軟體下載 Unity 2021.2.12

檔案名稱 UnityHubSetup.exe

Unity 2021.2.12 軟體下載

檔案版本 Unity 2021.2.12

檔案名稱 UnityHubSetup.exe
更新日期 2022-02-19
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Unity 2021.2.12
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲... Unity 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Unity 2021.2.12
- PS4: Added latest SDK 9.0 patch for 2021.2
- Version Control: Disabled the invite button when user does not have invite permission or not on a cloud repo.
- Version Control: Impoved plugin initialization process and let the plugin functions without needing the Plastic window opened
- Version Control: Updated styling of number of items in incoming changes category

- Asset Import: Fixed an issue where AssetImportContext.AddObjectToAssets did not work in AssetPostprocessor methods
- Asset Import: Fixed an issue where Textures passed to AssetPostprocessor methods did not have a name
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where asset previews were not updating when modifying assets in an external tool in play mode
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where Assets were not checked out in Version Control when the NavMesh changed after baking
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where deleting invalid asset paths did not throw ArgumentNullException when using Perforce as VCProvider
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the scriptable object leaked while previewing textures
- Editor: Fixed an issue where there was no automatic filter out and ignore assemblies that were automatic included as a part of the system library references
- GI: Fixed a crash on some Windows7 PCs when tbb12.dll gets loaded
- GI: [Vulkan] Fixed an Editor crashes in Optix when Generating Lighting multiple times
- Graphics: Fixed a sporadic freeze issue during texture upload. This issue occured mainly on ARMv8 platforms
- macOS: Fixed an issue related to creating a new Unity project inside a directory with Unicode characters
- Mobile: Removed warning "Using antialiasing on a mobile device may decrease performance severely." from Editor
- Particles: Fixed a Forcefield Vortex determinism issue
- Physics: Fixed ArticulationBody.SetJointPositions and similar setter using List.Capacity instead of List.Count to determine the element count and throwing errors because of that
- Profiler: Fixed Multiple Profiler errors that were thrown when Profiler was open in Play mode
- Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where Scene View Orientation Gizmo appeared with a background incorrectly in some cases
- Scene/Game View: Fixed handles drawn in MonoBehaviour.OnDrawGizmos appearing offset in the Scene View
- Scripting: Fixed an exception that was being thrown when resolving a missing assembly because OS does did not provide a Global Assembly Cache
- Services: Fixed a crash which occured with Il2cpp when the following engine stripping and Analytics were enabled, but without the analytics package installed
- Shaders: Fixed an issue the in shader keyword enumeration that caused a missing variants in some cases.
- TextCore: Fixed a potential editor crash due to an invalid system font file that was present on a user system where the font file was missing a font family and / or style name
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where ScrollView could be dragged beyond bounds when used in runtime on touch devices
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed "TlsException: Handshake failed - error code: UNITYTLS_INTERNAL_ERROR, verify result: 4294950016" error when using System.Net.Http on ARM64 machines/devices
- Version Control: Fixed an Newtonsoft.Json.dll conflict issue with other external packages
- Version Control: Fixed an ArgumentOutOfRange exception when creating a branch
- Version Control: Fixed an issue where editor objects count increased when hovering over Plastic window or toolbar button
- Version Control: Fixed scene reloading not happening after creating a new branch

Unity 2021.2.11
- IL2CPP: Added support for Il2CppSetOption attribute on structs and assemblies

API Changes:
- Particles: Added: There is a new version of GetTrails that doesn't allocate any garbage

