Total Commander (64-bit)

最新版本 Total Commander 10.50 (64-bit)

Total Commander 10.50 (64-bit)

Total Commander 10.50 (64-bit)
Total Commander 64 位是一個文件管理器替換,提供多語言支持,搜索,文件比較,目錄同步,位圖顯示快速查看面板,ZIP,ARJ,LZH,RAR,UC2,TAR,GZ,CAB,ACE 檔案處理加上插件,帶有 FXP 的內置 FTP 客戶端,HTTP 代理支持等等。總指揮官 64 位是一個偉大的雙窗格文件管理器軟件與選項卡式界面,具有集成的檔案庫!下載 Total Commander 離線安裝程序設置!

兩個文件窗口並排多種語言和 Unicode 支持增強的搜索功能比較文件(現在與編輯器)/ 同步目錄快速查看面板與位圖顯示 ZIP,ARJ,LZH,RAR, UC2,TAR,GZ,CAB,ACE 歸檔處理 + 插件內置 FTP 客戶端,支持 FXP(服務器到服務器)和 HTTP 代理支持並行端口鏈接,多重命名工具選項卡式界面,正則表達式,歷史記錄 + 收藏夾按鈕縮略圖視圖,自定義列,增強型搜索比較編輯器,列表中的光標,​​單獨的樹,日誌記錄,增強覆蓋對話框等。Unicode 名稱幾乎無處不在,長名稱,密碼管理器通過專用直接傳輸電纜的 USB 端口連接還有更多!注意:免費的 30 天全功能試用版本


檔案版本 Total Commander 10.50 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 tcmd1050x64.exe
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Christian Ghisler
更新日期 2022-07-06

What's new in this version:

- Dark mode: Comboboxes in Commands-Search-Plugins not high enough for larger fonts (32)
- F2 in compare by content (edit mode): When using CompareF2Mode=1, searching for the next difference could get stuck at empty lines (32/64)
- Find files: Searching with "Everything" could fail in Windows 7 in a virtual machine (64)
- F2 in compare by content (edit mode): When using CompareF2Mode=2, don't jump to different line if current line doesn't contain any differences (32/64)
- Lister/Quick view panel: Viewing an image with the built-in viewer (no plugins) didn't always use the configured background color (32)
- Thumbnail view: Resource leak when displaying icons with a size of 256x256 pixels from some (eg exe) files (32764)
- Compare by content: F2 didn't jump to zero length differences: positions where text was added to the other file (32/64)
- Thumbnails view: Reduce flickering when displaying freshly loaded icons and/or thumbnails (32/64)
- Find files: Searching for *|* didn't return the same results with and without "Everything" (32/64)
- Switching from normal to dark mode or starting the program directly in dark mode lost the menu translation (64)

Total Commander 10.50 (64-bit) 相關參考資料

Download version 10.50 of Total Commander (fully functional Shareware version, 5MB EXE ... Insecure downloads via http: 32-bit | 64-bit | 64-bit+32-bit combined.

download 10.50 beta

Note: Total Commander 10.50 final is available now, please use that version instead of the release candidate! download page of the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

tcmd1050x64.exe - Total Commander (x64) Updates

Patch Name, tcmd1050x64.exe ; Patch Description, Total Commander (10.50) ; Bulletin Id, TU-1315 ; Bulletin Title, Updates for Total Commander ; Severity, Moderate.

Total Commander 10.50

2022年7月6日 — Total Commander is a great two-pane file manager replacement for Windows, a program like Windows Explorer to copy, move, or delete files.

Total Commander 10.50 RC1 - TOTALCMD64.EXE has ...

2022年6月14日 — This only happens with the 64 bit version of Total Commander EXE, the 32 Bit version doesn´t show this error. In Total Commander v10.00 this ...

Total Commander 10.50 檔案管理英文繁體中文版

... Commander 10.50 語系版本: 英文/繁體中文版光碟片數: 單片裝保護種類: 破解檔破解說明: 見最底下 系統支援: 適用32 與64 位元版的Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10(原生64 位 ...

v10.52 final

Download Total Commander 10.52 final from our server: 32-bit version only (Windows 95 up to Windows 10, runs on 32-bit AND 64-bit machines!) 64- ...

[系統工具] Total Commander v10.52 多國語言安裝版

【軟體名稱】:Total Commander 【軟體版本】:10.52 (32/64位元下載自選) 【版本類型】:多國語言安裝版【軟體語言】:多國語系支援【檔案大小】:5.04MB 32位 ...