The Bat! Professional (64-bit)

最新版本 The Bat! Professional (64-bit)

The Bat! Professional (64-bit)

The Bat! Professional (64-bit)
球棒!專業 64 位是一個安全的電子郵件客戶端軟件,旨在保護您與第三方的通信。最好的安全電子郵件客戶端軟件。自 1998 年以來不斷提高!球棒!通過多種加密流保護您的信息,並且可以選擇在磁盤上加密郵件,也可以在通過 SSL / TLS 連接的通信過程中進行加密。免費的全球電子郵件服務提供商將您的信息保存在雲中,免受 Web 客戶端的影響,The Bat!專業確保您的數據保持私密。球棒!電子郵件客戶端能夠處理和存儲無限數量的郵件,並且可以使用的電子郵件帳戶數量沒有限制.


Message 編輯器窗口

停止 Office
快速,高效地管理您的郵件; 可自定義的過濾器可確保您的郵件自動按照您喜歡的方式進行組織.

地址簿為您提供了一種管理聯繫人的簡單方法。將現有的聯繫人上傳到 Google,Outlook 或更多,或只是填寫個人和商業信息。為每個聯繫人添加照片並自定義消息.

注意:30 天試用版。需要電子郵件帳戶.


檔案版本 The Bat! Professional (64-bit)

檔案名稱 thebat_64_9-3-2-christmas.msi
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 RITLabs
更新日期 2020-12-23

What's new in this version:

The Bat! Professional (64-bit)
- OAuth 2.0 authentication for and domains
- "Close All Search tabs" command in the message list tabs pop-up menu

- Discover domain's MX and use server settings from presets (if cloud mail services are used, for example) for new accounts
- It is now possible to use a custom background color for account/folder tree separately from message list's background

- Print: External images were not downloaded for printing
- The circular progress indicator for displaying the total size of the messages being sent/received in the Connection Center window now uses proper background colors for dark interface themes

The Bat! Professional (64-bit)
- Single Spaces between quotation marks are now ignored

- Colors in the Message List Tab settings could be displayed black on black
- Quoted text background in outgoing HTML messages depended on the current theme
- Fixed folder re-filtering dialog painting problems when a custom theme was selected
- Fixed the "blank space after restore" problem in the main window

The Bat! Professional (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

The Bat! Professional (64-bit)
- Interface Themes

- Smoother loading of HTML messages
- Message preview: redesigned search panel inside the preview pane
- Re-filter window can now be resized and sent to background
- HTML editor stores the selected theme style only if the editor's option "Include current profile's layout into HTML messages" is on

- Toolbar/menu settings were not stored/restored completely
- Error when the user tried to create a new address book
- Large and zero-length body HTML messages could be rendered using previously viewed HTML contents
- Lots of cosmetic fixes for setting defaults and first-time run
- Default icon for utility windows was not set to the app's main icon
- Message import from Mozilla Thunderbird was not working
- Fixes for color and font saving in HTML messages
- Changes to Color Groups made in a dark theme were not saved
- Preview pane changes color properly when interface theme is changed
- Information panel didn’t change color when theme was changed (when the actual info panel was closed)

The Bat! Professional 9.2.5 (64-bit)
- Passwords are hidden from protocol trace logs
- Quick Search in address book works as filter on non-LDAP books

- Keyboard shortcuts were not working in the Address Book window
- HTML Editor: "List index out of bounds" error was possible when a single font was used for entire document
- Alt+Up/Down arrows were not working for HTML viewer
- Sorting Office: Filtering by TO header field was looking in the CC as well
- "Finish" instead of "Next" in the Create New Account wizard when "POP or IMAP" was selected
- Access Violation error when closing a message list tab
- First tag from the tag list could not be used
- (#002005) Search for empty text in web-like mode with attachments returned no results
- Voyager: new version information was used from The Bat! data
- Voyager: "Abstract error" on the "Help | Technical Support" menu command
- Insert Quick Template command was not working in Quick Reply
- Window could grab input focus while loading HTML message while being inactive
- Wrong font could be used for menus after changing interface language
- Option to display toolbar captions was not persistent between sessions
- Some CardDAV fixes to XML name space usage

The Bat! Professional 9.2.3 (64-bit)
- New option to use "soft" line wrapping in MicroEd to make it behave like Windows Editor, so the text produced can be read easier on mobile devices
- Support for plain text with format=flowed in viewer
- OAUTH support for and Yandex

- Default protocol for new accounts uses IMAP4
- New look-and-feel of link tooltips to fix problems with their display

- "MessageOpen reply" was broken
- Fix message length calculation for some DPIs/scales to fix SmartSpace reading problems
- (#0001695) Some HTML messages could be displayed broken
- (#0000016) Separate message list viewer was closing when an an empty folder was selected
- (#0000186) URL in first line of clear-text PGP encrypted messages might be hidden after decryption (use of clear-text PGP is discouraged, but here we go)
- (#0002039) GnuPG signing passphrase was not cached

The Bat! Professional 9.2.2 (64-bit)
New features:
- Taskbar icon badge for unread messages

- Separate animation options for taskbar and tray icons

- Rearrangement of the toolbar/menu items was not properly stored
- Search text box (Ctrl+F) for additional windows was popping over the main window
- Manual HTML images download was switching active tabs in the message preview pane
- Separate message viewer was losing focus while opening HTML messages
- It was not possible to tab out of HTML viewer

The Bat! Professional 9.2.1 (64-bit)
Major improvements:
- Toolbars library is reverted to Toolbar 2000 components (GUI became much faster)
- HTML rendering engine is set to solely Chromium (CEF library v83.3)

New features:
- Offline Mode (menu item "OptionsWork Offline") and detection of the absence of the Internet connection to avoid useless mailbox checking attempts
- Automatically generated colors are used for different email addresses in the Summary View

