Universal Media Server

最新版本 Universal Media Server 10.16.0

Universal Media Server 10.16.0

Universal Media Server 10.16.0
Universal Media Server 是一種媒體服務器,能夠將視頻,音頻和圖像提供給任何支持 DLNA 的設備。它是免費的,定期更新,並具有比任何其他媒體服務器,包括付費媒體服務器更多的功能。支持所有主要的操作系統,Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X 的版本。程序流或轉碼視頻,音頻和圖像格式幾乎沒有配置。它由 FFmpeg,MEncoder,tsMuxeR,MediaInfo,OpenSubtitles 等組成,支持多種媒體格式。支持多種設備,包括 Sony PlayStation 3(PS3)和 PlayStation 4(PS4),Microsoft Xbox 一個和 360,很多電視機(三星,松下,索尼,Vizio,LG,飛利浦,夏普),智能手機(iPhone,Android 等),藍光播放器,更多。

注意:Requries Java 運行時環境.

也可用:為 Mac

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檔案版本 Universal Media Server 10.16.0

檔案名稱 UMS-10.16.0.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Subjunk
官網 http://www.universalmediaserver.com/
更新日期 2022-02-13

What's new in this version:

- Improved detection of TV episodes and movies
- Improved cache performance and resource use
- Made shutdown more reliable
- Made Resume files appear after the original file entry instead of before
- Fixed filtering folder names
- Fixed frozen scanning when files can't be parsed
- Tweaked audio track sorting heuristics
- Added configuration flag sort_audio_tracks_by_album_position
- Significant code improvements

Translation updates via Crowdin:
- Catalan (100%)
- Spanish (100%)
- Ukrainian (21%)

- Bump assertj-core from 3.21.0 to 3.22.0
- Bump h2 from 2.0.204 to 2.0.206
- Bump maven-compiler-plugin from 3.8.1 to 3.9.0
- Bump spotbugs-maven-plugin from to
- Bump thumbnailator from 0.4.15 to 0.4.16
- Bump tsMuxeR from 2021-11-14 to 2022-01-13

Universal Media Server 10.16.0 相關參考資料
10.16.0 is released! This... - Universal Media Server

2022年1月17日 — 10.16.0 is released! This release improves detection of TV episodes and movies, fixes a bunch of user-reported bugs, improves performance ...


Download UMS-10.16.0.exe (Universal Media Server)

Streams many media formats with minimal configuration. Universal Media Server is a DLNA-compliant UPnP Media Server Universal Media Server supports all ...


Downloading Universal Media Server 10.16.0 from FileHorse.com

Universal Media Server is a media server capable of serving videos, audio, and images to any DLNA-capable device. It is free, regularly updated, ...



Stream your media to your devices, whether they are TVs, smartphones, gaming consoles, computers, audio receivers, and more!


Universal Media Server - Browse 10.16.0 at SourceForge.net

This release improves detection of TV episodes and movies, fixes a bunch of user-reported bugs, improves performance and security, and more!


Universal Media Server 10.16.0

2022年2月13日 — Universal Media Server 10.16.0 changelog: General: Improved detection of TV episodes and movies; Improved cache performance and resource use ...


Universal Media Server 10.16.0 釋出,媒體檔案傳輸工具

2022年1月19日 — Universal Media Server 10.16.0 釋出,媒體檔案傳輸工具 · 改進了對電視劇和電影的檢測 · 改進了快取效能和資源使用 · 使關閉功能變得更可靠 · 使得恢復 ...


Universal Media Server | News

Stream your media to your devices, whether they are TVs, smartphones, gaming consoles, computers, audio receivers, and more!


Version 10.16.0 released - Universal Media Server | Forum

2022年1月17日 — General: This release improves detection of TV episodes and movies, fixes a bunch of user-reported bugs, improves performance and security, ...



2022年2月14日 — Universal Media Server 10.16.0 的變化列表:. 一般的:. 改進了對電視劇和電影的檢測。 提高緩存性能和資源使用率; 關機變得更加可靠; 恢復文件出現在 ...
