Tixati (32-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Tixati 2.56 (32-bit)

Tixati (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

Tixati 是一個免費且易於使用的 BitTorrent 客戶端,具有所有種子,對等和文件傳輸屬性的詳細視圖。還包括強大的帶寬圖表和節流功能,以及完整的 DHT 實施。 Tixati 特點: 簡單易用超快下載算法 DHT,PEX 和磁鐵鍊接支持簡單快速的安裝 - 無 java,no .net 超高效的對等選擇和窒息 RC4 連接加密,增加安全性詳細的帶寬管理和繪製 UDP 對等連接和 NAT 路... Tixati (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Tixati 2.56 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Major improvements to SSDP local peer discovery, especially on Windows platforms
- WebUI SSL engine has been fully updated
- Support protocol extension lt_donthave, which may improve speed from memory-constrained peers
- Fixed several minor problems with text views when displaying lines with mixed LTR and RTL text
- Incomplete piece folder management has been streamlined, should have much less polling overhead
- Several fixes to Universal Plug and Play port forwarding
- NAT-PMP port-forwarding is now much more reliable
- Major internal optimizations and improvements to tree/list controls for both Windows/GTK platforms
- GTK tree/list control expanders re-engineered
- GTK tree/list control smooth indent reduction when viewing deep folder structures
- All text views have been revised to allow proper display of tab-stops
- Channel info, messages, and private messages no longer filter tab characters
- Improvements to Secure Local Resource Discovery so that local channel connection discovery is more reliable
- Fixed problems with download completion notification sound failing to play in some circumstances
- Several optimizations to channel stream encoder/decoders to reduce CPU usage when hash-checking segments
- Fixed problems with display of time remaining while seeding to a ratio limit
- Fixed problems with optional display of base-1024 units
- Fixed sorting problems with the time left column and recently stopped transfers
- Increasing/decreasing the font size via the tray menu should now work correctly on all platforms
- Numerous other minor GUI tweaks and adjustments, including some icon refinements
- Updated the IP-Location tables

Tixati 2.55 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- GUI dynamic control positioning framework has been overhauled for less flicker and jitter during resizing, and more flexible layouts
- Ctrl-v in transfers window will open magnet links from clipboard
- Windows Uniscribe rendering now supports FontFallback specification, so all Unicode code points will now render on any system
- Seeding ratio limit at lowest setting (0.01) immediately stops seeding
- Numerous compatibility updates to HTTP client that supports trackers and RSS
- Major overhaul of Linux treeview controls to fix several issues with column sizing, rendering, and expander lockout
- Added work-around for crash in Uniscribe when it attempts to process UTF-16 surrogate pairs with unknown script type
- Optimized DNS resolver to handle more simultaneous outgoing requests and process timeouts more gracefully
- Several protocol updates to channel peer-peer connections to consume less bandwidth and synchronize quicker
- Better file error/corruption detection throughout the program
- Overhaul of directory watch layer (inotify/ReadDirectoryChangesW) for more efficient and reliable operation
- Further adjustment of DHT rate-limits to better filter requests from poorly implemented remote clients that cause request flooding
- Updated IP location tables from 2017/08/09 delegation lists
- Several other minor GUI fixes and adjustments

Tixati 2.53 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- All channels now have a fully decentralized forum that is available next to the Chat tab. Messages are organized into a threaded view, numerous layout options are available, and a full set of moderation controls allow the channel's operators to maintain their forum. Private messages between users can also be posted and are encrypted against the recipient's public key
- Other aspects of channel operation have been greatly improved as well. Shared user data, such as links, text, and forum messages, are now automatically segmented with a much more intelligent algorithm, which minimizes the bandwidth used to propagate changes when a small amount of content is added to a large shared collection. We have also spent a lot of time and effort working on the channel connection to connection protocol so that synchronization of user data is much more reliable and efficient
- There have also been numerous improvements throughout the core framework that underpins the entire program. We have made several fixes and improvements to our cross-platform native GUI toolkit, and have also made performance-critical optimizations in some of the core string-processing and encoding routines that are relied upon throughout the app
- More improvements are on the way

Tixati 2.51 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed multiple problems with tracker connection header formatting
- sequencing of config file saving and overwriting is now handling orphaned temp files properly
- fixed problems overwriting temp config files during load error recovery
- download completion commands should now work correctly
- minor issues with peer selection have been fixed
- numerous other minor problems throughout the program due to an issue with a recent build-chain upgrade have been fixed

Tixati 2.49 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed problems with Linux kernel 4.8.10 and newer causing unexpected socket closure
- new setting for maximum simultaneous DHT searches
- default maximum simultaneous DHT searches raised to 20 (from 12)
- several minor compatibility updates and fixes to the internal URI parser
- added new scheduler action that exports configuration file backups
- added new scheduler action that randomizes incoming port
- several minor internal framework updates to leverage newest C++17 features
- added new GUI box classes to support better layout positioning methods
- minor updates to GUI buttons, checkboxes, and radio boxes in preparation for new platforms
- improvements to internal QoS prioritization for outgoing UDP message queues
- several optimizations in transfer piece handling and hash-checking routines to save CPU time
- redesign of DHT query processor soft-throttle system for much smoother engagement under high load
- updated IP-location tables

Tixati 2.48 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- complete re-write of thread scheduling core to improve performance and reliability
- fixed crash upon DNS resolve failure when bootstrapping DHT
- trackers now report per-session UL/DL statistics instead of all-time
- added stats_report:all_time to Individual Tracker Options in Settings > Transfers > Trackers
- fixed minor problems in config .dat file saving routines that would cause slightly inflated file sizes
- fixed problems with menu tooltips on Windows builds
- revised font-selection routines in text-view, rich-view, and code-view controls
- additional guarding around several Windows GDI functions to better handle resource allocation failures
- several optimizations to internal settings registry, which should slightly improve performance
- streaming in channels from an HTTP live source now supports more formats, including full ICY headers
- several minor adjustments to the DHT rate-limiters to deal with excessive requests from certain clients
- updated IP-Location tables

Tixati 2.47 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This is a quick update to the 2.46 release from earlier today that fixes several minor issues with tooltip display in Windows build treeviews, listviews, and text controls.

