最新版本 Symfony 4.4.19

Symfony 4.4.19

Symfony 4.4.19
WinSCP 是一個開源免費的 SFTP 客戶端,FTP 客戶端,WebDAV 客戶端和 Windows 客戶端。它的主要功能是在本地和遠程計算機之間進行文件傳輸。除此之外,WinSCP 提供腳本和基本的文件管理器功能.

WinSCP 功能:圖形用戶界面(GUI)翻譯成多種語言與 Windows 集成(拖放,URL,快捷方式圖標)U3 支持所有文件的常用操作支持 SFTP 和 SCP 協議通過 SSH- 1 和 SSH- 2 以及普通的舊 FTP 協議批處理文件腳本和命令行界面以幾種半自動或全自動方式進行目錄同步集成文本編輯器支持 SSH 密碼,鍵盤交互,公鑰和 Kerberos(GSS)身份驗證與 Pageant(PuTTY 身份驗證代理)集成,全面支持 SSH Explorer 和 Commander 接口的公鑰身份驗證可選地存儲會話信息可選擇支持使用配置文件代替註冊表項的便攜式操作,適合從可移動媒體操作


檔案版本 Symfony 4.4.19

系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 WinSCP Team
更新日期 2021-01-27

What's new in this version:

- [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties accessed with getters
- [Translator] fix handling plural for floating numbers
- [Messenger] fix redis messenger options with dsn
- [Messenger] Fix transporting non-UTF8 payloads by encoding them using base 64
- [PhpUnitBridge] Allow relative path to composer cache
- [HttpKernel] Configure the ErrorHandler even when it is overriden
- [Console] [Command] Fix Closure code binding when it is a static anonymous function
- [DoctrineBridge] Add username to UserNameNotFoundException
- [HttpFoundation] Drop int return type from parseFilesize()
- [HttpClient] Add check for constant in Curl client
- [HttpFoundation] Revert #38614 and add assert to avoid regressions
- Fix problem when SYMFONY_PHPUNIT_VERSION is empty string value
- [DependencyInjection] Skip deprecated definitions in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [Security] Replace message data in JSON security error response
- [DoctrineBridge] Take into account that indexBy="person_id" could be a db column name, for a referenced entity
- [DoctrineBridge] Fix circular loop with EntityManager
- [DependencyInjection] Don't trigger notice for deprecated aliases pointing to deprecated definitions
- [HttpFoundation] use atomic writes in MockFileSessionStorage
- [Serializer] Rename normalize param
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor
- [Mailer] Fix missing BCC recipients in SES bridge
- [Config]  fix handling float-like key attribute values
- [Yaml] a colon followed by spaces exclusively separates mapping keys and values
- [Cache] fix possible collision when writing tmp file in filesystem adapter
- Dont allow unserializing classes with a destructor - 4.4
- [DependencyInjection] Support PHP 8 builtin types in CheckTypeDeclarationsPass
- [VarDumper] fix mutating $GLOBALS while cloning it
- [DependencyInjection] Fix InvalidParameterTypeException for function parameters
- [HttpFoundation] parse cookie values containing the equal sign
- [DependencyInjection] do not break when loading schemas from network paths on Windows
- [Finder] apply the sort callback on the whole search result
- [TwigBridge] Remove full head content in HTML to text converter
- [WebProfilerBundle] take query and request parameters into account when matching routes
- [Yaml] keep trailing newlines when dumping multi-line strings
- [Form] disable error bubbling by default when inherit_data is configured
- [Lock] Fix config merging in lock
- [Yaml] do not dump extra trailing newlines for multiline blocks
- [Form] fix passing null $pattern to IntlDateFormatter
- [Messenger] Fix stopwach usage if it has been reset
- [VarDumper] Fix display of nullable union return types
- [VarDumper] fixed displaying "mixed" as "?mixed"
- [Mailer] Handle failure when sending DATA
- [ProxyManagerBridge] fix PHP notice, switch to "friendsofphp/proxy-manager-lts"

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6 小時前 — Symfony 4.4.19 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes: bug #38900 [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties ...

Symfony 4.4.19 released - Symfony News

6 小時前 — Symfony 4.4.19 released · bug #38900 [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties accessed with getters (@BoShurik) · bug #39887 [Translator] ...

Symfony 4.4.19 released | LaptrinhX

6 小時前 — Symfony 4.4.19 released · bug #38900 [Serializer] Exclude non-initialized properties accessed with getters (@BoShurik) · bug #39887 [Translator] ...

Symfony 4.4.9 released (Symfony Blog)

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