
最新版本 Unity 2023.1.9

Unity 2023.1.9

Unity 2023.1.9
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.

For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲在任何 platform.

Unity 特點是鉤和喜悅的球員:

Rapidly 組裝您的場景在一個直觀的,可擴展的編輯工作區。為對你的成品 game.

Create 與 AAA 視覺逼真度,音頻和全油門動作執行平整光潔任何 screen.

2D 和放大器遊戲快速迭代播放,測試和編輯; 3D
Get 專用於 2D 和 3D 內容創建與利用共享 conventions.

Unity&rsquo 的高效的工作流程工具; S 唯一強大和靈活的動畫系統帶來生命的任何字符或物體與難以置信天然和流體 movement.

Reliable 性能,光滑幀率,和高超的遊戲跨越目標 platforms.

No 其他遊戲引擎發揮的經驗給你這麼多的發布平台與近費力 deployment.

Unity 雲 Build
Get 選擇你的構建與新的雲服務構建的簡單方法。檢測項目中的變化,你的工作,並建立對您的設備自動傳送,或可玩的 Web.

Note:Unity 是免費的,自帶 Unity Pro.

Also 提供全功能的 30 天試用版:下載 Unity 為 Mac


檔案版本 Unity 2023.1.9

檔案名稱 UnityHubSetup.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Unity Technologies
官網 http://unity3d.com/unity
更新日期 2023-08-18

What's new in this version:

Unity 2023.1.9
- Change log not available for this version

Unity 2023.1.8
API Changes:
- Graphics: Added: ForEach method to iterate over the tiers of QualitySettings in a safe way

- XR: Updated AR Foundation and related packages to version 5.0.7
- XR: Updated com.unity.xr.openxr package version to 1.8.2

- 2D: Fixed performance issue with light batching
- 2D: Fixed Pixel Perfect Camera error when scale is set to 0
- Android: Fixed an issue where Android build system was asking for an API level that didn't exist
- Android: Fixed JNI:GetInternetReachability exception while using APIs like Application.internetReachability when running with GameActivity
- Android: On closing the touch screen keyboard TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput is set to true
- Android: Upgraded BouncyCastle from version 1.47 to 1.70 to fix security vulnerabilities
- Apple TV: Fixed play mode test project InputBackend
- Editor: Enabled mixed stack trace for Mono builds on Linux
- Editor: Ensure all properties in Search auto complete dialog have a tooltip to accomodate really long property names
- Editor: Ensure derived components are indexed (in prefab)
- Editor: Ensure SearchQueryProject list and SearchQuery panels are updated if SearchQueryAssets are added/removed either from Search Window or externally
- Editor: Fixed a null reference exception when the user selects a prefab with a terrain in the root node in the project view
- Editor: Fixed Async Progress registering ScriptingGCHandle not in current domain
- Editor: Fixed getthumbail if we generate preview for multi selection when selection was started on a Folder
- Editor: Fixed shutdown crash caused by nullptr dereference inside WorkerManagerASIO
- Editor: Make text in Windows Editor dialogues selectable to support copy and paste
- Editor: Proper handling of saving a scenetemplate or a unity scene
- Editor: Removed dialog window and Variant suffix for Model Prefab Instances dragged into the project window
- Editor: Removed the scrollview in the New Scene dialog
- Editor: Style buttons of SceneTemplate Inspector
- Editor: Updated Window/Panel menu even when aux window are closed
- GI: Detecting invalid data in lighting data assets in order to avoid a crash
- Graphics: Fixed compilation error on shadergraph preview
- Graphics: Fixed for environment lighting when no adaptive prove volume is present
- Graphics: Fixed stencil information display error under camera depthNormals mode
- HDRP: Added warning to reflection probe editor to prevent user from baking in a low quality level
- HDRP: Fixed Decal additive normal blending on shadergraph materials
- HDRP: Fixed decal projector with neutral normal when using surface gradient
- HDRP: Fixed recovering the current Quality level when migrating a HDRP Asset
- IL2CPP: Avoid a semaphore link in the IL2CPP runtime that can occur during lock contention for multiple threads
- IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of .NET File APIs for some DLC paths on GameCore
- IL2CPP: Fixed Calli scanning bug in MarkReflectionLikeDependencies pass
- Linux: Fixed Editor getting focused when saving script files with Jetbraines Rider
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where built-in packages could not be successfully resolved if a dependency version did not exactly match the built-in package version
- Particles: Fixed particles flickering on Vulkan
- Player: Fixed custom SRP shaders used in skyboxes not rendering in Single-Pass Instanced XR rendering mode.
- UI Toolkit: Fixed exception thrown when adding a hidden column to a multi column control
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the ordering of the spacing and border fields in the UI Builder inspector, to match uss order.
- Universal RP: Fixed exception for missing _Color Shader Property
- WebGL: Moved BrowserifyJSTool to the WebGL area since its only used by the WebGL build

Unity 2023.1.7
- 2D: Fixed color texture not getting created in custom render passes
- 2D: Fixed crash with TilemapCollider2D when a Tilemap with Tiles that have invalid Transform Matrices are loaded
- Android: Fixed getMethodID failure on some android version
- Android: Fixed unpatched activity tags in AndroidManifest
- Build Pipeline: Fixed AssetBundle incremental build needs to detect script namespace/assembly change
- Build Pipeline: Fixed lost sprite references in bundles when moving the assets
- Core: Fixed issue where job may fail to allocate using Allocator.Temp resulting in a a "Top level scope allocation is permitted only on the main thread." exception message
- DX12: Fixed a rare crash when using ray traced reflections in HDRP
- Editor: Added a top level mem scope to avoid temp memory leak
- Editor: Asset info (labels and asset bundle) is now shown but in a disabled state when the asset is not checked out in perforce
- Editor: Fixed alignment issues with the label and value field when editing LazyLoadReference and MinMaxGradient fields
- Editor: Fixed an issue where shader errors appeared in Shadows.hlsl and Lighting.hlsl
- Editor: Fixed AsyncOperation.allowSceneActivation is ignored when refocusing Editor
- Editor: Fixed crash when importing large FBX file
- Editor: Fixed DrawAAPolyLine method that modified the source color values
- Editor: Fixed edge case with the Windows Player where an incorrect resolution is used and reported by Screen.width and Screen.height. This occurred when the player was started on a monitor with different DPI settings compared to the main windows monitor
- Editor: Fixed for Editor crash based on shader chunk size of 0 in player settings
- Editor: Fixed ObjectField label not updating when assigning a null value through the inspector
- Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where the editor would sometimes crash when retrieving keywords for a custom Compute Shader
- Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where the Event Sliders/Buttons didn't update the window properly
- Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where the textures sometimes leaked when inspecting shadowmaps
- Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue with incorrect font sizes in the tree view
- Editor: Hide the CPU option from the UI for Managed Plugins as it has no effect
- Editor: Make newly created ScriptableSingleton instances editable
- Editor: To remove the transparent input field that presents when TouchScreenKeyboard is active with hideInput option
- Package Manager: Added a scroll in package manifest description field in Inspector
- Physics: Cloth objects inter-collisions is now properly enabled when turned on in the project settings
- Physics: Fixed a crash while entering play mode with a cloth component that hasn't been edited
- Physics: Fixed an issue where Cloth would crash when attempting to bake using a mesh with duplicate vertices and all particles pinned
- Physics 2D: Ensure that the RelativeJoint2D, when turning on "Auto Configuration Offset", shows Angular offset in Degrees rather than Radians
- UI Toolkit: Dynamic height ListView was being scrolled to the wrong item when using ScrollToItem
- UI Toolkit: Fixed inconsistent bezier offset when using Painter2D
- UI Toolkit: Fixed ListView single click issue when EventSystem and StandaloneInputModule are in the scene
- UI Toolkit: Fixed Painter2D libtess crash when using invalid input values
- UI Toolkit: Fixed TreeView element not being expanded fully when trying to expand it more than once
- UI Toolkit: ListView was sometimes stuck when trying to scroll up from the bottom
- UI Toolkit: ListView's content container was sometimes resized smaller than it should be when reordering items
- UI Toolkit: ListView's itemsChosen was being called when quickly clicking on two separate items
- UI Toolkit: ObjectField didn't get cleared when using backspace
- VFX Graph: Fixed crash when changing to custom batch capacity in computers with large GPU memory
- VFX Graph: Initialize VFX material indices to make all materials valid if used on Awake
- Video: Improved VP8Encoder compression and encoding speed
- Video: Video Player Component causes performance degradation in WebGL Player when using "Linear" Color Space
- Web: Fixed bug in WebGL's FMOD implementation that caused the console to be spammed with errors when using the PlayOneShot API
- WebGL: Fixed an issue where C++ function names would not be properly generated in the output symbols.json file
- Windows: Fixed "Restart Unity as a standard user" button not working when Unity editor gets run as administrator due to Unity Hub running as administrator or due to Unity's executable compatibility flags being configured to be run as administrator
- XR: Updated XR Interaction Toolkit to version 2.4.1

