VLC Media Player (32-bit)

最新版本 OBS Studio 21.1

OBS Studio 21.1

OBS Studio 21.1
VLC 媒體播放器(以前稱為 VideoLAN 客戶端)是一個高度便攜的免費多媒體播放器,包括 MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4,DivX,MP3 和 OGG 等各種音頻和視頻格式,以及 DVD,VCD,和各種流媒體協議。它還可以作為 IPv4 或 IPv6 高帶寬網絡中單播或組播流的服務器.

配備新的音頻核心,硬件解碼和編碼,移動平台端口,準備超高清視頻和特殊照顧支持更多格式,2.1 是 VLC 的重大升級.

Rincewind 有一個新的音頻渲染流水線,具有更好的效率,音量和設備管理,以提高 VLC 音頻支持。它支持許多新的設備輸入,格式,元數據,並改進了大部分當前的設備,為下一代編解碼器做準備。

VLC 媒體播放器特性:
重寫的視頻輸出核心和模塊,允許混合使用 GPU。 Shader 支持 OpenGL 輸出,用於轉換,包括 10bits。 Windows 8 和 7,Android,iOS 和 OS / 2 的視頻輸出。去粒,紋理,去噪和防閃爍濾波器。去隔行濾鏡,包括反轉電視電影算法。重新採樣更高質量的音頻。動態範圍壓縮機和卡拉 OK 過濾器。簡化音頻核心,加快處理速度。適用於 iOS,Android 和 OS / 2 的音頻輸出。針對 H.264,MPEG-4 / Xvid 和 WebM 的多線程解碼。支持 10 位編解碼器,WMV 圖像和一些其他編解碼器。重寫了對圖像的支持,包括 jpeg,png,xcf,bmp 等。支持 RealVideo 和 Real Format 的重要更改。 CrystalHD 卡和 Android OpenMAX 支持硬件解碼。和更多的功能... 也可用:下載 VLC 媒體播放器為 Mac


檔案版本 OBS Studio 21.1

檔案名稱 OBS-Studio-21.1-Full-Installer.exe
檔案大小 106 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 VideoLAN team
官網 http://www.videolan.org/vlc/
更新日期 2018-03-19

What's new in this version:

Updated the Browser source to Chromium 63. This includes many important and critical updates to the Browser backend:
- The new Chromium build for the browser source now supports APNG (animated PNG) image files
- Fixed a few bugs and a potential crash on shutdown with the browser source, with more fixes and improvements to come in coming updates.
- Fixed a bug where the bit icons in certain donation alerts didn't load properly (fixed with the Chromium update for the browser source).

- Dockable windows can now be nested
- Updated the program to use the latest Microsoft development toolchain (Visual Studio 2017) for the Windows version
- Changed log file uploading to hastebin (for now) instead of anonymous github gists due to github removing anonymous gist support
- Fixed an issue where the AMD encoder wouldn't show up for some people since 21.0

Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where you could import a scene collection with an already-existing name
- Fixed an issue where a spontaneous rare audio glitch could happen when encoding audio on Windows. This was caused by a Microsoft audio encoder library which was used by default on Windows at bitrates between 96 and 192 kilobits per second; this library has now been replaced
- Fixed a potential crash on startup
- Fixed a few scripting-related crashes
- Fixed a bug where setting a blank replay buffer prefix would reset to the default prefix when the program was restarted
- Fixed a bug where the slideshow source would get stuck on the last image is the slideshow image list was cleared
- Selection rectangles are no longer drawn for audio-only sources

OBS Studio 21.1 相關參考資料
Download OBS Studio

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Stream to Twitch, YouTube and many other providers ...


Download OBS-Studio-21.1.2-Full-Installer.exe free - BytesIn

OBS Studio 26.1.1 download page. Download OBS-Studio-21.1.2-Full-Installer.exe free. OBS Studio Size: 69.2Mb. Downloaded: 3710 times.


OBS Studio - Browse 21.1.0 at SourceForge.net

OBS Studio. Open source software for live streaming and recording. This is an exact mirror of the OBS Studio project, hosted at https:// ...


OBS Studio - Browse 21.1.2 at SourceForge.net

If your webcam no longer seems to work after the update, please make sure to whitelist OBS Studio in your anti-virus software to fix the issue. 21.1.2 (Windows ...


OBS Studio 21.1 Download (Free) - khconfkhstream64.exe

5 天前 — Open Broadcaster Software Studio is an open source software program designed for individuals who seek to create and share multimedia ...


OBS Studio 21.1.2 - Neowin

2018年5月14日 — OBS Studio 21.1. 2 · High performance real time video/audio capturing and mixing, with unlimited scenes you can switch between seamlessly via ...


OBS Studio 21.1.2 Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

OBS Studio 21.1.2. May, 13th 2018 - 106.52 MB - Open Source. Free Download. Security Status. Features · Screenshots · Change Log · Old Versions.


OBS Studio Old Versions Downloads - VideoHelp

Download free old versions of OBS Studio. Direct download links. ... OBS-Studio-21.1.2-Full-Installer.exe, 2018-05-13, 106.5MB, * · OBS-Studio-21.1-Full.zip ...


Open Broadcaster Software 21.1.2 - Npackd

2018年5月15日 — Windows 8 high speed monitor capture support. Bilinear or lanczos3 resampling. kw: obs, screen, cast, studio. License: GPLv2. Version: 21.1.2.


阿榮福利味- OBS Studio 21.1.2 免安裝中文版- 免費網路實況 ...

... 21.1.2 免安裝中文版- 免費網路實況廣播軟體實況主必備軟體取代Fraps https://www.azofreeware.com/2013/05/obs-open-broadcaster-software-051-beta.html.
