Wise Auto Shutdown

最新版本 DBeaver 7.1.1

DBeaver 7.1.1

DBeaver 7.1.1
通過 Wise Auto Shutdown,您可以輕鬆地安排計算機在任何時候(每天,在指定的時間或稍後的某個時間)關閉,註銷,重新啟動,休眠和關閉電源。啟動任務後,Wise Auto Shutdown 將在後台運行,雙擊將從托盤返回到桌面的主界面。當然,Wise Auto Shutdown 會在執行自動任務前五分鐘提醒你你的選擇。

為什麼選擇 Wise Auto Shutdown?

計劃您的電腦關機,重新啟動,註銷或休眠 612290896Wise Auto Shutdown 使您可以將 PC 設置為在特定時間定期關機,重新啟動,關機,註銷,休眠或休眠。它使您的電源管理變得更容易,更方便.

使用 Wise Auto Shutdown,您可以安排每天,在某個確切的時間,在某個特定的日期和時間,或者在您設定的時間之後從任務設置活動的那一刻開始手動傳遞。您可以啟用提醒,以便在執行任務前 5 分鐘通知您。如果到那時你還沒有完成的業務,你可以延遲 10 分鐘或長達 4 小時的任務。Wise Auto Shutdown 的接口和有效的用戶界面 6135789 不能更簡單。沒有菜單,沒有復雜的選項或對話框。它顯然分為兩個小組。您可以輕鬆地選擇要在左側執行的任務,並指定要在右側執行任務的時間,然後啟動任務。您可以在幾秒鐘內得到它的掛起.

當任務啟動時,Wise Auto Shutdown 將在系統托盤中最小化,並在後台靜靜地運行。如果您右鍵單擊其圖標,則出現的菜單將允許您立即重新啟動或關閉計算機,只需點擊一下鼠標即可.

Low CPU Usage& 完全兼容幾乎所有的 Windows 版本
Wise Auto Shutdown 是完全免費的。它需要相當少的 CPU 和系統內存。它已經被開發和完全測試,在 Windows 8& 8.1 和其他 Windows 操作系統(包括 64 和 32 位),從 Windows XP 和以上。不管你擁有什麼 - 一台台式機或一台筆記本電腦.


檔案版本 DBeaver 7.1.1

檔案名稱 dbeaver-ce-7.1.1-x86_64-setup.exe
檔案大小 50.3 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 WiseCleaner
官網 http://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-auto-shutdown.html
更新日期 2020-06-22

What's new in this version:

Database navigator:
- Connection type highlighting was redesigned
- Simple view support was improved
- "Force object refresh on editor open" action was fixed
- Main toolbar UIX was improved (no disabled selectors)
- Database tools context menu was fixed

Table statistics:
- Rendering problems (redraw on scrolling) were fixed
- Performance problems were fixed
- SQL Server support was added

Data viewer:
- Wrong value extraction was fixed for expression aliases which conflict with table column names
- Dictionary values separator configuration was added
- Row coloring: support of gradient coloring for read-only columns was added
- Data formatter:
- Action "reset to default" was fixed in preferences
- Preference changes are immediately applied to open data editors

SQL editor:
- Results tab rename was fixed (now we save tab title between results refresh)
- Parser of multiple SQL queries on a single line was fixed
- Execution plan explain operation cancel was implemented
- Coloring of numbers in scientific notation was fixed
- Paste from source code: and characters handle was fixed (now we use proper line feeds)
- Stored procedures call generation was fixed
- Object editor: "reject changes" and command undo/redo command were fixed
- Data import: open target table on finish
- Data migration: DDL generation was improved (apply the same column data type when source and target databases use the same driver)
- Database tasks: PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle tools now can be saved as tasks
- SSH configurator: UI controls layout was fixed
- Database driver edit dialog was fixed (legacy driver option is disabled by default)

- User permission management was fixed (FLUSH PRIVILEGES is not needed for newer server versions)
- Unsigned INT and BIGINT data types support was added

- Numeric data type modifiers (scale/precision) rendering was fixed
- Materialized views read/create and delete was fixed (mviews were removed from table list)

- Vacuum tool was improved (run in auto-commit mode)
- List of reserved keywords was updated
- Redshift: View with no schema binding support was added
- SQL Server: timestamp columns were marked as auto-generated
- Big number of minor UI and database-specific bugs were fixed

DBeaver 7.1.1 相關參考資料
Chocolatey Software | DBeaver - Community Edition 7.1.1

DBeaver is free and open source universal database tool for developers and database administrators. Features. Usability is the main goal of this project, ...


dbeaver 7.1.1 - Download, Browsing & More | Fossies Archive

3 小時前 - DBeaver is a multi-platform database tool (for developers and database administrators) that supports all popular databases.


DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool

DBeaver 7.1.1. June 21st, 2020. Database navigator: Connection type highlighting was redesigned; Simple view support was improved; "Force object refresh on ...


Download DBeaver 7.1.1 - Softpedia

What's new in DBeaver 7.1.1: Database navigator: Connection type highlighting was redesigned; Simple view support was improved; "Force object refresh on ...


Download | DBeaver Community

Community Edition 7.1.1. Released on June 22, 2020 (Milestones). It is free and open source (license). Also you can get it from the GitHub mirror.


Releases | DBeaver Community

Data viewer: Pin (aka “freeze”) column feature was added Float (32bit) data type render was fixed (MySQL) Plaintext renderer was fixed (binary ...


Releases · dbeaverdbeaver · GitHub

... database tool and SQL client. Contribute to dbeaver/dbeaver development by creating an account on GitHub. ... 7.1.1 · a6928bb; Compare. Choose a tag to ...


Serge | DBeaver Community

DBeaver 7.1.1. Posted on 2020-06-21 by Serge. Database navigator: Connection type highlighting was redesigned Simple view support was improved “Force ...