Unity 2023.1.6
- Build System: Fixed pigz-mac-aarch64 artifact (previously was a linux binary instead)
- Editor: Device Simulator now respects the WaitForEndOfFrame yield instruction when used in combination with Application.targetFramerate
- Editor: Fixed CPU usage not reducing when un-focusing editor if a tab is undocked
- Editor: Fixed modal windows are blank when opened
- Editor: Frame Debugger: Fixed an issue where scrolling in the window didn't work when the Mesh Preview was being used
- Graphics: Made Always/Vertex pass to be accepted by the ForwardRenderer loop and receive the main light's screenspace shadowmap
- Networking: UnityWebRequest texture download will now create the texture with mipmaps
- Physics: Fixed small bodies starting to tunnel through large bodies in continuous collision detection mode at high simulation frequencies (~200Hz)
- UI Toolkit: Fixed EnumField not updating its displayed text when changing back from showMixedValue mode
- UI Toolkit: Fixed PropertyField resolving the wrong type when showing an ObjectField and a class had the same name as a built-in type
- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where incorrect Shader Keyword Prefiltering was used with SSAO when AfterOpaque was used.
- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where rendering layers keywords were not enabled correctly when using Decals & SSAO in Deferred
- Universal RP: Fixed Native RenderPass errors when using RenderingLayers

Unity 2023.1.5
- Documentation: Clarify the behavior of Texture2D.Apply(), especially regarding mipmap limits

- Build System: [bee_backend] use posix_spawn on unix instead of fork+exec
- Package: Fixed a crash that could happen on Android

- 2D: Fixed Crash on GenerateTextureAndSpriteRectDataFromAtlasMask when clicking "Pack Preview" after packing an Asset into Sprite Atlas
- Android: AndroidJavaProxy correctly maps null variables (e.g empty string) for reflection search + automatic tests for AndroidJavaProxy
- Android: Fixed an issue where pause was not processed when onPause() is called right after onResume() is called
- Android: Fixed crash when using Optimized Frame Pacing combined with Vulkan native rendering plugins
- Asset Pipeline: Ensure all Accelerator cache downloads are used when importing using ParallelImport mode
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where mismatched (or corrupted) asset artifact IDs could cause a crash during project launch
- Core: Fixed creation of baking set on new projects.
- Editor: Fixed Console error when selecting SRP Lens Flare asset
- Editor: Fixed for ArgumentNullException and Assertion failed errors thrown when enabling Opaque Texture, using the Hierarchy search bar, and viewing the Scene tab in Play Mode
- Editor: Fixed rare crash when importing certain Usd files using Usd package
- Editor: Fixed title on multi ScriptableObject selection
- Editor: Improved performance when saving Prefabs
- Editor: Prefab Documentation link fixed for the help button
- Editor: Source asset db rebuilt and plugin assets reimported to fix inconsistency
- GI: EnlightenRuntimeManager methods are visible in the profiler in Play mode
- Graphics: Added support for DOTS_INSTANCING to HDRP/Lit FullScreenDebug pass
- Graphics: Fixed a division-by-zero crash when attempting to use the region-based CopyTexture with depth-only RenderTextures
- Graphics: Fixed a scenario where combining Linear Project Color Space, DisplayP3, enabled Post-Processing and disabled HDR would provoke 'RenderTexture.Create failed' errors
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where a "RenderTexture color format cannot be set to a depth/stencil format" error appeared when passing DefaultFormat.DepthStencil or DefaultFormat.Shadow to the DefaultFormat RenderTexture/CustomRenderTexture constructor
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where RenderTexture assets using Auto GraphicsFormats would sometimes not upgrade correctly if the depthStencilFormat was None, a D16_UNorm fallback was missing. VideoAuto is now converted to YUV2 as well
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where RenderTexture.enableRandomWrite was not being serialized
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where the RenderTextureDescriptor 'colorFormat' getter was not consistent with the RenderTexture 'format' getter and was incapable of determining the depth-related RenderTextureFormat when 'graphicsFormat' was 'None'
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where the RenderTextureFormat 'format' getter on AttachmentDescriptor would not return RenderTextureFormat.Depth when the 'graphicsFormat' was a depth-stencil format
- Graphics: Fixed instances where the RenderTextureDescriptor sRGB setter would sometimes 'corrupt' or unintentionally modify the descriptor's GraphicsFormat
- Graphics: GraphicsFormat.None is now correctly permitted as a color format on all RenderTexture constructors, enabling the use of the new approach for creating depth-only RTs across all constructors (GraphicsFormat.None as a color format)
- HDRP: Fixed color pyramid history buffer logic when history is reset and the color pyramid is not required
- HDRP: Fixed fireflies in path traced volume scattering using MIS. Add support for anisotropic fog
- IL2CPP: Fixed field alignment of generic struct fields
- IL2CPP: Fixed issue with Managed code stripping when inlining setters with a backing type located in a different assembly
- IL2CPP: Process.getProcessName will now return the process name only rather than the full path to the process
- Linux: Fixed GUIView's invalid memory access when EditorWindow closed within OnGUI
- Mono: Avoid an incorrect TypeLoadException when a generic type has a field which is a 2D array of itself
- Mono: Fixed crash when attempting to access a field of a null valuetype object
- Mono: This fixes string initialization when creating a new string with the intention of all characters getting set to null. Removes the optimization that assumes the memory is clean
- Player: Fixed memory regression in Player
- Prefabs: Fixed "Prefab mismatch: The instance object in the scene is referencing a corresponding source object in the Prefab of a different type." thrown when applying added GameObject to a Prefab
- Serialization: Make sure that the class name of an inflated type does not include the namespace in it
- Shaders: Fixed replacement shaders not picking up keywords enabled on the material that are not valid for the shader assigned to the material
- TextCore: Added Nirmala UI as global fallback font for Hindi script on Windows
- TextCore: Fixed crashed when upgrading materials
- UI: Fixed incorrect UV calculated on UI sprites when texture is a crunched-compressed format
- UI Toolkit: Added an option to the library's settings that will allow the user to use a blank VisualElement by default when adding from the library
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a NullReferenceException thrown when instantiating a VisualElement created from a visualTreeAssetSource and there are multiple UI Documents in the Scene
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an exception when calling RemoveFromHierarchy during detatchFromPanel events
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed use of ReadOnlyAttribute in certain managed plugin scenario
- URP: 2D - Fix additional draw call when Foremost Sorting Layer is enabled during unlit
- VFX Graph: Fixed potential infinite loop when opening VFX Graph due to space issue
- Video: Fixed WebCamTexture throws error when asking a different configuration than the one specified in NVIDIA Broadcast
- Video: [WebPlatform] Forwarding video, moves to start on Mac OS Chrome browser when "Build and Run"
- Windows: Fixed for preserving escaped double quote in a quoted command line argument
- XR: XR: Fixed an issue with XR Input -> Input System that caused Input System's TrackedPoseDriver rotation to drift between Update / BeforeRender calls

