Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2
雖然您可以通過 Windows 10 設置應用程序,註冊表編輯器或組策略編輯器訪問所有這些, Ultimate Windows Tweaker 通過提供所有有用的調整,從單一的 UI 使事情變得更容易.
This 調整隻是 495 KB 的大小,包括 200 多個調整。像其前身一樣,UWT 4.0 體現了簡潔的簡約用戶界面,在左側面板中提供鏈接,在某些類別中提供頂部的標籤。將鼠標懸停在任何調整和有用的工具提示將告訴你什麼調整。
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 特點:
看到隱私問題引發的擔憂,幾個調整已被添加到一個新的隱私部分下。許多新的上下文菜單中的存儲應用程序的調整,以支持 Windows 10. empty.ico 文件現在不需要“從圖標中刪除快捷箭頭”正常運作。它從主頁面計算 Windows 體驗索引。點擊運行評估重新計算 WEI。您可以運行 DISM 命令來修復損壞的系統映像。您現在可以將驅動器固定到桌面上下文菜單。許多新的調整來定制 Windows 10. 新設計的界面與命令鏈接按鈕。將鼠標懸停在調整上,然後在調教器的底部獲得描述。
軟體資訊 | |
檔案版本 | Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2 |
檔案名稱 | UWT.zip |
檔案大小 | 138.98 KB |
系統 | Windows 10 (32-bit) / Windows 10 (64-bit) |
軟體類型 | 免費軟體 |
作者 | Windows Club |
官網 | http://www.thewindowsclub.com/ultimate-windows-tweaker-4-windows-10 |
更新日期 | 2011-01-25 |
更新日誌 | |
What's new in this version: Internet Explorer: Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2 相關參考資料
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Windows 7 Tweaker version 2.2 (Windows7 Tweaker.exe) free download, latest version ✓3.8, Windows 7 Tweaker helps the user access operating ... https://windows-7-tweaker.info Ultimate Windows Tweaker (Windows) - Download
With Ultimate Windows Tweaker you can easily tweak and customize more than 150 different elements and features in Windows Vista. Supports ... https://ultimate-windows-tweak Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2 free download
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2: Quickly tweak Windows 7 and Vista for better performance, security and accessibility. https://www.downloadcrew.com Ultimate Windows Tweaker v 2.2, a Tweak UI for ...
Ultimate Windows Tweaker v 2.2 is a freeware Tweak UI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows 7 & Windows Vista, 32-bit & 64-bit. https://www.thewindowsclub.com Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2
It has over 130 tweaks, but is yet, just a 380 KB .exe file, which does not require an install. The tweaks are classified under seven categories ... https://m.majorgeeks.com Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2 Download (Free)
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Ultimate Windows Tweaker是一款完全免费,简单实用的应用程序,每一位用户都可以通过它为Windows Vista系统修改如桌面,起始菜单,工具栏,用户账户菜单,外观性能,安全 ... https://ultimate-windows-tweak Ultimate Windows Tweaker - Keys Home EN-EU
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 3 should be used in Windows 8.1 and Windows 8. Users of Windows 7 and Windows Vista should continue to use Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2 ... https://keys.express Ultimate Windows Tweaker v 2.1 NEW UPDATE To 2.2
The Ultimate Windows Tweaker: Now Updated to Version 2.2 - Get it HERE. “Ultimate Windows Tweaker is a freeware TweakUI Utility for tweaking and optimizing ... https://www.wincustomize.com |