Total Commander (64-bit)

最新版本 Total Commander 11.00 (64-bit)

Total Commander 11.00 (64-bit)

Total Commander 11.00 (64-bit)
Total Commander 64 位是一個文件管理器替換,提供多語言支持,搜索,文件比較,目錄同步,位圖顯示快速查看面板,ZIP,ARJ,LZH,RAR,UC2,TAR,GZ,CAB,ACE 檔案處理加上插件,帶有 FXP 的內置 FTP 客戶端,HTTP 代理支持等等。總指揮官 64 位是一個偉大的雙窗格文件管理器軟件與選項卡式界面,具有集成的檔案庫!下載 Total Commander 離線安裝程序設置!

兩個文件窗口並排多種語言和 Unicode 支持增強的搜索功能比較文件(現在與編輯器)/ 同步目錄快速查看面板與位圖顯示 ZIP,ARJ,LZH,RAR, UC2,TAR,GZ,CAB,ACE 歸檔處理 + 插件內置 FTP 客戶端,支持 FXP(服務器到服務器)和 HTTP 代理支持並行端口鏈接,多重命名工具選項卡式界面,正則表達式,歷史記錄 + 收藏夾按鈕縮略圖視圖,自定義列,增強型搜索比較編輯器,列表中的光標,​​單獨的樹,日誌記錄,增強覆蓋對話框等。Unicode 名稱幾乎無處不在,長名稱,密碼管理器通過專用直接傳輸電纜的 USB 端口連接還有更多!注意:免費的 30 天全功能試用版本


檔案版本 Total Commander 11.00 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 tcmd1100x64.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Christian Ghisler
更新日期 2023-08-03

What's new in this version:

- Inconsistencies between help files and keyboard.txt/tasten.txt (32/64)
- New text file (Shift+F4): Do not append dot to file without dot in name when the editor is set to notepad++.exe (32/64)
- Directory hotlist (bookmarks): If there were more than 1000 entries, those above 1000 could sometimes be lost when adding a new entry to a submenu (64)
- Directory history: Don't show virtual folders with empty name in history (32/64)
- When switching to tree view (Ctrl+F8), don't apply columns view or sort order from auto-applied view mode (32/64)
- Tree button in some confirmation dialogs: Don't try to show tree for FS plugin (32/64)
- Old style directory history (long right click on current path): Drive letters weren't shown all uppercase/lowercase when option DrivesShowUpcase was set to 1/0 (32/64)
- Background transfer manager: Don't allow to add entries with "+" button with a file system plugin as source or target (32/64)
- Background transfer manager: Prevent beep when pressing Tab or Shift+Tab in edit control by handling WM_CHAR (32/64)
- If writing of entire section [dirmenu] failed, the entire directory hotlist could be lost -> save backup to file DIR*.TMP in %TEMP% folder (32/64)
- Help file: Table of content items didn't open with a single click (32/64)
- Lister: 64-bit only plugins like ulister did not appear in the "Plugins" dropdown menu (64)
- Button bar, show subbar as menu: Prevent beep when opening context menu with space (32)
- Background transfer manager: Prevent beep when pressing Alt+"+" or Alt+"-" by handling WM_SYSCHAR (32/64)
- Synchronize dirs: At higher DPI values than 96 (100%), the filter icon may not get completely hidden when showing all files (nothing filtered out) (32)
- F5 copy dialog: "Verify" checkbox was surrounded with a solid line when focused (32)

Total Commander 11.00 (64-bit) 相關參考資料

Download version 11.03 of Total Commander (fully functional Shareware version, 5MB EXE file): · 32-bit version only (Windows 95 up to Windows 11, runs on 32-bit ...

download 11.00 beta

The beta test is finished. Please use Total Commander 11.00 final instead! download page of the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

download 11.03 RC

Download Total Commander 11.03 release candidate 6: 32-bit (Windows 95 up to Windows 11, 32-bit AND 64-bit!) 64-bit (Windows XP,Vista ...

Total Commander - home

Homepage of Total Commander, a file manager replacement for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10/11. ... Total Commander 11.03 (32+64 bit) for Windows ...

Total Commander - 維基百科,自由的百科全書

... 位元+64位元一體包). 語言, 多種語言. 類型, 檔案管理器 · 許可協定 · 共享軟體(Windows ... 2004 年11 月24 日,隨著Total Commander 6.50 Beta 8 版本的發布,作者向軟體 ...

Total Commander 11.02 for 64-bit

比Windows 檔案總管功能更強大的檔案管理工具。 Total Commander; 軟體版本: 11.02 for 64-bit; 軟體分類: 279工具程式 (檔案管理); 語言介面: 英文 ...

Total Commander 11.03 RC1 for 32+64-bit

Total Commander · 軟體版本: 11.03 RC1 for 32+64-bit · 軟體分類: 280工具程式 (檔案管理) · 語言介面: 多國語言 · 作業系統: Windows(含Win11) · 軟體性質: 共享軟體 · 使用 ...

Total Commander v11.0.0 Final 多國語言免安裝(便攜)版(32 ...

2023年8月4日 — 0.0 Final (32+64-Bit) 版本類型:免安裝(便攜)版軟體語言:多國語言版(含繁體中文) 軟體分類:工具程式(檔案管理) 作業系統:Windows 7/8/10/11 官方 ...

Total Commander v11.0.0 Final 多國語言免安裝(便攜)版(32+ ...

2023年8月3日 — 軟體名稱:Total Commander 軟體版本:v11.0.0 Final (32+64-Bit) 版本類型:免安裝(便攜)版軟體語言:多國語言版(含繁體中文) 軟體分類:工具 ...

What's new

Total Commander 11.00 release candidate 1-3 for Windows available! July 26, 2023: Total Commander 11.00 release candidate 3 (RC3) is now available for download.