Unity 2023.1.4
- Package: Package: Updated Localization package to 1.4.4

- 2D: Fixed Sprite previews of Sprites which have a side smaller than 64 pixels and have an aspect ratio of more than 2x in difference
- Android: Fixed GPU skinning on remaining Adreno devices
- Asset Import: Fixed bug with BC7 texture encoding upon import crashing on older Penryn (Core 2 Duo) CPUs
- Build Pipeline: Improved build time when preparing the splash screen. The first build will still be the same, however subsequent will be reduced significantly
- Documentation: Updated docs to reflect how the engine works
- Editor: Entities are not displayed with OpenGL on some mobiles
- Editor: Fixed "Busy Progress Delay" not saving the new value when clicking to other tabs in the Preferences window
- Editor: Fixed an issue related to BRGs and Ambient Light
- Editor: Fixed an issue where some rendered gizmos, graph elements, handles, etc would be rendered with a final alpha value of less than 1
- Editor: Fixed createassetmenu attribute menu name with space won't work
- Editor: Fixed Debug Error logs in Prefab Overrides window
- Editor: Fixed Editor freezes for some time when moving a group of GameObjects in the Hierarchy
- Editor: Fixed enum values binding incorrectly when the enum contained obsolete values
- Editor: Fixed issue with font asset being re-created every domain reload
- Editor: Fixed last line of object picker sometimes being cut off
- Editor: Fixed nullref occurring when font references have not been initialized properly
- Editor: Fixed PlayerPrefs API in case registry keys has been manually deleted
- Editor: Fixed UI Toolkit Debugger upward search with SHIFT+F3 on keyboard with Fn key
- Editor: Fixed xdg-open fallback
- Editor: Switching to the Simulator view from the Game view will no longer change the Simulator view dimensions to be the same as the Game view
- Editor: Updated libcurl to 8.1.1
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where creating an sRGB texture using one of the TextureFormat constructors in gamma project color space would produce a texture with an incorrect "Texture.isDataSRGB" value (false)
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where textures imported as ETC1 Crunched sRGB would appear too bright in linear projects
- Graphics: Fixed shadow render issues on Built-in Render Pipeline when using Metal
- Graphics: Fixed vertex color input when frame buffer fetch is used on GLES
- Graphics: Renderer.SetMaterials() and Renderer.SetSharedMaterials() will set the correct number of elements when list capacity is larger than count
- iOS: Fixed PlayerSettings.iOS.hideHomeButton not reading/modifying actual PlayerSettings
- Licensing: Fixed performance issue in IPC comms under heavy thread load
- N/A (internal): Fixed small performance regression in the player in specific cases
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the whole project directory was deleted when removing a package with a non-existent file path
- Prefabs: Fixed Prefab Asset FileIDs are changed after building a player and saving assets. The build pipeline did change the fileIDs and did not properly clean up afterwards
- Serialization: Fixed Missing ScriptableObjects do not throw NullReferenceExceptions when accessing their properties in Play Mode
- Serialization: Make sure double-s are parsed correctly in MiniJSON ParseNumber
- Serialization: Throw an exception when trying to access struct that has an empty SerializeReference list field with boxedValue, as this is not supported by Unity
- Shaders: Fixed duplicate compilation when using dynamic_branch keywords
- Shaders: Forcing the smoke test to process the jobs asynchronously all the time regardless of the shader possible usage of #pragma editor_sync_compilation. Hence, making the smoke test shader compilation process faster
- SRP Core: Fixed console errors when debug actions are removed from Input Manager during play mode
- UI Toolkit: Fixed ListView reorderable and reorderMode being ignored when used with editor binding
- Universal RP: Added missing G-buffer normal decoding for the "URP Sample Buffer" node in Fullscreen shadergraphs when using "Accurate G-buffer normals" in the deferred renderer (not background pixels will not match)
- Universal RP: Fixed Native RenderPass errors when using RendererFeature which is executed in between GBuffer and Deferred Lighting passes
- Video: Video from Video Player is not updated immediately in the Edit Mode when changing its time in the Inspector window
- Video: Video has a delay, random freezing, and speeding up when using VideoPlayer
- Windows: Fixed PlayerPrefs API in case registry keys has been manually deleted

