軟體下載 Signal Desktop 1.15.4

檔案名稱 signal-desktop-win-1.15.4.exe

Signal Desktop 1.15.4 軟體下載

檔案版本 Signal Desktop 1.15.4

檔案名稱 signal-desktop-win-1.15.4.exe
檔案大小 75.4 MB
更新日期 2018-08-13
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Signal Desktop 1.15.4
VueScan 64 位掃描程序可與大多數高質量平板和膠片掃描儀配合使用,以生成具有色彩保真度和色彩平衡的掃描。它非常易於使用,並且還具有用於恢復專業攝影師使用的褪色,批量掃描和其他功能的高級功能.您的掃描儀不再受操作系統支持嗎?還是你正在尋找更多的功能從你的掃描儀比它來?下載 VueScan。它取代了掃描儀隨附的軟件,因此您可以獲得更好的掃描效果並延長您的硬件使用壽命.VueScan 在您的系統... VueScan (64-bit) 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Signal Desktop 1.15.4

- Increase timeout for database operations, as users have been seeing timeouts
- Additional logging to track performance of database operations
- New indices and query updates to ensure indices are used for all queries

- Style the scrollbar in both light and dark themes
- Ensure that the scroll down button is always on top of conversation content

- Properly flow errors back when errors happen during message processing or caching
- Use Base64 strings in temporary message cache instead of 'binary' encoding
- Eliminate write of config.json on exit of app, may be causing corruption

Signal Desktop 1.15.3

- Fixed: Visual attachment borders and overlays would show on top of safety number change banner
- Fixed: No-caption visual attachment metadata overlay was behind dark shading, making it hard to read

Signal Desktop 1.15.1

- Fixed: On some macOS machines, the light theme would render incorrectly
- Fixed: On an OS set to a right-to-left language, message bubbles were left-aligned
- Fixed: Incoming messages with errors would be shown as empty messages
- Fixed: SQLCipher migration of cached not-yet-processed messages did not preserve their data

Disappearing messages:
- Move expiring message time earlier if read sync has earlier time
- In partially-successful group send, don't start expire timer

- Clean up any orphaned external files on start
- Ensure that a SQL command timeout results in an error
- On error handling cached message, log error then delete

Signal Desktop 1.15.0

Visual changes:
- New colors and message bubbles
- Unified theme
- Video playback updates
- Disappearing messages can now be enabled without first turning them on with a '1 day' duration
- The status of the last conversation message (if outgoing) is now shown in the left pane
- One-click access for replying to message

Media Gallery:
- Fixed: Wrong attachment would be saved from lightbox after left/right navigation
- Better handling of videos - thumbnail of video is now used
- Dark theme honored in all UI elements
- Icons shown for all if no thumbnail is available

- New version 8 schema for messages: thumbnails and dimensions from image and video attachments, as well as a full-size video screenshot for use in conversation view
- Much of the application has been moved to React
- Dark theme rewritten from scratch
- New CSS is now using Block Element Modifier syntax (BEM)
- JSHint removed from project; ESLint now scans entire project
- _locales/en/messages.json is now included in jsprettier runs
- All backbone-related functionality removed from Style Guide
- Ensure set of Linux dev dependencies is complete in Contributing.md
- Introduce mandatory migration on startup, to minimum version 7
- Preserve migration state when deleting config due to failed login
- Conversation: store lastMessage/lastMessageStatus in memory only
- Moved to using window.log only for all browser-context logging, with new eslint rule to prevent direct use of console.log
- Full eslintification of files in libtextsecure to take advantage of new console.log rule
- Removed unnecessary and too-verbose console logging
- When making thumbnail for video attachment to be sent, we generate a 100x100 preview instead of taking a full screenshot of the video

Signal Desktop 1.14.4
- Fixed: Application does not start up on Linux w/tmp mounted as noexec
- Fixed: When attempting to record voice note with media permission disabled, popup would be blank

Signal Desktop 1.14.3
- Fixed: After upload, debug logs were not accessible
- Show error if debug log fails to upload

Signal Desktop 1.14.1
- Fixed: Changes to notification settings or menu hide setting would not be persisted
- Fixed: Settings window, debug log window, and permissions popup were not themed
- Fixed: When turning off disappearing messages timer, it would show 'to seconds' instead of 'to off'
- Fixed: Issue where error handling for incoming message would fail, resulting in no visible error

Signal Desktop 1.14.0

- New setting: media permission. Desktop now shows a popup dialog when this permission is not granted and the recording for a voice message fails
- Auto-scroll to selected conversation when they reorder

