The Bat! Professional (64-bit)

最新版本 Wing IDE 101

Wing IDE 101

Wing IDE 101
球棒!專業 64 位是一個安全的電子郵件客戶端軟件,旨在保護您與第三方的通信。最好的安全電子郵件客戶端軟件。自 1998 年以來不斷提高!球棒!通過多種加密流保護您的信息,並且可以選擇在磁盤上加密郵件,也可以在通過 SSL / TLS 連接的通信過程中進行加密。免費的全球電子郵件服務提供商將您的信息保存在雲中,免受 Web 客戶端的影響,The Bat!專業確保您的數據保持私密。球棒!電子郵件客戶端能夠處理和存儲無限數量的郵件,並且可以使用的電子郵件帳戶數量沒有限制.


Message 編輯器窗口

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快速,高效地管理您的郵件; 可自定義的過濾器可確保您的郵件自動按照您喜歡的方式進行組織.

地址簿為您提供了一種管理聯繫人的簡單方法。將現有的聯繫人上傳到 Google,Outlook 或更多,或只是填寫個人和商業信息。為每個聯繫人添加照片並自定義消息.

注意:30 天試用版。需要電子郵件帳戶.


檔案版本 Wing IDE 101

檔案名稱 wing-101-
檔案大小 55.5 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 未分類
作者 RITLabs
更新日期 2020-11-14

What's new in this version:

- Support running and debugging Python code in Docker and other containers
- Allow creating a new Docker container or using an existing container from the New Project dialog
- Update and improve the How-To for Docker
- Support auto-completion of f-string expressions
- Allow setting the display and editor color themes separately
- Add the Editor > Auto-Editing > Mutate Adjacent Quotes preference to control whether typing a quote character while the caret is adjacent to an existing quote will change the type of quotes used for that string (enabled by default)
- Improve source analysis of simple expressions, imports from modules with __all__, and global/non-local statements
- Enable structural folding in .pyi and .pi files
- Add basic syntax highlighting for Dockerfile

- Use utf-8 as the default encoding for Python files when working with Python 3
- Change the color palette and theme selection preferences to the easier to understand Display Theme and Editor Theme
- Remove deprecated commands:
- show-panel-debug-probe (use show-panel-debug-console)
- debug-probe-clear (use debug-console-clear)
- debug-probe-toggle-active-range (use debug-console-toggle-active-range)
- debug-probe-evaluate-active-range (use debug-console-evaluate-active-range)
- debug-probe-show-active-range (use debug-console-show-active-range)
- evaluate-sel-in-debug-probe (use evaluate-sel-in-debug-console)
- set-current-as-main-debug-file (use set-current-as-main-entry-point)
- clear-project-main-debug-file (use clear-project-main-entry-point)  
- set-selected-as-main-debug-file (use set-selected-as-main-entry-point)  
- Removeddeprecated symbols in the scripting API:
- kArg* magic default argument values (other than kArgNumericModifier)
- 'sheet' argument for CAPIApplication.ShowMessageDialog
- CAPIProject.Get/SetMainDebugFile (use Get/SetMainEntryPoint)
- CAPIDebugRunState.GetStackFrame (use GetStackIndex)
- Remove legacy support for Zope2 name space merging and debugging with WingDBG
- Omit minor version number from the installation directory name on Windows
- Add spaces into the app installation directory name on macOS
- Change the names of executables on Linux to wing8, wing-personal8, and wing-101-8
- The default Python is selected differently and includes inspection of Anaconda installations and framework installations (on macOS) that were previously ignored

Bug Fixes:
- Use the correct Python version for PEP 8 reformatting on a remote host
- Fix opening files from the Finder on macOS Catalina Finder when Wing is already open
- Fix goto definition on the Python 3 module
- Fix the project tree display after cancelling a file move
- Fix find points of use and refactoring for properties
- Fix goto-definition callouts on symbols in remote files that are not yet open
- Add missing attributes errors, name, newlines, mode, and fileno to Python 2 sys.stdout/err replacement used while debugging; also add write_through for Python 3
- Fix intermittent truncation of output produced near the end of a process lifetime
- Avoid the potential for terminating debug or Python Shell processes when working on multiple remote hosts and a process ID happens to match an existing process
- Avoid warning about Python Shell restart when creating new projects
- Fix closing an editor while saving its file to a remote host
- Fix working with a remote Python that is missing the ctypes standard library module
- Don't mis-identify the type of the return values of dict items as a tuples
- Fix displaying invalid names in an import statement
- Fix inspecting values in the debugger or shell when getattr raises an exception other than AttibuteError
- Fix analysis of class and function statements after their indentation is reduced
- Fix analysis of f-strings contained inside an f-string
- Fix the icon used for Wing when launching from the command line on macOS Catalina
- Don't fail to reset the Testing tool state correctly if starting debug of a test aborts
- Update analysis correctly if the Project Home Directory or Python Path is changed in Project Properties
- Reduce application startup time

Wing IDE 101 相關參考資料
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