Unity 2023.1.3
- HDRP: When HDRP is disabled, Compute Shaders are being stripped

- Android: Fixed Unity allocator crash when forcing -systemallocator on ARM64 with Android 10/11 or higher
- Documentation: Fixed Renderer2DData docs link
- Editor: Duplicated or copied GameObjects get pasted next to the original object or paste-target instead of at the end
- Editor: Fixed an issue where dragging an asset from the Packages folder to an empty Assets folder could cause a crash
- Editor: Fixed crash in Transform::RemoveFromParent
- Editor: Fixed menu missing after domain reload
- Editor: Fixed the ExposedReference property drawer ObjectField not updating when undo/redo is performed
- Editor: Updating outdated and broken links in the Help toolbar for Unity Discussions (old Unity Answers) & Unity Feedback
- GI: Fixed off-by-one error in version number used for margin method upgrade path
- Graphics: Fixed CustomRenderTexture depth test results failing on some platforms
- Graphics: Fixed Light movement and artifacts when multiple vertex lights are interacting
- Graphics: Fixed object motion vectors not rendering when drawing objects using the Graphics.Render* functions
- HDRP: Fixed wrong metapass when using planar/triplanar projection in HDRP
- Particles: Fixed incorrect simulation when using the Simulate Layers option on effects that contain non-looping sub-emitters
- Particles: Fixed potential crash when using systems relying on GeometryJobs
- Physics 2D: Fixed an issue where contacts are not solved correctly on iOS leading to tunnelling and random impulses.
- Prefabs: Fixed PrefabModificationsForSerializedObject::DoPrefabModificationsNeedUpdate() is unnecessarily slow
- Scene/Game View: Fixed overlay menu position when mouse cursor is hovering another EditorWindow
- Scripting: Added a validation error when a user's Roslyn analyzer or Source generator references a version of .net standard incompatible with Visual Studio
- Scripting: Fixed performance regression on some API that take array parameters
- Scripting: Fixed Unity SourceGenerator to be loadable by Visual Studio
- SRP Core: Removed some unexpected SRP changed callback invocations
- UI Toolkit: Fixed BezierCurveTo() rounded caps when control points are very short
- UI Toolkit: Fixed Painter2D.BezierCurveTo() missing polygons when very far from the origin
- UI Toolkit: Fixed useless repaint when modifying the color for the first time of a VisualElement with the DynamicColor hint
- UI Toolkit: Fixed Vector Image scaling issue with scale-to-fill
- URP: Fixed Screen space Overlay UI rendered at the wrong size for scaling mode "Constant Pixel Size" or "Constant Physical Size", when HDR output is active
- VFX Graph: Fixed OutputUpdate warnings about spaces after end of line

Unity 2023.1.2
- Burst: Added proper license attribution for MUSL and SLEEF libraries

- Burst: Changed focus for initial Burst Inspector focus to actually get the search hit in focus
- Physics: Added tooltips to the properties of the PhysicMaterial component
- Services: Rebranded Unity Cloud Build service to Build Automation

- Android: Bump Game Activity package to 2.0.2, it fixes issues with touch historical values
- Android: Updated that the text inputfield to appear and disappear with the "Enter" key
- Asset Bundles: Fixed an issue where AssetBundles didn't build correctly for intel_32 architecture when the denoising package is active in the project
- Burst: Fixed "The specified path is not of a legal form (empty)" error.
- Burst: Fixed a hashing error that could occur when an operator overload method is used as a Burst entry point.
- Burst: Fixed a warning that occurred when opening Burst AOT Settings while in Play Mode.
- Burst: Fixed an issue causing source file handles to be left open (preventing saving in an ide, if in debug scripting mode and the file is used in the burst path).
- Burst: Fixed an issue that calls to methods with multiple [Conditional] attributes are now kept if any one of the conditions are met.
- Burst: Fixed an issue that caused builds to fail due to the System.Diagnostics.Tracing assembly not being found.
- Burst: Fixed an issue that caused the digits and MidpointRounding parameters of Math.Round be ignored.
- Burst: Fixed an issue when targeting multiple cpu architectures (e.g. SSE2 & AVX2) that under some circumstances would lead to code attempting to execute paths not designed for that cpu.
- Burst: Fixed Burst implementation of IntPtr.GetHashCode() being different than .Net.
- Burst: Fixed crash on linux if debug logging was enabled.
- Burst: Fixed QNX builds using the qnxInstallationPath editor build setting.
- Core: Fixed APV first bake.
- Core: Fixed missing open button on APV help boxes.
- Editor: Added support for subscene and ensure SceneAsset supports changing its instance/reference
- Editor: Avoid quadratic indexing time when indexing scenes with prefabs
- Editor: Component Help button tooltip are generated with a nicify type name
- Editor: Ensure ModeService does a EnumerateAllAssets once (in startup) and never again during domain reload
- Editor: Ensure Selection is properly synced when items are deleted
- Editor: Fixed a bug in Native Leak Detection that could cause the Unity Editor to crash on some platforms. (DOTS-8743)
- Editor: Fixed a case where an object change event for object destruction would not contain a valid parent instance id
- Editor: Fixed an issue that AdbProvider doesn't add errors when displayed in the Project tab
- Editor: Fixed an issue that text based QueryBlock now work correctly when typing text
- Editor: Fixed an issue that the Custom indexers are now properly refreshed on Domain reload
- Editor: Fixed an issue to not allow adding the same column twice
- Editor: Fixed an issue to properly cut text with ellipsis in Saved Search Query Panel
- Editor: Fixed build issue on Linux
- Editor: Fixed for crash when disconnecting bluetooth audio device
- Editor: Fixed hover and tooltip of Scene Template Pipeline help button
- Editor: Fixed issue where selecting text that is not a TextField in IMGUI would flicker
- Editor: Fixed Native Leak Detection warning message to indicate the correct menu location
- Editor: Fixed resize minimum size on undocked window
- Editor: Fixed scrollbar in scene template dialog
- Editor: Refresh of SearchQueryListView happens on demand by pressing the newly added Refresh button
- Editor: Removed useless description from None Search Item
- Editor: Support DOTS_INSTANCING in DebugReplacement shader
- Editor: Tagstring is considered a default filter for Asset/Project
- GI: Fixed mem label in LightBaker to not cause warnings about allocation lifetime
- Graphics: Avoid mainthread stalls when QualitySettings are updated but no mipmap limits have changed
- Graphics: Corrected UI behavior when selecting multiple lights of different types
- Graphics: Fixed crash when loading a zero-sized Texture2D asset
- HDRP: Added a new custom pass injection after opaque and sky finished rendering
- HDRP: Added an helpbox for local custom pass volumes that doesn't have a collider attached
- HDRP: Fixed baked light being wrongly put in the cached shadow atlas
- HDRP: Fixed D3D validation error for area lights in HDShadowAtlas
- HDRP: Fixed inconsistent documentation about hardware supporting raytracing
- HDRP: Fixed scene template dependencies
- HDRP: Fixed Virtual offset being computed if distance was 0.
- HDRP: Improving DLSS ghosting artifacts a little bit, by using a better pre-exposure parameter. Fixing reset history issues on DLSS camera cuts
- HDRP: Minor fix to HDRP UI when Raytraced AO is enabled
- HDRP: Respect the transparent reflections settings when using raytracing
- HDRP: Show base color texture on decal materials if Affect BaseColor is disabled
- IL2CPP: Fixed build failure on Windows systems using Turkish as the primary system display language
- iOS: Fixed Screen.orientation returns wrong values when switching from Landscape orientation to AutoRotation at runtime on iOS 16
- Package Manager: Fixed null Exception when manually installing com.unity.ui.builder
- Physics: Fixed physics simulation mode not being upgraded correctly from an older project that lacked the auto simulation option in DynamicsManager.asset
- Prefabs: Fixed for an unparented GameObject is created when duplicating a Prefab with a child that has HideFlags.DontSave
- Shadergraph: Fixed Texture Size node causing compilation error in the Fullscreen ShaderGraph target
- SpeedTree: Added motion vector rendering for SpeedTrees for HDRP. This will help with fixing visual issues with effects that use motion vectors such as Temporal Anti Aliasing (TAA), Motion Blur, or similar
- SRP Core: Fixed Rendering Debugger runtime UI getting occluded by user UI with sorting order larger than 0
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the multi-selection of list views in the Inspector window when using the shift or alt key
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue that Capabilities are not changed when rebuilding the project
- VFX Graph: Fixed crash when loading a subscene with VFX in DOTS
- VFX Graph: Removed an error message when a point cache asset is missing, added an error feedback instead