- Android: Fixed a Java local reference leak when array is returned when using AndroidJavaObject/AndroidJavaClass
- Android: Fixed an app crashing when calling Cursor.visible or Cursor.SetCursor many time during a frame
- Animation: Fixed a crash when modifying an animation override controller which was in use during a state machine enter / exit behavior callback
- Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where subsequent builds or manually-selected script only builds could result in incorrect code stripping
- Core: Fixed incorrect handling of C#'s readonly keyword in the JobsDebugger
- Editor: Fixed a Null reference exception on enabling constrain proportions scale for a freshly created Rect Transform object
- Editor: Fixed an issue where selecting a scene template modified its dependencies.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where keyUp events were never received in the macOS editor under playmode
- GI: Fixed an issue where environment lighting from an additively loaded scene would be ignored, when unloading the base scene, and that scene contains a light probe group
- Graphics: Fixed a particles flickering issue on metal
- IL2CPP: Implement the internal SetLastWin32Error method. This is used in the CriticalHandle implementation and can cause problems for libraries like Mono.Data.SqlLite
- IL2CPP: Fixed "Attempted to lookup type that hasn't been created" error when building a UWP project
- IL2CPP: Fixed an IL2CPP crash caused by High managed code stripping producing invalid IL
- IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where the Visual Studio Build Tools installations was not detected nor used.
- iOS: Fixed an issue where the et On Demand Resources setting in XCode project was not always set to the value in Unity Player Settings
- Kernel: Added additional checks to FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory to fix unintentional deletion of project assets directory
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where Unity terminated with error code 0 when an exception occurs while importing a package in bach mode
- Particles: Fixed an issue where there was incorrect Collider information for GetTriggerParticles, in the case where there were null colliders in the Trigger Module list
- Physics: Fixed an issue where re-parenting an inactive 2D Collider using a CompositeCollider2D on the target hierarchy would not use the composite
- Prefabs: Fixed a RootGameObject detection issue for missing Prefab instances to avoid creating placeholders.
- Prefabs: Fixed a scene saving for scene backups issue when entering PlayMode to re-enable EnterPlay mode with missing Prefab instances in the scene
- Prefabs: Fixed an error that was thrown when merging changes made to a Prefab into a Nested Prefab with co-dependant components
- Profiler: Fixed "Call Stacks" toggle in Profiler Window enabling callstacks capturing in connected Players
- Serialization: Fixed an issue where error message did not include filename when serialized map in a YAML file was badly formed
- Shaders: Added the number of skipped shader variants to the shader compilation log output
- Shaders: Fixed a misleading comment in UnityCG.cginc
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where the shader name was not added to the error description when failing to compile or link GLSL shaders
- Shaders: Fixed OOM crash when preparing shaders with a large amount of variants (100M+) for compilation. IPreprocessShaders now processes not more than 1M variants at a time
- Shaders: Fixed the output of "Compile and show code" button being capped to 2GB on Windows
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a UIDocument sort order issue when multiple ones had the same sort order value but some of them were disabled
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the icon in the Uxml preview header would not open the uxml file in the IDE (UI Builder).
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the Open With IDE context menu was trying to open the uxml in the builder instead of opening it in the IDE (UI Builder)
- VFX Graph: Fixed a collision with depth buffer issue when using a physical camera
- WebGL: Fixed a MSAA effect issue for WebGL
- WebGL: Fixed a template issue when quotation marks were used in company name or product name
- WebGL: Fixed an issue that prevented PlayerSettings.WebGL.emscriptenArgs options from being passed to the build
- WebGL: Fixed an issue with the creation of external debug symbols
- Windows: Fixed an issue when building generated IL2CPP C++ code with Visual Studio 2022 Unity did not correctly recognize it as "Visual Studio 2022"

Unity 2021.2.10
- Video: Added support for Mac for advanced video encoding controls for H.264

- Graphics: Updated QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames to work in Vulkan API

- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where an empty meta file was not handled as malformed meta file
- Burst: Fixed a bug where the compiler would reject a try/finally statement if it was the first thing in a method
- Burst: Fixed a compiler miscompile if you load a static readonly v128 and pass it straight to a function as an argument
- Burst: Fixed a null-derefence that could occur if you used UnsafeUtility.IsUnmanaged in a static readonly constructor
- Burst: Fixed a Unity 2021.2 and newer bug that manifested with UWP builds to use the right unityaot folder
- Burst: Fixed an editor crash when trying to debug a DirectCalled method
- Burst: Fixed an error if install in build folder is used without ever using a regular build
- Burst: Fixed an issue with the invalid gc handle release to avoid corrupt current domains and crashes
- Burst: Fixed some memory leaks between the C# and C++ parts of the Burst compiler, and added CI tooling to ensure this doesn't happen again.
- GI: Fixed a Black light probes after duplicating baked geometry during the bake with CPU Lightmapper
- GI: Fixed the denoising of shadowmask with the GPULM
- Graphics: Fixed a Vulkan instable frame time and input lag due to queuing too many frames
- IL2CPP: Fixed a race condition loading string literal values
- IL2CPP: Fixeda possible compilation error in field access in unsafe generic code
- iOS: Hid the QuickType bar on iOS15 when Keyboard autocorrection is set to false
- Kernel: Fixed Application.targetFrameRate to not cause jitter in Time.deltaTime measurements
- Mono: Fixed an issue where locale name could not be resolved correctly on Android
- Prefabs: Fixed crash when you hide flags on PrefabInstance objects with a missing source prefab
- Scene/Game View: Reduced CPU use when hovering an Overlay
- Undo System: Fixed a crash resulting from undoing object creation with unregistered child objects
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed Application.targetFrameRate rendering at a significantly lower frame rate than specified
- VFX Graph: Fixed Particles Simulation to behave as expected on paused effect

