TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
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Vectr 歷史版本列表

Vectr 是一個免費的圖形軟件,用來輕鬆直觀地創建矢量圖形。這是一個簡單而強大的網頁和桌面跨平台工具,可將您的設計變為現實。 Vectr 直觀的工具讓您專注於真正重要的事情 - 創建漂亮的圖形設計。 Vectr 為 PC 是一個免費的設計編輯器程序,用於創建 Windows PC 的矢量圖形。無需等待,即可向任何人發送 Vectr 文件進行實時協作。其他人可以看你創建和編輯設計,無論你是在網絡應... Vectr 軟體介紹

Vectr (32-bit)Vectr (64-bit)

Vectr 0.1.16 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Keyboard Shortcuts:
- We’ve built a convenient and intuitive keyboard shortcuts system for you. You can toggle keyboard cheatsheet by pressing ? on your keyboard.
- Then once you press the shortcut - either the tool gets selected or the particular action is performed. Here’s a detailed desctiptions of the shortcuts and what they do:

Insert Tool Shortcuts:
- R - Activate rect tool
- U - Activate rounded rect tool
- O - Activate Ellipse tool
- V - Activate Pen tool (i.e. path point drawing)
- P - Activate Pencil tool (i.e. freehand path drawing)
- T - Activate Text tool

New Chat System:
- You may have also noticed that we’ve changed the chat system. It all works same as before, you can send the files through it and it’s even cooler and better from the inside actually :) Our amazing support team: Julia, Dima and Kate are always happy to help you out or note down your feedback on Vectr.

Performance Improvements:
- We’ve made a major restructuring of the backend of the application which has made the app even faster. Our product team is constantly working on smashing the small bugs and making the app work slick ????

Copy - Pasting Issue:
- There used to be an issue with copy pasting the objects last week. We’re happy to let you know that it’s fixed now!
- In the meanwhile, you’re most welcome to join our Facebook Vectr Community! We regularly post useful information and inspirational projects there
- We really hope designing with Vectr is easy and fun for you!

Vectr 0.1.16 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Keyboard Shortcuts:
- We’ve built a convenient and intuitive keyboard shortcuts system for you. You can toggle keyboard cheatsheet by pressing ? on your keyboard.
- Then once you press the shortcut - either the tool gets selected or the particular action is performed. Here’s a detailed desctiptions of the shortcuts and what they do:

Insert Tool Shortcuts:
- R - Activate rect tool
- U - Activate rounded rect tool
- O - Activate Ellipse tool
- V - Activate Pen tool (i.e. path point drawing)
- P - Activate Pencil tool (i.e. freehand path drawing)
- T - Activate Text tool

New Chat System:
- You may have also noticed that we’ve changed the chat system. It all works same as before, you can send the files through it and it’s even cooler and better from the inside actually :) Our amazing support team: Julia, Dima and Kate are always happy to help you out or note down your feedback on Vectr.

Performance Improvements:
- We’ve made a major restructuring of the backend of the application which has made the app even faster. Our product team is constantly working on smashing the small bugs and making the app work slick ????

Copy - Pasting Issue:
- There used to be an issue with copy pasting the objects last week. We’re happy to let you know that it’s fixed now!
- In the meanwhile, you’re most welcome to join our Facebook Vectr Community! We regularly post useful information and inspirational projects there
- We really hope designing with Vectr is easy and fun for you!

Vectr 0.1.15 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Tutorials:
- We have released two more fresh and shiny tutorials for you guys to practice creating different new projects with Vectr. Now you can learn how to design your own meme or YouTube background image using Vectr.

Bug Fixes And Improvements:
- Several fixes to importing external SVGs: now SVGs import even more smoothly, we are working hard making our engine work better and better
- Various improvements to pen tool performance and path improvements
- Fixed an issue with deleted files re-appearing after being deleted - no more living dead

Vectr 0.1.15 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Tutorials:
- We have released two more fresh and shiny tutorials for you guys to practice creating different new projects with Vectr. Now you can learn how to design your own meme or YouTube background image using Vectr.

Bug Fixes And Improvements:
- Several fixes to importing external SVGs: now SVGs import even more smoothly, we are working hard making our engine work better and better
- Various improvements to pen tool performance and path improvements
- Fixed an issue with deleted files re-appearing after being deleted - no more living dead