Unity 2023.1.1
- Test Framework: Added TestFileReferences.json to be generated on build step of the player, so can be consumed later by Test runners to enrich data for run part.
- Test Framework: By using the editor command line new argument -randomOrderSeed x you can run the tests in a randomized order, where x is an integer different from 0. If a new test is added in the project the random order passing the same seed will be kept, and the new test will be placed in the random list accordigly.
- Test Framework: The UTF version now automatically updates for SRP tests

- Editor: Fixed an issue where RFloat / RGFloat / RGBAFloat formats were not useable in the Texture Importer Inspector even though they already could be applied through, for example, an AssetPostprocessor.
- Graphics: Graphics.Blit now supports source signed textures (no remapping if blitting from signed to unsigned)
- VFX Graph: Allows texture types to be used in branch operators
- VFX Graph: VFX systems receiving GPU events can now go into sleep state

- Build Pipeline: Will now use -filelist when running libtool for MacOS/iOS builds to prevent command lines from becoming too long

- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the AssetImportManager could crash while registering scripts if a script became unreachable during a domain reload
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where the AssetImportManager could crash while registering scripts if a script became unreachable during a domain reload
- Build Pipeline: Fix ability to complete build when using Multi-process option to build AssetBundles when Visual Effect Asset has missing references
- Build Pipeline: Fixes edge case where using the BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer APIs on Windows can fail, when a previously used build folder has been deleted
- Core: Fixed an issue where "Burst error BC1091: External and internal calls are not allowed inside static constructors: Unity.Jobs.LowLevel.Unsafe.JobsUtility.get_ThreadIndexCount()" may have been thrown when Burst compiling certain codepaths
- Core: Fixes crash that could occur when scheduling many jobs that have many NativeContainers such that the job debugger might run out of room for debug information
- DX12: Fixes a crash caused by too early release of a texture
- DX12: Fixes issues in constant buffer offset binding with e.g. terrain painting
- Editor: Disable blitting to same texture error message when the destination texture is not used as input texture in specified pass in Graphics.Blit
- Editor: Fix crash when previewing certain animation curves in the inspector which contain infinite tangents
- Editor: Fix Prefab item in Hierarchy does not expand until second click
- Editor: Fix the problem of selectedPlatform being serialized in ProjectSettings.asset
- Editor: Fixed an issue where previews for Textures using signed formats looked incorrect
- Editor: Fixed GameAssembly build script for Xcode project generated on Windows
- Editor: Fixed Left Alt is recognized as pressed when switching to a different window and back
- Editor: Prevent particle system buffer pre-mapping in editor if RenderDoc is present
- GI: Lighting bake stops with error 2 ('AddGeometry' failed with exit code: 4)". Error is thrown without telling which mesh is problematic
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where, in some instances, specific GraphicsFormatUtility API such as "HasAlphaChannel" were returning incorrect results for signed TextureFormats
- Graphics: Fixed DOTS instancing support for Universal2D in the URP/Lit shader
- Graphics: Fixed excessive Metal memory allocation under some scenarios
- Graphics: Fixed foveated rendering for y-flip render targets on metal
- Graphics: Fixed VVL-01913 error when trying to end too many debug markers in a secondary command buffer scope
- Graphics: Strip shader variants with both procedural instancing and DOTS instancing
- HDRP: Fixed HDProbes to support custom resolutions for all rendering modes
- HDRP: Fixed shaders stripping for Lens Flares
- HDRP: Various space transform fixes
- HDRP: [Backport] Fix the incorrect base color of decals for transparency
- iOS: Delete unneeded files when replacing the build
- iOS: Fix assert error in iOS.Device.systemVersion and tvOS.Device.systemVersion. Also make there properties only return values on respective OSes
- Linux: Fixed Unity Editor does not send exit code until Bug Reporter is closed
- Linux: Fixed Unity runtime printing stack trace more than once in Entities package + IL2CPP crashes
- Particles: Fix sub-emitter preview incorrectly pausing if parent particles are finished
- Particles: Fix subemitter crash if effect is referenced more than once in effect hierarchy
- Serialization: It is not possible to instantiate abstract class, which is happening in this case. The fix for editor crash is to make sure that the abstract StatusEffect class is not instantiated in SerializedReference fields. You can achieve this by either changing all the occurrences, or add [MovedFrom(true, sourceClassName:"StatusEffect")] attribute to StatusEffectComplex class
- Serialization: When serializing empty managed object reference we are not adding the data node in the YAML, which is causing problems after some fields are added to the script and the YAML is being de-serialized. In this case, as there still is not any data node in the YAML, the deserialization process is not instantiating the managed object correctly
- Shaders: Fix interpolator parameter GLSL generated code for EVAL_SAMPLE_INDEX, EVAL_SNAPPED, EVAL_CENTROID
- Shaders: Fixed "State comes from an incompatible keyword space" error when using dynamic branching with use pass or fallbacks
- Shaders: Fixed progress bar sometimes not appearing when "Compile and show code" button is pressed in the shader inspector
- Test Framework: Fix for WebGL platform target to close the browser tab when the run is completed.
- TextCore: Corrected the improper ratio between character spacing and word spacing for justified alignment. We intend to introduce an adjustable property to allow for fine-tuning of this ratio
- TextCore: Ensure tag affects the preferred height values
- TextCore: Fix "NullReferenceException" thrown when renaming Sprite in the Sprite Character Table
- TextCore: Fix exception thrown when parsing an invalid tag
- UI: Fixes the UI rendering to use the render-target dimensions instead of the display buffer dimensions when calling ScriptableRenderContext.DrawUIOverlay from an SRP
- UI Toolkit: Fixed issue where sprites used incorrect indexes
- UI Toolkit: Fixed selection when the carriage return (r) is being used
- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit not rendering in render texture when launched in batch mode
- URP: Fixed redundant blit is used due to postFX, although it is disabled in rendererData
- VFX Graph: Fix a potential crash with particle strips
- VFX Graph: Fix an editor only memory leak with VFX Graph objects
- VFX Graph: Fix data serialization that could lead to corrupted state
- VFX Graph: Fix VFX assets being considered modified after creation
- WebGL: - Fixed webCamTexture.DidUpdateThisFrame not getting correctly updated
- Windows: Fixed a bug with multi-channel audio input on Windows. If we tried to capture from a microphone with more than 2 channels, Microphone.Start would fail and an "Unsupported file or audio format" error would appear in the console