- Message List and Folder Tree Tabs can be handled using the mouse wheel (scrolling, pressing and tilting)
- Changes in message's memo are automatically saved
- By default the newly created IMAP folders are added to the Mail Ticker's watch list
- Messages with the empty "To:" fields are saved as draft instead of trying to send them
- Changes in the appearance of the items in the message list and account/folder tree view
- Added the option for the "old style" tree views and row density under "OptionsPreferencesOther options"
- Loading of the external media for HTML messages (to be extended) can be configured under the menu "OptionsPreferencesViewer/EditorHTML Viewer"
- Better automatic recognition of URLs with matching brackets
- The "Select/Deselect" buttons for folders have been reorganized in the Message Finder (F7) window
- Changes in the program's default layout for the first time run

- Applying the left alignment by Alt+L in the MicroEd plain text editor called out the system's warning sound
- The Escape key did not close the Address Book window
- Quick Search was not activated by typing in the message list
- HTML viewer popup menu was improperly positioned on high DPI
- SmartSpace Reading is now working in any kind of text viewer
- The issue which caused cascading error messages when replying to a message still being downloaded has been resolved
- Inactive Internal PGP implementation was displayed in the list of available PGP engines
- An Access Violation error message appeared in the Address History after deselecting folders for scanning
- On the profile layout settings page the text was not displayed until a profile was manually selected
- Buttons on the preview pane's header were too wide
- Memo Autoview visibility is now maintained between sessions
- Memo editor does not close when repeatedly pressing Shift+Ctrl+I
- Message list tabs were not restored from Backup
- Icons of the program's additional windows were not displayed
- Unnecessarily deep nesting for the "Format..." color settings in the message editor has been eliminated
- OAuth 2.0 authentication was not working for Mail.Ru
- No default address book was created on the first start of the program
- Superfluous empty spaces in the main window of the program appeared after restoring the data from the Home directory
- Checkboxes on accounts' selection on restoring from Home folder were missing
- The window for "Create New Account" appeared in the background and wasn't noticeable to the user

The Bat! Professional 9.1.18 (64-bit)
- On TLS connections, The Bat! sends Signaling Cipher Suite Value (SCSV) "TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV" cipher suite (described in RFC 5746) to indicate that it is not prone to insecure renegotiations (see section 3.3 of the RFC). Some servers did terminate the connection immediately when there were no SCSV in TLS "ClientHello" (as described in the section 4.3 of the RFC). In such cases, The Bat! added the following message to the log file: "The server has closed the connection during TLS handshake"

- The Bat! did try to change associations from the Preferences dialog even if nothing in this configuration was changed by the user
- The Bat! didn't start if Windows interface language was set to Korean
- Shortcuts in message list tabs do not work
- Adding a shortcut in the customizer leads to an Access Violation error
- Toolbar customization was not saved in the message list window (the window of an opened email message)
- Hidden Quick Search by customization let it reappear as field in mail header pane

The Bat! Professional 9.1.16 (64-bit)
New features:
- The /TLS_DISABLE_ECDSA command line parameter to disable the cipher suites with Ellipric Curve DSA server certificates
- The Bat! QR Code generator now includes an ECI block to indicate theat the text has UTF-8 encoding for those texts that could not be encoded with Kanji or ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) encoding, for example Greek or Cyrillic characters separated by spaces or Unicode emoji characters

- In an ECDSA signature, if a hash function had larger digest length (in bits) than the field size (which is not a good practice), The Bat! treated these signatures as invalid. It might lead to invalid ECC certificates, e.g. signed by "sha512ECDSA" algorithm. It might also lead to the following error: "TLS protocol error: Internal error BuildClientKeyExchange". For more information, see section 6.4 of FIPS.186-4 "ECDSA Digital Signature Generation and Verification": it is recommended that the security strength associated with the bit length of n and the security strength of the hash function be the same unless an agreement has been made between participating entities to use a stronger hash function. When the length of the output of the hash function is greater than the bit length of n, then the leftmost n bits of the hash function output block shall be used in any calculation using the hash function output during the generation or verification of a digital signature. A hash function that provides a lower security strength than the security strength associated with the bit length of n ordinarily should not be used, since this would reduce the security strength of the digital signature process to a level no greater than that provided by the hash function
- A certificate used to sign a message may also have a "Content Commitment" (non-repudiation) key usage instead of the "Digital Signature"
- When determining connection settings (host, port, encryption type) to an unknown mail server, TLS connection settings didn't take priority over plain text ones
- File type associations (default programs) can no logner be changed from an application since Windows 8 or later. So, if The Bat! is running under Windows 8 or Windows 10, the relevant elements are not shown in the "Applications" tab. Besides that, the dialog to associate file types no longer appers when The Bat! starts

- The Bat! did require "Key Encipherment" or "Key Agreement" in "Key Usage" certificate attribute for TLS even if the certificate was only used to sign ephemeral keys to provide perfect forward secrecy. If a server only supports perfect forward secrecy TLS cipher suites, the certificate used by this server may have no "Key Encipherment" or "Key Agreement" in the "Key Usage" attribute. As a result, the following error is fixed with Google (GMail) servers: "TLS handshake failure. Invalid server certificate (The certificate cannot be used for this purpose)"
- The Bat! QR Code generator didn't support Kanji character set
- (#0001785) Ctrl+mouse wheel doesn't zoom in/out in the "plain text" editor and "Windows editor"
- (#0001942) Search in QuickTemplates causes error on closing the window
- (#0001972) The message popup menu does not contain the option "Test filters"
- Added showing of secondary shortcuts (if a popup or menu item has two shortcuts)
- Fixed toolbar position after loading
- Fixed order of items in popup menus
- Added possibility to put toolbars to the right of the main menu
- Fixed deletion of customized sub-menus (tags, colors, etc.)
- Fixed image insert from Browsers into HTML editors
- Fixed an error when selecting some images in toolbar customization
- The default mail server configuration data was missing in The Bat! in all versions released after June 9th, 2019
- Fixed issues with menu images on 175% DPI
- S/MIME did not work since v9.1.10
- The Bat! did try to change associations from the Preferences dialog even if nothing in this configuration was changed by the user

