WinX MediaTrans

最新版本 GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 84

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 84

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 84
WinX MediaTrans 是在 iPhone iPad 和計算機之間傳輸照片,視頻和音樂最簡單的方法。錄製 4K 視頻& 照片?您的 iPhone 可能不再保存任何 4K 錄音。超高分辨率的清晰度以高價格進行存儲:以每秒 30 幀的速度拍攝的每 10 分鐘 4K 視頻將佔用約 3.75 GB 的存儲空間。為了節省空間,WinX MediaTrans 會為您備份任何照片,電影和音樂(甚至從 iTunes Store 購買)。它可以管理鈴聲,電子書,語音備忘錄,iTunes U,支持 iOS 10 和 iPhone 7(Plus)的紅利支持。看下面,重新思考你的 iPhone 能做些什麼.

當你聽音樂時,生活就很好。 WinX MediaTrans 可以讓你理清歌曲,並以各種方式創建播放列表,比以往更容易。跑步,或睡覺。永遠改變你傳輸和管理音樂文件的方式 iTunes.

WinX MediaTrans 功能:

導入 / 導出 Music
WinX MediaTrans 提供雙向備份導入& 導出 iPhone iPad 與 PC 之間的音樂和鈴聲,比 iTunes 更容易.

創建 / 修改播放列表
創建,修改和刪除播放列表。使用拖放功能添加和管理歌曲編輯藝術家& 專輯 Info
編輯並更正播放器和專輯名稱& 信息在批處理模式.

管理鈴聲& 語音輕鬆
添加 / 導出 / 使 iPhone 鈴聲; 傳送語音備忘錄; 自動轉換音樂到 AAC 或 MP3.

For iPhone iPad
Auto 轉換任何視頻格式,如 MKV,iPhone / iPad.

Optimal 尺寸
減少大的視頻文件大小為 50%,沒有質量損失的 iPhone iPad.

自動旋轉視頻,以適應 iPhone iPad 的全部總是顯示屏幕播放.

導入 / 導出 4K 或 1080p 高清視頻& PC 和 iDevice 之間的電影,批量.

注意:需要 iTunes 和 iOS 設備。演示版本中有限功能.

也可用:下載 MediaTrans for Mac


檔案版本 GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 84

檔案名稱 gdevelop-setup-5.0.0-beta84.exe
檔案大小 73.2 MB
系統 Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Digiarty Software
更新日期 2020-01-06

What's new in this version:

New features:
New object BBText:
- Display rich text on screen, formatted using BBCode: customize size, color, make part of the text italic, bold and add shadows or outline
- Read the documentation about the object and see an example online

Improvements in Piskel sprite editor:
- Color index shift brush (useful for cell shading sprites)
- Ability to source all layers when using the bucket tool
- Palette transfer tool (apply the currently selected palette colors to the frame you are on)

- Add an option to automatically resize game resolution to window or screen size. It's recommended to activate it especially for games on mobile phones

- Add new examples

Change the way actions are written in the events sheet so that they are all written in proper English and consistent:
- This improves consistency between actions and conditions: both are displaying the subject first, then the operator (for comparison or change) and then the value (to be compared against or to be used for the change)

- Add link to the new Geometry Monster tutorial and Geometry Monster starter
- Add actions to change the resolution during the game and enable/disable the automatic resizing
- Set additional help descriptions to parameters of some actions/conditions
- Add a menu option to add a long description to functions parameters
- Allow to set colors of comments/groups, and to edit their texts in a separate window
- Improve comments edition to be seamless
- Add a button to remove the font in the Text object editor
- Add colors to warning/alert icons
- Update the UI to use filled text fields and inputs, so that it's easier to distinguish them from the rest of the interface
- Improve responsiveness of the UI on small screens
- Add titles in some dialogs to make the layout of the dialog clearer
- Various improvements to the layout of the editors

Improvements for GDevelop developer and advanced users:
- Remember DevTools open state in previews
- Add React DevTools to GDevelop developmet version
- Add watcher to automatically import changes to GDJS and extensions in the IDE when using GDevelop development version

Bug fixes:
- Fix pixel perfect rendering of Panel Sprite (9-patch) objects
- Fix memory leak and warning about texture not found
- Fix outline color when drawing line with Shape Painter
- Fix a crash when setting a parameter to be a behavior in a function
- Fix points position not immediately valid after changing the animation or frame of a Sprite
- Fix invalid reported width/height after changing the animation or frame of a Sprite
- Fix "Folder Project"/"Single file" property that could not be changed
- Fix music/sound considered as stopped just after the Play action was used
- Fix sound/music restarted when play action was used with the sound/music not previously paused
- Fix menu still showing as loading after startup on some computers
- Rename objects to "instances" for "For Each" event and "Pick All" action to avoid confusions
- Various fixes in the UI
- Fix autosave being loaded but not saved as the original file
- Fix events sheet (actions, conditions...) not refreshed after choosing a language

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 84 相關參考資料