Unity 2023.1.0
- HDRP: Improved CPU performances by disabling "QuantizedFrontToBack" sorting in opaque rendering

- 2D: Fixed a Nullptr lens flare data driven 2d bis
- 2D: Fixed an issue where the MainTexTexelSize property is not being set when compiling a Shader
- First seen in 2023.1.0b4
- 2D: Fixed bug with placement of the Tilemap Instantiated Object when the Tilemap orientation is set
- 2D: Fixed case where sprite Packer does not re-pack folder when texture type is changed to sprite when inside a target folder
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue with async unloading which could cause errors and crashes in AssetDatabase.CreateAsset()
- Burst: Fixed incorrect Burst stacktraces in Windows player builds
- Editor: Added Bee build recipes for LAME and Vorbis encoders
- Fix LAME vulnerability CVE-2017-8419
- First seen in 2023.2.0a1
- Editor: Fixed an issue that caused some packages to remain visible in the Project Window when the visibility button was toggled
- Editor: Fixed an issue that caused the assets of some packages to remain visible in the Object Picker when the visibility button in the Project Window was toggled
- Editor: Fixed an issue where a UnityException ("Could not find the requested Platform Texture Settings. This is incorrect, did initialization fail?") would sometimes be thrown when inspecting multiple texture importers at the same time
- Editor: Fixed an issue where users would sometimes be prompted to save their changes by the Texture Importer Inspector despite having not changed any of the importer settings
- Editor: Fixed for editor freeze on macOS
- Editor: Fixed for editor hang that could happen, when an import in worker process fails because of asset being changed during the import. Any following sync import (using ProduceArtifact API) request for this asset, would cause editor to hang
- Editor: Fixed meshes from 2019 LTS and older being upgraded to use an incorrect "Margin Method" setting for Lightmap UV generation
- Editor: Fixed the flickering of icons in the Hierarchy window
- Editor: For URP and HDRP moved the Realtime GI CPU Usage setting to the Quality tab in Project Settings
- Graphics: Avoid false warnings about RenderTexture format when switching colorspace
- Graphics: Fixed flickering issue with gpu batched skinning on D3D11 graphics api.
- Graphics: Improved performance when initially loading async uploaded textures
- First seen in 2023.1.0b3.
- HDRP: Added check to ensure gismos arent rendered when they shouldnt be
- HDRP: Fixed cloud layer rotation does not allow for smooth rotation
- HDRP: Fixed GetScaledSize when not using scaling
- HDRP: Fixed quad overdraw debug at high resolution

HDRP: Fixed TAA aliasing edge issues on alpha output for recorder / green screen. This fix does the following:
- Removes history rejection when the current alpha value is 0. Instead it does blend with the history color when alpha value is 0 on the current plane.
- The reasoning for blending again with the history when alpha is 0 is because we want the color to blend a bit with opacity, which is the main reason for the alpha values. sort of like a precomputed color
- As a safety, we set the color to black if alpha is 0. This results in better image quality when alpha is enabled
- HDRP: Fixed VT init to avoid RTHandle allocation outside of HDRP rendering loop
- HDRP: Upgrading from DLSS 2.4 to DLSS 3.0 for upscaling part
- IL2CPP: Fixed LineNumberMapping.json not ending up in exported projects when --emit-source-mapping is used
- IL2CPP: Fixed Marshal.OffsetOf returning the wrong offsets for explicit layouts
- iOS: Fixed "Screen.orientation" is not changing orientation in the UaaL
- iOS: Fixed BuildCanBeAppended returning Unsupported when used on Windows
- iOS: Fixed Images.xcassets not being added to the xcode project (resulting in icons not being set)
- iOS: Fixed low memory usage event not triggered when using Unity as a library
- macOS: Fixed BuildCanBeAppended returning Unsupported when used on Windows
- Mono: Corrected handle generic parameter attributes in the .Net Framework Api Compatibility Level
- Package Manager: Fixed a bug where removing an invalid local package would delete your project folder
- Prefabs: Fixed an issue so that PrefabUtility.ApplyRemovedComponent now removes the associated removed component override
- Scripting: Fixed ApiUpdater not applying updates to types moved to a new namespace in some alias scenarios
- First seen in 2023.1.0a13.
- Scripting: Fixed ApiUpdater not applying updates to types moved to a new namespace in some scenarios
- First seen in 2023.1.0a13.
- SRP Core: Fixed a crash on keywords::LocalKeywordState::ResetWithSpace when shader contains Grab Pass
- SRP Core: Fixed potentially broken rendering and errors after renaming a VolumeProfile asset
- uGUI: Fixed an issue that the Slider Component Normal Color property does not change in Scene and Game view when changed with an Animation
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the slider's value retention when interacting with the text field
- Universal RP: Changed the ScreenSpace Decals sorting criteria to None to fix flickering issues
- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where assets were incorrectly being saved when making builds.
- Universal RP: Fixed TAA resource leak on entering/exiting the playmode
- URP: Fixed incorrect MSAA sample count when using Deferred renderer but rendering to a target texture
- URP: Fixed ShaderGraph preview window not showing anything when using DepthNormals pass
- VFX Graph: Fixed strips tangents and buffer type with Shader Graph
- Video: Fixed an issue that internal texture queue populated by asynchronous decoding was sometimes being drained from 2 threads. Now serializing access
- Video: Fixed crashes when changing the source URL on some specific devices
- WebGL: Fixed a missing backslash in WebGL system info user agent regex that triggered a JS linter
- WebGL: Fixed WebGL build when "Name Files As Hashes" is enabled
- Windows: Fixed an issue that the Numpad Equals can now be registered with the Input System

