Tenorshare iCareFone

最新版本 Bitwig Studio 3.2.7

Bitwig Studio 3.2.7

Bitwig Studio 3.2.7
Tenorshare iCareFone(以前稱為 iPhone Care Pro)是一款基於 PC 的工具,可以調整您的 iOS 設備達到最佳性能。這個工具進一步分為 6 個小工具,專門解決某些問題。下載 iCareFone(iPhone Care Pro)後,您可以在 Windows 計算機上修復各種 iPhone 問題。支持所有 iOS 設備(包括最新的 iOS 9.3 / 9.2 / 9.1 / 9/ 8 設備).

傳輸音樂,視頻,應用程序沒有 iTunes 限制 - Free
You 可以輕鬆地將您的 iPhone,iPad 和 iPod 上的文件免費傳輸到 PC。只需連接你的設備和電腦,其餘的都可以在幾個點擊完成.

偉大的實用工具,清理和加快 iPhone,iPad 和 iPod
iCareFone(iPhone 護理專業版)是一個 iOS 清理 / 加速工具,承諾清理所有敏感和重載的數據。它可以讓你擺脫不需要的文件,使您的設備可以有更多的自由空間和應用程序運行更順利.

Fix 各種 iOS 卡住 iOS 相關升級,過熱和更多 61212867iPhone,iPad 或 iPod 卡住,無法正常啟動? iCareFone(iPhone 護理專業版)可以幫助你解決所有的 iOS 卡住的問題,只需點擊一下。

Ultimate 解決方案修復 iOS 系統
“修復操作系統”功能 Tenorshare iCareFone(iPhone 護理專業版)提供了一個簡單的方法來下載固件修復 iOS 崩潰,升級失敗和任何 iOS 卡住的問題。沒有數據丟失。沒有越獄.

Block 在 iPhone,iPad 和 iPod 上的廣告
iCareFone(iPhone Care Pro)是一個很好的 iOS 廣告攔截器,可以在 iPhone,iPad 和 iPod Touch 上輕鬆阻止或刪除應用中的廣告和橫幅廣告。它會為您的 iOS 設備創建完全無廣告的環境.

備份和還原 iOS 數據
iTunes 無法識別您的 iPhone?即使沒有 iTunes,您仍然可以從 iTunes 備份中備份和恢復 iPhone,iPad 和 iPod.


也可以:下載 iCareFone for Mac


檔案版本 Bitwig Studio 3.2.7

檔案名稱 Bitwig Studio 3.2.7.msi
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 Tenorshare
官網 http://www.tenorshare.com/products/iphone-care-pro.html
更新日期 2020-08-11

What's new in this version:

- Regression (since 3.2.5): crash when recording a note clip over pre-existing MIDI automation when overdub and automation write were both turned off
- Turning off automation write while recording a note clip did not stop writing automation for parameters that were recording
- Regression: Using the Pop-up Browser to insert a sample file on a Drum Machine pad or device chain did not correctly update the displayed name of the track / pad based on the sample filename
- Quickly selecting a sample in the Pop-up Browser (e.g double-clicking an unselected file) from within the Sampler device could close the browser without loading the sample
- Rare crash when selecting devices in different chains within a track
- macOS: relative mouse movements such as dragging faders or EQ nodes are not scaled correctly with system display scale settings
- Controller API: CursorTrack.position always returned -1 when cursor was on a group track
- Controller API: Clip.transpose would crash if the clip was an audio clip

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Bitwig | Home

Bitwig Studio is a multi-platform music-creation system for production, performance and DJing, with a focus on flexible editing tools and a super-fast workflow.


Download Bitwig Studio - Bitwig

Bitwig Studio is a multi-platform music-creation system for production, performance and DJing, with a focus on flexible editing tools and a super-fast workflow.


Download Bitwig Studio 3.2.7 - Softpedia

Download Bitwig Studio - Create your own music with this comprehensive and powerful software that features note editor, mixer, studio I/O or automation panels.


FAQ - Bitwig

What are the system requirements of Bitwig Studio? Mac, PC, Linux. OS Version, Mac OS X 10.13 or later, Windows 7 64-bit


News Archive - Bitwig

Bitwig Studio is a multi-platform music-creation system for production, performance and DJing, with a focus on flexible editing tools and a super-fast workflow.


previous_releases - Bitwig

Bitwig Studio is a multi-platform music-creation system for production, performance and DJing, with a focus on ... Download previous releases (Bitwig Studio) ...
