
最新版本 WinGate 9.1.2

WinGate 9.1.2

WinGate 9.1.2
WinGate 代理服務器是一個高性能的 HTTP 代理服務器,SOCKS 服務器,集成的 Internet 網關和通信服務器,旨在滿足當今企業的訪問控制,安全和通信需求。除了全面的功能外,WinGate 代理服務器的許可證選項使您能夠靈活地將您的需求與預算相匹配,無論您是需要管理企業,小型企業還是家庭網絡.

Internet 共享
WinGate 代理服務器將共享大部分類型的互聯網連接,允許多個用戶同時瀏覽網頁,檢索他們的電子郵件,或使用其他互聯網程序,就好像他們直接連接到互聯網。無論是簡單的撥號調製解調器還是高速光纖,WinGate 代理服務器都可以幫助充分利用連接。 WinGate 代理服務器支持各種各樣的互聯網協議,允許應用程序,如 Web 瀏覽器,消息傳遞軟件,FTP 和 SSL。 WinGate 代理服務器還支持 DirectPlay 網絡遊戲和實時流音頻 / 視頻.

控制 Internet 訪問
使用 WinGate 代理服務器的用戶數據庫和策略,管理員可以限制和控制用戶訪問互聯網。通過日誌記錄,審計和實時活動和歷史記錄查看器,可以輕鬆檢查用戶活動的詳細記錄。這使得 WinGate 代理服務器非常適用於公司,學校,網吧或任何需要密切監控互聯網訪問的環境.

WinGate 代理服務器附帶內置的數據包檢測防火牆。通過單獨提供的可選插件組件,可以進一步增強您的網絡安全性,這些插件組件可以掃描傳入數據中的病毒,或者過濾掉網絡流量中不適當的內容.

WinGate 功能:
為您的整個網絡提供安全且可管理的 Internet 訪問單個或多個共享的互聯網連接實施先進而靈活的訪問控制和可接受的使用策略實時監控使用情況,並維護每個用戶和每個服務的審計日誌。阻止病毒,垃圾郵件和不當內容進入您的網絡提供全面的互聯網和內聯網電子郵件服務。保護您的服務器免受內部或外部威脅。通過 Web 和 DNS 緩存提高網絡性能和響應速度緩解內部網絡的管理負擔。注:30 天試用版或演示版功能有限.


檔案版本 WinGate 9.1.2

檔案名稱 WinGate9.1.2.5956-x64USE.exe
系統 Windows XP 64 / Vista 64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Qbik
更新日期 2017-12-18

What's new in this version:

- HTTP Error responses: Fix XML encoding of embedded data in response pages, prevents XSS attacks via WinGate block pages
- Directory browsing: Fix issues with links to icon files for directory browsing with https
- AD Connector: Fix auto-reported crash relating to enumeration of inter-trusted domains missing certain DNS information
- AD Connector: Fix occasional encoding problem for some arguments in LDAP queries
- Help system: Fix auto-reported crash if hhctrlocx fails to load
- Schema script: Fix auto-reported crash if script does not include enough operands for various operators
- HTTP Basic Auth: Added charset auth param to challenge to indicate preference to receive user/pass in UTF-8
- Route Table checking: Fix auto-reported crash when route table contains no routes via a gateway
- Service Bindings: Fix race condition causing crash when viewing bindings while they change (auto-reported)
- Dashboards: Fix race condition causing crash when a dashboard is deleted and receives an update (auto-reported)

WinGate 9.1.2 相關參考資料
Attributed to Sir James Lawton Wingate , A Coastal Scene

Attributed to Sir James Lawton Wingate. A Coastal Scene ... Attributed to Sir James Lawton Wingate A Coastal Scene oil on canvas 9.1/2 x 14in. (24.1 x 35.5cm.).

Blue screen on Windows Server ... - WinGate Forums • View topic

Hi, It sounds like you're getting a driver conflict with some other driver on your machine. If you don't need to use NAT, WinGate VPN or the WinGate ...


New: Telemetry: Added several more attributes to gather information about the types of service being used. Version 9.1.2 (Build 5956) Released 18 December 2017.

User manual Universal Fieldbus-Gateway UNIGATE

2010年2月23日 — 9.1.2 RS232 parameter table . ... WINGATE fieldbus blocklength ... For the operation of WINGATE® please take a look at the WINGATE® Online help.

WinGate 9.1.2 公開のお知らせ

2017年12月18日にWinGate 9.1.2を公開いたしました。 幾つかの機能修正を含んでおりますので、アップグレード保証期限内のお客様は、アップグレードの適用をご検討 ...

WinGate 9.4.0 - Download

WinGate by Qbik is a powerful software application designed to provide secure and versatile Internet access control for networks of all sizes.

WinGate Internet SharingProxy Server Solution

New: Telemetry: Added several more attributes to gather information about the types of service being used. Version 9.1.2 (Build 5956) Released 18 December 2017.

WinGate release notes

New: Telemetry: Added several more attributes to gather information about the types of service being used. Version 9.1.2 (Build 5956) Released 18 December 2017.

サポート情報 | WinGate

2017年12月18日にWinGate 9.1.2を公開いたしました。 幾つかの機能修正を含んでおりますので、 […] ...