Wireshark (64-bit)

最新版本 Symfony 5.4.2

Symfony 5.4.2

Symfony 5.4.2
Ethereal 網絡協議分析儀已經改名為 Wireshark 64 位。名字可能是新的,但軟件是一樣的。 Wireshark 的強大功能使其成為全球網絡故障排除,協議開發和教育的首選工具.

Wireshark 是由全球網絡專家撰寫的,是開源功能的一個例子。 Wireshark 64 位被世界各地的網絡專業人士用於分析,故障排除,軟件和協議開發和教育。該程序具有協議分析儀所期望的所有標準功能,以及其他任何產品中沒有的功能。它的開放源代碼許可證允許網絡社區中有才華的專家增加增強功能。

深入檢查數百種協議,並且隨時添加更多內容實時捕獲和離線分析標準的三窗格數據包瀏覽器多平台:運行 Windows,Linux,OS X,Solaris,FreeBSD,NetBSD 和其他許多捕獲的網絡數據可以通過 GUI 或通過 TTY 模式的 TShark 實用程序瀏覽業界功能最強大的顯示過濾器豐富的 VoIP 分析讀 / 寫許多不同的捕獲文件格式:tcpdump(libpcap),Pcap NG,Catapult DCT2000,思科安全 IDS iplog,微軟網絡監視器,網絡通用嗅探器® (壓縮和未壓縮),Sniffer® Pro 和 NetXray®,Network Instruments Observer,NetScreen snoop,Novell LANalyzer,RADCOM WAN / LAN 分析儀,Shomiti / Finisar Surveyor,Tektronix K12xx,Visual Networks Visual UpTime,WildPackets EtherPeek / TokenPeek / AiroPeek 等等。可以實時解壓縮實時數據可以從以太網,IEEE 802.11,PPP / HDLC,ATM,藍牙,USB,令牌環,幀中繼,FDDI 等(取決於您的平台)讀取解密支持許多協議,包括 IPsec,ISAKMP,Kerberos,SNMPv3,SSL / TLS,WEP 和 WPA / WPA2 著色規則可應用於數據包列表以進行快速,直觀的分析輸出可以導出為 XML,PostScript 或 CSV 或純文本也可用:下載 Wireshark 的 Mac


檔案版本 Symfony 5.4.2

檔案名稱 v5.4.2.zip
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Wireshark Foundation
官網 http://www.wireshark.org/download.html
更新日期 2021-12-30

What's new in this version:

- [Lock] Release DoctrineDbalPostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure
- [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix enum typed bindings
- [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure * commit 'e5b2f9efba': [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure
- [HttpKernel] Do not attempt to register enum arguments in controller service locator
- [Mime][Security] Fix missing sprintf and add tests
- [Mime] Fix missing sprintf in DkimSigner
- [Translation] [LocoProvider] Use rawurlencode and separate tag setting
- [Security] fix unserializing session payloads from v4
- [Cache] Don't lock when doing nested computations
- [Messenger] fix Redis support on 32b arch
- [HttpFoundation] Fix notice when HTTP_PHP_AUTH_USER passed without pass
- [WebProfilerBundle] relax return type for memory data collector
- [Cache] fix compat with apcu < 5.1.10
- [Form] Expand FormView key to include int
- [Console] Fix autocompletion of argument with default value
- [PropertyInfo] PhpStan extractor nested object fix
- [Translation] Fix TranslationPullCommand with ICU translations
- [PropertyInfo] Fix phpstan extractor issues
- [Notifier] Use correct factory for the msteams transport
- [HttpKernel] Fix SessionListener without session in request
- [HttpClient] fix checking for recent curl consts
- [Security/Http] Fix cookie clearing on logout
- [EventDispatcher][HttpFoundation] Restore return type to covariant IteratorAggregate implementations
- [Mime] Relaxing in-reply-to header validation
- [WebProfilerBundle] fix Email HTML preview
- Fix Psr16Cache not being compatible with non-Symfony cache pools
- [Mime] Fix encoding filenames in multipart/form-data
- [Serializer] Improve UidNormalizer denormalize error message
- [Lock] Create tables in transaction only if supported by driver
- [HttpFoundation] Take php session.cookie settings into account
- [ErrorHandler] fix on patching return types on Windows
- [DependencyInjection] fix linting callable classes
- [DependencyInjection] Cast tag attribute value to string
- [Validator] Restore default locale in ConstraintValidatorTestCase
- [FrameworkBundle] alias cache.app.taggable to cache.app if using cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware
- [HttpKernel] fix how configuring log-level and status-code by exception works
- [Cache] Revert "feature #41989 make LockRegistry use semaphores when possible"
- [HttpClient] Fix tracing requests made after calling withOptions()
- [Cache] Fix proxy no expiration to the Redis
- [Cache] disable lock on CLI
- [Translation] Handle the blank-translation in Loco Adapter
- [Validator] Allow Sequence constraint to be applied onto class as an attribute
- [RateLimiter] Make RateLimiter resilient to timeShifting
- [Serializer] Fix denormalizing custom class in UidNormalizer
- [Config] In XmlUtils, avoid converting from octal every string starting with a 0
- [Workflow] Fix eventsToDispatch parameter setup for StateMachine
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring responses issued before reset()
- [HttpClient] Fix dealing with "HTTP/1.1 000 " responses
- [PropertyInfo] Fix aliased namespace matching
- [HttpClient] Fix closing curl-multi handle too early on destruct
- Make enable_authenticator_manager true as there is no other way in Symfony 6
- [HttpClient] Don't reset timeout counter when initializing requests
- [HttpClient] Double check if handle is complete
- [DependencyInjection] Resolve ChildDefinition in AbstractRecursivePass
- [Translation] [Bridge] [Lokalise] Fix push keys to lokalise. Closes #…
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix cache pool configuration with one adapter and one provider
- [PropertyAccess] Fix accessing public property on Object
- [FrameworkBundle] Use correct cookie domain in loginUser()
- [Process] fixed uppercase ARGC and ARGV should also be skipped
- [HttpClient] Fix handling thrown Exception in Generator in MockResponse
- [String] Fix requiring wcswitch table several times
- [HttpClient] Fix response id property check in MockResponse
- [Lock] Fix missing argument in PostgreSqlStore::putOffExpiration with DBAL connection

Symfony 5.4.2 相關參考資料
Blog - Symfony 5.4.2 released

2021年12月29日 — Symfony 5.4.2 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 5.4.1: bug #44828 [Lock] Release ...


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Symfony 5.4.2 released

2021年12月29日 — 9.9K subscribers in the symfony community. High Performance PHP Framework for Web Development - Symfony.


Symfony 5.x Documentation

The official Symfony book that gives you a quick overview of the process of building a real application, from Symfony installation to production deployment.


Symfony 5: The Fast Track

The repository for the Symfony 5: The Fast Track book - Symfony 5: The Fast Track. ... book-5.4-2 book-5.4-2 Public. The Symfony book source: The Fast Track.


Symfony releases, notifications and release checker

Symfony releases, notifications and release checker. Latest stable version: 7.0.4. Latest LTS version: 6.4.4.


the-fast-trackbook-5.4-2: The Symfony book source

The Symfony book source: The Fast Track. Contribute to the-fast-track/book-5.4-2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
