UltraDefrag (64-bit)

最新版本 Luminar 3.1.2

Luminar 3.1.2

Luminar 3.1.2
UltraDefrag 64 位是 Windows 平台的強大的開源碎片整理工具。它可以對任何系統文件進行碎片整理,包括註冊表配置單元和分頁文件。 UltraDefrag 的主要目標之一就是盡可能快速和可靠地完成這項工作.


UltraDefrag 減少文件碎片,從而使磁盤操作更快。此外,該程序可以優化整個磁盤通過放置小文件彼此靠近,按路徑(或其他標準)排序。磁盤優化後,需要少量的機械工作來讀取小文件組。這減少了許多應用程序的啟動時間,包括 Web 和照片瀏覽器。

與其他大多數磁盤碎片整理程序相比,UltraDefrag 可以在 Windows 啟動過程中運行時對鎖定的文件進行碎片整理。其實所有的文件,包括頁面和休眠文件,可以在那裡進行碎片整理。此外,UltraDefrag 64 位的目標是快速,簡單,可靠和高效。

UltraDefrag 具有以下功能:
系統文件碎片整理(頁面文件,休眠文件等)MFT(主文件表)碎片整理 NTFS 元文件碎片整理超快速 NTFS 分析快速的碎片整理算法有效的磁盤優化算法(有許多可用的策略)安全性,永遠不會損壞已處理的文件簡單易用,無需閱讀文檔即可使用從資源管理器的上下文菜單中對單個文件 / 目錄進行碎片整理能夠對附加到 NTFS 文件能夠基於靈活的過濾器排除任何不重要的文件能夠碎片整理具有比閾值指定的更多碎片的文件能夠在指定的時間間隔過去時自動中斷碎片整理只能在磁盤碎片級別高於指定的價值 e 能夠選擇多個磁盤進行碎片整理可讀的 HTML 報告強大的命令行界面能夠在作業完成後自動休眠 / 關閉 PC 能夠通過 Windows 任務計劃程序進行自動有效的碎片整理多語言圖形界面小型二進製文件(大約 1 Mb)便攜式版本可用,不需要安裝原生 64 位支持在 GPL



檔案版本 Luminar 3.1.2

檔案名稱 Luminar_3.msi
檔案大小 323 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 UltraDefrag Development Team
官網 http://ultradefrag.sourceforge.net/
更新日期 2019-07-01

What's new in this version:

Luminar 3.1.2
- One of the big things we’re excited to introduce is a brand-new feature, called “On this day”. “On this day” will let you relive your photography memories. Available for both Mac and Windows, this new feature gives you the opportunity to look back on what pictures you took on this day exactly one or more years ago. To get started with this, simply click the “On this day” shortcut in the menu. Please note that the “On This Day” feature will only show up if you have photos in your Library taken on the current month and day in previous years. It’s a great way to look back on how you’ve grown as a photographer, and provide you with some inspiration to get your day started!
- On the Mac side of things, we’ve also added a faster import from your memory card, giving you less time waiting and more time to spend creating amazing images
- You can also now easily add plugins from Nik Collection to your workflow, and enjoy what they offer in cooperation with Luminar 3.
- As for the Windows side, you’ll see a faster scroll on Single Image view. You can now scroll more quickly and more effectively. Additionally, you’ll see speed improvements to the switching process between Single Image view and Gallery view.
- We’ve also fixed a bug with the Japanese calendar that caused crashes
- Finally, both Mac and Windows users will see overall performance and stability improvements. As Luminar continues to develop into a groundbreaking management and processing platform, it’s important to our team to make sure that Luminar’s performance is up to par. With every update, we try our best to make it work faster and more seamless than before, giving you a more reliable and quicker way to express your creativity through photography.

Luminar 3.1.1
- Easier navigation. Want to quickly find the folder that contains a specific photo but have too many folders to go through? Now all you have to do is right-click on the photo and select Go to > Folder in Library and you’re there! You can even find all photos from the same date by right-clicking and selecting Go to > Images from the same date
- Improved launch time. Now, starting from the second launch, the average launch time is significantly faster. Even if you have hundreds of thousands of photos in your Library

Luminar 3.1.0
Raw + JPEG (Luminar Libraries):
- Do you capture Raw & JPEG files at the same time? Now you can easily organize these file pairs in a more convenient way. View as a single image, but switch between versions easily. Organize & rate pairs simultaneously, no matter of your view preferences.

New AI-powered tool:
- A major update to one of Luminar’s most beloved and popular filters. Accent AI goes to the next generation and its even better for more photos.

Improved Selective Sync (Adjustment Sync):
- Synchronize your image adjustments across your photos. Image layers, Crop, Erase, Clone & Stamp do not affect syncing.

Import Images:
- You’ll be able to copy photos to a folder right from inside Luminar. Use this choice to pull images from a memory card or other drive and copy them to a new destination.

Gallery Selection (Windows):
- Now it’s easier to precisely select and deselect photos in your gallery. Select non-adjacent photos with Ctrl-click. Click outside a photo to deselect all photos.

Luminar 3.1.2 相關參考資料