The Bat! Professional 9.1.14 (64-bit)
New features:
- The /TLS_DISABLE_ECDSA command line parameter to disable the cipher suites with Ellipric Curve DSA server certificates
- The Bat! QR Code generator now includes an ECI block to indicate theat the text has UTF-8 encoding for those texts that could not be encoded with Kanji or ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) encoding, for example Greek or Cyrillic characters separated by spaces or Unicode emoji characters

- A certificate used to sign a message may also have a "Content Commitment" (non-repudiation) key usage instead of the "Digital Signature"
- When determining connection settings (host, port, encryption type) to an unknown mail server, TLS connection settings didn't take priority over plain text ones

- The Bat! did require "Key Encipherment" or "Key Agreement" in "Key Usage" certificate attribute for TLS even if the certificate was only used to sign ephemeral keys to provide perfect forward secrecy. If a server only supports perfect forward secrecy TLS cipher suites, the certificate used by this server may have no "Key Encipherment" or "Key Agreement" in the "Key Usage" attribute. As a result, the following error is fixed with Google (GMail) servers: "TLS handshake failure. Invalid server certificate (The certificate cannot be used for this purpose)"
- The Bat! QR Code generator didn't support Kanji character set
- (#0001785) Ctrl+mouse wheel doesn't zoom in/out in the "plain text" editor and "Windows editor"
- (#0001942) Search in QuickTemplates causes error on closing the window
- (#0001972) The message popup menu does not contain the option "Test filters"
- Added showing of secondary shortcuts (if a popup or menu item has two shortcuts)
- Fixed toolbar position after loading
- Fixed order of items in popup menus
- Added possibility to put toolbars to the right of the main menu
- Fixed deletion of customized sub-menus (tags, colors, etc.)
- Fixed image insert from Browsers into HTML editors
- Fixed an error when selecting some images in toolbar customization
- The default mail server configuration data was missing in The Bat! in all versions released after June 9th, 2019
- Fixed issues with menu images on 175% DPI

The Bat! Professional 9.1.12 (64-bit)
New features:
- The /TLS_DISABLE_ECDSA command line parameter to disable the cipher suites with Ellipric Curve DSA server certificates
- The Bat! QR Code generator now includes an ECI block to indicate theat the text has UTF-8 encoding for those texts that could not be encoded with Kanji or ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) encoding, for example Greek or Cyrillic characters separated by spaces or Unicode emoji characters

- A certificate used to sign a message may also have a "Content Commitment" (non-repudiation) key usage instead of the "Digital Signature"

- The Bat! did require "Key Encipherment" or "Key Agreement" in "Key Usage" certificate attribute for TLS even if the certificate was only used to sign ephemeral keys to provide perfect forward secrecy. If a server only supports perfect forward secrecy TLS cipher suites, the certificate used by this server may have no "Key Encipherment" or "Key Agreement" in the "Key Usage" attribute
- The Bat! QR Code generator didn't support Kanji character set
- Ctrl+mouse wheel doesn't zoom in/out in the "plain text" editor and "Windows editor"
- Search in QuickTemplates causes error on closing the window
- The message popup menu does not contain the option "Test filters"
- Added showing of secondary shortcuts (if a popup or menu item has two shortcuts)
- Fixed toolbar position after loading
- Fixed order of items in popup menus
- Added possibility to put toolbars to the right of the main menu
- Fixed deletion of customized sub-menus (tags, colors, etc.)
- Fixed image insert from Browsers into HTML editors
- Fixed an error when selecting some images in toolbar customization

The Bat! Professional 9.1.6 (64-bit)
New features:
- Added icons for the commands (menu items, toolbar buttons) that did not have icons
- Added SHA-384 cipher suites for TLS: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 & TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
- "/CRC32_CCITT_BENCHMARK" and "/CRC32_CASTAGNOLI_BENCHMARK" command-line parameters to calculate performance of CRC32 implementation used by The Bat!

- Enabled the following ciphers suite for TLS: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 cipher suite (it was disabled because it had largest AES key size, but DHE which is slower than ECDHE)

- ECDHE TLS ciphers didn't work on TLS version 1.0 (but did work on TLS version 1.1 and later)
- Added Shortcuts Customization (it was missing since version 9.0)
- MailTicker font style was incorrectly saved
- Added correct categories in menu customization
- Fixed Favorites Menu (there was an issue since version 9.0)
- A memory leak is fixed (the TGoogleAuthTask object was not released)
- Fixed AV in customizing menus (64bit-only)
- Link to folder missing from the "Information" tab
- Message Dispatcher is not terminated
- The Sorting Office option "Do not preserve header of the original messages" is always applied regardless of the settings
- Can't change font styles of selected text
- Editor: Menu-Item "Format" contains an unnecessary item divider (it was an issue since version 9.0)
- "Esc" does not close the "Address Book", "View Message Source", "Print Preview" and "Enter Registration Key" windows
- "Cannot remove shell notification icon" error popup during shutdown
- After language change, a button was missing (it was an issue since version 9.0)
- Clicking an URL in HTML message opens two browsers
- Access Violation on "OK" in the Print Setup Dialog
- The items in the main menu "Workspace -> Show Connection Centre" are not mutually exclusive (it was an issue since version 9.0)
- Access Violation errors in print setup dialog and cancelling password dialog
- Message tags are not displayed in the column "Tags"
- Alternative Deletion shortcut (Shift+Delete key combination) did not work in v9.1

The Bat! Professional 9.1 (64-bit)
New features:
- Added icons for the commands (menu items, toolbar buttons) that did not have icons
- Added SHA-384 cipher suites for TLS: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 & TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384
- "/CRC32_CCITT_BENCHMARK" and "/CRC32_CASTAGNOLI_BENCHMARK" command-line parameters to calculate performance of CRC32 implementation used by The Bat!