Unity 2021.2.9
- Build System: The linux clang toolchain is now built with a newer bootstrap compiler
- Editor: Optimized calculating the size of Undo operations. Making many changes to GameObjects should now be cheaper to add to the Undo system.
- Physics: Improved the performance of recreating 2D colliders under some circumstances
- XR: TryGetBoundaryPoints now returns proper boolean values

API Changes:
- URP: Added: Adaptive Performance Decals scaler access

- 2D: Fixed case where Atlas Cache is inconsistent after disabling Sprite Packer and deleting atlases outside Unity Editor
- 2D: Fixed error for ITilemap.Finalize
- AI: Fixed NavMesh.CalculatePath missing a link exit corner in some situations
- Android: Fixed an issue where manifest was loosing some permission settings when enabling Split Application Binary for App Bundles
- Android: Fixed an issue where the Unity icon was overriding the user specified default icon
- Android: Fixed baking reflectionprobes with Vulkan Editor and build target Android
- Asset Import: Fixed AssetImportWorkerProcessLoadsPrecompiledDll instability
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where importing multiple fonts could cause errors to be thrown by the Asset Database
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where user fields in assets containing 'guid' could cause incorrect asset dependencies to be shown
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue with prefabs reimporting on editor restart
- Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue where throwing a BuildFailedException in PostProcessSceneAttribute callbacks would not fail the build
- Editor: Fixed a Crash in certain cases when editing multiple prefab instances
- Editor: Fixed a crash on startup in the Custom Render Texture Manager for an old AVPro that's using Custom Render Texture for video interpolation
- Editor: Fixed an issue and now DragAndDrop custom handler is allowed to override Drop on the scene view
- Editor: Fixed crash when cacheserver was enabled but had no connection string
- GI: Fixed issues with overlapping lights using shadowmask and wide spot angles
- Graphics: Fixed a crash when creating a CubemapArray RenderTexture on D3D12
- Graphics: Fixed an issue with the special Turkish i, when looking for the m_IsGlobal property in VolumeEditor.
- Graphics: Fixed IES profile importer handling of overflow (outside 0-1 range) of attenutation splines values.
- Graphics: Fixed race condition when rendering shadows for multiple lights, and using Particle Systems, Line Renderers or Trail Renderers
- Graphics: Fixed XR support in CoreUtils.DrawFullscreen function.
- HDRP: Fixed a crash with render graph viewer when render graph is not provided with an execution name.
- HDRP: Fixed a nullref when enabling raycount without ray tracing.
- HDRP: Fixed a shader warning in the volumetric clouds combine file.
- HDRP: Fixed a shader warning in UnityInstancing.hlsl.
- HDRP: Fixed a warning because of a null texture in the lens flare pass.
- HDRP: Fixed alpha channel display in color picker in Local Volumetric Fog component (the alpha is not used for the fog)
- HDRP: Fixed an issue with Stacklit raytrace reflection.
- HDRP: Fixed AO dissapearing when DRS would be turned off through a camera, while hardware drs is active in DX12 or Vulkan.
- Fixed an issue in DynamicResolutionHandler when camera request was turned off at runtime, the ScalableBufferManager would leak state and not unset DRS state
- HDRP: Fixed atmospheric scattering being incorrectly enabled when scene lighting is disabled.
- HDRP: Fixed auto-exposure mismatch between sky background and scene objects in path tracing.
- HDRP: Fixed broken debug views when dynamic resolution was enabled
- HDRP: Fixed broken rendering when duplicating a camera while the Rendering Debugger is opened.
- HDRP: Fixed build warnings due to the exception in burst code
- HDRP: Fixed camera bridge action in release build