Tixati 2.45 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- faster and more memory-efficient config loading on startup
- support for config files over 4GB
- fixed problems with channel share recursive mirroring, added loop prevention
- update channel share mirrors on channel startup
- Linux/GTK build now supports drag-dropping .torrent files and text with magnet links from shell
- several fixes in Windows drag-drop shell interface
- outgoing stream window now supports drag-dropping media files on list
- outgoing stream window can now load .pls and .m3u playlist files along with the usual .ts and .mp3 media files
- outgoing stream window can now save .pls and .m3u files by right-clicking two or more selected entries
- trackers now report all-time upload/download statistics (same as seen in transfer details tab) instead of re-zeroing on every run
- font size is now adjustable directly from the tray menu under the Layout submenu
- on Windows systems, if directory watch notification fails on a network drive, polling method will automatically be tried
- fixed problems with file replacement confirmation dialogs
- fixed several problems with moving newly-created seeds while initial hash-checking was still underway
- several URL decoding fixes when parsing file:// links from the Linux shell (command line, drag-drop, IPC, etc.)
- fixed crash in bandwidth quota actions when a referenced bandwidth preset no longer exists
- fixed rare crash caused by loading very old configuration files that contain files with a null path
- additional per-file validity-checks when creating new torrents from local files
- updated transfer-initiation routines to prevent needless file allocation under certain error conditions
- better handling of broken symbolic links in Linux file systems
- transfer preload window "Apply to All" option will not override category-capture paths for subsequent transfers
- moving a newly-created seed to another device during initial checking will no longer clear the bitfield
- out of memory termination is handled more gracefully, leaves a log file on desktop
- improvements to channel search algorithms
- core UDP/TCP socket wrappers have improved closedown/lingering semantics
- stream playback pacing algorithms completely re-engineered and re-written, resulting in much smoother playback
- option to launch streams directly with ffplay is now off by default (vlc is still on by default)
- added charts in stream properties window to show validation rate and playback rate
- new PNG rendering engine (for icons and graphics) that is much faster and less error-prone
- fixed several problems with various tree sorting modes in main transfer view layout menu
- better text positioning inside progress bars
- the color of checkboxes in treeviews can now be altered in Settings > User Interface > Custom Colors
- help-handling (F1 key) context subsystem has been replaced
- resource storage tokenization/compression improvements
- major updates to GUI settings and color storage (this will allow future addition of columns without disturbing custom order)
- added several advanced positioning directives to GUI layout engine
- implemented notifications for online contacts
- implemented notifications for private messages from contacts
- several minor fixes in the DHT
- minor fixes in the GUI for channels classic layout
- updated IP-location tables
- fixed temporary allocation errors when a transfer file is forced through download - delete - download cycle
- minor fixes to tray icon / menu and balloon notification system
- seeding auto-stop on ratio/seeds now waits for file-touching upon transfer startup
- move-on-complete paths are now properly cleared after completion, instead of falling back to default
- several other internal upgrades to our GUI layout engine and framework have been made
- fixed errors when creating directories upon transfer move-on-complete and simultaneous incomplete-rename

Tixati 2.43 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- new Share sub-menu for transfer categories allows easy mirroring in Channels
- upgraded DHT core, now with 50% more simultaneous searches, increased startup speed
- much faster SHA1 hashing routines, providing faster file checking, lower CPU while downloading, and faster peak throughput
- option in Settings > Transfers > Files for alternate polling method of watching folders for .torrent files, works with NFS/Samba drives
- delete key while hovering on a recently-used location in a Transfer context menu will remove it
- several optimizations to piece verification logic, resulting in lower CPU usage while downloading and higher speeds
- optional Auto-Shutdown persistence after restart
- optimizations in program startup routines for faster GUI loading
- eliminated directory-creation errors when using Move on Complete with incomplete file naming in transfers with deep folders
- fixed problems applying custom tracker headers parsed from URLs or from individual tracker options
- option in Settings > Transfers > Files to allow file deletion of locally-created transfers
- notification sound for channel activity can now be rate-limited in Settings > User Interface > Behavior > Notifications
- several optimizations to the WebUI server to make it operate more efficiently with large numbers of transfers in list
- fixed problems with copying text from chat windows
- minor GUI fixes in Settings > User Interface > Behavior > Notifications window
- corrected minor number formatting problems when using non-default Output Formatting settings
- optimized main Settings window to load faster on systems with many thousands of fonts installed
- fixed minor startup sorting and updating problems in main transfer list
- problems in the transfer preload window with editable full-path locations have been fixed
- minor fixes in channel synchronization routines to avoid excessive notifications for offline users
- default refresh interval for mirrored transfers in Share window is now 15 minutes instead of previous 30
- updated IP-location tables
- numerous other minor fixes throughout the program

Tixati 2.42 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

This is a minor update to yesterday's 2.41 release that fixes a few small problems:
- eliminated occasional channel member permission rapid-toggling during download of cached messages
- applied optimizations to channel configuration loading routines to prevent slowdowns when loading channels with many members
- minor adjustments to peer message timing routines for transfers
- fine-tuning of channel shared data syncronization algorithms and protocol to improve efficiency
- a few other minor fixes to improve compatibility with systems that have file-scanning utilities such as auto-backup or AV