VMware Workstation Pro

最新版本 VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247

VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247

VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247
VMware Workstation Pro 通過在同一台 PC 上同時運行多個基於 x86 的操作系統,改變了技術專業人員開發,測試,演示和部署軟件的方式。基於 15 年的虛擬化卓越成就和超過 50 個行業大獎,VMware Workstation 通過為用戶提供無與倫比的操作系統支持,豐富的用戶體驗和令人難以置信的性能,將桌面虛擬化提升到一個新的水平。

VMware Workstation 利用最新硬件在虛擬機中復制服務器,台式機和平板電腦環境。在廣泛的操作系統上運行應用程序,包括 Linux,Windows® 並在同一台 PC 上同時更多,而無需重新啟動。 VMware Workstation 使得在一個孤立和安全的環境中評估新的操作系統,測試軟件應用程序和補丁以及參考架構變得非常簡單。沒有其他桌面虛擬化軟件可以提供 Workstation 的性能,可靠性和尖端功能.

共享虛擬機是與您的團隊在更多生產環境中共享和測試應用程序的最快捷方式。將 VMware Workstation 作為服務器運行,以便與您的隊友,部門或組織共享每個所需配置的預加載虛擬機的存儲庫。 VMware Workstation Pro 在共享虛擬機時提供對用戶訪問的企業級口徑控制.

VMware 工作站專為:

軟件開發人員依靠 Workstation 與 Visual Studio,Eclipse 和其他工具套件的集成來簡化在多個操作系統和環境中的應用程序開發和調試。開發人員可以在 PC 上複製生產網絡或混合雲環境.


IT 專業人員
VMware Workstation 允許 IT 專業人員在單台 PC 上安全地測試修補程序部署,系統升級和隔離沙箱環境中的遷移。在虛擬環境中快速重新創建,捕獲和排除客戶問題。建立一個個人實驗室,用於試驗多種操作系統和應用程序,並準備 VMware 認證測試(即 VCP).

系統工程師和其他技術銷售人員喜歡 Workstation,因為它使他們能夠輕鬆演示複雜的多層應用程序。工作站可以在一台 PC 上模擬整個虛擬網絡環境(包括客戶端,服務器和數據庫虛擬機)。

培訓師使用 VMware Workstation 為學員創建虛擬機,其中包含課程所需的所有課程,應用程序和工具。在每節課結束時,VMware Workstation 可以自動將虛擬機恢復到原始狀態。免費的 30 天全功能試用版.


檔案版本 VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247

檔案名稱 VMware-workstation-full-9.0.1-894247.exe
檔案大小 425.15 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 VMware, Inc.
官網 http://www.vmware.com/products/workstation/
更新日期 2012-11-07

What's new in this version:

This release of Workstation 9.0.1 adds the following new features and support:
- Support for Ubuntu 12.10 as a host and guest.
- Solaris 11 has been added to guest OS list.

The following issues are resolved in this release of VMware Workstation:
- When powering on a virtual machine with Binary Translation on a SMEP-capable CPU, Workstation no longer causes the host to reset. If you run Windows 8 hosts on IvyBridge processors, VMware strongly recommends that you update your installation of Workstation.
- Several security vulnerabilities have been addressed, including updating third party libraries.
- The Workstation plug-in for Visual Studio has been updated to work with Visual Studio 2012.
- For host systems with more than 4GB of memory, Workstation will use more of the available memory to run virtual machines.
- The ability to mount a .vmdk file as a drive by right-clicking the file in File Explorer has been restored.
- Streaming a virtual machines has been fixed.
- Occasionally, certain elements in the Windows 8 user interface were incorrectly displayed. This has been fixed.
- After disconnecting certain USB devices from a virtual machine, Workstation would prevent devices from being reconnected without restarting the virtual machine. A more comprehensive error handling code has been added to prevent this problem from occurring.
- To improve application startup performance, the data being collected as part of the optional User Experience Improvement Program will no longer be aggregated on every launch of Workstation.
- Remotely retrieving the IP address of an Ubuntu virtual machine with an IPv6 address assigned failed unless an IPv4 address was also assigned to the virtual machine. This no longer occures.
- With IPv6 disabled on the host, the Linux version of Workstation is now able to share virtual machines.
- When you import an OVA file of a virtual machine running the Datacenter version of Windows Server, the network adapter failed to be configured correctly. This is now fixed.
- Closing Workstation in the middle of a cut and paste operation no longer causes the Workstation user interface to crash.
- After unsharing a virtual machine configured to use client-side devices, you can now reconfigure the device settings to use local devices.
- Easy Install on the Linux version of Workstation now recognize all compatible operating systems.
- The VMware monitor has been updated to work with Linux kernel 3.5.
- The network adapter configuration screen now correctly preserves the Custom network settings.
- You can now remove a Network if network settings changes are pending.
- The Use physical drive radio button for a floppy device was disabled when connecting to a shared virtual machine or remote virtual machine a on host without a physical floppy device. This is now fixed.
- Animated cursors are now displayed correctly in a virtual machine.

VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247 相關參考資料
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VMware Workstation Pro Lets You Run Multiple Operating Systems as Virtual Machines (including Windows VMs) on a Single Windows or Linux PC.


Network Configaration in VMWare Workstation 9.0.1 build-894247

Hi, I'm using VMWare Workstation 9.0.1 build-894247 in the host OS Windows 8. And in my VMWare I have installed OEL as below. Now I would like to.


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Hi all, I bought the last upgarde of VMware 9.0.1 build 894247 that came with VMware Player 5.0.1 build 894247. Both these two tools allow me to.


VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247 Download

2012年11月7日 — Download VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software ...


VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247 Final Keygen

2020年6月14日 — VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247 Final Keygen - Download as a PDF or view online for free.


VMware Workstation 9.0.1 Build 894247 Final Serial Key High ...

Solution:Run the VM as shared VM ( -workstation-8-as-an-alternative-to-vmware-server.html) and use a Windows shutdown script (logoff won't work ...


VMware Workstation 9.0.1 build-894247 中文化- [數碼中文坊] - 手機版

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VMware Workstation精致汉化中英 ...

近日官方推出的最新版本V 9.0.1 Build 894247,支持对于Windows 8 的安装。 VMware-workstation-full- 数字签名:‎2012‎年‎11‎月‎1‎日星期四下午6:16 ...


VMware Workstation(虚拟机) v9.0.1 官方正式版 - JB51.Net

2013年5月27日 — VMWare 虚拟机可以使你在一台机器上同时运行二个或更多Windows、DOS、LINUX系统。与“多启动”系统相比,VMWare采用了完全不同的概念。



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