- Conversation preview would sometimes show already-expired message
- Upon resume from sleep, notifications would show for already-read messages as they arrived
- About window didn't include version number
- Idle detector would never turn off, slowing down app

- Minor documentation cleanup - bug templates, readme, etc
- Update conversation's last message whenever it is opened
- Add missing timer option localization strings
- Make all OS menus localizable
- Handle timer updates along with group updates
- Add 'newmessage' event handler to Conversation for reliability
- Debug log, settings and media permissions popup are all now in separate windows
- Pulled latest translations from Transifex

Signal Desktop 1.13.0
- Expire timer update would be sent even if change came from remote message
- It was impossible to send an attachment if we failed to create a thumbnail for it
- App would fail to start if user profile data is behind a junction
- Message detail screen errors were too narrow to see the complete message

- Add link to terms of service and privacy policy in About window
- Additional defense-in-depth enhancements
- Update strings for fr/tr languages
- Readme: Clarify beta install instructions

Signal Desktop 1.12.1
- Fixed: In iOS theme, quoted links were white on white
- Ensure that a disappearing message timer change notification is always above initiating message
- Ensure that sent messages immediately take conversation's expire timer

Signal Desktop 1.12.0
- Update to Electron v2.0.1
- Fixed: Emoji with skin tone modifiers would show up as a square
- Fixed: A few visual problems with the contact detail screen
- Fixed: complex kernel versions were causing problems in linux

- Add another Windows 7 dev setup requirement to contributing.md
- Various defense-in-depth enhancements
- Refactor api.js into web_api, which encapsulates all web access
- Move a number of dependences from bower to npm
- Enable a large set of new tslint rules
- Use React for all emojification in the app
- Print out main process logs if electron unit tests fail
- Move all forks to @scottnonnenberg-signal account
- Remove jscs from the project
- Remove unused code and templates
- Remove broken stylesheets symlink

Signal Desktop 1.11.0
- Feature: Receive contact
- Fixed: Sometimes clicks on quoted message wouldn't work
- Fixed: In dark theme, it was hard to see a message's triple-dot menu on hover
- Fixed: Unsupported image and video types were missing from media pane
- Fixed: On small screens, the media lightbox view would show media off-screen
- Notification improvements
- Improved behavior for notifications that are added and removed quickly
- Better handling of notifications that were read on a linked device
- Media Gallery: A number of small visual fixes
- Emoji pane: Can now dismiss it by pressing escape key
- Update translations

- Windows 7: Use Electron-native notifications
- Better logging when we receive a read sync from a linked device
- Move to React for newlines, emoji, and links in message body
- Improve Logging For Disappearing Messages
- Prettier: Continue expanding its coverage of app
- Document Translations Setup + Remove Unused Strings
- Make Protocol Buffers available to commonjs code
- Build updates: remove unused commands and assets
- Document Windows 7 Developer Setup
- Update README copyright year to 2018

Signal Desktop 1.10.1
- Fixes a bug recently published

Signal Desktop 1.10.0

- Media Gallery showing all attachments in a given conversation. Note: Until all attachments have been migrated to disk (as part of a background process), only a partial set of a conversation's media will show up, skewed towards the most recent messages
- Increase speed of migration to move attachments to disk from database
- Video attachments: show first frame preview in composition area

- Show 'You' in Android theme instead of your own contact name
- Show thumbnails for quotes of messages with video attachments

Notification improvements:
- Remove all on remote read, on focus, on exit
- Show multi-message notifications like '5 new messages'

- Add comments clarifying our mechanisms for stripping EXIF info
- Move to prettierjs to format our code
- Fix break in styleguide; make filesize/Signal.Util.GoogleChrome available
- Remove duplicate entry from .gitignore

Signal Desktop 1.9.0
- Send quoted replies via hover menu on message
- Fixed: Linking a new iOS device would not initially show iOS theme
- Dev: Media Gallery: Phase 1 - currently disabled

Signal Desktop 1.8.0
- Support for receiving quoted replies
- iOS theme: one bubble for both attachment and message contents
- Dev: Fix beta install instructions in readme for debian-based linux

Signal Desktop 1.7.1
- Fixed: Conversation message preview would sometimes continue to show after message disappeared
- Improve URL Auto-Linking In Messages
- Redact More Variants Of Paths In Stack Traces
- Dev: Introduce React, TypeScript, TSLint and React-StyleGuidist

