
最新版本 Unity 2021.1.1

Unity 2021.1.1

Unity 2021.1.1
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.

For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲在任何 platform.

Unity 特點是鉤和喜悅的球員:

Rapidly 組裝您的場景在一個直觀的,可擴展的編輯工作區。為對你的成品 game.

Create 與 AAA 視覺逼真度,音頻和全油門動作執行平整光潔任何 screen.

2D 和放大器遊戲快速迭代播放,測試和編輯; 3D
Get 專用於 2D 和 3D 內容創建與利用共享 conventions.

Unity&rsquo 的高效的工作流程工具; S 唯一強大和靈活的動畫系統帶來生命的任何字符或物體與難以置信天然和流體 movement.

Reliable 性能,光滑幀率,和高超的遊戲跨越目標 platforms.

No 其他遊戲引擎發揮的經驗給你這麼多的發布平台與近費力 deployment.

Unity 雲 Build
Get 選擇你的構建與新的雲服務構建的簡單方法。檢測項目中的變化,你的工作,並建立對您的設備自動傳送,或可玩的 Web.

Note:Unity 是免費的,自帶 Unity Pro.

Also 提供全功能的 30 天試用版:下載 Unity 為 Mac


檔案版本 Unity 2021.1.1

檔案名稱 UnityDownloadAssistant-2021.1.1f1.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Unity Technologies
官網 http://unity3d.com/unity
更新日期 2021-04-01

What's new in this version:

- VFX Graph: Added support for Texture2D Arrays in Flipbooks

- Editor: Added profiler markers around test setup, teardown, and execution
- Editor: Improving UTF documentation (DSTR-120)
- Editor: Reduced the per-test overhead of running tests in the editor
- Editor: Reduced the time taken to rebuild the test tree and to scan for assets a test created but did not delete
- Editor: Reduced time taken by filtering operations when only a subset of tests is run
- Package Manager: Added support for opt-in caching of Git LFS files when downloading Git packages. Caching is enabled by setting either of the following environment variables: UPM_ENABLE_GIT_LFS_CACHE or UPM_GIT_LFS_CACHE_PATH. The latter allows overriding the default cache location.
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where using a Git URL with a revision and a package path in the wrong order would still clone the repository, introducing unnecessary delays before failing with an error.
- Package Manager: Improved logging by adding logs for cache misses and tarball download steps
- Package Manager: Improved the error message when a Git dependency cannot be resolved because the path querystring and revision fragment are in the wrong order
- Package Manager: Increased the amount of information logged to upm.log at various levels
- Package Manager: Optimized Git package download times for repositories using submodules (with Git 2.28.0 or higher installed only)
- Package Manager: Optimized Git package download times, most notably for repositories with a larger history
- Shaders: Reduced shader variant memory usage at runtime and memory consumption while loading shaders

- HDRP: Cached the base types of Volume Manager to improve memory and cpu usage.
- HDRP: Reduced the maximal number of bounces for both RTGI and RTR
- Package: Recorder: Fixed an error in the that occurred when setting the build target to macOS standalone from the Editor in Windows
- VFX Graph: Property Binder : Handle Remove Component removing linked hidden scriptable objectfields.
- VFX Graph: Property Binder : Prevent multiple VFXPropertyBinder within the same game object.
- VFX Graph: Sphere and Cube outputs are now experimental.