- Enabled the following ciphers suite for TLS: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 cipher suite (it was disabled because it had largest AES key size, but DHE which is slower than ECDHE)

- ECDHE TLS ciphers didn't work on TLS version 1.0 (but did work on TLS version 1.1 and later)
- Added Shortcuts Customization (it was missing since version 9.0)
- MailTicker font style was incorrectly saved
- Added correct categories in menu customization
- Fixed Favorites Menu (there was an issue since version 9.0)
- A memory leak is fixed (the TGoogleAuthTask object was not released)
- Fixed AV in customizing menus (64bit-only)
- Link to folder missing from the "Information" tab
- Message Dispatcher is not terminated
- The Sorting Office option "Do not preserve header of the original messages" is always applied regardless of the settings
- Can't change font styles of selected text
- Editor: Menu-Item "Format" contains an unnecessary item divider (it was an issue since version 9.0)
- "Esc" does not close the "Address Book", "View Message Source", "Print Preview" and "Enter Registration Key" windows
- "Cannot remove shell notification icon" error popup during shutdown
- After language change, a button was missing (it was an issue since version 9.0)
- Clicking an URL in HTML message opens two browsers
- Access Violation on "OK" in the Print Setup Dialog
- The items in the main menu "Workspace -> Show Connection Centre" are not mutually exclusive (it was an issue since version 9.0)
- Access Violation errors in print setup dialog and cancelling password dialog
- Message tags are not displayed in the column "Tags"

The Bat! Professional 9.0.16 (64-bit)
 - Fixes: MailTicker font style was incorrectly saved

The Bat! Professional 9.0.14 (64-bit)
- The Bat! v9.0.14 complies with the Google's recently updated security standards related to the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication with Gmail

The Bat! Professional 9.0.8 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

The Bat! Professional 9.0.6 (64-bit)
Major improvements:
- New interface controls in the main window of the program and in the editor window. DevExpress controls are used instead of TB2K/TBX/SpTBX
- New way of handling the user interface layout configuration. Also, there is a new file - "userdef.xml", instead of "tbuser.def" previously used

New features:
- Possibility of recording and logging of the time it takes to open the following configuration dialogs: "Account Properties", "Folder Properties", "Sorting Office/Filters", and the following windows: message editor, the folder view. The time is measured if the following command-line parameters are used to run The Bat!: "/BENCHMARK_STARTUP_TIME" and/or "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG". With the "/STARTUP_TIMING_LOG" option only, the results will only be saved to the ex_log.file, while with "/BENCHMARK_STARTUP_TIME" they will be displayed on the screen as a message dialog

- Updated spell checker dictionaries (Hunspell) for the following languages: Danish, Dutch, English (British), English (U.S.), French, Greek, Hungarian, Latvian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Spanish, Swedish
- Removed PGP internal implementation (RFC-1991) from The Bat!
- There is now a random delay before sending the TLS alert code to a remote computer in order to prevent eventual timing attacks
- The Preferences dialog now displays an hourglass when it opens

- Tab order was wrong in some dialogs, e.g. in the "Create Mail Filter" dialog box
- Access Violation errors on exit have been eliminated
- Email was added twice to the "To:" line if the address entry in the address book contained multiple addresses
- Incorrect rendering of certain HTML messages has been resolved
- An issue with an option during the address book import has been resolved
- After adding an account using the mail account assistant the The Bat! main window did not show up
- Address Viewer incorrectly displayed the email address of the sender
- 64-bit version of The Bat! silently closed upon trying to send a PGP-signed message
- Ctrl+mouse wheel did not zoom in/out in plain text editors
- Fixed Access Violation errors which could sometimes happen infrequently, and which were caused by improper CPU thread handling, especially when exiting The Bat!
- Fixed errors when The Bat! process could hang on exit and stay in the Task Manager while exiting The Bat! when active connections to RSS feeds were in progress
- Fixed an issue when all tags became ignored
- Fixed memory leaks
- Image Crop did not work in message templates

The Bat! Professional 8.8.9 (64-bit)
New features:
- Possibility to change the color of the fonts in Mail Ticker
- Image Crop in message editor and templates
- The OAuth window got a label displaying the requested URL

- "Quick Search" has been expanded to also search in the "Tags" column
- Slightly faster loading of IMAP messages from folders of 50K messages or more

- The issue which prevented printing with Landscape orientation has been resolved
- Opening large images resulted in "Out of memory" error
- The macro %TEXT produced different results for replies and forwards
- "Quick Reply" used HTML-formatting instead of plain text
- Image download button was hidden in some cases
- Fixed truncated strings in Italian in global Preferences
- Fixed truncated strings in many languages in the the Multi-SMTP dialog
- Fixed truncated strings in the Address Book Duplicate Search Wizard
- Fixed truncated strings in the Message Tags dialog
- Fixed cascades of "Access Violation" and "Runtime error 231" while replying to not entirely downloaded messages via Ctrl+Enter
- Images were not shown in the right size in HTML-messages
- The system's HTML viewer rendered some messages as huge ones
- Fixed truncated strings in the Greek interface
- Duplicate accelerators on "Message..." menu have been removed
- Shift+Ctrl+V inserted the text from the clipboard in the "Subject" twice
- On 4K (UHD) monitors, the Address Book didn't open properly and finally displayed the error message "Out of system resources"
- User-defined tags were unavailable in the Sorting Office filters
- Some HTML messages, like those from PayPal, were not entirely rendered by the internal HTML viewer
- The home and work phone number items were lost from the Address Book contacts after synchronizing with Google Contacts
- Fixed "Access violation" error message on pasting from MS Excel
- Embedded images in HTML messages in some cases got narrower while replying
- Deleted tags still appeared in the message list popup menu
- iCloud Contacts synchronization did not work
- Fixed an Access Violation error that could occasionally happen on The Bat! startup when using Google OAuth authentication
- Resolved the issue of adding non translated tags to tags menu
- Some minor "Access Violation" errors which could happen on program exit have been resolved

The Bat! Professional 8.8.2 (64-bit)

New features:
- An additional button to deselect "Trash" folders across all accounts in the Message Finder
- Users of the On-The-Fly-Encryption mode can specify /DECRYPT_FILE_OTFE command line parameter to decrypt a particular file and save it to disk