Signal Desktop 1.7.0

- Update to electron 1.8.4
- Migrate all attachments from IndexedDB to file system in the background
- Save attachments to disk when importing Chrome app export
- New option in settings: delete all application data
- Remove all configuration in database when we discover we are unlinked
- Delete everything in database when we link with a different phone number from previous link
- Windows: Delete all data on uninstall
- Fixed: Read receipts setting would not be synchronized along with re-link
- Fixed: Clicking conversation in left pane when already selected would remove focus on message composition field
- Fixed: Searching for the phone number of an existing contact, then selecting 'start conversation' would erase contact details
- Fixed: Selecting Settings menu option multiple times would open multiple instances of settings view

- Redact file paths in anything that goes to the log on disk
- When top-level process errors happen, don't show dialog with stack trace
- Add nsp to CI runs
- Add eslint-plugin-mocha to disallow exclusive tests using *.only
- Preparation for encrypted backups
- Updates to structure of exported data - messages.zip, flat list of attachments
- Relax Node.js version requirements
- Fix a few typos in documentation
- Update issue template to mention that translation should be via Transifex

Signal Desktop 1.6.1
- Switch to a new service for debug logs, since GitHub is retiring anonymous gists

Signal Desktop 1.6.0
- Upgrade to the latest version of Electron, 1.8.2
- Replace custom notification sound with system sound

Update menus:
- A few copy changes to make things clearer
- Settings now available via the File (Windows/Linux) or Signal Desktop (macOS) OS menu
- Eliminate the triple-dot menu in the top-center of the screen
- Fixed: Hitting enter after entering device name on install would not move to next screen

- Ensure consistent builds using yarn --frozen-lockfile
- Update code to match eslint-enforced formatting
- Upgrade to latest version of electron-builder and associated packages

Signal Desktop 1.5.2
- Fixed: In import/registration flow, choosing View -> Debug Log would do nothing

Signal Desktop 1.5.1
- Fixed: In some cases contact/group syncs would turn off disappearing messages in all conversations
- Fixed: On initial setup, conversations with disappearing messages enabled would be at the top of the conversation list

Signal Desktop 1.5.0
- Note: Includes fixes from 1.4.0-beta.1 (never released to production), 1.5.0-beta.1, and one additional pull request
- Update electron to 1.7.12
- New design for import and install flows
- Support for 'light' imports, which bring just messages, contacts and groups
- Set conversation disappearing messages state and contact block state on initial link
- 'Restart' -> 'Restart Signal' button in update dialog, thanks @StevenXL

- If app started offline, conversations would not open
- Attached images would sometimes show up rotated improperly
- Uncaught Exception: TypeError; 'getSize'
- File paths with special characters could be shown in misleading way
- Incoming messages sometimes didn't appear at all
- 'Cannot find module ./app/locale' error popup when attempting to start another instance of the app on Windows
- Setting NODE_ENV environment variable to 'development' would point it at staging servers

- Move ESLint environment configuration into .eslintrc
- Sync Protocol Buffers with libsignal-service-java
- Update to libsignal-protocol-javascript v1.3.0
- Make our binary comparisons constant time
- Fix typo in issue template
- Update to new signal branding

Signal Desktop 1.15.4 相關參考資料
Signal Desktop 1.15.4 檔案下載 - 電腦資訊007情報站

Signal Desktop 1.15.4 軟體版本signal-desktop-win-1.15.4.exe 檔案下載,VueScan 64 位掃描程序可與大多數高質量平板和膠片掃描儀配合使用,以生成具有色彩 ...


Signal Desktop 1.34.5 Download for Mac Change Log ...

Signal Desktop 1.15.4. Performance: - Increase timeout for database operations, as users have been seeing timeouts - Additional logging to ...


Signal Desktop 1.34.5 Download for Windows Change Log ...

Signal Desktop 1.15.4. Performance: - Increase timeout for database operations, as users have been seeing timeouts - Additional logging to ...


Chocolatey Software | Signal (Desktop) 1.15.4

Icon for package signal. Signal (Desktop). This is not the latest version of Signal (Desktop) available. 1.15.4 | Updated: 11 Aug 2018. Show Additional Links.


signal-desktop: 1.15.4 - GitHub

signal-desktop: 1.15.4 -> 1.15.5 #45145. r-ryantm:auto-update/signal-desktop ... meta.description for signal-desktop is: '"Private, simple, and secure messenger"' ...


after upgrade to signal-desktop 1.15.0, it crashes with ... - GitHub

0 crashing but I don't think is the same issue. Bug description. After upgrading signal-desktop from 1.14.4 to 1.15.0, it stopped working. Running ...


signalappSignal-Desktop - GitHub

Brief System Info. version: Signal-Desktop 1.15.4; os: Ubuntu 16.04 (most recent updates applied); link to debug log: https://debuglogs.org/ ...