Unity 2022.3.2
- Package: Updated code coverage package to version 1.2.4

- 2D: Fixed bug with placement of the Tilemap Instantiated Object when the Tilemap orientation is set
- 2D: Fixed case where sprite Packer does not re-pack folder when texture type is changed to sprite when inside a target folder
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue with async unloading which could cause errors and crashes in AssetDatabase.CreateAsset()
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed crash on CachedWriter::Write when building AssetBundle (.byte file >2GB)
- DX12: Fixed a crash with D3D12UploadOperation::CopyBufferRegion()
- DX12: Fixed VSync in the editor Game View and Scene View with Always Refresh -option on
- Editor: Better warning when user creates a SearchQuery with an invalid name
- Editor: Disabled SearchMonitor while running tests (except searchtests)
- Editor: Fixed an issue that caused some packages to remain visible in the Project Window when the visibility button was toggled
- Editor: Fixed an issue that caused the assets of some packages to remain visible in the Object Picker when the visibility button in the Project Window was toggled
- Editor: Fixed GameAssembly build script for Xcode project generated on Windows
- Editor: Fixed meshes from 2019 LTS and older being upgraded to use an incorrect "Margin Method" setting for Lightmap UV generation
- Editor: Fixed OnRectTransformDimensionsChange is not called on Undo
- Graphics: Fixed object motion vectors not rendering when drawing objects using the Graphics.Render* functions
- Graphics: Fixed solid color block artifacts when compressing textures using Fast ASTC on M1 devices
- HDRP: Fixed HDProbes to support custom resolutions for all rendering modes.
- HDRP: Updated HDRenderPipelineResources file
- HDRP: Updated HDRenderPipelineResources file
- IL2CPP: Fixed LineNumberMapping.json not ending up in exported projects when --emit-source-mapping is used
- iOS: Fixed "Screen.orientation" is not changing orientation in the UaaL
- iOS: Fixed BuildCanBeAppended returning Unsupported when used on Windows
- iOS: Fixed low memory usage event not triggered when using Unity as a library
- macOS: Fixed BuildCanBeAppended returning Unsupported when used on Windows
- Mono: Corrected handle generic parameter attributes in the .Net Framework Api Compatibility Level
- Package Manager: Fixed a bug where removing an invalid local package would delete your project folder
- Physics: Added a warning when cooking concave Mesh Colliders with the Fast Midphase option that have over 2,097,152 triangles
- Physics: Collider.material getter won't instantiate the material if called on the Prefab object
- Prefabs: PrefabUtility.ApplyRemovedComponent now removes the associated removed component override
- Profiler: Fixed sample selection in the Timeline View of Profiler Window
- Scripting: Added a validation error when a user's Roslyn analyzer or Source generator references a version of .net standard incompatible with Visual Studio
- Serialization: Memory could get corrupted when attempting to deserialize a JSON to an Array. As this is not supported by JsonUtility, this will now throw an ArgumentException
- SRP Core: Fixed potentially broken rendering and errors after renaming a VolumeProfile asset
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the slider's value retention when interacting with the text field
- Universal RP: Changed the ScreenSpace Decals sorting criteria to None to fix flickering issues
- WebGL: Fixed a missing backslash in WebGL system info user agent regex that triggered a JS linter
- WebGL: Fixed WebGL build when "Name Files As Hashes" is enabled
- Windows: Numpad Equals can now be registered with the Input System

Unity 2022.3.1
- Editor: The "Non-Power of 2" control is now hidden for Cubemaps in the Texture Importer Inspector because it is not used for Cubemaps

API Changes:
- SRP Core: Changed: HDROutputUtils.ConfigureHDROutput' now disables keywords that don't apply to the corresponding HDR Operation

- Editor: Input System: Updated Input System package to 1.6.1
- XR: Updated AR Foundation and related packages to version 5.0.5

- Android: Fixed errors on new InputSystem when using mouse clicks on Samsung Dex
- Burst: Fixed incorrect Burst stacktraces in Windows player builds
- Editor: Added more validation when saving scene template (handled outside project). Also allows saving inside a package folders
- Editor: Added try/catch when calling custom indexers so they cannot crash the whole indexing process
- Editor: Changed search result count label color to be more clear when selected and hovered
- Editor: Ensure AssetChangeSet.empty is properly setup even if the default constructor is used. Reenable the failing tests
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the Cubemap "Mapping" control in the Texture Importer Inspector would incorrectly be disabled in certain scenarios
- Editor: Fixed Column naming in Edit Column menu
- Editor: Fixed doc link for searchquery
- Editor: Fixed Painter2D.Arc() counter-clockwise incomplete strokes
- Editor: Fixed Prefab overridden fields not being disabled in the inspector, in isolation mode, with Show Overrides enabled
- Editor: Fixed title show the major, minor and version build
- Editor: Fixed VisualElement scheduler that may not run task in order when throttling
- Editor: Fixed Vorbis audio library security vulnerabilities CVE-2018-10392 and CVE-2018-10393
- Editor: FrameDebugger: Fixed an issue where render textures would leak when attached in a player using URP
- Editor: Improved warning message when trying to save a SceneTemplate with an invalid asset path
- Editor: Property titles from several words are now displayed with spaces
- Editor: Quick Search now displays Hierarchy GameObjects when using custom PreviewSceneStage
- Editor: Set a filter id for both perf provider
- Editor: Static batching doesn't work when the shader uses unity_ProbeVolumeParams
- Editor: Text in Text Assets can now be selected in the inspector
- Editor: Unresolved Pointer Reference Issue with menu controller
- Editor: Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1u.
- Editor: [Android] Changed name of symbols zip folder generated during build to include the backend specified, to ensure the folder is generated fresh when target architecture is changed but app name is not on 2022.2
- Editor: [Windows] Audio.Thread marker in Profiler window is lasting whole frame while audio is playing
- Graphics: Fixed: Provide a way to avoid GC.Alloc with RenderMeshInstanced
- iOS: Fixed leak error messages for iOS build and run process on MacOS editor
- UI Toolkit: Fixed UI Toolkit not rendering when HDR is enabled
- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where assets were incorrectly being saved when making builds.
- Universal RP: Fixed an issue where switching Volume Update modes between Every Frame and Via Scripting gave an error
- Universal RP: Fixed for the UI being drawn twice in some scenarios
- URP: 2D - Remove serialization and cache vertices and indices for sprite lights causing bloat in prefabs
- URP: Fixed incorrect MSAA sample count when using Deferred renderer but rendering to a target texture
- URP: Fixed ShaderGraph preview window not showing anything when using DepthNormals pass
- URP: Fixed, URP & core package leaking materials when entering/exiting Play Mode
- URP: Stripped BlitHDROverlay from build if HDR output is not allowed and stripping unused shader is allowed
- VFX Graph: Fixed range was not applied in UI when setting up a value out of allowed range
- WebGL: Fixed a regression since Unity 2022.1.0f1 where calling unityInstance.Quit() in JavaScript code would not properly let the web page contents be reclaimed by the GC

Unity 2022.3.0
- Android: Avoid an error generated by the Vulkan loader on Android when trying to load vkGetPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatesKHR as Vulkan device function
- Android: Filter some redundant warnings on some Adreno devices that cause severe performance issues in development builds
- Build Pipeline: Fixed crash during Content File loading due to out of bounds array access
- Core: Allows NativeArray.Dispose(JobHandle) to be callabled from a Burst compiled function. Previously an InvalidOperationException would be thrown saying "Reflection data was not set up by an Initialize() call."
- Core: Fixed GameObject being set to dirty after setting active to false when parent is inactive and activeSelf was already false.
- Editor: Fix crash caused by gpu out of mem
- Editor: Fixed margins appearing in game view on Windows displays with non-integer display scale
- GI: Fixed a bug where moving the camera while in an scene visualization mode would cause light bakes to never finish
- Graphics: Disable Vulkan DebugUtilsLabels for Linux AMD due to driver crash bug

