
最新版本 Unity 2021.1.6

Unity 2021.1.6

Unity 2021.1.6
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.

For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲在任何 platform.

Unity 特點是鉤和喜悅的球員:

Rapidly 組裝您的場景在一個直觀的,可擴展的編輯工作區。為對你的成品 game.

Create 與 AAA 視覺逼真度,音頻和全油門動作執行平整光潔任何 screen.

2D 和放大器遊戲快速迭代播放,測試和編輯; 3D
Get 專用於 2D 和 3D 內容創建與利用共享 conventions.

Unity&rsquo 的高效的工作流程工具; S 唯一強大和靈活的動畫系統帶來生命的任何字符或物體與難以置信天然和流體 movement.

Reliable 性能,光滑幀率,和高超的遊戲跨越目標 platforms.

No 其他遊戲引擎發揮的經驗給你這麼多的發布平台與近費力 deployment.

Unity 雲 Build
Get 選擇你的構建與新的雲服務構建的簡單方法。檢測項目中的變化,你的工作,並建立對您的設備自動傳送,或可玩的 Web.

Note:Unity 是免費的,自帶 Unity Pro.

Also 提供全功能的 30 天試用版:下載 Unity 為 Mac


檔案版本 Unity 2021.1.6

檔案名稱 UnityDownloadAssistant-2021.1.6f1.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Unity Technologies
官網 http://unity3d.com/unity
更新日期 2021-05-07

What's new in this version:

- Package: Polybrush 1.1.2

Editor: Added new devices to the Device Simulator:
- Apple iPad Air 2
- Apple iPad Air (4th generation)
- Apple iPhone 12 mini
- Apple iPhone 12
- Apple iPhone 12 Pro
- Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max
- Apple iPhone SE (2nd generation)
- Google Pixel 5
- Huawei P40 Pro
- OnePlus 7 Pro
- Samsung Galaxy Z Fold2 5G
- Samsung Galaxy Note10
- Samsung Galaxy Note10+ 5G
- Samsung Galaxy Note20 Ultra 5G
- Samsung Galaxy S8
- Samsung Galaxy S9
- vivo NEX 3 5G
- Xiaomi Mi A3

- Graphics: Updated SRP templates to 11.0.0

- Android: Fixed AutoRotation not working on dual screen devices
- Android: Fixed black Unity view after pausing the app when in-app purchase dialog is shown
- Asset Import: Allow materials to be extracted into packages
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed a crash/assert when building and uploading shaders
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed for crash that could occur when downloading assets from cache server
- Asset Pipeline: Initialise Sprite Vertex Data during import to fix uninitialised memory causing non-deterministic imports
- Asset Pipeline: Objects loaded during import in initial script refresh, are now unloaded
- Build Pipeline: Make build fail faster when strict mode build option is used
- DX12: Fixed D3D12 memory leak with RenderTexture.enableRandomWrite (mostly happens when using SRPs with multiple cameras)
- Editor: Fixed an issue where exceptions are thrown while selecting specific console messages
- Graphics: A CopyDepth pass was previously included which allowed users script access to _CameraDepthTarget but this has been removed on the metal GPU families that use Tile-based renderers (iOS, Silicon-GPU), fixing the performance decrease that this was causing
- Graphics: Fixed crash caused by using a compute pipeline object after it has been destroyed in Vulkan
- Graphics: Fixed missing buffer binding through Shader.SetGlobalBuffer after dispatching compute
- IL2CPP: Fixed possible crash when attaching a debugger or setting breakpoints
- iOS: Fixed an issue where you are unable to combine the last input character in Text Input Field when character limit exists in some languages
- iOS: Fixed Time.unscaledDeltaTime getting wrong after the screen was locked
- iOS: Fixed verticalOrientation deprecation warning text by adding missing information about ScreenOrientation.PortraitUpsideDown
- Linux: Reduced log spam when loading lots of assets
- Physics: Fixed a bug where tweaking ArticulationBody drive parameters would re-initialise anchors
- Physics: Fixed Articulation Body Components not responding to changes in the Inspector window at runtime
- Prefabs: Instantiating, duplicating or updating prefabs no longer disables and re-enables the whole hierarchy, just the prefab instance
- Profiler: On Mac, restoring defaults in the Profiler modules dropdown list now closes the dropdown list
- Serialization: Fixed SerializedProperty::arraySize when multiple objects are selected and the array has been resized
- UI Toolkit: Fixed 1297002: [GraphView] Graph Inspector window sticks to the mouse cursor on changing any dropdown value in Node settings
- XR: World space UI will now render in secondary cameras

Unity 2021.1.6 相關參考資料
What's new in Unity 2021.1.0 Beta 6 - Unity

2021年2月10日 — ... to install the full complement of runtime platforms, use the download assistant installer above. Component Installers Windows [Unity Editor.


What's new in Unity 2021.1.6

Install this version with [Unity Hub](unityhub://2021.1.6f1/c0fade0cc7e9).


What's new in Unity 2021.1.6 - Unity

Unity 2021.1.6. Install this version with Unity Hub. Additional downloads. Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the ...
