Vivaldi (64-bit)

最新版本 Vivaldi 1.2.490.39 (64-bit)

Vivaldi 1.2.490.39 (64-bit)

Vivaldi 1.2.490.39 (64-bit)
從 Opera 的創造者,一個快速的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器 64 位,但也是一個功能豐富的瀏覽器,高度靈活,並把用戶放在第一位。一個為你製作的瀏覽器。最後,你可以沖浪你的方式.

Vivaldi 網頁瀏覽器適應你,而不是其他的方式。你喜歡瀏覽器標籤放在窗口的底部還是側面?也許你更喜歡不同的地址欄位置?使用 Vivaldi 瀏覽器,您可以自定義所有更多功能,例如鍵盤快捷鍵,鼠標手勢等。您是鍵盤用戶嗎?那麼你運氣好。通過快速命令,您可以使用一個鍵盤快捷鍵搜索打開的選項卡,書籤,歷史記錄,設置等等。 Vivaldi 的目標是使快速命令菜單高度可定制,允許您創建自己的命令並立即運行它們.

在 Web 瀏覽器中,許多無組織的選項卡可能會很快變得有點混亂,使您很難找到您要查找的選項卡。使用 Tab 堆棧組織您的標籤!他們讓你在一個標籤下分組多個標籤。只需將一個標籤拖到另一個標籤上即可輕鬆分組.

在筆記面板中右鍵瀏覽時添加筆記並添加網頁的屏幕截圖。筆記可以記住相關的網站,存儲附件(如屏幕截圖),或者允許您添加標籤以便日後輕鬆組織和定位。從 FileHorse 下載 PC 的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器離線安裝程序.

Vivaldi 瀏覽器功能:

Adaptive Interface
Vivaldi 網絡瀏覽器的配色方案將在瀏覽網頁時適應,就像變色龍適應周圍環境。一個乾淨和現代的外觀補充內容。 Facebook 將網頁瀏覽器變成藍色,The Verge 將變成橙色 - 如果您願意的話.


您想要保持同步的多台計算機?維瓦爾第同步使這一點。您的書籤,歷史記錄,密碼和設置都可以通過加密的 Sync 基礎架構在 Vivaldi 瀏覽器的不同實例之間進行同步。下載 Vivaldi Offline Installer 安裝程序!

您的電子郵件客戶端內置於您的 Web 瀏覽器!這是正確的。電子郵件對我們許多人來說依然非常重要。尋找一個健壯,高效,輕量級和好看的電子郵件客戶端?你會發現它屬於維瓦爾第。稱之為 M3。敬請期待更新.

使維瓦爾第獨一無二的一件事是它建立在現代網絡技術上。 Vivaldi 使用 JavaScript 和 React 在 Node.js 和一長串 NPM 模塊的幫助下創建用戶界面。維瓦爾第是網絡建成的網頁.

也可用:下載維瓦爾第瀏覽器為 Mac


檔案版本 Vivaldi 1.2.490.39 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 Vivaldi.1.2.490.39.x64.exe
檔案大小 42.3 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Vivaldi Technologies
更新日期 2016-06-03

What's new in this version:

