Trojan Killer

最新版本 pgAdmin 4 4.21

pgAdmin 4 4.21

pgAdmin 4 4.21
Trojan Killer 是您記憶棒的有效反惡意軟件工具。無論您身在何處,都要確保您的網絡安全無虞!如果您的計算機感染了病毒和特洛伊木馬,或者在瀏覽互聯網之後出現問題.

使用完美的病毒清除工具!快速,有效和可靠。終極的反惡意軟件解決方案與真棒 feathures 不留下任何網絡威脅的機會 - 現在是便攜式!抓住你的機會,利用新的 Trojan Killer 便攜式版本。




注意:您可以預覽,但不能刪除 DEMO 模式下的惡意組件.


檔案版本 pgAdmin 4 4.21

檔案名稱 pgadmin4-4.21-x86.exe
檔案大小 89.7 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 GridinSoft
更新日期 2020-04-30

What's new in this version:

- Added LDAP authentication support
- Added search object functionality
- Added support of Foreign Tables, Packages, Sequences and Synonyms to the Schema Diff
- Warn the user if an unsupported, deprecated or unknown browser is detected
- Added multiple drop/delete functionality for the table constraints
- Fixed copy-paste row issues in View/Edit Data
- Added dark mode support for the configuration dialog on Windows/macOS runtime
- Added alert message to Reset Layout if any of the panels from Query Tool failed to load
- Fixed an issue when the user performs refresh on a large size materialized view
- Ensure that default sort order should be using the primary key in View/Edit data
- Fixed an issue where changing the values of columns with JSONB or JSON types to NULL
- Ensure that if the delimiter is set other than comma then download the file as '.txt' file

pgAdmin 4 4.21 相關參考資料
Container Deployment — pgAdmin 4 4.21 documentation

Multiple versions are included in the following directories to allow use with different versions of the database server: PostgreSQL 9.4: /usr/local/pgsql-9.4.

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pgAdmin 4 is a complete rewrite of pgAdmin, built using Python and Javascript/jQuery. A desktop runtime written in C++ with Qt allows it to run standalone for ...

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Download pgAdmin 4 - A comprehensive administration interface for PostgreSQL that enables you to run SQL scripts, view statements and procedures and ...

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pgAdmin 4 — pgAdmin 4 4.20 documentation

pgAdmin 4 is designed to meet the needs of both novice and experienced Postgres users alike, providing a powerful graphical interface that simplifies the creation, ...

Version 4.21 — pgAdmin 4 4.20 documentation

Version 4.21¶. Release date: 2020-04-30. This release contains a number of bug fixes and new features since the release of pgAdmin4 4.20.