VideoPad Video Editor

最新版本 AnyViewer 3.4.0

AnyViewer 3.4.0

AnyViewer 3.4.0
VideoPad Video Editor 是為 Windows 製作軟件的免費電影。它允許您創建和編輯多種格式的視頻,包括.avi,.wmv,.3gp,.wmv,.divx 以及其他幾種格式的視頻。通過組合幾個視頻剪輯,甚至可以使用一個視頻剪輯,免費試用 VideoPad。創建一個專業質量的電影.

從 DV 攝像機,VHS,攝像頭捕捉視頻,或導入大多數任何視頻文件格式,包括 avi,wmv,mpv 和 divx.

超過 50 個視覺和過渡效果,為您的電影添加專業的觸摸.

創建 DVD,HD,YouTube 和更多的視頻 61225896 將電影刻錄到 DVD 可在電視上播放,或作為獨立的視頻文件在線分享或放在便攜式設備上。

VideoPad Video Editor 產品特點:
從各種各樣的視頻剪輯轉換中進行選擇 3D 視頻編輯和 2D 到 3D 立體轉換自定義應用轉換的持續時間字幕和電影片段的疊加文本色度鍵綠色屏幕視頻製作導入和混合音樂曲目,用 MixPad 多軌混音軟件製作自己的自定義電影配樂通過點擊按鈕錄製自己的音頻使用免費音效庫的音效微調色彩和其他視覺效果減緩,加速或反轉視頻剪輯播放減少相機抖動與視頻穩定將照片和數字圖像添加到您的序列 VirtualDub 插件支持添加的工具和效果刻錄到 DVD 和觀看您的電視保存為 YouTube 和在線共享保存到 PSP,iPod,iPhone 或 3GP 手機導出電影在標準高清或全高清(720p,1080i 或 1080p)注:14 天試用版。有限的功能.

也可用:下載 VideoPad Video Editor 為 Mac


檔案版本 AnyViewer 3.4.0

檔案名稱 AnyViewerSetup.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 共享軟體
作者 NCH Software
更新日期 2023-03-18

What's new in this version:

AnyViewer 3.4.0
- Added: Connection status is displayed on the controller window
- Fixed issue: Black Screen when connectting to the recipient with multiple graphics cards and multiple monitors
- Fixed issue: The controller window is stuck when the recipient switches Windows accounts during the connection

AnyViewer 3.3.0
- Added: Connection status is displayed on the controller window
- Fixed issue: Black screen on some cases

AnyViewer 3.2.0
- Client app for Android device
- "Multi-Monitor Switch": When connected to a device with multiple monitors, it's available to switch between all monitors display and one monitor display
- "Lock interface": To unlock locked program interface, you need to enter the password of login, which keeps the device security
- "Clipboard sync": Automatically synchronize clipboards of local and remote devices
- "Drag-and-Drop File Transfer": Files can be transferred from the local device to the remote device via drag-and-drop
- unattended access setup: Allowed to set the way to access the unattended device
- "Switch Tab" for multiple remote sessions: When controlling multiple devices, you can click the tab to switch remote session from one to another

AnyViewer 3.1.0
- Optimized image quality: It allows users to switch among "High Quality", "Balanced" and "High Speed" modes. "High Quality" mode is available for Professional and Enterprise Plan.

AnyViewer 3.0.0
- Added "File Transfer": Transfer files between local computer and remote computer.
- Optimized "My devices" list: Now it allows to sort by Name, Login Time and Connect Time.
- Added an option on "Message popup window of the recipient": After connecting to multiple controllers at the same time, the recipient can chat with multiple controllers when clicking on the chat windows with other controllers.
- Added new language: Portuguese is now available.

AnyViewer 3.4.0 相關參考資料
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AnyViewer Changelogs

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修復了多項已知問題。 版本號3.4.0(2023年3月17日發佈). 優化了伺服器連線算法,遠端控制會更流暢。 修復:多顯示卡與多顯示器接受者連線時黑屏的問題。 修復:接受者 ...

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