VSDC Free Video Editor (64-bit)

最新版本 Node.js 20.0.0 (64-bit)

Node.js 20.0.0 (64-bit)

Node.js 20.0.0 (64-bit)
VSDC 免費視頻編輯器 64bit 是專為編輯各種格式的數字視頻和音頻文件,包括高清晰度和超高清分辨率,提供專業的後期製作效果,以及從屏幕捕獲視頻,錄製語音,刻錄將多媒體文件保存為多種支持的格式,並將其上傳到在線平台。該方案提供了豐富的功能,但有一個簡單而直觀的界面,可以用最少的努力創建視頻。免費視頻編輯器 64 位是一個免費的視頻編輯軟件,具有一套完整的視頻全面創建儀器!

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器功能:

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器是一個非線性工具。這意味著與大多數其他編輯器不同的是,場景以線性順序和特定順序依次來到,這個軟件允許將對象放置在時間線上的任何位置並具有任意大小。此外,物體的各種參數,形狀和位置可以隨時間任意改變.

視頻可以應用各種視覺和音頻效果,以達到必要的效果。由於可用的視覺效果的數量非常高,為便於導航,它們被分成五類:色彩校正,對像變換,對象濾鏡,過渡效果和特殊的 fx.

Blending 模式和 Instagram 類似的濾鏡
改變外觀的更多方式您的視頻圖像根據您的喜好是顏色混合。使用各種可調參數,您可以將獨特的專業風格附加到您的視頻。想要節省時間的新手或者那些想要節省時間的人,可以從一次點擊中應用時髦的類似 Instagram 的過濾器中受益.

VSDC 免費視頻編輯器允許創建不同形狀的蒙版,以隱藏,模糊或突出顯示視頻中的某些元素。您可以使用它在遮罩區域內部或外部應用特效。掩蔽的最常見原因之一是模糊或像素化一張臉,以保護身份或使一個文本視頻內的效果。



由於大量預配置的配置文件,您可以輕鬆地為大多數流行的多媒體創建視頻如 DVD 播放器,iPod / iPhone / iPad,PSP,任何智能手機和普通手機,索尼 PlayStation,Xbox,Zune,愛可視,艾利和,Creative Zen,黑莓,MP4 播放器和其他許多設備。61213896
內置 DVD 刻錄工具
編輯附帶 DVD 刻錄工具,可以讓您輕鬆地將工作結果刻錄到光盤上。



我們編輯器的另一個特點是能夠從各種視頻調諧器,網絡攝像機,IP 攝像機採集視頻,並以任意格式將採集的素材保存在您的計算機上,以供後續編輯使用。



檔案版本 Node.js 20.0.0 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 node-v20.0.0-x64.msi
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Flash-Integro LLC.
官網 http://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor
更新日期 2023-04-19

What's new in this version:

Permission Model:
- Node.js now has an experimental feature called the Permission Model
- It allows developers to restrict access to specific resources during program execution, such as file system operations, child process spawning, and worker thread creation.
- The API exists behind a flag --experimental-permission which when enabled will restrict access to all available permissions.
- More information about the Permission Model can be found in the Node.js documentation
- The Permission Model was a contribution

Custom ESM loader hooks run on dedicated thread:
- ESM hooks supplied via loaders (--experimental-loader=foo.mjs) now run in a dedicated thread, isolated from the main thread
- This provides a separate scope for loaders and ensures no cross-contamination between loaders and application code
- Synchronous import.meta.resolve()
- In alignment with browser behavior, this function now returns synchronously
- Despite this, user loader resolve hooks can still be defined as async functions (or as sync functions, if the author prefers)
- Even when there are async resolve hooks loaded, import.meta.resolve will still return synchronously for application code

V8 11.3:
- The V8 engine is updated to version 11.3, which is part of Chromium 113

This version includes three new features to the JavaScript API:
- String.prototype.isWellFormed and toWellFormed
- Methods that change Array and TypedArray
- Resizable ArrayBuffer and growable SharedArrayBuffer
- RegExp v flag with set notation + properties of strings
- WebAssembly Tail Call
- The V8 update was a contribution

Stable Test Runner:
- The recent update to Node.js, version 20, includes an important change to the test_runner module. The module has been marked as stable after a recent update. Previously, the test_runner module was experimental, but this change marks it as a stable module that is ready for production use.

Ada 2.0:
- Node.js v20 comes with the latest version of the URL parser, Ada. This update brings significant performance improvements to URL parsing, including enhancements to the url.domainToASCII and url.domainToUnicode functions in node:url.
- Ada 2.0 has been integrated into the Node.js codebase, ensuring that all parts of the application can benefit from the improved performance. Additionally, Ada 2.0 features a significant performance boost over its predecessor, Ada 1.0.4, while also eliminating the need for the ICU requirement for URL hostname parsing.
- Preparing single executable apps now requires injecting a Blob
- Building a single executable app now requires injecting a blob prepared
- This opens up the possibility of embedding multiple co-existing resources into the SEA (Single Executable Apps).

Web Crypto API:
- Web Crypto API functions' arguments are now coerced and validated as per their WebIDL definitions like in other Web Crypto API implementations
- This further improves interoperability with other implementations of Web Crypto API
- This change was made

Official support for ARM64 Windows:
- Node.js now includes binaries for ARM64 Windows, allowing for native execution on the platform
- The MSI, zip/7z packages, and executable are available from the Node.js download site along with all other platforms
- The CI system was updated and all changes are now fully tested on ARM64 Windows, to prevent regressions and ensure compatibility
- ARM64 Windows was upgraded to tier 2 support

WASI version must now be specified:
- When new WASI() is called, the version option is now required and has no default value
- Any code that relied on the default for the version will need to be updated to request a specific version
- This change was made

Deprecations and Removals:
- [3bed5f11e0] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) url: runtime-deprecate url.parse() with invalid ports
- url.parse() accepts URLs with ports that are not numbers. This behavior might result in host name spoofing with unexpected input
- These URLs will throw an error in future versions of Node.js, as the WHATWG URL API does already
- Starting with Node.js 20, these URLS cause url.parse() to emit a warning

Node.js 20.0.0 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Chocolatey Software | Node JS (Install) 20.0.0

That is just a mistake, seems like our update script failed to grab the 64bit installer. We're looking into getting this fixed, in the meantime I've unlisted ...


Generate Node.js 20.0.0 · actionsnode-versions@c27b52d

Artifacts. Produced during runtime. Name, Size. node-20.0.0-darwin-x64 Expired. 41.3 MB. node-20.0.0-linux-x64 Expired. 44.1 MB. node-20.0.0-win32-x64 Expired.


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