- HDRP: Fixed CoC size computation when dynamic resolution is enabled
- HDRP: Fixed contact shadow disappearing when shadowmask is used and no non-static object is available
- HDRP: Fixed Correlated Color Temperature not being applied in Player builds for Enlighten realtime GI lights ;
- HDRP: Fixed custom pass utils Blur and Copy functions in XR
- HDRP: Fixed debug window reset
- HDRP: Fixed decal performances when they use different material and the same draw order
- HDRP: Fixed default numbder of physically based sky bounce from 8 to 3
- HDRP: Fixed default value of "Distortion Blur" from 1 to 0 according to the doc
- HDRP: Fixed dirtiness handling in path tracing, when using multiple cameras at once
- HDRP: Fixed edges and ghosting appearing on shadow matte due to the shadow being black outside the range of the light
- HDRP: Fixed error thrown when layered lit material has an invalid material type
- HDRP: Fixed exception on DLSS when motion vectors are disabled (case # 1377986)
- HDRP: Fixed flickering / edge aliasing issue when DoF and TAAU or DLSS are enabled
- HDRP: Fixed FOV change when enabling physical camera
- HDRP: Fixed interpolation issue with wind orientation
- HDRP: Fixed issue with typed loads on RGBA16F in Volumetric Lighting Filtering
- HDRP: Fixed layer lit shader UI
- HDRP: Fixed Lens Flare visible when being behind a camera with Panini Projection on
- HDRP: Fixed light mode not available after switching a light to area "Disc" or "Tube"
- HDRP: Fixed misc shader warnings
- HDRP: Fixed missing information in the tooltip of affects smooth surfaces of the ray traced reflections denoiser
- HDRP: Fixed Nans happening due to volumetric clouds when the pixel color is perfectly black
- HDRP: Fixed NeedMotionVectorForTransparent checking the wrong flag
- HDRP: Fixed Normal Map assiignation when importing FBX Materials
- HDRP: Fixed nullref from debug menu in release build
- HDRP: Fixed objects belonging to preview scenes being marked as dirty during migration
- HDRP: Fixed option to force motion blur off when in XR
- HDRP: Fixed range fields for depth of field
- HDRP: Fixed rasterized accumulation motion blur when DoF is enabled
- HDRP: Fixed references to reflection probes that wouldn't be cleared when unloading a scene
- HDRP: Fixed rendering in the editor when an incompatible API is added
- HDRP: Fixed screen space shadow debug view not showing when no shadows is available
- HDRP: Fixed shader graph errors when disabling the bias on texture samplers
- HDRP: Fixed shadow cascade transition not working properly with bias
- HDRP: Fixed SpeedTree graph compatibility by removing custom interpolators
- HDRP: Fixed spot light shadows near plane
- HDRP: Fixed stackLit coat screen space reflection and raytrace reflection light hierarchy and IBL fallback
- HDRP: Fixed taa jitter for after post process materials
- HDRP: Fixed the behavior the max ray length for recursive rendering to match RTR and rasterization
- HDRP: Fixed the fade in mode of the clouds not impacting the volumetric clouds shadows
- HDRP: Fixed the intensity of the sky being reduced signficantly even if there is no clouds
- HDRP: Fixed the ray tracing fallbacks being broken since an Nvidia Driver Update
- HDRP: Fixed the rt screen space shadows not using the correct asset for allocating the history buffers
- HDRP: Fixed Tile/Cluster Debug in the Rendering Debugger for Decal and Local Volumetric Fog
- HDRP: Fixed timeline not updating PBR HDAdditionalLightData parameters properly
- HDRP: Fixed Transparent Depth Pre/Post pass by default for the built-in HDRP Hair shader graph
- HDRP: Fixed unsupported material properties show when rendering pass is Low Resolution
- HDRP: Fixed various issues with using SSR lighting with IBL fallback for Lit shader with clear coat
- HDRP: Fixed write to VT feedback in debug modes
- HDRP: Render Graph object pools are now cleared with render graph cleanup
- IL2CPP: Corrected the build of a Windows Standalone player with IL2CPP via the generated Visual Studio project
