WebCam Monitor

最新版本 Node.js 13.5.0 (64-bit)

Node.js 13.5.0 (64-bit)

Node.js 13.5.0 (64-bit)
WebCam Monitor 一直監視你的家,辦公室,或任何位置。此網絡攝像頭監控軟件可檢測動作或噪音,並觸發可記錄事件視頻和音頻的警報,通過電子郵件或短信通知您,或發出聲音警報。它也可以在預先設定的時間間隔開始記錄,以保持事件記錄.

就像將相機連接到 PC 一樣簡單。使用配置嚮導,您的監控系統可以在幾分鐘內啟動並運行。您的監控系統每天 24 小時值守 - 也可以使用強大的內置調度程序啟動和停用每日,每週或自定義時間表的監控。

WebCam Monitor 可以自動將錄製的視頻,音頻和照片上傳到服務器。視頻也可以通過互聯網直播,讓您監視任何有互聯網連接的電腦的事件。專業的安全功能包括錄製視頻和照片的自動時間標記。所有監控的活動都顯示在事件日誌中以供快速參考。自動刪除功能可以讓您保留一組“最後天數”的錄音和照片,而不會冒著填滿硬盤的風險,也無需手動跟踪和刪除文件.

WebCam Monitor 是一個完整的視頻安全解決方案,具有多個攝像頭支持和遠程監控。 WebCam Monitor 遠遠超越了傳統的視頻安全系統,具有驚人的功能和靈活性的組合。這是完美的方式把你的電腦變成一個複雜的視頻監控和監控系統。

WebCam Monitor 產品特點:
控制和監視多達 4 個攝像頭兼容所有攝像頭自動攝像頭檢測連接到系統時平移,傾斜和縮放調整覆蓋區域支持多監視器以隱藏模式操作錄製連續視頻或觸發警報時在錄音上添加日期時間標記或水印自動將錄音上傳到您的 FTP 帳戶安排視頻錄製在指定時間開始和停止錄製視頻,拍照,發送電子郵件,FTP 上傳可調節的運動靈敏度掩蓋不需要的區域,以避免提高虛假警報獲取帶有附加照片的電子郵件通知按日期分析視頻記錄和照片按日期時間順序快速查看事件使用活動的消息欄查看所有攝像機的運行狀態自動刪除舊媒體文件以釋放磁盤空間廣播在互聯網上觀看實況視頻注意:允許您在演示版本中連續監視 2 小時.


檔案版本 Node.js 13.5.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 node-v13.5.0-x64.msi
檔案大小 28.39 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 DeskShare
更新日期 2019-12-18

What's new in this version:

Notable Changes:
- add --trace-exit cli option (legendecas)

- increase server headers timeout

- update ansi-regex
- promote _getCursorPos to public api

- add completion preview

- add Set and map size to inspect output

- require CLI flag to require() wasi module

- async_hooks: ensure proper handling in runInAsyncScope
- benchmark: use let/const instead of var in buffers (dnlup)
- build: auto-load ICU data from --with-icu-default-data-dir
- build: fix missing x64 arch suffix in binary tar name
- build,win: fix goto exit in vcbuild
- build,win: support building MSI with VS2019
- (SEMVER-MINOR) cli: add --trace-exit cli option
- cluster: remove unnecessary bind
- console: unregister temporary error listener
- crypto: cast oaepLabel to unsigned char*
- doc: add note about fs.close() about undefined behavior
- doc: explain napi_run_script
- doc: add "Be direct." to the style guide
- doc: clarify expectations for PR commit messages
- doc: fix description of N-API exception handlers
- doc: improve doc writable streams: 'finish' event (dev-313)
- fs: remove unnecessary bind
- http: use for...of in http library code
- http: remove unnecessary bind
- http,https: increase server headers timeout
- http2: remove unnecessary bind from setImmediate
- lib: replace Symbol.species by SymbolSpecies
- lib: replace Symbol.hasInstance by SymbolHasInstance
- lib: replace Symbol.asyncIterator by SymbolAsyncIterator
- lib: enforce use of Promise from primordials
- lib: add TypedArray constructors to primordials
- lib: change var to let/const
- lib: use strict equality comparison
- lib: refactor NativeModule
- lib: replace Symbol.toPrimitive to SymbolToPrimitive primordials
- lib: update Symbol.toStringTag by SymbolToStringTag primordial
- perf_hooks: remove unnecessary bind
- process: refs --unhandled-rejections documentation in warning message
- process: fix promise catching
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: promote _getCursorPos to public api
- (SEMVER-MINOR) readline: update ansi-regex
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: fix preview bug in case of long lines
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: add completion preview
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: improve completion
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: simplify code
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: simplify repl autocompletion
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl: remove dead code
- repl: fix autocomplete when useGlobal is false
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl,readline: refactor for simplicity
- (SEMVER-MINOR) repl,readline: refactor common code
- src: unregister Isolate with platform before disposing
- src: make debug_options getters public
- stream: use for...of
- stream: do not chunk strings and Buffer in Readable.from
- stream: make all streams error in a pipeline
- test: simplify test-wasi-start-validation.js
- test: improve WASI start() coverage
- test: improve test coverage in child_process
- (SEMVER-MINOR) test: add multiple repl preview tests
- test: improve dns lookup coverage
- test: avoid leftover report file
- test: add missing test flags
- test: add test for validation for wasi.start() argument
- test: improve assertion error message in test-debug-usage
- test: make test-os-checked-function work without test harness
- test: delay loading 'os' in test/common module
- tls: for...of in _tls_common.js
- tools: enable Markdown linter's usage information
- util: add Set and map size to inspect output
- util: refactor inspect code for constistency
- (SEMVER-MINOR) util: inspect (user defined) prototype properties
- (SEMVER-MINOR) util: fix built-in detection
- v8: use of TypedArray constructors from primordials
- wasi: require CLI flag to require() wasi module

Node.js 13.5.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
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What's new in this version: Notable Changes: cli: - add --trace-exit cli option (legendecas) http,https: - increase server headers timeout readline:

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Download Node.js 13.5.0 (64-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.

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Download Node.js 13.6.0 (64-bit). Node.js (64-bit). January, 8th 2020 - 100% Safe ... Node.js 13.5.0 (64-bit). Date released: 18 Dec 2019 (one month ago).