- Contents of the "Organization" header line is not automatically appended in parenthesis to the sender's address header line on display if the contents of the Organization has a "@" character or a parenthesis or an angle bracket
- The Bat! ignores message header address line comments that contain "@" characters

- Google contact synchronization did not work
- Inserting Polish character "a" cleared the text of messages
- Ctrl+V didn't move messages to folders starting with the letter "O"
- Assigned colors groups were not shown in the Sorting Office menu
- Wrong code in HTML messages caused invisible messages
- Viewer/editor profiles ignored the background color settings until another profile was selected
- List settings were saved and restored incorrectly when switching between Normal and HiDPI displays: The new version stores different sizes separately to prevent wrong sizing in the older versions
- Viewer profile settings were not applied right after changing the settings in options
- Viewer/editor profiles were not retained after re-starting the program
- Images from web-site copied to clipboard are not pasted into the HTML-editor: Added possibility to copy text with images from MS Office. For the moment to copy text with images from web page first copy it to Word and then copy to The Bat!
- The internal HTML viewer failed to display certain messages
- "Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide" error message at every startup has been resolved
- "Access Violation" error message appeared while replying to an email because of the tags
- "Invalid container data (offsets)" error message appeared upon editing the Sorting Office filters
- Find duplicates wizard in address book was not entirely displayed under lower resolutions
- Color selector: Predefined color set and Windows UI colors were missing. More colors accessible via keyboard
- There were truncated options in the settings of common folders
- If email addresses were erroneously separated by spaces (not by comas or semicolons) in an address line, The Bat! displayed only the first one
- Three High-DPI issues with color selector have been resolved
- Message Finder didn't find anything in local (non-IMAP4) folders when search scope was "Any part"; and there is no way to stop the search process
- Unicode symbols were improperly rendered in the message list
- Wrong minute in the time of the message creation - 1 second was lost
- Embedded images in messages bodies grew in size on each reply on high DPI monitors (original issue 0001178)
- Fixed a "classname mismatch" error (TID#80840)
- Fixed sizes of Tag and Duplicates wizards for HiDPI monitors
- Issue when panel sizes were lost when resolution of display changed by several pixels
- The Bat! crashed on startup with "Access violation" error message
- Fixed issue when all tags become ignored

The Bat! Professional 8.8 (64-bit)

New features:
- An additional button to deselect "Trash" folders across all accounts in the Message Finder
- Users of the On-The-Fly-Encryption mode can specify /DECRYPT_FILE_OTFE command line parameter to decrypt a particular file and save it to disk

- Contents of the "Organization" header line is not automatically appended in parenthesis to the sender's address header line on display if the contents of the Organization has a "@" character or a parenthesis or an angle bracket
- The Bat! ignores message header address line comments that contain "@" characters

- Google contact synchronization did not work
- Inserting Polish character "a" cleared the text of messages
- Ctrl+V didn't move messages to folders starting with the letter "O"
- Assigned colors groups were not shown in the Sorting Office menu
- Wrong code in HTML messages caused invisible messages
- Viewer/editor profiles ignored the background color settings until another profile was selected
- List settings were saved and restored incorrectly when switching between Normal and HiDPI displays: The new version stores different sizes separately to prevent wrong sizing in the older versions
- Viewer profile settings were not applied right after changing the settings in options
- Viewer/editor profiles were not retained after re-starting the program
- Images from web-site copied to clipboard are not pasted into the HTML-editor: Added possibility to copy text with images from MS Office. For the moment to copy text with images from web page first copy it to Word and then copy to The Bat!
- The internal HTML viewer failed to display certain messages
- "Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide" error message at every startup has been resolved
- "Access Violation" error message appeared while replying to an email because of the tags
- "Invalid container data (offsets)" error message appeared upon editing the Sorting Office filters
- Find duplicates wizard in address book was not entirely displayed under lower resolutions
- Color selector: Predefined color set and Windows UI colors were missing. More colors accessible via keyboard
- There were truncated options in the settings of common folders
- If email addresses were erroneously separated by spaces (not by comas or semicolons) in an address line, The Bat! displayed only the first one
- Three High-DPI issues with color selector have been resolved
- Message Finder didn't find anything in local (non-IMAP4) folders when search scope was "Any part"; and there is no way to stop the search process
- Unicode symbols were improperly rendered in the message list
- Wrong minute in the time of the message creation - 1 second was lost
- Embedded images in messages bodies grew in size on each reply on high DPI monitors (original issue 0001178)
- Fixed a "classname mismatch" error (TID#80840)
- Fixed sizes of Tag and Duplicates wizards for HiDPI monitors
- Issue when panel sizes were lost when resolution of display changed by several pixels
- The Bat! crashed on startup with "Access violation" error message

The Bat! Professional 8.7 (64-bit)

New features:
- Added wizards to find and manage duplicates in the address book
- Improved the handling of items in the messages list. Clicking on the Tags column or Color Group column or the Memo column shows a pop-up menu of available Tags or Colors. Click on the Memo invokes the memo editor. Also added the "Clear All Tags" menu item
- New About Screen
- Christmas Splash screen uses randomly one of five images

- Christmas graphics in the about box
- Now The Bat! displays a list of restored folders via Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L
- Replaced old style Delphi color combo-boxes with user-friendly color selection (palette) controls
- Updated the translation resources. At the moment, these change mostly affect Bulgarian user interface language
- The text can now be dragged between the fields "CC" "TO" "BCC", etc.

