSL Version 6.1.1 - Gradle User Manual

More specifically, each file is transformed using Groovy&#39;s SimpleTemplateEngine . This means you can use simple property references, such as $property or&nbsp;...


Project - Gradle DSL Version 6.1.1 - Gradle User Manual

This interface is the main API you use to interact with Gradle from your build file. From a Project , you have programmatic access to all of Gradle&#39;s features.


Releases - Gradle

Find binaries and reference documentation for current and past versions of Gradle.


Releases · gradlegradle · GitHub

We recommend that you use Gradle 6.1.1 over the initial release of Gradle 6.1. ... See the Gradle 6.x upgrade guide to learn about deprecations, breaking&nbsp;...


Version 6.1.1 - Gradle User Manual

Run gradle wrapper --gradle-version 6.1.1 to update the project to 6.1.1. 4. Try to run the project and debug any errors using the Troubleshooting Guide.
