軟體下載 Unchecky 0.4.2

檔案名稱 unchecky_setup.exe

Unchecky 0.4.2 軟體下載

檔案版本 Unchecky 0.4.2

檔案名稱 unchecky_setup.exe
檔案大小 1.15 MB
更新日期 2015-12-25
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Unchecky 0.4.2
Unchecky 旨在保持可能有害的程序不在您的計算機。你有沒有感覺到,在安裝軟件時,安裝程序會不惜一切代價嘗試推送額外的有害程序?曾經錯過了一個複選框,並花了幾個小時後刪除廣告軟件?在安裝之後,您是否曾經打開過您的瀏覽器,只是發現您有新的主頁,新的搜索引擎甚至是新的瀏覽器?Unchecky 功能:UnchecksUnchecky 自動取消選中不相關的優惠,節省鼠標點擊次數,錯過了一個不想要的報價... Unchecky 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

- Added support for ManyCam.
- Added support for Bing Maps 3D.
- Added support for AIMP 4.
- Added support for Adobe Digital Editions.
- Added support for ESET NOD32.
- Added support for Glaz.TV.
- Improved support for uTorrent.
- Improved support for Java.
- Improved support for KmPlayer.
- Improved support for BurnSD.
- Improved support for Auslogics installers.
- Improved support for K-Lite Codec Pack.
- Fixed the unquoted service path bug.
- Updated translations: German, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, French.

Unchecky 0.4.2 相關參考資料

2018年4月8日 — Added an option to create (or not create) a desktop icon during installation. Added support for handling offers in the Microsoft Edge browser, ...


Chocolatey Software | Unchecky 0.4

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Chocolatey Software | Unchecky 0.4.2

Join our monthly Unpacking Software livestream to hear about the latest news, chat and opinion on packaging, software deployment and lifecycle management!


Download Unchecky 0.4 Beta

Unchecky is a free program designed to automatically uncheck checkboxes during software installations that can potentially install unwanted programs.


Download Unchecky 0.4.2 for Windows

2023年6月12日 — Unchecky is a small and lightweight application that has been designed to keep potentially unwanted programs off your computer by keeping your ...


Unchecky 0.4.2

Unchecky's primary feature is automatic unchecking of unrelated offers, such as potentially unwanted programs, offers to change your homepage or your search ...


Unchecky 1.1 繁體中文版,廣告攔截、過濾第三方軟體工具

2017年10月9日 — Unchecky 是一款可為您阻擋安裝不想要或不需要的程式的免費軟體,支援Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10。在安裝軟體時,我們必須很小心留意安裝過程的畫面。


Unchecky v0.4

Unchecky v0.4 provides a new option, which allows to display a tooltip while hovering on such a button. That way, you can know which buttons to avoid even ...


Unchecky V0.4.2.0下载

2023年12月19日 — Unchecky. 官方版. 大小:1.13 MB 更新:2023/12/19. 类别:安全软件系统:Win8,Win7,WinXP. 立即下载 内容介绍评论0. 平时下载软件 ...


下载Unchecky 0.4.2 Windows 版

总体而言,Unchecky是一个小型轻巧的应用程序,可在计算机后台静默运行。它仅使用少量的系统资源,并且可以潜在地保护您的系统免于安装未经请求的浏览器或您不想安装的应用 ...