- No colors of the tabs are displayed in the list of tabs in preferences menu
- The Splash Screen showed the "UNREG Edition" suffix after The Bat! product name if the user didn't enter the registration code
- Tags Improvement: Added 2 check-boxes to Tags Editor. Fixed press return when adding of new Tag at TagSelected
- Splash Screen sometimes doesn't stay for even a second when The Bat! starts in Maximized Window mode
- Close Tags work on Threaded-View headers
- Tags selector was not resizable
- Added default font and color to the Tag editor
- Selected folder out of focus/view when using quick search in moving messages
- Cell padding is not saved in table properties
- When The Bat! uses the Windows HTML viewer (rather then the internal one), it was using MSIE version 5 viewing mode. Now it uses recent viewing modes, i.e. to benefit from IE version 7, 8, 9 and the EDGE
- Search for Duplicates Wizard: No email should not be treated as same email
- Color groups assigned to messages in "Outbox" are lost after editing the message
- Check all Headers for correct click behavior
- Search Duplicates Wizard should check only first email of account
- Certain type of included HTML-files in message templates are displayed as HTML-code
- For the same contact is was possible to open several edit windows at the same time
- A figure in brackets appears when an attached .eml file is opened both in POP3 and IMAP4 accounts
- Senders in messages within IMAP4 accounts are saved into address books without names
- Tags assigned to messages in "Outbox" are lost after editing the message
- "Add Sender to Address History" adds the recipient instead
- Search in the Address Book did not use "Display Name" of a contact - it should have given the first contact sorted by DisplayName
- The Bat! could give an error related to mouse cursor when some application used the screen in the full-screen mode, this error could happen when The Bat! is running in the background and the user has launched a game (e.g. the World of Tanks)
- Duplicate Wizard fits small displays
- Issues when monitor changes
- Address book/Search for Duplicates: Fixed issue with AV when wizard is executed for the second time
- Included HTML-files in message templates are displayed as HTML-code
- Address book/Search for Duplicates: Start Button is not displayed on UHD-Display with greater than 100% zoom factor
- System HTML viewer is unable to open hyperlinks
- "Reply to this address" on the header pane doesn't work
- Fixed some issues that might cause folders configuration file (ACCOUNT.FLB) to be lost
- Color palette is not entirely displayed in table properties under high DPI
- Rename labels and change colors selector bug
- Fixed some IMAP-related Access-Violation errors
- Extended the drop-down menu of the search field in the Message Finder (F7) window
- Errors in the advanced filtration of the message list
- Memos are lost for draft messages after editing them
- Subject with Unicode display has rectangles after selecting
- Tag selector form is not updated after tag editing
- Used the newest version of the TRichEdit component at the moment - v4.1
- Text fields in the QR code generator do not handle the Ctrl+A (select all) hotkey
- Issues when monitor changes
- Fixed auto hotkey assignment (now if caption has '&' it has priority)
- Contacts' Secondary addresses are not used for replying/forwarding
- Address book contact's secondary emails are not added if the message is created via a handle or "Pick e-mail addresses" dialog
- Memo shown as lines with only one word after reopening
- "Custom colors" are not remembered in the HTML-editor and HTML-templates
- Tags in Cyrillic get corrupted
- Virtual folders are not automatically updated
- Fixed painting for Tags and Color Groups
- The Shift+Ctrl+V combination inserts a word with the cursor in the middle of it
- The option "Remove Empty Lines" does not work in templates
- The option "Show/Hide Non-Print Characters" does not work in templates
- "Memo" column displays only the first word of the memo text
- Table cell border always was 1px
- Loss of HTML toolbars after creating/modifying/deleting a Quick Template

The Bat! Professional 8.6 (64-bit)
- Long headers do not fit on the header pane (Russian)
- Truncated option in header properites (Russian translation)
- Inserting symbols via ASCII codes is broken in the HTML editor
- Wrong encoding of two Polish characters
- Ctrl+Shift+Alt+L doesn't restore account and common folders
- System's HTML viewer displays the HTML-code instead of the message
- Truncated options in virtual folder's properties
- Error message "The system cannot find the file specified" while double-clicking in "Subject:" on the header pane
- Extra empty line in "Memo" while creating a new contact
- Shift+Ctrl+V inserts a word with the cursor in the middle of it
- Incorrect selection of emails after a drag-and-drop move operation
- Ctrl+W was broken
- Irrelevant flagging of messages while expanding message list threads
- The Find Lost Folder command didn't work properly since The Bat! version released on January 25, 2018
- The highlighted text gets lost after double editing the hyperlink
- Shift+Ctrl+V pastes multiline as one line
- Fixed match type "is" for Sender and Recipients
- Add an option to remove empty lines from the highlighted text. ShowHide NonPrint Characters
- [*] Changed attributes of newly-inserted HTML tables

The Bat! Professional 8.5.8 (64-bit)

New features:

TLS 1.2. The following cipher suites are supported:

- More info on The Bat! starting-up progress is written to the ex_log.txt file if /STARTUP_COMMAND_LINE parameter is given

- "Insert Symbol", "Insert Table" and other editor dialogs didn't scale properly on high-resolution monitors since The Bat! v7.4.16.49 released on 14-Sep-2017
- The Bat! file extension association check (Windows Default Programs settings) could work improperly because a dialog (displayed by The Bat! to configure file associations) could be hidden by the splash screen of The Bat!

The Bat! Professional 8.5.6 (64-bit)

New features:
TLS 1.2. The following cipher suites are supported:

- More info on The Bat! starting-up progress is written to the ex_log.txt file if /STARTUP_COMMAND_LINE parameter is given

- "Insert Symbol", "Insert Table" and other editor dialogs didn't scale properly on high-resolution monitors since The Bat! v7.4.16.49 released on 14-Sep-2017
- The Bat! file extension association check (Windows Default Programs settings) could work improperly because a dialog (displayed by The Bat! to configure file associations) could be hidden by the splash screen of The Bat!

The Bat! Professional 8.5.4 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

The Bat! Professional 8.5.0 (64-bit)
New features:

- More info on The Bat! starting-up progress is written to the ex_log.txt file if /STARTUP_COMMAND_LINE parameter is given

- "Insert Symbol", "Insert Table" and other editor dialogs didn't scale properly on high-resolution monitors since The Bat! v7.4.16.49 released on 14-Sep-2017
- The Bat! file extension association check (Windows Default Programs settings) could work improperly because a dialog (displayed by The Bat! to configure file associations) could be hidden by the splash screen of The Bat!