- [Gestures][Settings] Editable gesture settings: now you can record any gesture you like for a wide range of actionsVB-507
- [Tabs] Add current tabs to startup optionsVB-6101
- [Tabs] Drop URLs on tab bar and tabsVB-1369
- [Tabs] Close Other Unselected Tabs is BrokenVB-17572
- [Tabs] "Close tabs to the right/left (or below/above)" tab context menuVB-2132
- [Tabs] Fix for keeping focus when using single keys to switch tabs
- [Tabs] Minimize Pinned Tab on Close should be configurableVB-16558
- [Tabs] Search in F2 dialog does not list tabs of other windowsVB-13664
- [Tabs] Selection Not Implemented for all actionsVB-16842
- [Tabs] Tooltip (thumbnail) sometimes is very persistantVB-4655
- [Tabs][Keyboard] No Quick Command for Move Active Tab to New Window (detach): also new shortcutVB-17297
- [Tabs][Keyboard] Change shortcut defaults so that ⌘/Ctrl+1-9 switched to the corresponding tab from left to right: The old defaults can still be mapped by the user
- [Tabs][Keyboard] ⌘/Ctrl+W ignores tab selectionVB-16023
- [Tabs][Settings] Related Tab Activation order stand alone settingVB-16568
- [Tabs][Settings] Opening option "Next to Tab" does not work as intended: It did not open next to the active tab in all cases (Ctrl+t and clicking on the '+'). In addition it should actually be named "After" to align better with the tab close options VB-16361
- [Tabs][Settings] Selection SettingsVB-16556
- [URL] URL dropdown drop down shows up on paste and goVB-17301
- [URL] Boost last used port in URL field autofillVB-11924
- [URL] Added X to delete typed history directly from URL dropdown
- [URL] Always escape space when copying from the URL field: ' ' should be '%20'
- [URL] Clicking a search item in typed history tries to open URL instead of searchingVB-17515
- [URL] Clicking 'x' in URL field drop down does not remove typed history itemVB-17881
- [URL] Dragging URL from URL field doesn't workVB-16302
- [URL] Searching email address via URL field does not work correctlyVB-17789
- [URL] Vivaldi browser doesn't open refs like xn--80abnhcmtpndbnmh.xn--p1aiVB-15386
- [URL] about:blank opens in default searchVB-12741
- [URL] Disable suggest when dropdown is not visible: it can be switched off via a setting
- [URL] Save auto-completed items to typed history
- [URL][Keyboard] Alt+Enter in URL field should open Search result in new tab and Alt+Shift+Enter in new background tabVB-12364
- [Bookmarks] Add bookmark icon in SVGVB-16118
- [Bookmarks] Adding bookmark with nickname adds nickname as a descriptionVB-4390
- [Bookmarks] At most 20 bookmarks can be opened at the same timeVB-12838
- [Bookmarks] Entering edit mode a second time on the bookmarks bar moves bookmark to extender menu and hides followingVB-16101
- [Bookmarks] Nick triggers search if inserted using paste and goVB-17302
- [Bookmarks] Adding a new folder in sorted content on the Bookmarks bar may make editing impossibleVB-17159
- [Bookmarks] Should open in the current tab by defaultVB-17179
- [Bookmarks] Chevron icon not displayed on Bookmarks Bar on first display after launchVB-16053
- [Bookmarks] Icons on the bookmark bar are not horizontally centered VB-17511
- [Bookmarks] Ignored nickname for bookmarks foldersVB-2282
- [Bookmarks] Improve discoverability of sorting in Bookmarks PanelVB-15838
- [Bookmarks] Keyboard modifiers not respected when a bookmark opens from the panelVB-16886
- [Bookmarks] Middle click on a bookmark bar folder does not open all the bookmarks inside itVB-17780
- [Bookmarks] To "open" folder from bookmarks not just opens, but opens in "new" tabVB-15992
- [Bookmarks] Unable to open bookmarks without nameVB-14992
- [Bookmarks] Wrong link when you go to bookmark via F2 menuVB-16895
- [Bookmarks][Settings] Option to open a bookmark with a single mouse clickVB-16878
- [Extensions] Vivaldi crash with Alarm Ninja extensionVB-16329
- [Extensions] XMarks Sync closes the browserVB-14681
- [Extensions] "Download extensions" quick command is not workingVB-11531
- [Extensions] Extension buttons is updated for all windows, not the window owning the tabVB-16970
- [Extensions] Simplify styling of Extension buttonsVB-16372
- [Search] Cannot enable Search suggestionsVB-14906
- [Search] Can't remove old typed entries from search box dropdownVB-17326
- [Search] Can't search via paste and go context menuVB-17626
- [Search] Implement suggests in search field: for DDG, Wikipedia and BingVB-14822
- [Zoom] Webpage zoom level range expanded to 20% - 500%VB-14878
- [Zoom] Interface zoom is resets after pushing the "Back" buttonVB-13217
- [Zoom] Add edit field for page zoomVB-16222
- [Notes] In the edit field, the cursor jumps to end of textVB-3453
- [Notes] Empty notes panel shows edit field for nonexistent folderVB-10334
- [Settings] Add global setting for "Never save passwords"VB-15331
- [Keyboard] Alt+D doesn't activate Horizontal menu "Datei" in GermanVB-15812
- [Windows] Standalone install overwrites some values of default Vivaldi in registryVB-12600
- [Mac] Cannot make Facebook video callsVB-17503
- [Mac] Double clicking the tab field opens new tab and resizes windowVB-16033
- [Mac] Menu items not working with no open windowVB-10703
- [Mac][Settings] Optional setting to not close the window when closing last tabVB-11667
- [Mac] Remove 'Automatically download and install …' checkbox in updater: removed, since it does not workVB-18117
- [Mac] When OSX system settings that Vivaldi uses are changed, preferences should update without requiring a browser restartVB-11123
- Cannot define my own start page to replace Speed DialVB-11682
- If the home page is set as startup option the Speed Dial is opened as wellVB-9683
- Include remaining time in download panel entryVB-13720
- Disable autofill in text boxesVB-16164
- Downloaded zip files shows 0 bytes in download bar.VB-11697
- History navigation issues on internal pagesVB-16550
- Issues with Top Sites file size handlingVB-15803
- Trash folder misalignedVB-17798
- Translations updates
- Updated Chromium to 51.0.2704.65

Vivaldi 1.2.490.39 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Chocolatey Software | Vivaldi 1.2.490.39

Chocolatey is software management automation for Windows that wraps installers, executables, zips, and scripts into compiled packages.


Download Vivaldi (64bit) 1.2.490.39 for windows

2016年6月5日 — Vivaldi (64bit) A feature-rich web browser with some brand new browsing skills.

Old Versions of Vivaldi

Vivaldi.1.2.490.39.x64.exe. Checksums Changelog, 2016-06-02, 42.30 MB. Vivaldi.1.2.490.39.exe. Checksums Changelog, 2016-06-02, 36.72 MB. Vivaldi.1.2.490.35.x64 ...

Vivaldi 1.2.490.39

... 1.2.490.39 (32-bit) | 36.7 MB (Open Source) Download: Vivaldi 1.2.490.39 (64-bit) | 42.3 MB View: Vivaldi Home Page | Release Notes. Tags. Vivaldi · Web browser ...

Vivaldi TP4 For Linux Deb (64bit)


Vivaldi TP4 for Linux Rpm (64bit)


Vivaldi怎么卸载- Vivaldi 瀏覽器中文討論區

2016年6月12日 — 回覆. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.79 Safari/537.36 Vivaldi/1.2.490.39 ...

Youtube on Vivaldi 1.2 not working

Running 1.2.490.39 (64-bit), and getting an Error message when I try to watch a youtube video (only youtube, not video from other sites).