- iOS: Fixed a rare crash when quiting app during orientation change
- Linux: Fixed an issue where Linux Dedicated Server is unable to build if the Linux Standalone support is not installed
- macOS: Fixed a bug where Unity apps could crash if shut down quickly after startup
- Mobile: Fixed an issue where UaaL analytics might get stripped if code stripping is enabled
- Package Manager: Handled InvalidCastException when the json sample data is not correct, and provided clearer messages for users and developers
- Particles: Trail material is now restored if module is toggled off then on again
- Physics: Fixed a crash when switching an ArticulationBody to immovable during a collision event
- Physics: Fixed ModifiableContactPair.GetFaceIndex not working in CCD generated callbacks
- Prefabs: Fixed missing required component causing import loop and log spamming
- Profiler: Fixed a crash when taking memory profiler snapshot with Players built with newer Unity versions
- Scripting: Cyclic assembly references error shows in SafeMode as well
- Scripting: Fixed an issue where some properties and methods returning ScriptableObject[] would produce assertion error messages in the console
- Serialization: Fixed TypeTreeCache cache key computation
- Shadergraph: Fixed a ShaderGraph warning when connecting a node using Object Space BiTangent to the vertex stage
- Shadergraph: Fixed a validation error in ShaderGraph when using the SimpleNoise node both inside and outside a subgraph
- Shadergraph: Fixed the behavior of checkerboard node with raytracing
- Shaders: Fixed a bug where the clearing of the shader cache for compute shaders was clearing some data that it shouldn't have. The requirements are only built during import so they should persist even when cleared
- Shaders: Fixed a compiler error with missing splat constructors with some platform compilers
- Shaders: Fixed a crash when using SV_COVERAGE in a fragment input
- Shaders: Fixed a memory leak with LocalKeywordState
- Shaders: Fixed a warning in surface shaders when setting dithercrossfade about upgrading to target 3.0 when the target was already sufficient
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where the frame debugger was not properly displaying some types like integers with compute shaders
- UI Toolkit: Added null checks against UXML Traits returning null references
- UI Toolkit: Fixed issue where the UI Builder would not suggest variables defined in a uss attached to a theme
- URP: Fixed a performance regression in the 2D renderer regarding the PostProcessPass
- URP: Fixed a regression where filtering the scene view yielded incorrect visual results
- URP: Fixed decal compilation issue on mac.
- URP: Fixed incorrect light indexing on Windows Editor with Android target
- URP: Fixed mismatch on some platforms between Editor-side and Runtime-side implementations of UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.DecalRendererFeature.IsAutomaticDBuffer()
- URP: VFX: Incorrect Decal rendering when rendescale is different than one
- VFX Graph: Fixed null reference exception when opening another VFX and a debug mode is enabled
- WebGL: Fixed Unity Editor hang on editor shutdown after doing WebGL Build and Run on Windows
- Windows: Fixed an issue when setting a cursor, it was very slow when doing it for the first time for a particular texture
- Windows: Fixed an issue where touch up events getting missed in rare circumstances on some touchscreen devices
- Windows: Fixed Input.touch APIs not working when both old and new input systems are enabled at the same time
- XR: Fixed an issue where XRBeginFrame event was added to frame debugger even if VR wasn't enabled
- XR: XR Management now creates XRGeneralSettingsPerBuildTarget in all places it is requested ensuring that if the loaders exist in the project then XR will be initialized regardless of whether the XR Plug-in Management window has been opened

