Ultra Adware Killer

最新版本 Insync


Ultra Adware Killer 是一個簡單但功能強大的 Windows 廣告軟件和惡意軟件卸載程序,它能夠為系統中的所有用戶檢測和刪除廣告軟件和惡意軟件。這可以為您節省大量時間登錄到其他用戶帳戶,並再次執行掃描.

Ultra Adware Killer 刪除瀏覽器工具欄,廣告插件,插件,不需要的搜索提供商和劫持的主頁,可能有害的程序(PUP 的),以及流氓,木馬,rootkit,勒索軟件和所有其他形式的惡意軟件.


Ultra Adware Killer 被建立是快速,簡單和有效的。通常你只需要按下開始掃描按鈕,等到掃描結束,然後刪除找到的項目。通常整個操作只需要幾分鐘.

注意:Ultra Adware 殺手並不能取代防病毒程序,因為它不提供實時保護。它應該被用作第二個 optinion 惡意軟件掃描器。 Ultra Adware Killer 也是高級工具 UVK 超殺毒殺手的一部分.


檔案版本 Insync

檔案名稱 Insync-
檔案大小 50.1 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Carifred
官網 http://www.carifred.com/ultra_adware_killer/
更新日期 2019-11-14

What's new in this version:

- Add Share Dialog and in-app file share shortcut
- Fix persistent checksum mismatch errors
- Add notifications for activities, attention required, licensing, and auto-update
- Linux: Prevent DEB installer from appending an extra sources entry
- Linux: Fix insync-helper.desktop not opening certain files in the browser
- Linux: Fix warnings during installation of DEB installer
- Linux: Fix startup crash on Deepin & Mxlinux distros
- Display accounts in the order they were added
- Fix error in some cases when generating activity for renamed and moved items in OneDrive
- Fix error in some cases when generating activity for a new item on Google Drive
- Fix inconsistencies in Base Folder names for both Google Drive and OneDrive
- Fix error in some cases when generating activity for moved items in Google Drive
- Add notification throttling for Activity feed
- Fix edit activities being generated when non-edit activities happen
- Show the Activity Feed by default when starting the app
- Improve Activity feed ‘options’ UX
- Use ? icon to standarize all external help links
- Fix an error when migrating the default Team Drives location from Insync 1.5

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