Unity 2022.2.21
- Editor: Fixed unintended menu layout changes

API Changes:
- Graphics: Added: Added AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.forcePlayerLoopUpdate

- 2D: Fixed graphical artefact where 2D sprite only rendered a portion of a texture when the global mipmap limit was set to anything other than full-res in the Player quality settings and when the corresponding quality settings was selected at runtime
- Android: Fixed 'back button' press on VideoPlayer
- Android: The 'Filter Touches When Obscured' Player Setting is now respected by the new input system
- Audio: Fixed a bug where SystemInfo.supportsAudio would return true on some platforms and false on others, when Unity Audio is disabled. We now always return false in this case
- Audio: Updated the play-on-awake tooltip on the AudioSource
- Build System: Bee CSharpProgram2 dotnet publish actions should depend on resource files too.
- Core: Fixed issue where JobsUtility.ThreadIndex may return invalid results on some platforms which could result in crashes or undefined behaviour in parallel jobs
- Core: Probe volume is not enabled when probe volume settings are enabled
- Editor: BuildWindow's 'Add Open Scenes' to not add sub scenes as this is unneccessary as sub scenes will always be added to the build anyways
- Editor: Fixed "IndexOutOfRangeException" error in the UI field when the high mask bit is used
- Editor: Fixed a compilation warning in BlockDoublingLinearAllocatorTests.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where enabling exceptions for WebGL would fail the build with an ArgumentException
- Editor: Fixed an issue where IL2Cpp generated files may experience hash conflicts
- Editor: Fixed file revealing in folder won't highlight. Only available in gnome DE
- Editor: Fixed GPU hang with shadow casting VFX
- Editor: Fixed MacOS editors memory leak in batchmode/nographics mode
- Editor: Fixed material icons generation when switch from Built-In
- Editor: Fixed Painter2D Arc() error when end angle is larger than 360 degrees
- Editor: Fixed several issues with importing/building projects in terms of memory on DX12 backend
- Editor: Fixed UnityEditor PDB symbols being invalid
- Editor: Improved documentation for GetActiveScene behavior during scene load
- Editor: Improved loading time of all text serialized files
- Editor: Make the initial block size of BlockDoublingLinearAllocator configurable.
- Editor: Running into networking issues while fetching ugs organizations no longer softlocks.
- Editor: Switching standalone build targets cause the scripts to use always the UNITY_SERVER define when in fact you have chosen a player build. (MTT-5671)
- Editor: Updated wrong tooltip when hovering over the "Load In Background" property of an audio clip
- Graphics: Strip shader variants with both procedural instancing and DOTS instancing
- Graphics: Support static shadow casters when using BatchRendererGroup API
- HDRP: Fixed square artifacts on 1/4 res pbr dof and warning during player builds
- HDRP: Fixed the shadow culling planes for box-shaped spot lights
- IL2CPP: Fixed a UnityLinker crash that could happen processing Microsoft.MixedReality.GraphicsTools when High Managed Code Stripping is used
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible corruption when writing primitive static fields on generic types when Faster (smaller) builds is enabled
- IL2CPP: When P/Invoking with a blittable class parameter, pass a pinned pointer to the managed class to native
- IMGUI: Fixed error message displayed in situation where an ExitGUI is called in nested window
- Linux: Fixed Linux IL2CPP builds not producing stack trace
- Mono: Fixed daylight savings time being ignored for the Central European time zone
- Mono: Fixed issue where setting a pointer via reflection included an additional layer of redirection
- Package Manager: Fixed the issue where see other versions button doesn't show up for UPM packages on Asset Store
- Particles: Corrected set particle remaining lifetime to zero if killed by the trigger module when using ringbuffer mode
- Profiler: Fixed addition type initialization when taking Memory Profiler snapshot
- Scene/Game View: Fixed bug where SceneView.beforeSceneGui was not being invoked while the prefab context was active
- Serialization: Fixed an issue with AnimatorController state machine loosing Animation clip references.
- Serialization: Fixed the wrong resolution of missing types when there are multiple instances with the missing type
- SRP Core: Crash on keywords::LocalKeywordState::ResetWithSpace when shader contains Grab Pass
- SRP Core: Fixed SRPs not being able to build using mode -nographics and -batchmode, since lens flare global texture prevents this from happening
- UI Toolkit: Fixed 9-slice bleeding outside its layout when a slice has a dimension of 0
- UI Toolkit: Fixed invalid width on child element of absolute positioned parent
- UI Toolkit: Fixed obsolete enums displaying no data in dropdown
- UI Toolkit: Fixed PanelRaycaster NullReferenceException when active in a scene with no EventSystem or BaseInputModule components
- UI Toolkit: Fixed reorderable ListView not starting a drag operation when its item contains an IMGUIContainer handling pointer events
- UI Toolkit: Make sure auto Length fallback to pixel when number without unit is used
- UI Toolkit: Updated UI builder library icons for Unsigned Integer Field and Unsigned Long Field
- Universal RP: Fixed an i

Unity 2023.1.9 相關參考資料
Compatibility to Unity 2023.1

The documentation how to activate the burst solver is still stating rather old version numbers it seems. I try to get it running in 2023.1 but there Burst ...


Everything New in UNITY 2023.1 BETA – Unity Roundtable


Manual: New in Unity 2023.1

2023年11月2日 — If you are upgrading existing projects from 2022 LTS, read the Upgrade Guide to 2023.1 for information about how your project might be affected.


New in Unity 2023.1 - Unity 手册

Find out what's changed in Unity 2023.1 since 2022LTS and view the documentation for the affected areas. Adaptive Performance. Added Lifecycle controls and a ...


Release Notes - Flat Kit - Toon Shading and Water

Fixed shader error in 'FlatKit/Stylized Surface': 'OUTPUT_SH': Too many arguments for a macro call in Unity 2023.1.9+. 3.9.1 (2023-08-16)Permalink. Fixed an ...


Unity 2023.1.9

2023年8月15日 — Known Issues in 2023.1.9f1 · Asset Importers: OnImportAsset leaks 5GB of memory (UUM-43067) · Cloth: Cannot use Paint tool (UUM-35062).


Unity 2023.1.9 Crack With Serial Number Free Download

2023年8月18日 — Unity 2023.1.9 Crack With Serial Number Free [Win+Mac]. Unity 2023.1.9 Crack consists of three layers listed as feature modules that provide a ...


UNITY 2023系列下载列表 - XK's Blog

2023年7月6日 — com/unity/whats-new/2023.1.9. 转自XK's Blog,'f3f94c8cdc49'原文:http://1vr.cn/?p=568. Unity 2023.1.8f1: Unity编辑器(Win 64位版):https://beta.


[分享] Unity 2023.1 Tech Stream 版本正式发布

2023年7月11日 — Unity 2023.1 Tech Stream 版現已正式發布,此版本針對高清渲染管線(HDRP)和通用渲染管線(URP)的功能和質量進行了著重改進,另外,平臺圖形、多人 ...
