
最新版本 Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2

Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2

Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2
WinSnap 是一個快速的用戶友好的工具,用於採取和編輯截圖。它可以很容易地捕捉包括 Aero Glass 在內的透明背景的非矩形窗口,並立即增加具有專業外觀的陰影,反射,高光,輪廓,水印和色彩效果的屏幕截圖。此外,它允許您快速編輯和註釋後的屏幕截圖.

隨著少數的屏幕捕獲和圖像編輯功能,WinSnap 派上用場,無論你需要偶爾的截圖或您的工作需要用戶手冊,演示文稿,博客或專業截圖網站.

WinSnap 包含了許多創新的功能,使截圖更好,甚至更簡單的工作方法。重新設計和更新的用戶界面有 4 種不同的風格(黑色,銀色,藍色和系統),並顯著提高了整體的可用性。

WinSnap 可以輕鬆截取非矩形和透明窗口的截圖並添加實際平滑的陰影效果.

WinSnap 可以枚舉和捕獲前台應用程序中的所有可見窗口,並將它們組合成一個截圖。所有單獨的窗口之間的空白空間可以自動填充您選擇的背景.

使用 WinSnap,您可以定義只是屏幕的一部分捕捉。這是一個很好的方式來顯示您在互聯網上找到的網站的特定部分.


Thumbnails 和規模選項
隨著 WinSnap,你可以很容易創建小縮略圖並自動調整圖像大小以適合頁面的固定大小.

WinSnap 可以輕鬆捕捉複雜的應用程序下拉菜單,以便向用戶顯示執行某些操作時要選擇的菜單項.

WinSnap 也可用於為 Web 圖形添加一些特效。這是改善您的圖片和照片的另一個小方法.

WinSnap 有很多功能。對於圖像編輯程序,只需要少量的系統資源。而且它只有一個 100kb 的應用程序 - ndash; 這比 Paint 小。

注意:免費試用 30 天試用,功能有限。水印添加到每個快照.


檔案版本 Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2

檔案名稱 LunacySetup_8.6.2.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 NTWind Software
更新日期 2022-07-22

What's new in this version:

Personal Cloud plan:
We’re introducing a personal cloud subscription that will give you more freedom with cloud documents:
- Unlimited number of cloud documents
- Unlimited number of collaborators instead of 10 on the free plan
- Unlimited document version history instead of 30 days on the free plan
- Unlimited storage period in the trash bin
- To subscribe to the Personal Cloud plan, go to Home > Profile > Upgrade plan
- The statuses of your subscriptions now appear next to your username on the Home > Profile page

Version history:
- We added version history for cloud documents. Lunacy automatically saves file versions after a series of 100 user actions. Or you can save versions manually using the Ctrl(⌘) + Alt + S shortcut. To view a document version history, go to File > Show version history. The list of file versions opens in the right panel. Double-click the required version to open it. File versions open as local temporary files that you can save to any folder on your computer and then import back to the Cloud.
- Free users can access up to 30 days of version history. To unlock the full history of any existing cloud file, subscribe to a Personal Cloud plan.

Voice comments, stickers, and overall improvement of comments:
- Now you can leave voice comments in cloud documents. For this, enable the comment tool (C), click microphone, say what you want to say, then click send. Make sure you allow Lunacy to access the microphone, otherwise your comments will not be recorded.
- You can now post stickers like thumb up, thumb down, +1, heart, and other instead of comments. Stickers show up right on the canvas. There’s no need to open comment bubbles, unless you want to post a reply. To post a sticker, enable the comment tool, click sticker icon icon next to the comment entry field, and select the required sticker. You can also send stickers in replies to comments.
- Now, when you select a layer and then click with the comment tool over it, the added comment gets tied to the layer. If you later decide to move the layer to some other place on the canvas, the comment will move with the layer.
- By default, comments are always visible on the canvas. To hide comments, click view > Comments on the top bar.
- To open/hide the list of all comments in the right panel, click send on the top bar

Pre-made palettes:
- When you create a document, Lunacy shows one of pre-set color palettes that you can use in your design. It appears in the right panel when nothing is selected on the canvas. If you don’t like the current palette, click refresh icon to choose the one that suits you best.
- Note that palettes appear only in documents created in version 8.6 or higher

Shape cropping:
You no longer need to struggle with the vector tool or tricky Boolean and flattening operations to get a half-circle or a part of another shape. With the shape cropper, you will do it in a couple of clicks:
- Select the required shape
- Click scissors icon on the context toolbar
- Drag the borders of the frame to select the required area
- Press Enter or click Apply editing in the right panel

Sharing your Lunacy profile on the internet:
Another way to share your portfolio. Your cloud documents now also show up on your profile page in Lunacy with the Publish/Unpublish button. You can send a link to your Lunacy profile to other people for them to view published files. For this:
- Go to Home > Profile > show more icon > Web profile. Your web profile will open in the browser.
- Copy the link to the profile in the address bar
- Send the link by email or an instant messenger
- If the link recipient doesn’t have Lunacy yet, they will be offered to install it
- To remove documents from your online profile, simply unpublish them. By default, all cloud documents are unpublished.

- Zoom tool is back. It doesn’t show up on the toolbar, but you can enable it with the Z shortcut. To zoom in, hold down Z and click. To zoom out, hold down Z+Alt and click.
- Localization. The names of layers in the Layer List now come in the language of the interface.
- Better support. We made some improvements to reduce your wait time for replies to your issue reports.
- Performance improvements

Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2 相關參考資料
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Download Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2 for Windows. Fast downloads of the latest free software! Click now.

Download Lunacy 8.6.2 (Windows) | MrDownload - Android

This program enables you to paint in a way similar to the real-world experience by using its accurate tracing system. It also lets you import your picture ...


How to install plugin in lunacy? 8.6.2

2022年9月7日 — I dont have any option to install plugin in lunacy plz help me.

Icons8 Lunacy - Download

2023年9月23日 — Icons8 Lunacy allows PC users to read and view.sketch files on a PC that has Windows as its operating system. Instead of having to use Mac ...


Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2 for Windows 軟體資訊交流 - winXmac軟體社群

Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2 相關參考資料. Download Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2. Download Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2. Lunacy is a vector graphic software for UI/UX and web design. It ...

Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2 Free Download

Download Icons8 Lunacy 8.6.2. Lunacy is a vector graphic software for UI/UX and web design. It`s faster than Figma, smarter than Sketch! 100% FREE CROSS ...


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Older versions of Lunacy (Mac)

Download older versions of Lunacy for Mac. All of the older versions of Lunacy have no viruses and are totally free on Uptodown ... Lunacy. 9.2.1. Icons8. Dev ...


Release History - Lunacy Documentation - Icons8

# 8.6.2. Release date: July 22, 2022. Windows Installer. # Personal Cloud plan. personal cloud. We're introducing a personal cloud subscription that will give ...

軟體更新:Lunacy 8.6.2

2022年7月23日 — Lunacy 是一個免費的Windows 圖形設計程序,從這個版本開始也適用於Linux 和macOS。 它有大量根深蒂固的內容,例如圖標、照片、蒙版圖像和插圖。…