軟體下載 Sandboxie Classic 5.66.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Sandboxie-Classic-x64-v5.66.2.exe

Sandboxie Classic 5.66.2 (64-bit) 軟體下載

檔案版本 Sandboxie Classic 5.66.2 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Sandboxie-Classic-x64-v5.66.2.exe
更新日期 2023-09-09
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Sandboxie Classic 5.66.2 (64-bit)
從 Opera 的創造者,一個快速的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器 64 位,但也是一個功能豐富的瀏覽器,高度靈活,並把用戶放在第一位。一個為你製作的瀏覽器。最後,你可以沖浪你的方式.Vivaldi 網頁瀏覽器適應你,而不是其他的方式。你喜歡瀏覽器標籤放在窗口的底部還是側面?也許你更喜歡不同的地址欄位置?使用 Vivaldi 瀏覽器,您可以自定義所有更多功能,例如鍵盤快捷鍵,鼠標手勢等。您是鍵盤用戶嗎?... Vivaldi (64-bit) 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

New Features and Enhancements:
- The RAMDisks integration is available to all project supporters with a valid supporter certificate, it allows for seamless RAMDisk usage once configured on the add-on options settings page and enabled for selected sandboxes. The RAMDisk can be mounted without a drive letter providing a seamless experience, the appropriate Folders on the shared RAMDisk are linked to the default box root folder locations. The RAMDisk is NOT persistent this means that all data stored on the RAMDisk vanish once the system is rebooted, making such a sand box ideal to store transient confidential data.
- The Encrypted Box Image feature uses encrypted container files to store a boxes root directory (containing all files and the boxes registry hive) the mounted encrypted volume is by default guarded by the driver such that only processes runnign within the sandbox (and essential sbie+ components) can access the files stored on that volume. In combination with the "ConfidentialBox=y" option, host process read access to sandboxed processes memory is effectively blocked, ensuring no rogue process on the host can access confidential data in RAM belonging to sandboxed processes. The combination of this mechanisms creates secure enclaves, which ensure data processed within an enclave can not leak to the host (except for user configured OpenFilePath locations) and is protected even when the host would to be compromised (only adversaries which obtained kernel level privileges can bypass these mechanisms).

Sandboxie Classic 5.66.2 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
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Sandboxie Classic is a powerful software program that provides a secure and isolated environment for running applications on your computer.


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2023年9月11日 — Sandboxie Classic is a powerful software program that provides a secure and isolated environment for running applications on your computer.


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Sandboxie 64 bit runs your programs in an isolated space which prevents them from making permanent changes to other programs and data in your computer.


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