最新版本 Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-bit)

Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-bit)

Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-bit)
VEGAS Pro 是從開始到結束的項目伴侶。以高達 4K 的高分辨率格式編輯專業視頻和音頻素材。發現工作流程優化的圖像穩定插件,設計動態標題並創建自定義 DVD 和藍光光盤。 MAGIX VEGAS Pro 體驗一種新型的創意自由 14. 當涉及高效的視頻和音頻編輯時,VEGAS 產品是首選。 VEGAS Pro 版本適合業餘和有經驗的電影製作人員,任何用戶都可以從軟件中的創新工具和高效的工作流程中獲益.

Easier and Better
讓您的創意空間增長。 VEGAS Pro 14 以其智能的工作流程和行業領先的音頻編輯工具指導您的視頻編輯項目,輕鬆實現專業標準。對 HEVC 和 ProRes 文件格式的原生支持可讓您在時間線上將所有常用格式並排放置,即使是來自 RED 攝像機的視頻。

VEGAS Pro 14 可為您提供比以往更多的編輯功能。使用新的速度限制,您可以創建比正常速度快 40 倍的快速移動。新的懸停擦洗功能使標記進出點,並從修剪器添加畫面更快,更高效。這為您的主要目標留下了更多的時間:創造令人印象深刻的視頻.

堅實的基礎和 ndash; 使用 proDAD Mercalli V4
進行圖像穩定使抖動鏡頭成為過去的事情。您認為您使用的救援材料無法使用,並使用 proDAD Mercalli V4 進行優化。穩定從您的數碼相機,動作凸輪或 3D 無人機攝像頭的魚眼圖像或視頻。動態放大功能可以讓您創建流暢,穩定的視頻,而不會影響廣角鏡頭.

發表聲明– NewBlueFX Titler Pro Express
使用 NewBlueFX Titler 工具在 VEGAS Pro 創建廣播質量的標題,標題和結尾信用 14. 使用複雜的動畫標題為您的作品添加額外的光澤,以獨特的風格為您的項目打上標記.

時尚– NewBlueFX 外觀
從 NewBlueFX 的驚人視頻外觀增強您的素材的外觀。從膠片顏色,Color Fixer Pro,漸變色調,聚光燈和發光 Pro 中選擇.

MAGIX VEGAS Pro 14 支持您從導入到完成的光盤。包含的 VEGAS DVD Architect 讓您完全控制和 ndash; 從標籤設計和菜單控製到編碼器設置。導入具有多個圖層的 Photoshop 文件,以創建與自定義關鍵幀兼容的圖形動畫和疊加層。 VEGAS DVD Architect 的綜合菜單設計和詳細的編碼器設置使其成為創建 DVD 和藍光光盤所不可或缺的工具.

VEGAS Pro 特點:
直觀的拖拽&放大功能拖放工作流程智能工具將素材升級到 4K 和超高清採用 proDAD 的完美圖像穩定功能 NewBlueFX 的 Mercalli V4 Titler Pro Express 支持 HEVC 文件支持和本地 ProRes 格式支持使用 VEGAS DVD Architect 創建 DVD 和 Blu-ray 光盤高 DPI 支持高幀率(HFR)支持注:30 天試用版。 2016 年 5 月 24 日,索尼宣布將其 Vegas(以及大部分的“創新軟件”產品線)出售給 MAGIX,MAGIX 將繼續支持和開發軟件.89979423


檔案版本 Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-bit)

檔案名稱 vegaspro100d_64bit.exe
檔案大小 194.8 MB
系統 Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 MAGIX Software GmbH
更新日期 2011-05-11

What's new in this version:

- Added support for .MVC (multiview video coding) file format, used by Sony HDR-TD10 camcorders.
- Added support for .MPO (multiple picture object) file format, used by Sony Cyber-shot 3D Sweep Panorama feature as well as other 3D still cameras.
- Added autodetection of the 3D format used by Sony 3D Bloggie HD cameras.
- Added support for burning a Blu-ray 3D Disc from the timeline (Tools > Burn Disc > Blu-ray Disc). This feature is intended for commercial BD-ROM preparation testing.
- Added support for reading HDCAM SR files (requires a CPU with SSE2 support).
- Improved performance of reading MXF media over network.
- Added XDCAM Explorer support for reading UDF-formatted SxS media from the Sony XDCAM PMW-500 camera.
- GPU-accelerated AVC encoding support expanded to AMD.
- In addition to the existing nVidia CUDA support, Vegas Pro 10.0d adds support for users with AMD ATI graphics chipsets that support OpenCL to use the Sony AVC encoder for faster project rendering.
- GPU-accelerated AVC rendering requires a CUDA-enabled GPU and NVIDIA driver 185.xx or later with a GeForce GT 2xx Series or newer GPU.
- OpenCL GPU-accelerated rendering requires an OpenCL-enabled ATI GPU and AMD Radeon Catalyst driver 11.2 or later with an ATI Radeon HD 57xx or newer GPU (please see Known Issues regarding an incompatibility with driver versions 11.3 and 11.4). If using an ATI FirePro GPU, FirePro unified driver 8.773 or later is required.
- GPU-accelerated rendering performance will vary depending on your specific hardware configuration. If you have an older CPU and a newer GPU, rendering using the GPU may improve render times.
- Added support for reading ATSC and SCTE closed captions in MPEG-2 video.
- Added support for non-drop timecode when importing or exporting .SCC closed captoining files.
- Added ruler offset to exported .SCC closed captioning files.
- Removed extra space characters from exported .SCC closed captioning files.
- Improved detection of Line 21 closed captioning that is outside of the specification by a small amount.
- Improved method for writing extended characters for closed captioning.
- Added mute and solo functionality for track groups.
- Added support for reading and writing deeper color depths using CineForm codec.
- Added support for rendering multichannel audio to QuickTime format.
- Fixed transition progress envelopes to work with OFX transitions.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when removing an OFX plug-in during playback.
- Fixed a crash that could occur while loading certain projects with paired stereoscopic 3D media.
- Fixed a crash when the Stereoscopic 3D Adjust plug-in was added to a track while External Control was enabled.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when adding certain AVC files to the Trimmer.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in the Mixing Console when setting the output of an Input Bus to Off.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when clearing the Trimmer history while using certain file types.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a new project while the Video Output FX dialog was open.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when playing and undoing media added to timeline.
- Fixed a crash that could occur using NewBlueFX Video Essentials 2 (non-OFX).
- Fixed a crash that could occur when capturing 10-bit, 720p HD SDI video.
- Fixed a hang that could occur when building a dynamic RAM preview with certain video plug-ins.
- Fixed a hang that could occur when smart rendering certain MPEG-2 files to MXF format.
- Fixed an issue closing audio and MIDI ports when not the active application (if preference is enabled).
- Fixed Timecode plug-in time value when applied as Media FX.
- Fixed an issue using Audio Event FX with ACID stretch properties.
- Fixed an issue in the Mixing Console with changing outputs on the surround master bus.
- Fixed an issue that could cause OFX keyframes to move when changing the project frame rate.
- Fixed an audio glitch that could occur with envelope segments that were many hours long.
- Fixed the ability to select an output bus from the shortcut menu of an audio track.
- Fixed Selectively Prerender Video for 3D projects.
- Fixed an issue with pasting effects or transitions from another instance of Vegas Pro.
- Fixed an issue with video effect packages that could cause a crash or effects to not be listed.

Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Downloading Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-bit) ...

VEGAS Pro is your project companion from start to finish. Edit professional video and audio material in high-resolution formats up to 4K.

Is everyone cool with 10.0d so far?

So far so good here in 64bit Windows 7 running 10d 64bit. No problems. Signature. Thank You Quote. More.


Sony Vegas 10.0d crashes when

I'm using Sony Vegas 10.0d 64 bit on Windows 7. It hangs whenever I drag and drop any media to timeline (even default presets from Media Generators tab). I was ...

Sony Vegas Pro 10.0 Text

Created with Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-Bit) Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such ...

Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-bit) Download

2011年5月11日 — Download Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d (64-bit) for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software ...

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xyz ; 商品編號:. SON0121 ; 商品名稱:. Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d 32+64bit ; 語系版本:. 英文正式版 ; 商品類型:. 專業而簡單的影片剪輯軟件 ; 運行平台:. WindowsXP/Vista/7.

Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d 32+64bit 聲音相關及音樂轉檔工具專業 ... - XYZ

xyz ; 商品編號:. SON0121 ; 商品名稱:. Sony Vegas Pro 10.0d 32+64bit ; 語系版本:. 英文正式版 ; 商品類型:. 專業而簡單的影片剪輯軟件 ; 運行平台:. WindowsXP/Vista/7.

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Update: Sony Vegas Pro 10.0b

Are angry at Vegas just sometimes bugs that have in past versions (all numbers, not the letter updates) never been a problem (eg Vegas 9 64 Bit + JPG photos).

vegas 10.0E出場了....

Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect colors for Windows Media Video (WMV) files in the 64-bit version of Vegas Pro. Fixed an issue with thumbnails for some ...