The Bat! Professional 8.4.0 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

The Bat! Professional 8.3.0 (64-bit)

New features:
- The "Copy Format" in the Message Editor
- You can now add a column with a short folder name – just a name without its full path
- It is now possible to add secondary addresses of an address book entry to the To or CC field or to not add at all, instead of just an option to add to BCC as before

- The menu entry "Download International Pack" is obsolete
- Outdated version number while authenticating at Gmail via OAUTH
- Needless confirmation on closing editor window after saving the message via Ctrl+S
- The Message Dispatcher does not remember the position of the header auto-view splitter
- CardDAV synchronization did not transfer URLs to server and deleted them afterwards in The Bat (tested with
- CardDAV synchronization duplicates three phone numbers and overwrites three others (tested with
- Wrong handling of "<" and ">" characters in the messages created out of HTML-templates
- The "Lock toolbars" option is not remembered in the Message Dispatcher window
- The Quick Search skips the search/display criteria of the selected tab
- Fixed the bug "TLS protocol error" Internal error GenerateKeyBlockCipher when connecting to servers with DES/3DES ciphers (a bug of The Bat! v8.2.8)
- Fixed an access violation on exit when The Bat! was configured to be minimized to the System Tray

The Bat! Professional 8.2.8 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

The Bat! Professional 8.2.4 (64-bit)

New features:
- Improved speed of the IDEA encryption algorithm
- Improved speed of the RC4 encryption algorithm
- Libiconv version updated to version 1.15. Added ISO-2022-JP-MS converter. Updated the CP1255 converter to map one more character

- Improved speed of the UTF-8 encoder and decoder
- Some internal optimizations in the interface element dynamic layouts

- Scrolling in address book moves selection bar instead of address list
- CardDAV-Syncronization transfers Home Location Street address correctly, but deletes it afterwards (tested with
- The Bat! v7.4.16 (64 Bit) - cannot print multiple mails
- Issue with OAUTH for Mail.Ru while creating a new account
- Misleading "Authentication failed" message while creating a new account for Mail.Ru and Gmail and using OAUTH
- It's possible to overcome the mandatory "Unique ID" handle while creating a color group
- Previously created templates (text format) were not usable if switching to HTML editor
- The Message Dispatcher does not remember the position of the header auto-view splitter
- The MailTicker was sometimes improperly updated or not updated or caused Access Violation errors

The Bat! Professional 8.2 (64-bit)

- New context-aware message header decoder to address the Mailsploit issues. Besides making the header line decoder context aware, we have also made the following checks in the display name part of an address: if it contains an "@" character or any control character (with code less than code of a space character), then such a name part is discarded
- Some improvements in multi-threaded locking mechanism (32-bit only)
- Some improvements in handling AVX-512 instructions (64-bit only)

- Macros did not work in HTML templates (for folder, account, etc) - fixed %- in html template and trailing spaces in HTML
- Image compression routine was called twice -- Unnecessary delays when saving html message with images to "Outbox"
- "Tab" in HTML editor deletes the highlighted text
- CardDAV-Syncronization did not transfer Birthday
- CardDAV-Syncronization was duplicating email addresses when entry contains more than one email address (tested with
- Issues synchronizing CardDAV. Server reports error: "HTTP/1.1 501 Request Failed"
- Synchronization log window of Address book always showed in modal state

The Bat! Professional 8.0.18 (64-bit)

- The Download Manager writes additional information to the ex_log.txt file whenever there is an exception inside a WinInet API function call
- Added some root certificates used by Google mail servers
- Better description for the registration key validity version
- More debug messages will be added to the ex_log.txt with /startup_timing_log command line option to figure out why The Bat! hangs at startup

- Fixed a "stack overflow" error which could occur when a message got loaded, e.g. on IMAP
- Fixed an access violation at startup
- Some normal connection state changes were written to the ex_log.txt file
- The MailTicker was sometimes grey and didn't move
- Column "Tags" in message list cannot be size-adjusted by double click
- Copying of Sorting Office filters with hot keys is incomplete
- MailTicker goes to background even of the "Always on top" option is enabled
- Double-clicking a word with national characters doesn't select it
- Table paste not keeping columns widths
- Attachments' names in national characters are converted to underscore
- Shift+Arrows or Ctrl+Arrows don't work as expected in HTML message preview
- Names of the attachments are displayed incorrectly
- %CURSOR is ignored in Quick Template
- On 4K monitors, the mail ticker is too slow
- POP3 Message Dispatcher hangs with an error message
- Quick Template is not inserted into Quick Reply
- UI elements misplaced in filter conditions
- Quick search filter doesn't clear filter on empty filter text
- No caption "paste as text" while pasting smiles in the HTML editor
- Multiple quotes are rendered too wide
- Empty brackets for quick templates in the drop-down menus
- Needles confirmation on closing editor window after saving the message via Ctrl+S
- Access Violation on pasting smilies
- "Undo" and "Redo" work erratically
- "Paste as plain text" does not replace the highlighted text

The Bat! Professional 8.0.14 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

The Bat! Professional 8.0.12 (64-bit)
- Truncated/disappeared buttons in status bar of Editor window when switching text format to HTML mode
- Added the insert/overwrite mode for all message editors, not just MicroEd
- Pasting text to Quick Search was troublesome because when the user selects some text, e.g. an email address, in an outside application, that application often copies text to the clipboard with a trailing space character and when the user pastes it to Quick Search, the user don't see this trailing blank, but The Bat! doesn't find the address in the message list so the user becomes very perplexed.
- The log box in the "Message Base Maintenance Center" window doesn't scroll properly (as in the Connection Center)
- HTML Table editor is unavailable
- Quick Search in Message List does not use focused tab for a refined search
- Untranslatable string in the Connection Center

The Bat! Professional 8.0.10 (64-bit)