Unity 2021.2.8
- Version Control: Added incoming changes overview bar for Gluon workspace
- Version Control: Added option to "Save Revision as" to the context menu in the changesets view

- Documentation: Expanded TextAsset text getter documentation
- Documentation: Physics: Elaborate on how ForceMode affects the velocity and angular velocity in AddForce/AddTorque
- Editor: Improved performance of rendering selection outline in the Scene View
- IL2CPP: Enable sparse_hash_map and sparse_hash_set for Android and iOS for lower runtime memory usage
- IL2CPP: Improve the run time performance of managed code when script debugging is enabled by lowering the cost of each sequence point check

- GI: Changed to mixed spot/point lights with no shadows to ensure they bake their direct lighting in subtractive lighting mode
- Physics: Added a new contact modification event to differentiate CCD and discrete callbacks
- Services: Unity Analytics renamed to Legacy Analytics in order to aid deprecation of the Analytics package
- XR: Removing Lumin platform support in the installer

- 2D: com.unity.2d.psdimporter - Fixed per platform settings does not get applied in Windows platform
- Android: Fixed "Unable to initialize the Unity Engine" error when building AAB with Split App Binary
- Android: Fixed an issue where Compass.headingAccuracy did not report one of predefined values giving some indication on accuracy
- Android: Fixed an issue where the Gradle template placeholder DIR_UNITYPROJECT did not
- Android: Fixed an issue where the RunInBackground player setting could get modified in the Editor just by switching to the Android platform in the build settings
- Asset Import: Fixed an issue where additional import progress bar update prior to cache server download was missing
- Build Pipeline: Fixed an issue to prevent selection of ~/Desktop folder as build target
- DX12: Fixed a crash when using GL render commands
- DX12: Fixed an issue where setting RandomWriteTarget and drawing without needing it would prevent subsequent draws from having it bound if they need it
- Editor: Fixed 'DontSaveInEditor' to work as intended on Prefab instances
- Editor: Fixed an Editor crash when using -quit command line argument on MacOS
- Editor: Fixed an Editor crashes on Force Quit when Library folder was deleted and regenerated while editor is running
- Editor: Fixed an issue were calling Screen.SetResolution with width/height 0, 0 in Device Simulator would not reset resolution to the default one
- Editor: Fixed an issue where materials did not show Specular texture when using Standard (Specular setup) Shader
- Editor: Fixed an issue where saving a C# script in Visual Studio or Rider on Windows had sometimes the pop up of the editor progress dialog in front of the IDE
- Editor: Fixed LookDev main window geometry when opened for the first time
- Editor: Fixed ReorderableList rendering issues on a secondary display (1371078)
- Editor: Fixed Shift-selection issues in the Project Window when it's set to use the Two Column Layout
- GI: Fixed a warning in editor warning "The referenced script (Unknown) on this Behaviour is missing!" which can occur aften opening the Environments Tab of the Lighting Window
- GI: Fixed an issue where the color temperature mode did not work with Enlighten realtime GI in player builds
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where Graphics.RenderMeshPrimitives did not work with reflection probes
- Graphics: Fixed decompressing BC4 and BC5 to RGBA initializing alpha to 0 instead of 1, for example, when using GetPixels()
- Graphics: Fixed the missing conversion from compressed blendIndices on D3D platform
- HDRP: Fixed an issue causing Render Graph execution errors after a random amount of time (1379350)
- HDRP: Fixed some XR devices: Pulling camera world space position from mainViewConstants instead of transform.
- IL2CPP: Fixed a compiler error in unsafe code using generics
- IL2CPP: Fixed a crash on Windows ARMv7 platform when parsing a GUID
- IL2CPP: Fixed an error when building Windows Runtime projects with Script Debugging Enabled
- IL2CPP: Fixed an issue where blittable types nested in generic types are indeed blittable were not correct
- IMGUI: Fixed an issue when deleting a material from the Particle System's Inspector the inspector would break
- iOS: Fixed a crash when switching to autorotation with the only available option being a reverse portrait
- iOS: Fixed game objects' colors in light mode issue
- Kernel: Fixed an issue where low bit set in NativeArray buffer pointer assumes NativeArray is created by NativeList.AsDeferredJobArray, which is not always the case. In some cases NativeArray can be created by NativeArray.GetSubArray, where pointer would have lowest bit set for odd byte aligned offset
- Linux: Fixed an issue where the mouse scroll wheel inputs were ignored when providing inputs through RDP
- Mono: Ensure Mono DllMap insert of System.Native entry is respected
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the Read More info box link for Experimental package versions did not opens the correct documentation URL
- Physics: Ensure that HingeJoint2D correctly returns its reaction torque and that the joint break-limits use the absolute magnitude of the reaction torque
- Physics: Fixed an issue where multi-selecting Articulation Bodies would set some properties to the same value
- Profiler: Fixed an issue where Mesh cpu data was counted twice
- Scene Manager: Fixed an aligned scene and instantiation behavior issue when loading a new scene between Editor and Build
- Shadergraph: Fixed how graph errors were displayed when variant limits were reached
- Shaders: Fixed a crash when accessing ShaderKeywordSet data outside of IPreprocessShaders or IPreprocessComputeShaders callbacks
- Shaders: Fixed a rare OOB access when using Material.CompilePass
- Shaders: Fixed an issue to correctly configure build target platform for custom shader targets
- Shaders: Fixed an issue where counting variants based on usage will no longer make UI unusable for shaders with many variants
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a wrong warning about PanelSettings not having Theme Style Sheet set when project was loading
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue when applying opacity to text underlay, outline and face
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where users that don't use '.' as its decimal separator can now input decimal values in the UI Builder when the field allows doing so
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the "Vector" option not being available for the background image property in the UI Builder
- URP: Fixed a broken soft shadow filtering issue
- URP: Fixed an issue where shadow rendering was not working correctly with shader stripping in WebGl
- URP: Fixed an issue with MSAA falling back to the incorrect value when sample count 2 was not supported on some Android GPUs.
- Version Control: Fixed a capitalization issue of Pending Changes and File History tab names
- Version Control: Fixed migrated projects not downloading correctly from Unity Hub
- Version Control: Fixed the amount of spacing after the Item column title in the Pending Changes tab.
- Version Control: Fixed the project view context menu and icons that were missing after Collaborate project migration
- Version Control: Removed pin striping from line items in File History tab
- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue where automatically offset contexts when a new node was inserted were overlapping
- VFX Graph: Fixed an issue with the first release of the VFX Bounds helper
- Video: Fixed a crash when aspect ratio was too big

