Windows PowerShell (64-bit)

最新版本 Windows PowerShell 6.2.0 (64-bit)

Windows PowerShell 6.2.0 (64-bit)

Windows PowerShell 6.2.0 (64-bit)
PowerShell 64 位是 Windows 和 Windows Server 的自動化平台和腳本語言,允許您簡化系統的管理。與其他基於文本的 shell 不同,PowerShell 利用了.NET Framework 的強大功能,提供豐富的對象和大量的內置功能來控制 Windows 環境。下載 Windows PowerShell Offline Installer 安裝程序!

PowerShell 所需的狀態配置(DSC)是測試和確保系統聲明狀態的平台。 DSC 使您可以跨環境擴展複雜的部署,實現管理協作,並糾正配置偏差。

PowerShell 64 位集成腳本環境(ISE)是一個 Windows 應用程序,支持初學者和專家對 PowerShell 的增強使用。 ISE 的許多功能包括:
用於編寫,測試和調試腳本的內置編輯器完全智能感知選項卡完成,語法高亮顯示和上下文相關的幫助無數的鍵盤快捷鍵支持從右到左語言可擴展插件注意:需要安裝 Microsoft .NET Framework。需要 WinRM 2.0 CTP3 才能使用遠程功能.


檔案版本 Windows PowerShell 6.2.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 PowerShell-6.2.0-win-x64.msi
檔案大小 54.6 MB
系統 Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Microsoft Corporation
更新日期 2019-03-28

What's new in this version:

Breaking Changes:
- Fix -NoEnumerate behavior in Write-Output to be consistent with Windows PowerShell

Engine Updates and Fixes:
- Add PowerShell remoting enable/disable cmdlet warning messages
- Fix for FormatTable remote deserialization regression
- Update the task-based async APIs added to PowerShell to return a Task object directly
- Add 5 InvokeAsync overloads and StopAsync to the PowerShell type

General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes:
- Enable SecureString cmdlets for non-Windows by storing the plain text
- Add Obsolete message to Send-MailMessage
- Fix Restart-Computer to work on localhost when WinRM is not present
- Make Start-Job throw terminating error when PowerShell is being hosted
- Update version for PowerShell.Native and hosting tests

- Adding CmdletsToExport and AliasesToExport to test module manifests
- Comment cleanup in releaseTools.psm1

- Fix Enter-PSHostProcess tests flakiness
- Add tests for command globbing
- Add source for Install-package to install netDumbster
- Fix tab completion test to handle multiple matches
- Refactor macOS and Linux CI so that tests run in parallel
- Added RequireSudoOnUnix tags to PowerShellGet tests and remove -pending parameter
- Pending NamedPipeConnectionInfo test
- Add test for -WhatIf for New-FileCatalog

Build and Packaging Improvements:
- Performance improvements for release build
- Add tsaVersion property as TsaV1 for compliance build phase
- Publish global tool packages to pwshtool blob and bug fixes
- Translate Skipped test results into something Azure DevOps does not understand
- Disable Homebrew analytics in macOS VSTS builds
- Remove AppVeyor references from packaging tools
- Fixed Dockerfile syntax highlighting
- Fix dependencies of NuGet build to wait on DEB uploads to finish
- Fix artifact download issue in release build
- Publish test package on release builds
- Bump Microsoft.PowerShell.Native from 6.2.0-rc.1 to 6.2.0
- Bump NJsonSchema from 9.13.19 to 9.13.27
- Bump PowerShellGet from 2.0.4 to 2.1.1 in /src/Modules
- Bump SelfSignedCertificate in /test/tools/Modules

Windows PowerShell 6.2.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料