VueScan (64-bit)

最新版本 GameMaker Studio 2.1.5 Build 322

GameMaker Studio 2.1.5 Build 322

GameMaker Studio 2.1.5 Build 322
VueScan 64 位掃描程序可與大多數高質量平板和膠片掃描儀配合使用,以生成具有色彩保真度和色彩平衡的掃描。它非常易於使用,並且還具有用於恢復專業攝影師使用的褪色,批量掃描和其他功能的高級功能.

您的掃描儀不再受操作系統支持嗎?還是你正在尋找更多的功能從你的掃描儀比它來?下載 VueScan。它取代了掃描儀隨附的軟件,因此您可以獲得更好的掃描效果並延長您的硬件使用壽命.

VueScan 在您的系統上不會改變任何內容,也不會在您的操作系統中安裝任何軟件,所有其他掃描儀軟件將繼續運行。您可以隨時購買 VueScan 64 位,並立即得到一個禁用圖像水印的序列號。

VueScan 功能:

兼容超過 3000 掃描儀
VueScan 與 Windows,Mac OS X 和 Linux 上超過 3000 個不同的掃描儀兼容。查看掃描儀是否工作的最好方法是下載 VueScan(僅需 60 秒)。您還可以查看支持的掃描儀列表.

VueScan 可以節省您的掃描儀,節省您的成本並提供您無法在其他地方找到的功能強大的新功能,甚至不包括製造商。使用 VueScan 防止您的掃描儀過時(和垃圾填埋場).

VueScan Mobile for iOS and Android
如果您有 iPad,iPhone 或 Android 手機或平板電腦,則可以使用 VueScan Mobile Free 進行掃描。這是一個完全免費的程序,可與內置相機和大多數聯網的惠普,佳能,愛普生,兄弟和三星掃描儀配合使用。

V 掃描可以輸出 PDF,JPEG 和 TIFF 掃描的文檔,照片和膠片格式。它還可以識別使用 OCR 的文本,並使用平板掃描儀和帶有自動文檔進紙器的掃描儀創建多頁 PDF

我們建立了 VueScan,使兩種完全不同類型的用戶可以使用它。初學者只需要運行 VueScan 並按下“掃描”按鈕。 Pro 用戶可以更改為“標準”或“專業”選項來解鎖強大的功能,以便完全控制掃描.

您可以在最多四台個人使用的計算機上使用 VueScan,以及任意操作系統,與任何數量的掃描儀,x32 和 x64,與一個單一的許可證。標準版有一年的免費升級,專業版有無限的免費升級.


也可用:下載 VueScan for Mac


檔案版本 GameMaker Studio 2.1.5 Build 322

檔案名稱 GameMakerStudio-Installer-
檔案大小 179 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Hamrick Software
更新日期 2018-08-04

What's new in this version:

- Please note that whilst not mandatory, 2.1.5 is highly recommended. We have changed the licensing server to better protect against DDoS attacks and made several fixes to offline usage (especially for our Mac IDE users). If you get "license is invalid" the first run after updating - please just login again once to fix.

As well as a large number of fixes to the IDE and runtimes, we've added in this version:
- Support for building to Android 64bit architectures
- Collision functions which return a list of all colliders, not just the first
- New collision type for sprites: Non-axis-aligned bounding box
- Virtual keyboard functions for iOS, Android, and UWP

Startup / Offline / Licensing Fixes:
- Fix for Mac IDE requiring you to relicense when changing network
- Fix for being asked to get a new licence too often in cases of being unreachable
- Fix for incorrectly checking licence expiration dates in some cases
- Fix for crash when unable to download carousel images on the start page
- Fix for crash when returns invalid runtime rss information
- Changed the "Unable to log - no network connection" message to be more accurate and avoid confusion in the case of being offline

New collision type for sprites:
- Sprite Editor: Added support for a non-axis-aligned bounding box mask type
- Preference: Added option to set the default collision shape when creating new sprites

Spine Agreement:
- A Spine agreement is now shown before you can build projects which contain Spine
- Note: This agreement is shown per-project so that teams/contractors can accept with one click

- Game Options: Added controls for building 64bit architectures
- Game Options: Added control for adding Google Cloud Sync support into your Android manifest, used in the Google Play Services extension

Misc IDE Changes:
- Saving: Fixed an issue with object variable strings containing "n" which meant projects from 2.1.3 "lost" rooms when imported to 2.1.4
- Saving: Fixed a saving issue with external tools locking files which meant object event code could appear in the next project you opened that IDE session if that project had an object with the same name
- Saving: Fixed events "losing" code when the object name is changed or the object is duplicated when a save is already pending and then the object is locked by an external process
- Note: Another reminder that we do not recommend working with your project source saved in Dropbox/OneDrive/Google Drive, etc., folders!
- Saving: Fixed the check for when to warn about iOS icon changes being required in your project so it no longer warns unneccesarily
- Code Editor: Fixed autocomplete window being offset if autocompleting an enum on a long line of code
- DnD Editor: Fixed not being able to Cut/Copy/Paste nodes using keyboard shortcuts when using the macOS IDE
- Image Editor: Fixed the "Convert to Frames" dialog opening up too small when using the macOS IDE
- Object Editor: Fixed event names showing a unwanted '-' if the Object is opened in the Workspace and that event is empty
- Object Editor: Changed opening events to require double-clicks - fixes issues with single-click to select the event changing focus to the script and causing event copy/paste/delete workflow problems
- Workspaces: Fixed Middle Mouse Button scrolling the workspace at the same time as a code window if you happened to click on a scroll bar
- Resource Tree: Fixed/changed the highlight around text during a rename in the dark skin to improve clarity
- Resource Tree: Fixed duplicating a resource whilst at the Trial license limit crashes the IDE rather than showing a warning
- Resource Tree: Fixed "Add Existing" and then picking a resource from same project causes fatal error
- Resource Tree: Fixed how GMS2 calls Finder so Finder now shows results when doing "Add Existing"
- Room Editor: Fixed rectangle selection of rotated items to stop instances outside the rectangle being selected
- Room Editor: Fixed the loading of room inheritance settings if you reload the project
- Room Editor: Fixed a crash when copy/pasting multi-select objects across multiple layers
- Room Editor: Fixed issue which causes rooms to reopen at massively offset co-ordinates (usually approx -20k, -20k) after reloading project
- Note: If you have this room offset issue in a project already it will still load like this - just fix the position once and then save the project
- Room Editor: Changed Room width and height fileds so they can no longer be set to 0, as this just causes D3D errors during builds
- Preferences: Fixed "Delete old runtimes" to now delete everything other than the currently-used runtime and the runtime the IDE shipped with (if these differ)
- Search & Replace: Fixed to check instance creation code for instances on sub-layers
- Search & Replace: Fixed "Replace" to now replace the text in comments as well
- Localisation: [French] Fixed "Mouse Down" and "Mouse Pressed" event localisation texts and so they now differ
- Localisation: [German] Fixed Finder dialogs not being in German
- Font Editor: Fixed the preview and range windows to use the font's "Style" value, so text will now appear bold/italic, etc.
- Sound Editor: Fixed only getting white noise when playing a high-quality .ogg
- Sound Editor: Fixed sounds under a second long not playing completely in preview unless you turn on looping

- See the bug database's Change Log for the list of public issues fixed in this version
- Known Issues can be found on the bug database also - for the current IDE headline list see this page
- Not a bug, but be aware all download links for 2.1.3 and older have now been removed from this page, as 2.1.4 is mandatory

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What's new in this version: - Please note that whilst not mandatory, 2.1.5 is highly recommended. We have changed the licensing server to ...

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