New features:
- 32-bit version of The Bat! now works even under very old computers with CPUs that don’t support MMX instruction set. In this case, FPU is used to copy data.
- Upgraded the HTML editor. Text formatting has improved (the components render bi-directional text and “exotic” scripts reliably; "justify" alignment and custom character spacing now can be applied to bi-directional text; new paragraph alignment type: "distribute"; distributed paragraphs are similar to justified paragraphs, but space is added between all characters, not between words; this type of alignment is common for Far East languages; customized alignment for the last line of justified and distributed paragraphs; special options for vertical text in table cells - automatic application of vertical fonts and switching column order from right-to-left to left-to-right). There were also visual improvements: the users can define a customized degree of transparency for backgrounds of paragraphs, tables, table cells, text boxes; user interface is compatible with high-DPI display modes
- AVX/AVX2/AVX-512 use: if the CPU supports AVX or AVX2 instruction set, 64-bit version of The Bat! will use large, 32-byte YMM registers for faster memory copy and fill, and if the CPU supports AVX-512 instruction set, The Bat! will use even larger, 64-byte ZMM registers for even faster memory copy and fill. These instruction sets are not used by 32-bit version of The Bat!
- The Bat! now uses improved multi-threading locking mechanism as a part of the improved memory manager - FastMM4-AVX. The new locking mechanism is much better than the mechanism implemented in the default memory manager which is used by the Delphi compiler
- If the CPU supports Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB (ERMS), The Bat! uses this feature for faster memory copy or fill
- Faster overall program work gained by removing the "lock" prefix from many instructions that were supposed to provide multi-thread handling. On practice, adding "lock" prefix to an instruction slows it down significantly, and, in most cases, was not needed, e.g. increasing reference counters when assigning strings
- Internal program code rewrite regarding to HTML editors that was used in the message editor and HTML template editors
- AVX-512 Instruction Set is used, if available, for faster memory copy and fill operations. In order for The Bat! to make use it, a CPU with AVX-512 instruction set is required, for example Intel's Xeon Phi x200 (Knights Landing) and Skylake-X Core i7 and i9 models. Besides that the operating system should also support AVX-512 registers. It is Windows 10 latest update and Windows Server 2016 that support AVX-512
- Version 8 Splash Screen

- Better thread handling - the program works faster and generates lower number of the Page Faults
- Auto-configuration of display fonts on The Bat! first run. On Windows 7 and later, if the fonts are configured in Windows settings to be displayed as Cleartype or if the screen resolution (pixels per inch) is 150% of base DPI or higher, then, on The Bat! first run for this Windows user account after the new installation, the new fonts are automatically configured be used (instead of previously hard-coded values): Consolas and Calibri are now used instead of the old Courier New and Arial. Besides that, during that first run, the default editor font size now accommodates to the screen resolution (pixels per inch): if the current DPI is below 150% of the base DPI (96), the default editor font size is 9pt as before, but for 150%<200% - 10pt, 200%<300% - 11pt, 300% and higher - 12pt.
- Auto-substitution of the Courier New on 4K monitors when viewing HTML messages. The details are the following. On Windows 7 and later, with ultra-high-definition (4K) monitors with DPI of 192 and more (>200% of base DPI), if an HTML email arrives with Courier New font defined, and the characters have font size of or between 5 and 28 points, the font is automatically displayed as Consolas. This behavior of substation of Courier New to Consolas is hardcoded and you cannot change it. This only affects screen, not the printer. On printer, when printing HTML with Courier New, this font is always used if defined so in the HTML
- Updated Root CA certificates
- Improved speed of CRC-32 calculation when the processor does not support CRC32 instruction, but if it does, the speed has increased even more. The Bat! uses CRC-32 algorithm internally in many cases, so the overall program speed has increased as a result
- Non-exceptional (normal) situations like IMAP server responses "NO" and "BAD" were added to the exceptions log
- Improvements on multi-threaded operation: The Bat! often worked poorly on multi-core processors or multi-CPU computers. The thread operation wasn’t very good thought out in some places. As a result, there were various errors like Access Violation
- The Bat! MSI installation package no longer include EWS DLL files. As a result, The Bat! would not support Exchange Web Services (EWS) protocol until you manually download a DLL and store it un the same directory where thebat32.exe/thebat64.exe resides.

- 64-bit Simple MAPI handler DLL gave access violation errors
- When a QR Code window was already open and then the user has put another window to front and chose to generate a QR code from the menu, the old QR Code window remained in the background so the user had no idea what happened, as if nothing happened. Now the

The Bat! Professional (64-bit) 相關參考資料
Download The Bat! 9.3.2 - Secure Email Client for Windows

The Bat! v9.3.2 (64-bit) Christmas Edition. 23 December 2020, 116.46 MB, Download. Token Manager v2.0 (iKey1000, eToken Pro) for Professional Edition.

Download The Bat! Professional Edition - Softpedia

Professional Edition - Straightforward e-mail client which supports a long list of protocols and several accounts, ... The Bat! Professional Edition is a full-featured e-mail client especially designe...

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Latest Version: The Bat! Professional (64-bit) LATEST. Requirements: Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64.

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The Bat! Professional (64-bit) for Windows 軟體資訊交流、介紹、教學與下載,球棒!專業 64 位是一個安全的電子郵件客戶端軟件,旨在保護您與第三方的&nbsp;...

The Bat! Professional (64-bit) Download for Windows ...

2020年12月5日 — Information panel didn&#39;t change color when theme was changed (when the actual info panel was closed) The Bat! Professional 9.2.5 (64-bit)

The Bat! Professional (32-bit) Download for Windows ...

Download The Bat! Professional (32-bit). The Bat! Professional (32-bit). December, 23rd 2020 - 109 MB - Trial. Free Download. Security Status.

The Bat! Professional (64-bit) Download for ... - FileHorse

Freeware. Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both&nbsp;...

The Bat! Professional (64-bit)... - FileHippo - Facebook

The Bat! Professional (64-bit) open source free download.

The Bat! Professional Edition Key With Crack Patch Is ...

The Bat Professional Crack 64-bit is secure email client software, built to protect your correspondence against third-parties. The very best secure email client&nbsp;...