Unity 2021.2.7
- Package: Update the Postprocessing v2 package to 3.2.0
- Package: Updated the Timeline package version to 1.6.3

- 2D: Fixed a reordering of Sorting Layers List issue in the Tag Manager
- Graphics: [VFX] Fixed an issue where there was a useless ApplyShader call with sleeping VFX systems. This has been removed
- License: Fixed a license client issue when a connection was refused on pipe by forcing a relaunch
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the BuiltIn documentation link did not open the right editor version url
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an alignment of custom property drawers and nested property fields issue
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the canvas document styling was broken after Save
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the duplicate mouse entered and left events on composite root elements during the AtTarget propagation phase
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where the Editor was using of the UI Builder package instead of the built-in version
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where transitions sometimes did not animating after the first transition
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an TextField IndexOutOfRangeException issue when entering playmode
- Visual Scripting: Fixed a regression where AOT Stubs were not being generated correctly, causing AOT builds to fail when run

Unity 2021.2.6
- Asset Import: It is now possible to control the execution order of AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessAllAssets by defining the dependencies using the attributes RunAfterClassAttribute, RunBeforeClassAttribute, RunAfterAssemblyAttribute, RunBeforeAssemblyAttribute, RunAfterPackageAttribute and RunBeforePackageAttribute.
- Serialization: Improved the use of SerializationCache.
- Shaders: Shader binary compression is now utilizing more than one core.