- Android: Fixed an issue that causes a "failed to load libMain.so" error when deploying an APK from an app bundle
- Asset Import: Fixed the External Objects being displayed when selecting a Text Asset
- Asset Pipeline: Made description for Assertion failed on expression: 'ins.second || ins.first->second... more descriptive
- Editor: Corrected keymapping on linux for quote/backquote/doublequote keycodes
- Editor: Fixed progress bar related asserts when calling EditorUtility.CompressTexture with an EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar right around it
- Editor: Gracefully exit Editor when the shader compiler process cannot be launched due to external conditions
- Editor: Paste as Child should paste GO relative to parent instead of keeping world transform
- Editor: [Collab] Defer handling for downloading plastic cloud projects so package manager will initialize the default packages
- Graphics: Fixed ACES tonemaping on mobile platforms by forcing some shader color conversion functions to full float precision.
- Graphics: Fixed biased mips not being stable when mip-biasing kicks in
- Graphics: Fixed deadlock when scanning for mip streaming textures associated with a renderer
- Graphics: Fixed incorrect cubemap textures on some platforms when using crunched textures
- Graphics: Fixed stack overflow exception when compressing Texture to EXR with PIZ compression
- Graphics: Fixed virtual texturing stats not being correctly gathered and displayed while capturing the editor
- HDRP: Fixed error message when having MSAA and Screen Space Shadows
- HDRP: Fixed grey screen on playstation platform when histogram exposure is enabled but the curve mapping is not used.
- HDRP: Fixed HDRP material being constantly dirty.
- HDRP: Fixed HDRPAsset loosing its reference to the ray tracing resources when clicking on a different quality level that doesn't have ray tracing
- HDRP: Fixed issue in path tracing, where objects would cast shadows even if not present in the path traced layers
- HDRP: Fixed Nans happening when the history render target is bigger than the current viewport
- HDRP: Fixed SRP batcher not compatible with Decal
- HDRP: Fixed Tube and Disc lights mode selection
- HDRP: Fixed wrong color buffer being bound to pre refraction custom passes.
- IL2CPP: Avoid an error deleting build cache files when a native plugin is marked as read-only in the Unity project directory
- Linux: Converted "X11 did not respond within x milliseconds" error to a logged warning
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where either no submodules or the wrong submodules could be cloned when using a Git-based dependency with both a path and a revision.
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where files tracked by Git LFS were not retrieved when using a Git-based dependency with both a path and a revision
- Package Manager: Fixed an issue where the packages-lock.json file was overwritten with the same contents but considered modified by Unity, sometimes resulting in unnecessary operations
- Particles: Added missing particle attributes to the C# Job System integration
- Particles: Fixed crash when using modules with no assigned Particle System
- Physics: Fixed an issue when editing a PolygonCollider2D or EdgeCollider2D where you could delete edges/vertex without limit resulting in an editor tooling exception being thrown
- Physics: Fixed an issue where a negative X or Y local scale on a 2D Collider used by a CompositeCollider2D caused its winding to change resulting in its geometry not handled as a geometric merging operation (union) but instead a subtraction operation
- Physics: Fixed an issue where ContactPoint2D.tangentImpulse and ContactPoint2D.normalImpulse could occasionally return an undefined or NaN value
- Physics: Fixed an issue where particles using the Collision Module could occasionally leak through the vertex connections in an EdgeCollider2D
- Physics: Fixed an issue where the CapsuleCollider2D editor tooling incorrectly displayed gizmos when editing a GameObject with multiple CapsuleCollider2D of different orientations
- Physics: Fixed an issue with Cloth disallowing SkinnedMeshRenderer bounds update outside of playmode
- Physics: Made mesh collider error more descriptive by including the path to the object
- Prefabs: Fixed removing components from Prefab instances when RequireComponent is added after creating the Prefab
- Profiler: Fixed memory tracking of UnsafeUtility allocations
- Profiler: Maximizing the Profiler window whilst profiling the Editor will no longer cause a null argument exception
- Scripting: Fixed by removing dead code
- Scripting: Fixed exceptions getting logged in the Console when the Logger.logEnabled is set to false
- Shadergraph: Fixed a bug in master node preview generation that failed compilation when a block was deleted
- Shaders: Fixed incorrect array subscripts generated for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Metal and Vulkan when using arrays or structs in global scope
- Shaders: Fixed reflection reporting for structs in the global scope for OpenGL and OpenGL ES
- Shaders: Fixed reflection reporting for structs inside constant buffers for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Metal
- Shaders: Fixed reflection reporting for structs inside constant buffers for Vulkan
- UI: Fixed issue with checking for CanBindTo with null sprite
- UI Toolkit: Fixed showMixedValue broken on UI Toolkit PropertyField
- UI Toolkit: Fixed the TwoPaneSplitView's view data will not being persisted when the viewDataKey is set.
- Fixed the UI Builder window's layout will resetting anymore when the window is reloaded
- Universal: Fixed an issue where 2D lighting was incorrectly calculated when using a perspective camera.
- Universal: Fixed an issue where 2D Shadows were casting to the wrong layers
- Universal: Fixed an issue where Light2D did not upgrade Shadow Strength, Volumetric Intensity, Volumetric Shadow Strength correctly
- Universal: Fixed an issue where normal-mapped Sprites could render differently depending on whether they're dynamically-batched
- Universal: Fixed an issue where Post Processing doesn't enable when PostProcessData reassigned from the asset selector window.
- Universal: Fixed an issue where the camera renders black screen when Post Processing is enabled in the 2D Renderer and in the Camera Component.
- Universal: Fixed an issue where Transparency Sort Mode value is taken from Graphics Settings instead of 2D Renderer
- Universal: Fixed issue causing missing shaders on DirectX 11 feature level 10 GPUs
- VFX Graph: An existing link can be remade.
- VFX Graph: Artefact in VFXView using efficient debug mode in component target board
- VFX Graph: Consistently displays the Age Particles checkbox in Update context
- VFX Graph: Fixed compute culling compilation in URP
- VFX Graph: Fixed issue with VFX using incorrect buffer type for strip data.
- VFX Graph: Fixed shader compilation errors with textures in shader graph
- VFX Graph: Fixed when deleting a context node and a block while both are selected throws a null ref exception
- VFX Graph: Handle correctly locked VisualEffectAsset with version control system
- VFX Graph: Modified Sign operator node output for float when input is 0.0f
- VFX Graph: PCache: Unexpected ditable field in Mesh Statistics, Save & Cancel pCache, error trying to access not readable texture
- VFX Graph: Property Binder : Allow copy/past from a game object to another.
- VFX Graph: Property Binder : Undo after reset
- VFX Graph: Safe Normalization of Cross Products in Orient blocks
- VFX Graph: Use alphabetical order in type list in blackboard "+" button
- Windows: Fixed Win10 SDK not getting installed properly
- XR: Fixed non-fullscreen viewport rect handling on non-stereo cameras when XR devices are enabled
- XR: Fixed phrase recognizer to not throw exception after multiple runs in editor

Unity 2021.1.1 相關參考資料
What's new in Unity 2021.1.0 - Unity

Install this version with [Unity Hub](unityhub://2021.1.0f1/61a549675243). ### Additional downloads Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list ...


What's new in Unity 2021.1.1 - Unity

Unity 2021.1.1. Install this version with Unity Hub. Additional downloads. Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the ...
