
最新版本 Unity 2020.3.1

Unity 2020.3.1

Unity 2020.3.1
Unity 是一個遊戲開發生態系統:一個強大的渲染引擎完全集成了一整套直觀的工具和快速的工作流程來創建交互式的 3D 和 2D 內容; 輕鬆的多平台發布; 成千上萬的質量,在資源商店和知識共享 community.

For 獨立開發者和工作室,Unity&rsquo 的現成的資產; S 民主化生態系統摔破的時間和成本障礙,創造獨特的美麗的遊戲。他們使用 Unity 打造民生做他們喜歡的事情:創建遊戲在任何 platform.

Unity 特點是鉤和喜悅的球員:

Rapidly 組裝您的場景在一個直觀的,可擴展的編輯工作區。為對你的成品 game.

Create 與 AAA 視覺逼真度,音頻和全油門動作執行平整光潔任何 screen.

2D 和放大器遊戲快速迭代播放,測試和編輯; 3D
Get 專用於 2D 和 3D 內容創建與利用共享 conventions.

Unity&rsquo 的高效的工作流程工具; S 唯一強大和靈活的動畫系統帶來生命的任何字符或物體與難以置信天然和流體 movement.

Reliable 性能,光滑幀率,和高超的遊戲跨越目標 platforms.

No 其他遊戲引擎發揮的經驗給你這麼多的發布平台與近費力 deployment.

Unity 雲 Build
Get 選擇你的構建與新的雲服務構建的簡單方法。檢測項目中的變化,你的工作,並建立對您的設備自動傳送,或可玩的 Web.

Note:Unity 是免費的,自帶 Unity Pro.

Also 提供全功能的 30 天試用版:下載 Unity 為 Mac


檔案版本 Unity 2020.3.1

檔案名稱 UnityDownloadAssistant-2020.3.1f1.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Unity Technologies
官網 http://unity3d.com/unity
更新日期 2021-03-23

What's new in this version:

- XR: Major latency reduction using view/controller Late Latching for Quest on Vulkan

- Scripting: Improved documentation for Application.isPlaying

- Android: Added .mov to supported extensions in VideoPlayer
- Particles: Ensure Force Field Components behave the same regardless of framerate

- 2D: Fixed an issue where PVRTC altas variant size adjustment were leading to incorrect sprite UVs
- 2D: Fixed an issue where the tile field value was getting set to none when the delete key was used while editing the offset field
- Animation: Fixed an issue where the animation values in the import settings could not be changed if an event was selected
- Asset Import: Fixed issue where the Texture Inspector would notify of 'Unapplied import settings' when no import settings were changed
- Asset Pipeline: Fixed a crash/assert issue when building and uploading shaders
- Editor: Fixed a regression with Inspector rebuild that was breaking SerializedProperties after inspector refresh
- Editor: Fixed a scene view move/rotate/scale handles not rendering issue when the editor was using OpenGL ES 2 graphics API
- Editor: Fixed an issue where Play mode button presses did not always register if done during script compilation
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the Material selector was not able to reach out to the changed property after one Material change
- Editor: Fixed an issue where the Scene view Move and Scale tool handle cone & cube end caps were no longer visibly rendered "behind" their axis line parts, in some view directions
- Editor: Fixed Null reference exception regression in Inspectors
- GI: Fixed assertion failure due to duplicate lightprobe assets being detected during an additive scene merge
- Graphics: Fixed a hang issues when loading textures from AssetBundles in the Editor that were built for other platforms
- iOS: Added identifiers for all iPhone 12 models, 4th generation iPad Airs and 8th generation iPads
- iOS: Fixed an issue where Screen.dpi returned zero on some iPads
- Package Manager: Fixed packages left selected issue when clicking a package that has a path exceeding the maximum path limit
- Package Manager: Fixed the issue where the update icon for assets takes a very long time to show when user have a lot of downloaded assets
- Package Manager: Fixed uninformative error when path to package files exceeds the maximum path length limitation
- Package Manager: Support installing a package to a location that exceeds the maximum path length
- Particles: Fixed crash when prewarming a Particle System that used a sub-emitter which itself used the Trigger module
- Physics: Fixed a crash of physics simulation after changing parent for game object with ArticulationBody moved using ArticulationBody.Teleport API call
- Physics: Fixed a crash when trying to save joint state values for un parented ArticulationBody components
- Physics: Fixed a crashes/instabilities of physics simulation caused by ArticulationBody component hierarchy modifications during the runtime
- Physics: Fixed an editor crash when entering Play Mode with Articulation Bodies and Scene Reload disabled
- Physics: Fixed an issue where that the LocalPhysicsMode argument when used to load a Unity scene incorrectly created a 2D/3D local physics world
- Physics: Fixed an issue where a line/ray cast against a rotated BoxCollider2D that uses a non-zero EdgeRadius didn't always return a detection
- Physics: Fixed an issue where adding a Cloth component would not compute the correct bounds for the related SkinnedMeshRenderer, unless update off-screen was toggled on
- Physics: Fixed an issue where an empty set of brackets would appear in a scene file when regenerating a CompositeCollider2D
- Physics: Fixed an issue with Cloth bounds computation where objects with non-uniform scale caused the bounds to incorrectly expand
- Physics: Fixed an issue with Cloth getting residual forces from meshes with bones
- Physics: Fixed an issue with Cloth when attempting to use Undo functionality resulted in a NullReferenceException
- Physics: Fixed an issue with Cloth where the simulation received incorrect data during initialization, causing it to become jittery and offset the simulation space
- Physics: Fixed an issue with the Cloth Inspector where constraints could end up being painted even though the brush was outside of the models bounds
- Physics: Fixed multiple issues with the HingeJoint2D including maintaining a reference angle when deactivating and subsequently reactivating, ensuring that any initial rotation of either anchored Rigidbody2D are correctly taken into account and that the associated scene gizmo takes into account the reference angle used when displaying the joint limits
- Scripting: Fixed an issue when Application.wantsToQuit was not being raised before OnApplicationQuit in the Editor
- Scripting: Fixed an issue with gc heap expansion memory that was being incorrectly attributed to Monobehaviour objects during deserialization operations
- Shaders: Fixed issue where the ShaderCache.db was growing in size after each build
- UI Toolkit: Fixed errors during static initialization of style resources which cause an infinite window layout loading error loop
- Universal Windows Platform: Fixed an issue where Certificate was not being set in UWP publish settings with certain passwords
- XR: Fixed occlusion culling glitches that occurred when transitioning between two baked occlusion areas and the camera was close to the clipping plane

Unity 2020.3.1 相關參考資料
Download Archive - Unity

Unity 2020.3.1. 23 Mar, 2021. Release notes. Downloads (Mac). Unity Installer · Unity Editor · Built in shaders · Unity Accelerator · Torrent download (Win+Mac).


What's new in Unity 2020.3.1 - Unity

Unity 2020.3.1. Install this version with Unity Hub. Additional downloads. Select the runtime platforms of your choice from the list below (the ...