- 2D: Fixed a 2D URP Template Global Light with shadow settings enabled issue that was breaking batching.
- 2D: Fixed an issue where Tilemap.SetTiles was not setting a default color of White for the set Tiles.
- Android: Fixed an issue were Touches were not registered when Samsung S Pen was used to touch screen.
- Android: Fixed an issue where IBeginDragHandler.OnBeginDrag and IDragHandler.OnDrag were triggered when using Samsung S-Pen.
- Android: Fixed an issue where the Stylus input was not treated as a touch rather than mouse in the older input system.
- Android: Fixed ClassNotFoundException errors mentioning classes in com.google.android.play.core.assetpacks package when play.core dependency was not added to the project.
- Android: Fixed leaked Java local reference issue when new Java object was created.
- Editor: Fixed an issue when double clicking on a folder in ActivityWindow the animation with folder name was rendered in a wrong place.
- Editor: Fixed an issue where last opened project was not loaded during license activation in batchmode if no project path was specified explicitly (-createproject, -projectpath, -openfile flags).
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the model preview window did not render UVs due to back face culling being turned on.
- Editor: Remove all usage of Search template since it is a 22.1 feature. This was removed from menus and asset code.
- GI: Fixed an issue where light probe did not produce valid output when punctual light overlapped it.
- GI: Fixed an issue where setting baked light probe coefficients to an empty array caused a crash.
- GI: Fixed an issue where switching a texture importer to Lightmap type would change the appearance of the texture preview when in Linear color space.
- Graphics: Fixed a D3D12 error that was displayed in the Console Window when using ray payloads smaller than 16 bytes in size in ray tracing shaders.
- Graphics: Fixed an issue were the correct pass was not set for the current active sub shader.
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where mip map streaming did not work after setting a material with streamable textures on a renderer.
- Graphics: Fixed an issue where there was missing GraphicsBuffer versions of DrawProceduralIndirect script APIs.
- Graphics: Fixed the Mac Metal editor or standalone player sometimes freezing while being resized when Vsync is disabled.
- IL2CPP: Fixed a crash in stack trace building code an when exception was thrown in async methods.
- IL2CPP: Fixed an incorrect exception filter handler on try blocks with multiple catch blocks.
- IL2CPP: Fixed an incorrect ordering of some field reads when Smaller (faster) builds were enabled.
- IL2CPP: Fixed the order of operations for Thread Volatile Read and Write.
- Input: Fixed an issue where Windows editor and Windows player would freeze during startup when the new input system was enabled and a USB device with 65535 / 0xffff usages was connected to the computer.
- iOS: Fixed an issue where an extra frame would not be rendered on iOS when "Render Extra Frame on Pause" was enabled in iOS player settings.
- Linux: Fixed an issue where undocking editor windows would cause the entire main window to scroll on Linux.
- Networking: Fixed an issue where UnityWebRequest gave a warning when setting the Accept-Encoding header.
- Profiler: Fixed an issue where Gfx Used and Reserved Memory were not from counters available in release players. The underlying code in memory manager which counts the value was compiled out due to performance reasons and the counter value can not be set.
- Profiler: Remove subscription to counters in native profiler plugins to reduce overhead when platform profiler is attached.
- Scene/Game View: Fixed a SceneView Zoom issue across multiple tabs when a mouse wheel was used.
- Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue MonoBehaviour icons were not rendered in Scene View when selected.
- Scene/Game View: Fixed an issue where Component Tools targeting a Tool Context did not displaying correctly in the Tools Overlay.
- Scripting: Fixed CultureInfo.CurrentCulture setter that was crashing when it was called before ever querying the existing current culture.
- Scripting: Fixed CultureInfo.CurrentCulture throwing an exception on some locales (for instance, en-DE).
- Scripting: Fixed [RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod] in classes both namespaced and nested.
- Serialization: Fixed an issue with fields on SerializeReference instances within Prefab losing their override when entering play mode.
- Shaders: Fixed a rare crash when a shader uses more than 128 keywords.
- Shaders: Fixed build failing when a shader from always included list has 1M variants before stripping.
- Shaders: Fixed incorrect keyword state used for frame debugger when a shader was compiled asynchronously.
- Shaders: Fixed LocalKeyword.type, LocalKeyword.isOverridable and LocalKeyword.isValid that crashed Unity when called on an unitialized LocalKeyword.
- uGUI: Fixed an issue where the localPosition was validated each time an object was reset.
- UI Toolkit: Fixed a USS variable resolution issue with ScalableImage url.
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue when loading a project that contained a dialog that was embedded in the editor, the dialog's CreateGUI callback was invoked after the Awake and OnEnable callbacks.
- UI Toolkit: Fixed an issue where DropdownField's menu would have an offset in runtime under certain hierarchies.
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue were Application.internetReachability did not correctly detect the internet being unreachable when there was a LAN connection but no way to the actual Internet.
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue where strong assembly names were removed when building from Unity.
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue where the Screen.currentResolution.refreshRate did not return the actual screen refresh rate.
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed packaging app fails with error "Merge failure for shared merged PRI file : error 0x80070490" when building a fat app package for both x64 and ARM64.
- Video: Fixed a crash on MediaEncoder_CUSTOM_Internal_AddFrame_Injected when pushing a frame into MediaEncoder that has been disposed.
- Windows: Fixed an issue where there were missing window resize events when on demand rendering was used.
- XR: Fixed crash on Oculus Quest devices related to foveated rendering.

Unity 2021.2.12 相關參考資料
Bug? Grass shaders randomly break (shader turns pink) - ...

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Exporting Anim files is very slow in Unity 2021.2

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Unity 2021.2.12

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